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Thread: Nintendo Worshippers V1.1

  1. #1
    Definitely not 6:10:50 Nintendo Worshippers V1.1 Kaiser Dragoon's Avatar
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    Nintendo Worshippers V1.1

    Okay, for useful purposes, and the fact I will try and be more active here, I am remaking the thread with some slight alterations to the listing, ala, no more leaders, there is just us, the members, and I feel this is a very member ran club. Below is (moreless) the original post by maxpower, our former club leader was banned for using hacking type javascript. So, lets get to the purpose etc.

    Purpose of the club- This club will talk about all things that Shigeru Miyamoto has touched or might touch in the future. Anyone who is a fan of classic Nintendo games which Shigeru Miyamoto has made like Super Mario or Zelda is welcome to join. Also this club will follow the Nintendo Corp. by following what games are being released, talking about classic games, etc.

    Activities that will be held in the club and whatnot.- This club will make sigs, talk about Nintendo, and speculate what direction Nintendo and Miyamoto san might be heading. It will be a type of haven for Nintendo Worshipers such as myself.

    If you have a love of all things Nintendo feel free to either post your application to join this club or PM the current president. New rules do apply though! We are currently looking for active members so I'm sorry but only those TFF members that have over 150 posts may apply for full membership. However if you just want to spread some Nintendo Information feel free to post here anytime.

    No Spamming
    No Flaming
    No Double Posting
    No One liners
    This is an intelligent discussion please use full sentences and correct spelling to the best of your ability.

    Current Active Members:

    1. Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past
    2. Earthbound
    3. Super Mario World/Super Mario Allstars
    4. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    5. Mario 64


    1. Super Smash Bros. Melee
    2. Pokemon Red/Blue
    3. Super Mario RPG
    4. Super Metroid
    5. Super Mario World

    Kaiser Dragoon

    1.) Fire Emblem (7, the Blazing Sword, GBA)
    2.) Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES, GBA)
    3.) Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES, SNES, GBA)
    4.) Metroid (NES, GBA, GCN [unlockable in one of the Metroid Prime games])
    5.) Final Fantasy III (NES, NDS)

    Yunie Lover

    1. The legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii).
    2. Pokemon Emerald (GBA).
    3. Pokemon Leaf green (GBA).
    4. Super Mario World (SNES).
    5. The legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64).


    1. Zelda, Ocarina of Time
    2. Super Smash Bros.
    3. Metroid fusion
    4. super mario bros 64
    5. Yoshi's story

    Helter Skelter

    1. Super Mario Bros. 3 [NES]
    2. Mario Kart 64 [N64]
    3. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire [N64]
    4. Warioland 4 [Gameboy Advance]
    5. Super Mario 64 [N64]

    1. Legend of Zelda: Orcarina of Time
    2. Pokemon
    3. Super Mario 64
    4. Super Smash Bros. Melee
    5. Conker's Bad Fur Day


    1. Final Fantasy-[NES]
    2. Tecmo Super Bowl-[SNES]
    3. Genghis Khan 2: Clan of the Grey Wolf-[SNES]
    4. Dragon Warrior-[NES]
    5. Final Fantasy 6 Advance-[GBA]


    1) Final Fantasy III (VI) (snes)
    2) Final Fantasy II (IV) (snes)
    3) Final Fantasy III (DS)
    4) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    5) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

    Chris Redfield

    1) The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask [N64/GCN]
    2) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time [N64/GCN]
    3) The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past [SNES]
    4) Super Metroid [SNES]
    5) Metroid Prime 2: Echoes [GCN]

    Crazy Chocobo
    5. Super Paper Mario [Wii]
    4. Animal Crossing: Wild World [DS]
    3. Pokemon Diamond [DS]
    2. Final Fantasy IV
    1. Final Fantasy VI

    1: zelda twilight princess
    2: Final fantasy 3
    3: Secret of Mana
    4: Punch Out
    5: Super Mario Bros 3

    Dimarik's (Doughboy) Top 5 Games:
    1)Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
    2)Donkey Kong Country
    3)Super Mario Bros. III
    4)Super Smash Bros.
    5)Banjo Kazooie

    1) Zelda: Twilight Princess
    2) Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
    3) Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    4) Super Mario World
    5) Super Mario Bros.

