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  1. #1
    Asking all the personal questions. Sex education RamesesII's Avatar
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    Sex education

    Should sex education be taught in schools

    I don't about different schools but in Queensland when i went to school we were taught sex education both in primary and secondary schools. In Secondary school it was more about safe sex and sexually transmitted diseases as we as adolescences got closer to that age and hormones started racing.

    Recently there was an article i read about a sex education internet site that education Queensland accepted and backed which i suppose is a site for mainly primary school students to look up it is student friendly and is based for this age group.
    TOOWOOMBA educators yesterday waded into a storm over a sex education website which provided graphic information to children.
    The website told primary school aged children that abortion could be a “relief”.
    The Glennie School's head, Wendy Ashley-Cooper, said she was certain many parents would be angry to learn that primary school students could access information about abortions on the sex education website titled The Hormone Factory.
    Mrs Ashley-Cooper said the website was taking something really big and “making it sound like it is no big deal”.
    “My concern is very important issues could be trivialised in this approach,” Mrs Ashley-Cooper.
    The website, which is used as a sex education tool by Queensland teachers, contains information on puberty, sex, pregnancy and abortions.
    It was developed by the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society at La Trobe University as a teaching tool for children aged between 10 and 12.
    An Education Queensland spokesperson said individual schools consulted with their communities, including parents and carers, to determine the specific content of programs and appropriate teaching resources.
    What a load of s**t if you ask me like i said we were taught sex education when i went to school is it any bloody different.And it is not graphical it is all made with cartoons, it is only explaining abortions and what it is and what happens and they show it as an option not a solution not saying it is the best thing to do in that situation.

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  2. #2
    Sir Prize Sex education Sinister's Avatar
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    Raising a child is no longer really the province of the parents or the school. They both try their hand at it, no doubt. While this Sex Education should normally be left to the parent, it has become the fashion to doubt the Parent's ability and inclination to do the teaching their selves.

    Should it be? Doesn't matter. In the end, they will learn about it. The school telling them to have at it and that abortion will clean up afterward is careless, though, imo. If that's what you're saying they teach, that is.

    I fully intend to preempt the system. My child will be home-schooled, as I was. As for sex ed, I will most likely select a curriculum that I approve of, which is my right as parent. The parent holds a power and a privileged beyond description, they waste it if they abdicate it to the school system.


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  3. #3
    Asking all the personal questions. Sex education RamesesII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister View Post
    Raising a child is no longer really the province of the parents or the school. They both try their hand at it, no doubt. While this Sex Education should normally be left to the parent, it has become the fashion to doubt the Parent's ability and inclination to do the teaching their selves.

    Should it be? Doesn't matter. In the end, they will learn about it. The school telling them to have at it and that abortion will clean up afterward is careless, though, imo. If that's what you're saying they teach, that is.

    I fully intend to preempt the system. My child will be home-schooled, as I was. As for sex ed, I will most likely select a curriculum that I approve of, which is my right as parent. The parent holds a power and a privileged beyond description, they waste it if they abdicate it to the school system.

    Yes i believe it should solely be the parents role to educate their children as i will do with mine as well.In secondary school like i said they focus around STD's and safe sex which i think should still be done in school or doctor etc as a parent i can educate my children about safe sex(just tell them to wear protection or they get kicked out lol) but it is a different matter with STD's as a parent i don't think i can fully understand STD's let alone teach my child about them.

    The site only educates the child about abortion after all it is out there and it is real and is an option not a solution that is how it teaches them it mentions it and brings it into the light for the child.
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    Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.

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  4. #4
    In my oppinion Sex ed. is a good way to teach children the " way of things", so to speak, but must also be done with some mesures of protection. I've heard horror stories about trying to show what happends on barbies and just popping a video in the recorder, show kids the anatomy of it all and then leave it at that with no explanation. But if you look at how many kids these days have sex and, in my opinion the lack of education on the subject, get pregnant, what are they to do? 13-14 year old girls coming home with a surprise for their parents because they didnt know what the end result would be, is it then a short coming in the school system or in the parenting? I by no meens see abortion as an "Im pregnant, well thats a quick fix" kinda solution, but I think it is a way for ppl under difficult sercumstanses to go on with their lives. By this I am mostly refering to rape victims, under aged kids etc.

