Ok to start off I really want to point out the obvious, a parents job is not just to keep a watchful eye over children; it is to care for them, nurture them, teach them, love them, discipline them and be an example for your child of not only on what to do but what not to do. This is the most simplistic way that I can think of how to break down what being a parent really is and I want anyone that reads this thread to keep this in mind as you make your way through it.
I am going to get this out of the way; one thing that really irks me is when someone that is not a parent / legal guardian tries to tell someone how to raise their child. Until you have a child of your own you experiences are null and void. I am sure as every other parent here will testify being a parent isn’t what we thought it was going to be at all. Good thing is human nature takes control and can help guide you through the changes.
Now to be more on topic. Dragoon, I think your “OCD” is needed for children, it not only teaches them discipline and respect but it also gives them a good sense of proper hygiene. There is nothing wrong with making your child pick up after their selves and honestly the younger you start teaching them how to do so the easier it will make on you further down the line. Personally any time my son gets what I deem to be too many toys out I will make him put a few back, this also helps to teach moderation.
We have period through out the day where we stop what we are doing and clean up, yes I am a big kid and like to play with my sons toys too. But I find that he is willing to help pick up (most of the time) and actually finds enjoyment in doing so.
We have recently started working on him with “Which toys go where” this is something we decided to do in hopes that it will help to develop organizational skill and memorization. It truly is amazing at how fast their little minds soak up tidbits of knowledge like that.
I don’t see why you think you are ruining your kids’ lives, I figure this is just a figure of speech so to say, but it is harsh, almost way too harsh. You should be a little more laxed on yourself; from the examples you provided they seem very common amongst parents. I don’t like my son getting dirty even though it happens more often then not because I know I am going to be the one to clean him up and also try to mend what ever he used to get dirty in the first place. I honestly can not think of any of my fellow friends that are parents that like for their kids to go play in the mud or what not, but kids will be kids and they will do what they do, you stepping in helps to enforce hygiene and obedience.
As for your first question I think this one is kind of a given, yes I do believe that a parents good and bad habits can and will reflect through their parenting, just not all the time. For instance I smoke cigarettes, almost every one knows this, and my son sees this and often wants to imitate me. Given I won’t let him with in a 10 ft radius of a cigarette it still doesn’t reflect well that I am saying it is bad but physically showing him that “it is ok be cause daddy does it.” I know that is not entirely what you where referring to but it is a good example to prove a point. On the other hand I am courteous to my elders, and take actually take the time to be friendly to them and to say hi, my son has adapted this and now anytime he sees some one that is “older then daddy” he makes sure to at least wave if they are looking at him. Children are always watching their parents and learning from them, this applies not only to your teaching habits but also your body language, speech, tones, emotions, reactions, ect ect. Honestly Dragoon I think you have found a good way to parent a child, and you should not second guess yourself, even though I always seem to do so when it comes to raising my child. It is basic human nature to do so.
For the second question, yes I feel the way that a parent was brought up can directly reflect on their parenting skills, but common sense comes into play also. I have taken everything that my parents use to raise me and modified it to the extreme. I took the good and the bad and use it on a daily basis when dealing with my son. I still call my mother and father for advice when things get to carried away. Obviously times have changed over the 27 years that I have been on this planet but the same basic principles still exist. So by modifying what my parents taught me to be current with today society I feel that I am doing a damn good job at what I am attempting to provide. And yes I said attempting, for those that are parents you know what I am talking about. For those that are not but will be one day, you will figure it out; and for those that will never be a parent, don't quote on this trying to make a sny remark you will just look like an ass that has no clue what you are talking about.
On a different note I want to throw this in, the term “Spare the rod, spoil the child” is shit. With out forms of discipline this world would be a lot more chaotic then it already is. This is obvious seeing the state the world is in right now. Yes different offences require different types of punishment, but seriously some times force (in light doses) can be required.
I have a 4 strike system set up with my son, the first is the obvious one “stop doing what you are doing”, the second is scolding, third being “time out” and the forth is the almighty “diaper pop”. I have managed to perfect the art of the “diaper pop”, for those that don’t know this is a variation of spanking that requires a swift and well placed cupped palm on a buttock. With little force the sound of the hand striking the diaper makes a loud pop, and usually the sound alone is enough to frighten a small child and make them think they have just got the beating of a life time. On the down side if done in public it can also come across that you used force in the swat. But as of now my son has learned for the most part that he doesn’t like the 4th option and will generally stop before getting past a time out. There are still some instances thought that require certain steps to be skipped and he has not learned all of those yet, like for instance temper tantrums can easily bypass steps one AND two if they are sever enough.
I wanted to through the previous two paragraphs out there to add to the thread, and see what forms of discipline other parents or will be parents have to offer. I will come back and add more as some more posts build up.