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Thread: Nintendo Worshippers

  1. #91
    So does anyone one know when it willl be out in Britain? because i've been looking all over the web for it and can't find when it's out in Britain.

    The price over he willl rise for the Twilight Princess as I hear that it is going to be out near Christmas time, which means higher prices and limited stock.
    So it may be hard to get hold of for Zelda lovers in Britain.

  2. #92
    is it alrioght if I can play you first LionheartVIII
    Me and Xu have to settle something first, but ill play you for sure if you want to. Im so giddy, i cant wait for Super Smash online. At first im goin with Fox untill i determine which characters are good, and maybe ill find one better then Fox.
    Omnislash = 15 hits, 15 X 9999 = 149985

    Lion Heart Including Renzokuken = 27 hits, 27 X 9999 = 269973

    Lion Heart WITHOUT Renzokuken = 17 hits, 17 X 9999 = 169983
    Lionheart is better then Omni-Slash. PERIOD.

  3. #93
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LionheartVIII
    ...and maybe ill find one better then Fox.
    Won't happen. You'll never find a better character than Fox Fox is the man! Although... Captain Falcon was "the man" in the original Smash Bros, I think. Not so much in Melee, apparently. My friend said his move set got changed around from then; instead of a punch for the forward attack, he did an elbow, or something.

    I think my friend also complained about the Falcon Kick messing him up, or something. *shrug*My friend can be rather picky, and opinionated, sometimes, though. But it could mean that the moves will be different in this one, as well. I will probably give every character a chance, in any case. I wonder how Snake will play...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  4. #94
    Won't happen. You'll never find a better character than Fox Fox is the man!
    I know for a fact as long as they dont change up Fox too much, he will still be one of the top dogs if not the best. Captain Falcon for melee in my opinion is good for n00bs, but if your an advanced player hes not so good. But you never know, they might a lot of new players and some may very be better than Fox, but i dont know. Lol i do wonder what its going to be like to be Snake...
    Omnislash = 15 hits, 15 X 9999 = 149985

    Lion Heart Including Renzokuken = 27 hits, 27 X 9999 = 269973

    Lion Heart WITHOUT Renzokuken = 17 hits, 17 X 9999 = 169983
    Lionheart is better then Omni-Slash. PERIOD.

  5. #95
    Bye-Bye, Taisai Nintendo Worshippers postalblowfish7's Avatar
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    hahaha fox is so 80's sci fi. every time i watch blade runner i half expect to see an r-wing during one of those big city pans. LOL

    in other news, i snagged this off slashdot:

    GameDaily is reporting on an interview that Nintendo Dream scored with legendary designer Shigeru Miyamoto. Mr. Miyamoto spoke about the future of design and Wii gaming during the interview, touching on several interesting topics. Older Gamecube titles, for example, may be remade for the Wii at some point in the future to take advantage of the console's unique control scheme. There are no announcements of which titles might see this treatment, but he seemed confident that if it does happen the pricepoint would be rather low. In some more high-level comments, Mr. Miyamoto stated that game designers have come to a dead-end as regards gaming today. Not sparing his own company, the designer thinks that future titles will have to come at gaming from a very different perspective if they are to succeed.
    woah woah woah woah hold the phone! do what now??? can you say... PIKMIN Wii???? what GCN games do you think could warrant a rerelease on the Wii?
    ~ R.I.P. Alexander Server ~
    Phinn - San d'Orian Hume - Shiva Server

  6. #96
    Registered User Nintendo Worshippers maxpower's Avatar
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    First off I've got to stick up for Link. Sure fox is great and he does have a gun but link dresses like the jolly green giant and hopefully will still be able to spin like a helicopter. Even though I might get killed I am still going to stick with my man.

    Also I hope that some of the sports gamecube games get remade for the WII such as Mario Strikers and Mario Tennis. I think that they would be easily compatible and very fun.

    Finally here are some requested sigs

    Morik the Rouge - Link Sig

    and -Naruto- Fox sig

    I hope that they are okay feel free to request anychanges.
    Last edited by maxpower; 08-24-2006 at 12:20 PM.

  7. #97
    thanks for the sig max power that is gust wot i wanted thanks alot.

    Also I would like to see a better choose of games for the Wii, such as more adventure games and less movie type games.

  8. #98
    Bye-Bye, Taisai Nintendo Worshippers postalblowfish7's Avatar
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    i think the Wii will do away with unimaginative, dull, lack-luster license games. the system is designed to force developers to think of new ways to make their games operate. this means that even if, say, a Monster House game was developed for the Wii, the unique control scheme would force the developers to make a far more interactive experience.

    it's basically the end of cookie cuter license games... or at least i hope so. working at gamestop i see hordes and hordes of terrible license games stocking our used rack on all systems. i hope (and i think it was part of nintendo's plan) that the Wii will force every game for it to be developed with a creative flair.

    i cannot, however, wait until my Wiimote becomes a lightsaber oooOOO___OOOooo

    on another note about scary houses, have you heard about the new Luigi's Mansion being developed for the Wii???!!!??? can you imagine for one second how amazingly fun it would be to hunt ghosts with your controller acting as the flashlight?!
    ~ R.I.P. Alexander Server ~
    Phinn - San d'Orian Hume - Shiva Server

  9. #99
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by postalblowfish7
    hahaha fox is so 80's sci fi. every time i watch blade runner i half expect to see an r-wing during one of those big city pans. LOL
    "Don't mess up that Arwing! Do a barrel roll!"