    Morik the Rouge
    Rydia Lover
    Omega OwA
    Dark One
    Lionheart VIII

    Feel free to use one of our club sigs or create your own!

    New Link for Rydia Lover



    Many mario's

    and fox


    Putting this at the end for now (probably going to be moved somewhere before memberlisting), but if your name is different now, or you plan on making it different than the current listing, then inform me via PM or through a post here and I will make the proper editations to this. Also, if you would like to add a signature to the listing here (I may end up putting this part in "spoiler" tags so they take up less room) tell me, I will be more than happy to add them.

    ~Kaiser Dragoon

    P.S. Sorry it took me so long to get around to doing this.

    Note by Sheena: I took out Ranger. Since ranger = please smoke up, and he was banned for the same reason as maxpower. So.. there you go.
    Last edited by Kaiser Dragoon; 11-01-2008 at 01:26 PM.

    You're most active in: Cleft of Dimension · 452 Posts

    YES, I Have obtained the power of "Lurker Status"!

  2. #2
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Great timing.
    I propose a new Discussion...

    How do current Nintendo first party games rate compared to previous ones?

    I'm mostly talking the 2D platformers compared to later titles, though Super Mario 64 could go either way. I've always personally enjoyed most if not all Mario titles I've played, but I seem to find that I can more easily go back to the older titles, most notably those in Super Mario All Stars + Super Mario World on SNES. They looked very good in that compilation and all played perfectly. It was magical for me....

    Fast forwards to the present, and there's a slew of spin-offs I couldn't be assed playing, a few better titles like Super Mario Galaxy were quite fun. But I notice they've lost what made them so addictive for me in the past. And I feel that the best Mario Kart games were either the SNES or n64 one as well, particularly the battling on the SNES (feather kicks ass).

    You all?
    victoria aut mors

  3. #3
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I get to be a member still, even though I totally abandoned you guys last Spring, with no explanation? Yay!

    Silver: Did you ever play the Paper Mario games? I loved those games; I was addicted to them when I played them through for the first time (I haven't played Super Paper Mario, but I hear it's just as good.) I also loved Super Mario Galaxy. Although I tried to get into Super Mario Sunshine, I just couldn't, because I couldn't get into the "cleaning up graffiti" theme of the game. I also downloaded Super Mario 64 on the VC after I played through Super Mario Galaxy... and it feels really dated now. Maybe I should've played it first, but I don't have that opportunity anymore. Although I also wasn't thrilled with Banjo Kazooie when I played that, another platformer for the N64 that was supposed to be awesome, so *shrug*. Conker's Bad Fur Day was awesome, though.

    To talk about some non-Mario games; the Legend of Zelda series has been consistently awesome. I loved the Wind Waker, even though others hated it. It took me a while to get through Twilight Princess, but that also might've had to do with my mood at the time (I had a job that I really hated last year... it kinda permeated into the rest of my life, as well.) Metroid Prime seemed fun, but I never got past the first big boss. Super Metroid will always be one of my favorites. As for the Star Fox games, many people haven't like the new installments. I liked them just fine, except for Command. Actually, Assault was kinda disappointing too, as per I bought it brand new when it came out; it probably wasn't worth $50... So the old Star Fox games are classics, but my favorite is probably Star Fox Adventures (probably a surprising revelation for most Star Fox fans. Oh well. I like adventure games, and I loved the world of Dinosaur Planet.)

    My opinion: The newer first party Nintendo games are still a lot of fun. The older ones were shorter and maybe had simpler control schemes, however, and therefore are easier to go back to. Simpler game = More replayability.