  5. #5
    Sex ed is nothing unless the parents are on side and doing their bit. I come from the county which boasts having the highest per capita teenage pregnancy rate in the EU.

    As you'd expect, the sex ed in my home county is very aggressive. We were taught through a thin veil that abortion will more or less ruin your life, and if you get to that stage you've ****ed everything. They were not nice about it. It started age 9, with little cartoons and friendly things, but between ages 12-14 they really let loose with pictures of genital warts and lashing of free condoms. They spent a lot of time trying to convince the ned* girls that a baby doesn't automatically equal a free house, but they all still believe that anyway.

    But it's not solving the problem, because the parents of the ned children are themselves neds and some of the most irresponsible parents on the planet. Their kids go out drinking and have sex from the age of about 13 onwards, because they've seen the older kids doing it and nobody stopping them. I had my first drink when I was that age, but because my parents aren't idiots, I kept away from sex.

    Sex ed will only aid those whose parents have taught them that they are worth something. I never learned anything about safe sex from my parents, we never had 'the talk'. They trusted the school system to teach me the mechanics, and the sense of self-worth they had instilled in me to do the rest.

    But at the same time, it is far better than teaching abstinence. Sex ed isn't a perfect solution to stopping teenage pregnancy, but it is better than doing nothing at all. For that reason I'd say it has a valid place in schools. Parents, especially around where I'm from, barely know this shit themselves. Even if the kid doesn't use the knowledge, they have a right to be taught. If you don't want your kid near it, then exempt them; the majority will want to be there. Also, let's face it, talking penis with a teacher is always going to be easier than talking penis with your parents. I mean ew.

    * Neds are Scottish chavs. A chav is a person, usually working class, who cuts about in tracksuits, takes pride in being uneducated, will do as the newspapers tell them and don't trust the government unless it's the social. They grow a lot of drugs, drink a lot of cheap fortified wine and are, as a general rule, proud to be antisocial. Watch Shameless, it's rife with them, only in that show they've been geared up and made interesting so that the middle classes can watch it and not feel bad, but merely superior.
    Last edited by Govinda; 04-28-2009 at 10:16 AM.

  6. #6
    American sex education must be the best in the entire world.

    Ms. McGrath: Don't have sex.
    Amanda: But what if you do?
    Ms. McGrath: Don't.
    Amanda: What happens if you do?
    Ms. McGrath: You will get every venereal disease and pregnant at the same time.
    Jason: Won't that kill the baby and make things easier for everyone?
    Ms. McGrath: Go outside.
    (Jason leaves)
    Jessica: How do you put condoms on?
    Ms. McGrath: You don't have sex.
    Jessica: But what if..
    Ms. McGrath: Go outside.
    (Jessica goes outside)
    Ms. McGrath: Now let us pray for the sun god and various other cultural absurdities. But first let me reprimand Jessica and Jason.
    (Ms. McGrath exits, but cannot find either student)
    James: I hate everyone in this class.

    Later that day, they were caught having sex in the bathroom. Without a condom, mind you.

    You can't count on the parents. They are religious, backwards, superstitious, and lazy. The kids may not listen, but there is a reason that the backwards redneck communities have their children pregnant by seventeen and married by eighteen.

  7. #7
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    "ZOMG, it's a thread about smexings, and... ohmigosh, they said sex!"

    That was your average 4-12 year old upon hearing the word "sex".

    I think it should be taught to children early that sex isn't discusting, or shameful, but it should also be taught that it's not for unwise children. Not that it would stop them having sex, but it should still be taught.

