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Thread: The TFF Council

  1. #91
    Tsuna Feesh The TFF Council Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    Uhh, how about each member votes, and they all add the votes into their post so that we can keep track?

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

    *Yesha*; -Balthier-; Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus; Azuteor; Black Waltz; Clint Eastwood; Dark Angel; Dodie16; ethan; Flaming Ragnarok; Insufficient Mage; Kilala; LIGHTNING_71013; Lunasa; Mallick; Meigumi; Messiah; Padraic; PurpleDiamond; RamesesII; Shiru; Silver; Unknown Entity; ViviMasterMage; winterborn86

    If you'd like a place in my family, be sure to ask me~! ^ ~

  2. #92
    Lady Succubus The TFF Council Victoria's Avatar
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    Or we can just create a poll using some sort of poll website for the TFF Council to use.
    Because having all the members Copy/paste the number of votes into each post that makes a vote is pretty much like having lackeys do the dirty work for you.

    It's like "We don't want to count the votes so we'll let you guys c/p the amount every time."

    Sure it's really tedious to count posts one by one, but at least it's work. ^_^;
    Eh, I'm just being a nitpick.

  3. #93
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I hate to just throw this in willynilly but a lot of the stickies in GC could easily be trashed without anybody to miss them. The "bogus" TFF awards could be completely scrapped now, along with the MySpace thread (since a lot of the members in that thread are long gone from our boards.)

    (Except the birthday thread and the member picture index.)
    Last edited by Chez Daja; 06-18-2009 at 02:57 PM.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  4. #94
    Well I wouldn't have minded doing all the counting, but a site for polls sounds like the perfect idea!
    Know any such sites? If not I could wipe up an invisionfree board and we could just make polls there haha. But you'd have to register as a member etc....

    Really Chez? Well perhaps a clean up could be possible and the sticky solution may be more appropriate. I will look into this poll thing though...

    Following the path for truth...

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  5. #95
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I do see why I couldn't ask Alisyn to scrap some of the older threads that don't matter anymore. I'm pretty sure she'd do it considering loads of those threads aren't in use anymore.
    If she decides not to, I'm sure she'd have a good reason for it.

    I'll ask her if you want, unless you want to debate this a little further.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  6. #96
    Lady Succubus The TFF Council Victoria's Avatar
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    I have to agree with Chez.
    The bogus awards are over, so that can be either deleted or unstuck. Preferably unstuck.
    The myspace thread can be unstuck also. Or cleaned up and unstuck, I don't know.
    And also the regular awards thread can be unstuck also.

    I bet sticky threads can be cleaned up in all of the forums.

  7. #97
    So you two moderators would recommend the thread to be stickied?
    Or is this just for the clean up. Because that would be nice too... TFF clean up! (Still looking for a poll site x3)
    Maybe I'll get some website or something and use the ones with the links you have to put in....

    Following the path for truth...

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  8. #98
    Shake it like a polaroid picture The TFF Council RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Perhaps it would be a good idea to just see the whole 'unsticky this, unsticky that' thing as a whole.

    We could just suggest that some forums have stickied threads in them that can be unstickied. But then again, the Mods are already onto this one -_-"
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  9. #99
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I've made a thread in the staff room regarding unstickying some of the threads in GC. I'm going to check ID and GG and Music to see what needs doing and I'll report back with what I've unstickied.

    See you soon littles nachos.

    EDIT: I have recreated the TFF LANGUAGE THREAD in ID and moved some stickied threads from GG to cleft.
    Last edited by Chez Daja; 06-18-2009 at 03:25 PM.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  10. #100

    Scroll right down ^^. And there are three options... I don't know if we're still voting...
    But so far sticky clean up is under way.
    So regarding the MSN issue, please vote here

    One vote per member please.

    Poll works now xD
    Last edited by Kilala; 06-18-2009 at 03:30 PM.

    Following the path for truth...

    and ending the dream.

  11. #101
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    For the MSN thing, I personally don't think it needs stickying. We have TFF profiles for finding MSN, that and people will post in the current thread to keep it active.

    On the other hand, we could sticky the current MSN thread and then perhaps replace it every year with a new one.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  12. #102
    Tsuna Feesh The TFF Council Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    I never voted, but it says I cannot vote repeatedly. Does the thing work?

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

    *Yesha*; -Balthier-; Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus; Azuteor; Black Waltz; Clint Eastwood; Dark Angel; Dodie16; ethan; Flaming Ragnarok; Insufficient Mage; Kilala; LIGHTNING_71013; Lunasa; Mallick; Meigumi; Messiah; Padraic; PurpleDiamond; RamesesII; Shiru; Silver; Unknown Entity; ViviMasterMage; winterborn86

    If you'd like a place in my family, be sure to ask me~! ^ ~

  13. #103
    It does work now XD

    That is the new link.