    In other news... up until last week, I'd been playing Sonic Chronicles. That game is a lot of fun, but also really frustrating when your characters are constantly missing, and the game is incredibly picky about the execution of the special attacks. In any case, for some reason I stopped playing it last week, even though I hadn't beaten it yet and I'd been playing it almost constantly up until then. Before that, I was playing Sonic Rush, but got stuck on the 7th level with Blaze, who I was actually further along with than Sonic. I've decided she's probably my favorite female Sega Sonic character; I guess I like characters like that. I also like Renamon and Freya Crescent who had kind of similar personalities; they were serious characters put in with silly characters, and the silly characters lightened them up a little bit. Beyond that; me liking Sonic games is a big change; usually I suck at them. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  4. #4
    Definitely not 6:10:50 Nintendo Worshippers V1.1 Kaiser Dragoon's Avatar
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    I totally agree silver, I felt a lot of the old 2D platformers had a lot more replayability than more modern 3D games, in my mind. I played through most of my SNES, NES, and Genesis stuff more times than I can count, it was more addictive to me. When I finally got a PSX, and everything jumped to 3D, I really had a hard time trying to adjust. I hardly ever played through a game (a few notables were Ocarina of Time, and the FF games) and even then, I usually didn't play through them more than once (same notables from before). Now, with my modern gaming systems, I still have a hard time playing through a game, and I haven't played through any since PS2 came out, more than once all the way through (save Disgaea, and Fire Emblem). Maybe, just maybe, I am getting older, or maybe, games don't have the magic for me they once did. Either way, I know that I probably won't change in the near future unless something is added that attracts my attention enough. There are a few potentials, but all the potentials I've played so far have been things I haven't played through or more than once (I liked The Force Unleashed, I couldn't push myself to play through it more than once though).

    Speaking of upcoming games that you're looking forward to, what's everyone looking forward to on a Nintendo console? I personally am looking forward to the next Fire Emblem on the DS. I love being able to take my gaming out of the house for something to do during my breaks .

    ~Kaiser Dragoon

    P.S. Oh, Silver, did you read my post? I need to alter everyone's names so they are accurate >.> I don't know which one you are, or if you're even up there .

    You're most active in: Cleft of Dimension · 452 Posts

    YES, I Have obtained the power of "Lurker Status"!

  5. #5
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    ...what the heck? There shouldn't only be one post since my last one when I don't even have the internet at my house! Y'all are slacking!

    Do dee do... anyone ever seen this? I imagine you probably already have; it's pretty old. But it's worth discussing again. Isn't it awesome? My favorite parts are when he shows you how he finally got through the level... and also the parts where he splices together the clips of him dying. My friends and I call them the "death medleys."

    I also want a new Star Fox, I think. No. I know I want a new Star Fox, for the Wii. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  6. #6
    Definitely not 6:10:50 Nintendo Worshippers V1.1 Kaiser Dragoon's Avatar
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    Ahh, well, I kinda figured nobody would talk much, nearly two weeks now to boot. Anyways.

    I agree completely Taco, I think that a new Starfox game would be awesome, especially since the last (console) one was a while ago.... gamecube? I loved playing Starfox 64 personally, I wish they would go back to that concept, beef it up for this gen, and bring it to the Wii, my personal thoughts on the matter.

    Anyways, I've been absent, despite what I said >.> about being active more <.< WoW, work, and Fable 2 have consumed my life, lol, sorry for the absence, but it looks like I didn't miss much anyways...

    ~Kaiser Dragoon

    You're most active in: Cleft of Dimension · 452 Posts

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  7. #7
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Sorry for not posting here yet, I don't have a lot to discuss lately! I haven't been playing a lot lately.

    I am looking forward to the new Animal Crossing game coming out for the Wii, I don't know if any of the other members are into that. I loved Wild World on the DS, it's cute and fun.

    Someone mentioned Mario Kart! I love the Wii version of that, it is the best of fun in my opinion and I love all the different tracks and weapons you can get. Some can be rather annoying though and I seem to get hit by the bombs and what not all the time!

    I bought Super Mario Galaxy a few weeks ago and it is rather awesome, I haven't played a lot but will more than likely get back into it soon, it's very colorful and fun.

