I heard about these strict Christian parents one time, abusing their children physically if they didn't agree with their own beliefs.

After reading this story, I decided to talk to my mother about it. She told me of how, when she was young, she was forced to go to this strict Catholic school, where if you opposed ANY beliefs of the catholic faith whatsoever, you would be physically punished.
I listened to her and was disgusted at this.

The point of the thread is... Do you think it's fair for parents to force their beliefs onto their children, even if the children don't agree with it?

I don't. After listening to stories, I feel it's unfair of parents to put their children through torture if they don't believe the same things as them.

It's funny, because even though this was way more of an issue long ago, it still actually goes on today. I've read about it in many places, and I don't understand why parents would go this far to force these things onto their children if they're really intent on not learning.

Personally, I think the child will be less willing to learn if they get beaten or slapped for thinking of things otherwise. The kids that do speak out are damn brave.

What do you guys think?