    ::Edit:: xD I'll make another poll then with the Sticky the current thread option too.. Bear with me <_<

    OKAY. I have yet another poll xD.

    See later post
    Last edited by Kilala; 06-18-2009 at 03:46 PM.

    Following the path for truth...

    and ending the dream.

  14. #104
    Tsuna Feesh The TFF Council Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    Got it, but I agree with Chez's idea now. It's like those PYP threads that get replaced every once in a while, so I guess we could just sticky one and remake it when it grows too big?

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

    *Yesha*; -Balthier-; Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus; Azuteor; Black Waltz; Clint Eastwood; Dark Angel; Dodie16; ethan; Flaming Ragnarok; Insufficient Mage; Kilala; LIGHTNING_71013; Lunasa; Mallick; Meigumi; Messiah; Padraic; PurpleDiamond; RamesesII; Shiru; Silver; Unknown Entity; ViviMasterMage; winterborn86

    If you'd like a place in my family, be sure to ask me~! ^ ~

  15. #105
    Shake it like a polaroid picture The TFF Council RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Yeah I clicked other, but I actually meant the frst option -_-.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  16. #106
    Tsuna Feesh The TFF Council Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    Maybe we can just come to a consensus, and anybody who objects can speak out? T hat saves a bit of time for us.

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

    *Yesha*; -Balthier-; Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus; Azuteor; Black Waltz; Clint Eastwood; Dark Angel; Dodie16; ethan; Flaming Ragnarok; Insufficient Mage; Kilala; LIGHTNING_71013; Lunasa; Mallick; Meigumi; Messiah; Padraic; PurpleDiamond; RamesesII; Shiru; Silver; Unknown Entity; ViviMasterMage; winterborn86

    If you'd like a place in my family, be sure to ask me~! ^ ~

  17. #107
    So. MSN Poll is now open:

    It's a fresh poll. THIS is the official one.

    Following the path for truth...

    and ending the dream.

  18. #108
    Shake it like a polaroid picture The TFF Council RagnaToad's Avatar
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    It doesn't really matter anymore, since Chez already made a thread in the Staff Room.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  19. #109
    Okay I give up xD But at least there is a site where we can make polls for the future. It could prove to be very handy.
    I tried *Deflates*

    Following the path for truth...

    and ending the dream.

  20. #110
    Tsuna Feesh The TFF Council Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    What? So what is the agreement anyway? Are we stickying the current one or are we making a new one?

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

    *Yesha*; -Balthier-; Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus; Azuteor; Black Waltz; Clint Eastwood; Dark Angel; Dodie16; ethan; Flaming Ragnarok; Insufficient Mage; Kilala; LIGHTNING_71013; Lunasa; Mallick; Meigumi; Messiah; Padraic; PurpleDiamond; RamesesII; Shiru; Silver; Unknown Entity; ViviMasterMage; winterborn86

    If you'd like a place in my family, be sure to ask me~! ^ ~

  21. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja View Post
    I've made a thread in the staff room regarding unstickying some of the threads in GC. I'm going to check ID and GG and Music to see what needs doing and I'll report back with what I've unstickied.

    See you soon littles nachos.

    EDIT: I have recreated the TFF LANGUAGE THREAD in ID and moved some stickied threads from GG to cleft.

    This was Chez Daja's post.
    I think the poll is still valid no?

    Following the path for truth...

    and ending the dream.

  22. #112
    Tsuna Feesh The TFF Council Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    So can we move on with the next idea?

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

    *Yesha*; -Balthier-; Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus; Azuteor; Black Waltz; Clint Eastwood; Dark Angel; Dodie16; ethan; Flaming Ragnarok; Insufficient Mage; Kilala; LIGHTNING_71013; Lunasa; Mallick; Meigumi; Messiah; Padraic; PurpleDiamond; RamesesII; Shiru; Silver; Unknown Entity; ViviMasterMage; winterborn86

    If you'd like a place in my family, be sure to ask me~! ^ ~

  23. #113
    Shake it like a polaroid picture The TFF Council RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Once again for the record, the TFF Pop Poll idea will be taken care of by me when the time is ripe, so I don't think it should be on the agenda anymore. In case some noob tries to steal my idea -_-"
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  24. #114
    Well as voting is going on with the MSN issue, we can open a new discussion.

    Next on the broken down list was:

    "Adopt a Newbie, where we help new members feel at home." Would you all like this one discussed next?

    I shall also keep posting the link for the MSN vote as reminders. And any acting leaders should do the same or else it will be forgotten etc.
    Remember one vote per member:

    Following the path for truth...

    and ending the dream.

  25. #115
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    Woah, what an explosion of activity!

    As for the "keeping it active" solution, I don't think it'd be much of a problem in terms of spam. We could lay out some ground rules for what should go into each post. But even more than that, the TFF Post Your Picture Thread has a very easygoing setup that I think could work. Even mods participate in the comments. Something like that!