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  8. #8
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I was just discussing the new Animal Crossing with someone recently. In particular, whether or not it will almost be identical to the last one, as the last one was almost identical to the first one. I played the one for the GameCube for several months before I got tired of it. Then I got the one for the DS, and lost interest when I realized how little it had changed since the GC version. Plus, my favorite neighbors kept on leaving. In the original AC, I managed to get them to stay usually (although the last one to arrive was usually the next to leave, and it just kept on going on like that. Only once can I recall a neighbor leaving who had not been the latest one to arrive. And then, never again.) I realize there's supposed to be a new city section or something, but I'm not particularly excited about that. I want more interactivity with the stupid neighbors. I would like to be able to do things that would have lasting effect on their mood and their disposition towards me. That might be too complicated, though. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  9. #9
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Haha, I know. My favorite neighbours usually left too but some stuck around surprisingly. I haven't played Wild World for a while so if I do decide to play it again soon, there will be grass and stuff every where and then I'll have to go around picking all of it out. That's something I'm not keen on doing at all! I do enjoy the game though and it might be similar to the original games but I will still probably purchase it and give it a go. It's all cute fun in the end!

    It would be good if there was more interactions with the neighbours and the choice of making them leave instead of them just randomly leaving because it's annoying when your favorite little animal goes.

    CC's YouTube Page|Add me on
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  10. #10
    Cilla vs. Games Nintendo Worshippers V1.1 Priscilla's Avatar
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    Nintendo once again underestimated how many consoles they will need for Christmas. It seems we are always sold out which while makes the demand higher gives them less profit for the Christmas period. It doesn't make sense to me.

    The new Animal Crossing looks ohkay. But it looks really similar to the older ones. I haven't picked it up.. does it differ from the others in any way?

  11. #11
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Not really. It's just more of the same in the same way the new Viva Pinata is basically the same game with some unseen content.

    Personally I'm sticking to the classics on Virtual Console right now. I know I'll be getting a good deal every time I download one.
    I hadn't realised how kickass some RPGs like Breath of Fire 2 were until I started playing them recently...
    victoria aut mors

  12. #12
    Nintendo Worshippers V1.1 Jin's Avatar
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    From the reviews I've heard of the new Animal Crossing, I would say that it doesn't differ all that much from the previous game. But I haven't played either extensively, so keep that in mind.

    Virtual Console is great, but Nintendo has really been dropping the ball on releases lately. Castlevania 3 was expected around Halloween (which PAL got, along with Phantasy Star 4), but North America has yet to see it and instead has been given 1 game weeks full of crap. Also, what do you mean they're good deals? You can get all these games for free via emulation. I'm not even sure why I pay for them, truth be told.

    Anywho, Nintendo has been kind of bothering me lately. I don't regret buying my Wii, but they really need to step up and get some games out for core audiences. I'm tired of mini-game collections and sub-par shooters. Fingers crossed that MadWorld is as awesome as it looks. And No More Heroes 2.

    Until now!

  13. #13
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post
    Also, what do you mean they're good deals? You can get all these games for free via emulation. I'm not even sure why I pay for them, truth be told.
    I meant in terms of pricing. I can get a 2000 points Wii card for around $30, and some shitty new releases are around $90-$100. And as most games are 1000 points or less, I can get two legendary games for a much lower price than the retail games. Hell, I can get six classics and have change. w00t!

    I've always been the type to want to own what I play and the quality of a VC game is much higher than playing a rom on an emulator released by talented programmers lacking the proper materials. And as much as I prefer playing a game on it's original console, VC allows me to be way lazy in that I don't need to change games or consoles over on.

    If you have nothing against illegally playing games and like sub-standard graphics, sounds and most importantly frame rate (speed), emulators are fine. Don't get me wrong, I am a huge fan of emulators especially in seeing just how much effort has been put into them, and knowing that others can enjoy the truly great games that may otherwise have been more or less lost to the past, but nothing beats playing a game as it was meant to be played as far as I'm concerned.
    victoria aut mors

  14. #14
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I've read on EGM that Nintendo is a rather conservative company, and they only let a certain company produce their hardware, or something. That's why they never have enough consoles come Christmas time. Not saying I agree with it. Nintendo pisses me off with a lot of their decisions, like recently not allowing Capcom release Bionic Commando on the VC because of the Nazis... even though the translation edited out the references to Nazis the first time around. They're also dropping the ball with their new releases. Seriously. Wii Music? Animal Crossing version 3.0? Where are the instant classics? Where's my Star Fox? Where's my Metroid? Where's my F-Zero? Where's my FREAKING EARTHBOUND?!!

