I get to be a member still, even though I totally abandoned you guys last Spring, with no explanation? Yay!

Silver: Did you ever play the Paper Mario games? I loved those games; I was addicted to them when I played them through for the first time (I haven't played Super Paper Mario, but I hear it's just as good.) I also loved Super Mario Galaxy. Although I tried to get into Super Mario Sunshine, I just couldn't, because I couldn't get into the "cleaning up graffiti" theme of the game. I also downloaded Super Mario 64 on the VC after I played through Super Mario Galaxy... and it feels really dated now. Maybe I should've played it first, but I don't have that opportunity anymore. Although I also wasn't thrilled with Banjo Kazooie when I played that, another platformer for the N64 that was supposed to be awesome, so *shrug*. Conker's Bad Fur Day was awesome, though.

To talk about some non-Mario games; the Legend of Zelda series has been consistently awesome. I loved the Wind Waker, even though others hated it. It took me a while to get through Twilight Princess, but that also might've had to do with my mood at the time (I had a job that I really hated last year... it kinda permeated into the rest of my life, as well.) Metroid Prime seemed fun, but I never got past the first big boss. Super Metroid will always be one of my favorites. As for the Star Fox games, many people haven't like the new installments. I liked them just fine, except for Command. Actually, Assault was kinda disappointing too, as per I bought it brand new when it came out; it probably wasn't worth $50... So the old Star Fox games are classics, but my favorite is probably Star Fox Adventures (probably a surprising revelation for most Star Fox fans. Oh well. I like adventure games, and I loved the world of Dinosaur Planet.)

My opinion: The newer first party Nintendo games are still a lot of fun. The older ones were shorter and maybe had simpler control schemes, however, and therefore are easier to go back to. Simpler game = More replayability.

In other news... up until last week, I'd been playing Sonic Chronicles. That game is a lot of fun, but also really frustrating when your characters are constantly missing, and the game is incredibly picky about the execution of the special attacks. In any case, for some reason I stopped playing it last week, even though I hadn't beaten it yet and I'd been playing it almost constantly up until then. Before that, I was playing Sonic Rush, but got stuck on the 7th level with Blaze, who I was actually further along with than Sonic. I've decided she's probably my favorite female Sega Sonic character; I guess I like characters like that. I also like Renamon and Freya Crescent who had kind of similar personalities; they were serious characters put in with silly characters, and the silly characters lightened them up a little bit. Beyond that; me liking Sonic games is a big change; usually I suck at them. Anyhoo...

Wuv, Yer Mom