    The kind of posts I would be hoping for are funny clips from chats, interesting links and topics of discussion... stuff like that. Nothing in-depth since it'd be better just to start a new thread, but it can all be regulated. Rules being broken is always a possibility, no matter how many traps we set to prevent it.

    Edit: Let's talk adoption! I'm not quite sure of the specifics, but if it's anything like the previous attempts it should be kept in mind that this requires quite a few active members to keep it running.
    Last edited by SOLDIER #819; 06-18-2009 at 04:03 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    just turn off your PS3 or 360 go to your dust tomb and say you'll give birth to 1500 people a day for the 1000 that'll be killed until the doors to hades open and you can pull out ar tonelico and turn on that glorous PS2 and be bathed in its radiant warm glow

  26. #116
    Tsuna Feesh The TFF Council Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    I think it really helps with having new members stay and be active here. I don't think half the members who register even read the rules, thus resulting in warnings.

    Speaking of which, I wanna ask Chez and Sheena something: Shouldn't you wait about a week after a person joins before issuing warnings? I mean, they might not be too familiar with rules and how the forums work yet, so a simple VM is fine, right? Besides, lots of members have been known to VM newbies who break the rule, telling them the rules.

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

    *Yesha*; -Balthier-; Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus; Azuteor; Black Waltz; Clint Eastwood; Dark Angel; Dodie16; ethan; Flaming Ragnarok; Insufficient Mage; Kilala; LIGHTNING_71013; Lunasa; Mallick; Meigumi; Messiah; Padraic; PurpleDiamond; RamesesII; Shiru; Silver; Unknown Entity; ViviMasterMage; winterborn86

    If you'd like a place in my family, be sure to ask me~! ^ ~

  27. #117
    Lady Succubus The TFF Council Victoria's Avatar
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    Depends on what kind of warnings you're talking about.
    I mean, a spam warning is just a measly 5 points. Even before then, we do our best to pre-warn new members who haven't read the rules yet.

    But really? Everyone should read the rules when they join. If they don't, then they probably don't really care all that much about the community to begin with, but that's just my opinion.

  28. #118
    Okay this is my last post before I sign off for my mini break of no net - should be back on Sunday.


    We have taken all options of the MSN issue within the TFF Council and now they reside in this poll:

    Each member may vote once, and once only. The choice with the highest number of votes shall be the winner - and we will proceed to make it come true.
    Yes there is a deadline for this poll. I say give her a week. The poll will be open for ONE week. You have this week to cast in your vote - it makes a difference so don't think it doesn't.

    We are now open to discuss the next issue. On the list it appeared to be

    "Adopt a Newbie, where we help new members feel at home."

    If the fellow members are happy with this, then the discussion shall proceed. We want to work out how to revive it and how to go about it.

    As this may be my last in here for the evening, Mistress Sheena and Fate now take the lead of this club until my return on hopefully Sunday.
    So updates and reviews will come from them etc... You all know the drill <3
    *Hands out cookies*

    Following the path for truth...

    and ending the dream.

  29. #119
    Shake it like a polaroid picture The TFF Council RagnaToad's Avatar
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    The problem with that is, that new members won't necessarily see that thread. Unless you consider new people who know their way around TFF still noobs.

    Maybe someone can be put in charge to let every new member know that they can post in a certain thread to get some kind of godfather/godmother. But that would be a really tedious job, considering the new member rate on this forum.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  30. #120
    Tsuna Feesh The TFF Council Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    But you do know that warnings are a factor in activity. You can't expect a member who first joined to know all the rules and what to and what not to post, can you? I mean, they just joined, after all, and to some people, this might very well be their first forum. They're having fun and posting, and all of a sudden, they get a Private Message titled "You Have Been Warned." They open it to find that one of their posts which they don't even know was not valid. You'd think that that would discourage them from posting, right? Well, it does, since they fear for more warnings, and ultimately, a ban, if they continue to post. And even Loco, the very person who laid forth the rules, said that "spam is one of the hardest things to classify," so you can't blame a complete newbie to forums to know what it is, right? But I do think that a week is a fair amount of time for them to realize all those rules.

    And about the Adopt a Newbie idea, maybe we can ask Fuzz to fix that little PM that he always give automatically to new members with a link to the Adopt a Newbie thread?

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

    *Yesha*; -Balthier-; Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus; Azuteor; Black Waltz; Clint Eastwood; Dark Angel; Dodie16; ethan; Flaming Ragnarok; Insufficient Mage; Kilala; LIGHTNING_71013; Lunasa; Mallick; Meigumi; Messiah; Padraic; PurpleDiamond; RamesesII; Shiru; Silver; Unknown Entity; ViviMasterMage; winterborn86

    If you'd like a place in my family, be sure to ask me~! ^ ~

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