    I'm not really playing any video games right now. I started another town on Animal Crossing: WW, but I haven't played it since last week. I have my old SNES over here, and I've thought of playing one of the classics-like FF6 or Super Mario RPG-again. But I haven't. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  15. #15
    Definitely not 6:10:50 Nintendo Worshippers V1.1 Kaiser Dragoon's Avatar
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    Yeah, Wii Music was a bust... Miyamoto-sama really let me down on that one. There seems to be a few shining lights in Wii's really dark and drab core-gamer market, I've been looking hard so I can start posting here. There isn't all that much though. There isn't even that much for Nintendo Cultists such as ourselves to get excited about (though, to be fair, Super Mario Galaxy JUST came out almost a year ago, and Twilight Princess wasn't that far ahead).

    There are a few glimmering lights in Wii's third party tunnel of doom though. The Conduit looks like a fairly promising FPS that is coming exclusively to the Wii. Estimated to be hitting store shelves in 2009. And.... yeah, that's about all I have. No other real titles in the works that have working gameplay, etc; that have caught my eye.. just that. The rest of it meh.

    The DS though, looks to be having some better luck on the titles hitting the market. Fire Emblem 12 (The New Dark Dragon, re-release of the original NES (and SNES) Fire Emblem that never made it to us.), and Dragon Quest IX is going to be exclusively DS, which is awesome in my own opinion.

    So, yeah, I think it's safe to say that Wii failed this year on terms of new releases that were awesome third party titles. The DS did a little better, but not by much. I also think it's safe to say that Nintendo itself is kind of cutting off their own arms by being stubborn. Oh well, lets all hope and pray this next year will bring us more good tidings, I will always be a Nintendo Worshipper, but I still think that Nintendo needs to step it up a notch and stop releasing so many party games (really, when 90% of the total library is nothing but collections of multiplayer minigames, then something is wrong).

    Oh well, back to my World of Warcrack. I'll be sure to post if I find any more interesting and promising titles.

    ~Kaiser Dragoon

    You're most active in: Cleft of Dimension · 452 Posts

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  16. #16
    Nintendo Worshippers V1.1 Jin's Avatar
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    The awful thing is that Nintendo doesn't have to satisfy core gamers. They have no incentive to do so. For every core gamer that decides to buy a PS3 or a 360 instead of a Wii is replaced by a casual gamer that doesn't mind 50 mini game collections. Have you guys seen the numbers this year? Nintendo sold about 2 million consoles; Microsoft was second at about 800 000 consoles. That's a huge difference.

    However! Nintendo was dead last in software sales. Kaiser Dragoon has listed some examples of future Wii titles that look interesting, but if the trend continues, the Wii will become the champion of casual gaming and an overpriced door stop to the core gamers that bought it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Silver
    I've always been the type to want to own what I play
    I agree with you here, which is probably why I bother buying VC games, but $8 US for a virtual SNES/SMD game is not something I'd call a good deal. Also, when the old, downloadable games are more exciting than the current gen titles, there's a problem with the system.

    PS. Kaiser, don't call Miyamoto "Miyamoto-sama"; you're not Japanese, it's creepy.
    Last edited by Jin; 12-17-2008 at 07:08 PM.

    Until now!

  17. #17
    Definitely not 6:10:50 Nintendo Worshippers V1.1 Kaiser Dragoon's Avatar
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    I respect the man, thusly why the "-Sama". Anyways.

    I really had high hopes for the Wii. Nintendo seems hell-bent on numbers Vs. quality though. I don't really blame them. They were pioneers for their time, and released some great games, and I honestly hope they make a kickback into core gaming rather than their "let's make everyone (who isn't a core gamer) happy and release all of these shovelware games." The verdict is out on whether they will kick back into the core market, but I still have hope for it.

    Anyways *sigh* anyone hoping to get / know they are getting some awesome games for Christmas this year? Or is a lump-a-coal on the shopping list for you ^^;?

    ~Kaiser Dragoon

    You're most active in: Cleft of Dimension · 452 Posts

    YES, I Have obtained the power of "Lurker Status"!