    The website told primary school aged children that abortion could be a “relief”.
    The Glennie School's head, Wendy Ashley-Cooper, said she was certain many parents would be angry to learn that primary school students could access information about abortions on the sex education website titled The Hormone Factory.
    Mrs Ashley-Cooper said the website was taking something really big and “making it sound like it is no big deal”.
    You see, that's just it. You do need to tell the kids the bare details if they are to understand this properly, BUT most argue that they are too young to be able to... see real reproductive organs. So they make these funny little cartoons, which make it all look like a laugh. Anyone seen KNTV Sex? Two totally nerdy, laid back cartoon guys making all out to be a joke, and not something to worry about. It's really not helpful - more laughable to be honest.

    Parents are just lazy when it comes to talking about sex, so thats why there are all these piece of crap shows about it. I've not really talked with my mum about any of it. Sex education in schools really isn't better either - because you are in a class with your friends, you make jokes out of it. I mean, my friends' class were learning how to put a condom on a banana... erm, yeah. It's important to learn how to put one on, but... a banana?I'm aware the school couldn't hire in a guy to drop his pant for an hour or two, but... I don't think many of them can look at a banana in the same way again. >>;;

    The whole sex education thing is treated a joke, and that why teens everywhere are dropping their pants and getting to it. All these chavs/neds... I bet you their parents were about 16/18 when they had them, so they think it is ok if they do it too.

    I guess to sum it up, I believe sex should be taught early on, but without the jokey parts. It's ok for one or two jokes about it, but not a whole fancy cartoon dude putting a condom on a banana thing. If a school thinks parents would have a problem if they were to teach their youngsters the real stuff, then by all means make forms which need a signature of approval from them. Or get the parents to come in and watch too.

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  8. #8
    Ideally, sex ed should be taught by parents. The problem is, there are many parents who feel embarrassed or too awkward, or put it off too long, about teaching their children, so the children learn elsewhere. Enter sex ed in schools. Not always as bad as it's made out to be, but not always as good either.

    In my experience, my parents started educating me BEFORE my school started to. In one grade(8th), my mother actually pulled me out of the sex ed class because she did not agree with how it was being taught. But she also made sure I was not left in the dark.

    When I was in 9th grade, in my province, a very controversial book was given to students on sex. Students were supposed to have parental consent to obtain a copy, and parents were given the chance to review the contents before giving consent. Yeah, right. So one student gets it and tee-hees because they are say, less mature than the others, and then some buddies who were not permitted to get it by their parents "borrow" the book.

    The bottom line, as I said, is kids get information where they can, and parents should realize that they are the first line of defense, so to speak, to teach their children accurately and early- before they look elsewhere.

  9. #9
    ~☆~Muahahaha!!!~☆~ Sex education SilkAngel's Avatar
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    I believe that it is up to the parent, but seeing as how some parents don't tell their kids anything these days, schools should teach Sex Ed. Teens these days are getting more promiscuous, and they don't care if they get pregnant because they can just have an 'Abortion' or get mommy and daddy to take care of the child. I believe that both of those are wrong, and these kids need to learn that.

    Sex should be between a married man and woman; not two teens who's hormones are raging and can't control their actions. If they were taught about sex, they may be less curious and know that what they are doing will change their lives. (They would have to grow up faster if the girl got pregnant) I also think that schools should show how and abortion is done so that it may lower the chances of people getting one.

    Wah!! I think I just started rambling, but I do think schools should teach Sex Ed., and tell kids that they need to wait till they are married.
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  10. #10
    I want to play a game. Sex education Zargabaath's Avatar
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    It is best if the parents talked to their children about sex ed, they should be the closest adults to them and should be always willing and able to talk to their children about anything.

    Concerning elementary and secondary if the school wants to teach then they should be able to. When I took sex ed in my younger years they would give a permission slip for the parents to sign if they were ok with the school teaching said subject.

    An interesting idea for high school would be to make it an actual class along the lines of an elective. This allows the students who want to know more the ability and those who don't can pass.

    And don't forget about those inner city girl who get pregnant too, don't want to leave the backwards redneck girls alone.

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