I'm curious to find out what you believe as true or untrue. Have you ever been to a Psychic? Do you believe there are true Psychics? Or do you believe they are all fakes taking in the cash? Do you believe in Mediums and the afterlife?

Personally, I believe there are different levels of psychic abilities. I believe that many possess certain unexplained abilities, but just haven't had the right person to help them learn the tools to channel in to them. I know the majority of you are familiar with orbs and such, as I have seen those in photos taken myself. Not just on the internet, but in photos taken by people I know.

There has been so much talk about religion, heaven and hell, fear of dying, etc. I just thought I would throw in another side of the coin.

I myself do know someone that has many psychic abilities, and has proven herself to me time and time again. The first time I met her, and keep in mind there was no money exchanged, she did in fact tell me things that happened in my life that no one would ever know unless I told her. So I will be the first to say that I do believe in the afterlife, angels, and psychics. Only because of my own personal experiences. Do I think that all that claim to be psychic are real, absolutely not. But I do think there are those that are gifted, if that's the word you want to choose.

This may get moved to General Discussion which is fine. And if so, I do apologize for posting in the wrong place.