  18. #18
    The Lost Writer Nintendo Worshippers V1.1 Psiko's Avatar
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    I, for one, sold my Wii back in June. I bought it in March, all excited to get my hands on one. I was terribly disappointed with the game selection for the VC at the time. I had expected better. I suppose that is what I get for being easily excited about a concept.

    Also ironically, I bought a 360 last month, which is something I vowed NEVER to do. And I have been hooked on it ever since. Wow.

    When I look at the new titles, for all three systems, I just don't see anything to jump for joy about. Most of the time it is just another part of the next saga of a game series, and half the time when I get hype about one of those games it turns out to disappoint in some way.

    Whereas I could play a trusty classic and be happy.

    And for the record, Bionic Commando is remade and available on the 360. I am excited to get the chance to download that one sometime soon. That game was teh fun!

    I miss my old NES. My SNES gets little use these days. It is sad, really.

    I need to change this. In spite of it all, though, I am still a Nintendo fanboy to the end. Just on three systems, though.

    NES, SNES, Game Boy ^^
    OLD SKOOL - A positive appellation referring to when things weren't flashy but empty of substance, were done by hard work, didn't pander to the lowest common denominator, and required real skill. Labour-saving devices, shortcuts that reduce quality and quitting before the task is done are not characteristics of "old skool."

    In reference to computer games, refers to a game that had substantial playability without flashy graphics or eye candy. Old skool gamers appreciate difficult maneuvers, careful planning, and scorched earth policies.

    In reference to role-playing games, old skool refers to games that tested players' wits, could kill off careless characters, and required dedication and inner strength to play. Old skool games didn't pander to the ideas that everyone is created equal, that all options are open to all races, that the markets were somehow free, and that a quasi-medieval society could have near 100% literacy.

    See also classic.

    Representing the Old Skool ways since 1984.

  19. #19
    Nintendo Worshippers V1.1 Jin's Avatar
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    When did you have your Wii? The VC is more extensive than any other console's list. Xbox Live Arcade may have more overall, I'm not sure, but most of those are original games. For nostalgia purposes, the Wii is king. Sadly, right now that's all it's good for. Let's hope that 2009 turns out as good as it looks for the Wii. I've got a PS3 to occupy my time, but I feel bad neglecting my Wii. Cheapest or not it was still $300.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaiser Dragoon
    Anyways *sigh* anyone hoping to get / know they are getting some awesome games for Christmas this year? Or is a lump-a-coal on the shopping list for you ^^;?
    Three games I can anticipate I'm getting for Christmas:
    Valkyria Chronicles (PS3)
    Dead Space (PS3)
    Resistance 2 (PS3)

    Some games I may get:
    Call of Duty 5 (PS3)
    Okami (Wii)
    Metroid Prime 3 (Wii)

    We'll see.

    Until now!

  20. #20
    The Lost Writer Nintendo Worshippers V1.1 Psiko's Avatar
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    I think it was around March this year. I wasn't horribly impressed by the list of games. It was missing some of the ones I REALLY wanted to play.

    I am sure it has expanded.

    It will be a purchase for me eventually. But I didn't play it as much as I expected, and had a time when I REALLY needed the money.

    So I sold it. ><
    OLD SKOOL - A positive appellation referring to when things weren't flashy but empty of substance, were done by hard work, didn't pander to the lowest common denominator, and required real skill. Labour-saving devices, shortcuts that reduce quality and quitting before the task is done are not characteristics of "old skool."

    In reference to computer games, refers to a game that had substantial playability without flashy graphics or eye candy. Old skool gamers appreciate difficult maneuvers, careful planning, and scorched earth policies.

    In reference to role-playing games, old skool refers to games that tested players' wits, could kill off careless characters, and required dedication and inner strength to play. Old skool games didn't pander to the ideas that everyone is created equal, that all options are open to all races, that the markets were somehow free, and that a quasi-medieval society could have near 100% literacy.

    See also classic.

    Representing the Old Skool ways since 1984.

  21. #21
    Definitely not 6:10:50 Nintendo Worshippers V1.1 Kaiser Dragoon's Avatar
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    Well, late Merry Christmas. I got a new chair, some clothes, The Dark Knight, and dragon clock sculpture thing, and some other Misc. candy and food.

    So, anyone else have a loot list?

    Also, I would like to say, I am much the same as Psiko, I love the old Nintendo consoles, even more than the modern consoles, it's really hard trying to find modern games that even compete with FFVI, DQIV, SMW, and several others that I would have to think about harder (if I wasn't so freaking tired, I would). Anyways, 'til later.

    ~Kaiser Dragoon

    You're most active in: Cleft of Dimension · 452 Posts

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  22. #22
    Nintendo Worshippers V1.1 Jin's Avatar
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    Just out of curiosity, Psiko, which games were you looking for?

    And yes, late merry holidays. I didn't get any Nintendo products, although I did ask for Metroid Prime 3. Still haven't played that one.

    Loot list:
    Valkyria Chronicles (PS3)
    Call of Duty: World At War (PS3)
    Resistance 2 (PS3)
    Dead Space (PS3)
    Flag of China
    Flag of Italy
    Book on ancient China

    I see some more family today so I may get more.

    About old Snes, Nes titles being the best...this isn't the best comment I'm about to make seeing as I'm in the Nintendo worshipers club, but I don't consider them the best at all (save a few titles of course). I LOVED my genesis. The Shining Force series is my favourite series of all time (EXA doesn't count). The original Playstation as well had a mountain of excellent games. When I bought my PS2 I spent more time playing PS1 games (as I had an N64, not a PS1). Speaking of N64, I think that console was better than most give credit. There were tons of awesome titles on there. Ocarina of Time, enough said.

    I love the SNES and NES, but I often find that people overate them in comparison to other consoles, which is too bad because there are plenty of great consoles out there, past and present, that are just as good.

    Until now!

  23. #23
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Happy Boxer Day, everybody! (or whatever today is called...)

    While I do realize that Bionic Commando is on the 360, I do not own a 360, and I have no money to purchase a 360 at this time. I put all my eggs in the Wii basket (and the PC basket this Summer) and that is what I will be rolling with for a while.

    As for this talk of classics being better than new games; *shrug* I don't think I can really be one to talk. I haven't ever really given many newer console games a shot (newer than the SNES, that is.) There was a time that I thought that all I'd ever have was the SNES; I didn't get a newer console system until 2002, when my friend gave me his old PSX so that I could play FF9. I only got a PS2 a couple years ago. Up until recently, too, the only kind of game I was interested in playing was an RPG, a Strategy, or an adventure game. Now, JRPG's aren't doing it for me anymore; they all feel basically the same. I need to get back to Metal Gear Solid; started playing that this Summer and got stuck.

    There have been a number of VC games I've downloaded this Summer that I've yet to play for any length of time. I think the only VC game I've beaten was Shining Force. I've basically been throwing my money at the VC. Yay! For Christmas, I got Super Paper Mario, which is the only actual Wii game I've gotten since Brawl last Spring. That brings my total to 5 Wii games, including Wii sports. My Wii is not here, however, so I played the other game I got-which was actually an expansion pack-Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. I played that until 4 in the morning. I'm almost through the main quest, I think. Illidan is a tough bastard. I got other, non-game related stuff, too. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  24. #24
    Definitely not 6:10:50 Nintendo Worshippers V1.1 Kaiser Dragoon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post
    About old Snes, Nes titles being the best...this isn't the best comment I'm about to make seeing as I'm in the Nintendo worshipers club, but I don't consider them the best at all (save a few titles of course). I LOVED my genesis. The Shining Force series is my favourite series of all time (EXA doesn't count). The original Playstation as well had a mountain of excellent games. When I bought my PS2 I spent more time playing PS1 games (as I had an N64, not a PS1). Speaking of N64, I think that console was better than most give credit. There were tons of awesome titles on there. Ocarina of Time, enough said.

    I love the SNES and NES, but I often find that people overate them in comparison to other consoles, which is too bad because there are plenty of great consoles out there, past and present, that are just as good.
    Well, this is the time that I have to state, that was my personal opinion. I actually love my Genesis as well, I went out of my way to obtain mine because I remember having such fond memories of the system. I also never said that the PS and PS2 were, per se, bad, just that it didn't stick as well with me. The older consoles are where most of my childhood is based, so, that may be why I am so biased to lean towards them.

    Also, I loved all of the Shining Force games I played (Including EXA). SPEAKING of Shining Force, there is a DS Shining Force game in the works (actually, its supposed to be released February 19). Looks like they are trying to (somewhat) return to their roots, going in a Turn-based tactical role playing game instead of the action Genre that has been a common theme from the last few titles.

    ~Kaiser Dragoon

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  25. #25
    Nintendo Worshippers V1.1 Jin's Avatar
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    I didn't mean to imply that you only liked NES/SNES, I just meant as a general comment that many people idolize the two consoles to a nearly exclusive degree, which is sad, given the amount of great consoles that are rarely talked about (TurboGrafx and Sega Saturn, for example). On a VC review site I visit, some will purchase nothing other than Nintendo products, which is a crying shame.

    And yes, I've heard of Shining Force Feather. It looks promising, but I wont hold my breath given their post Saturn track record.

    Until now!

  26. #26
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I liked my Megadrive and import Genesis too, it's mainly that I'm a huge devourer of console RPGs, and apart from a few series like Phantasy Star and Lunar, most of the big titles were on SNES.

    Suckily for me I had to import most of them as Australia gets jack shit compared to North America.
    victoria aut mors

  27. #27
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    We almost got a Genesis instead of a SNES-my brother and I really liked Sonic, but my sister wanted an SNES, we needed her money too, and we were fine with an SNES. To think, how different my world would have been had we gotten a Genesis instead of an SNES... I'd probably actually be good at Sonic games. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  28. #28
    Nintendo Worshippers V1.1 Jin's Avatar
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    Haha, my Wii just became a little more useless. Apparently Sega's bringing out some Sonic Super Special Awesome Collection or something that's larger than their previous collections, displayed in 720p, features online (maybe) and local multiplayer and has unlockable games. I already have some of the games on VC, but it would still be cheaper to buy the likely $50 PS3/360 game than it would be to get all the games on the disc I don't have at $8 a pop, especially given the Wii's shit storage limit.

    MadWorld and the Conduit better be good games, I tell you.

    Edit: Better yet, the pack is supposedly going to be only $30 US.
    Last edited by Jin; 01-09-2009 at 12:52 PM.

    Until now!

  29. #29
    Definitely not 6:10:50 Nintendo Worshippers V1.1 Kaiser Dragoon's Avatar
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    Wow, that's awesome, and here I just got my Sega Genesis collection and was disappointed by the lacking of the Sonic titles. Oh, and DQ IV was well worth the money I spent for it. I am thoroughly enjoying the remake thusfar, because this was my first DQ game I loved and beat ^^;;. Also, Learning to speak Japanese is easier than learning to write it... on a DS >.>;; (got "My Japanese Coach" for the DS, the stylus makes my already crappy handwriting even more crappy, ftw!). So, yeah, my two "new" (the Japanese coach was brand new, DQ 4 was used, but it's a new game to me, so meh) for the DS, and they are both wasting my time quite efficiently.

    ~Kaiser Dragoon

    P.S. I need to get my 360 back from my brother before March comes >.<, RE5! Also, Fire Emblem coming out mid February.

    P.P.S. You're most active in: Cleft of Dimension · 452 Posts << not sure whether to laugh or what, haha.
    Last edited by Kaiser Dragoon; 01-25-2009 at 07:31 PM.

    You're most active in: Cleft of Dimension · 452 Posts

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  30. #30
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    So I've been playing Super Paper Mario, and it's a lot of fun. A little on the easy side, but fun. I think the gameplay loses a lot of the difficulty of trying to get down the timed hits, timed defense, and general strategy of an rpg with the change to a more traditional mario style video game. All I've mostly been doing is jumping on the enemy's head; I don't use my items, and I rarely use the pixels to fight anything (I use the hand and the bomb on occasion.) Still, the puzzles are fun to solve, hidden things are fun to find, and the game has a lot of personality, similar to that of the other Paper Mario titles. So there's a Wii title to play if you have not given it a shot yet. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

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