    Yeah, the Star Fox universe reminds me of old 80's sci-fi's. Particularly some of the orchastrated music; Corneria from the SNES game reminds me of music from The Transformers: The Movie. I'd like to see a Star Fox movie in that style. That would never happen, but it would rock, I think. If only for me, and not for anyone else. I don't care about anyone else, though.

    I can't really imagine any old school GC games that would benefit from the Wii-mote, though. (I never played Pikmin, or Luigi's Mansion for that matter, either, so... the oldest game I've played for it, I think, was Smash, and Star Fox Adventure.) Maybe they could update the same things in Wind Waker as they are updating from the GC version to the Wii version for Twilight Princess, though.

    I was also reading the other day about Sonic Wild Fire for the Wii, in Electronic Gaming Monthly. They said the game play is pretty awesome with the Wii-mote, apparently, and eliminates a lot of the dieing due to poor camera angles and such. Apparently Sonic runs on a set path, or whatever; I don't remember the term, but it's like what the old Star Fox games were. You click a button to jump, and you push the Wii-mote forward to do a homing jump. You also move Sonic to the left or right by moving the Wii-mote. Sounds simple, yet addictive. Maybe.
    Quote Originally Posted by maxpower
    First off I've got to stick up for Link. Sure fox is great and he does have a gun but link dresses like the jolly green giant and hopefully will still be able to spin like a helicopter. Even though I might get killed I am still going to stick with my man.
    Yeah, but Fox McCloud could totally kick Satan's ass.

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  10. #100
    Yeah, but Fox McCloud could totally kick Satan's ass.
    Yeah... I also think that Fox McCloud could beat Sephiroths ass. Fox can also beat Clouds ass at the same time. Hell, i think Cloud would even give Chuck Norris a run for his money. It would be a tough fight for Fox but i think he could pull through.
    Omnislash = 15 hits, 15 X 9999 = 149985

    Lion Heart Including Renzokuken = 27 hits, 27 X 9999 = 269973

    Lion Heart WITHOUT Renzokuken = 17 hits, 17 X 9999 = 169983
    Lionheart is better then Omni-Slash. PERIOD.

  11. #101
    ok you are rided i now that i am a starfox fan but sephiroths is so much better than starfox
    and so is cloud if cloud and starfox hade a fight cloud wood win it
    and if it was starfox and sephiroth starfox wood win it but cloud is the best so far for me

  12. #102

    Sephiroth=big wuss

    Squall>Cloud and Sephiroth

    Fox>Cloud, Sephiroth, and Squall

    This is fact god told me so.

    Does anyone know who that new character who lookes like an angel on the new super smash? Whats his name and where is he from?

    Is there a set date when Super Smash Brothers is coming out?
    Omnislash = 15 hits, 15 X 9999 = 149985

    Lion Heart Including Renzokuken = 27 hits, 27 X 9999 = 269973

    Lion Heart WITHOUT Renzokuken = 17 hits, 17 X 9999 = 169983
    Lionheart is better then Omni-Slash. PERIOD.

  13. #103
    Nintendo Worshippers Dark One's Avatar
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    Boco shut up.
    Not sure what you are saying there lionheart. I have not posted in a few days. Wii comes out soon I can't wait. If you are talking about Star Fox. It was a good game . Well later it sucks about the spam thread.

  14. #104
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LionheartVIII
    Fox>Cloud, Sephiroth, and Squall
    Damn straight.
    Quote Originally Posted by LionheartVIII
    Does anyone know who that new character who lookes like an angel on the new super smash? Whats his name and where is he from?
    That would be Pit, from Kid Icarus. He was in Captain N: The Game Master. Go watch it on YouTube (if it's on there.) That's some classic cartoonage for ya, there. Although they get a lot of the characters wrong... the two most obvious being Simon Belmont being a coward, and Mega Man looking like some kind of little munchkin. But it's direct out of my early childhood, so that makes it all kinds of awesome.

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  15. #105
    fox is ok and so is sephiroth and cloud but fox is the best so far
    and so is cloud if they all had a batel then ok fox wood win it
    but cloud wood put up a batel weth fox

  16. #106
    Registered User Nintendo Worshippers maxpower's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calamity Taco
    Damn straight.

    That would be Pit, from Kid Icarus. He was in Captain N: The Game Master. Go watch it on YouTube (if it's on there.) That's some classic cartoonage for ya, there. Although they get a lot of the characters wrong... the two most obvious being Simon Belmont being a coward, and Mega Man looking like some kind of little munchkin. But it's direct out of my early childhood, so that makes it all kinds of awesome.

    Wuv, Yer Mom
    That cartoon was awsome! I use to wake up at like 6:00am to watch the stupid thing. I always felt bad for mega man, what kinda a mega person is only like two feet tall?

    Anyhow I read the other day that a new Dragon Quest game is going to be available for the Wii called Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors. I don't know if you guys like Dragon's Quest but I am just excited to see any RPG on the list of games to be released. (Also I really like Dragon's Quest games, any game that by law can't be sold on a school day in Japan because to many kids miss school to buy it must be okay, right.)

    What other RPG games would you like to see on the Wii?

  17. #107
    Bye-Bye, Taisai Nintendo Worshippers postalblowfish7's Avatar
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    ok, there's no question.

    fox would kick sephiroth's ass - because while he's loading fox leaps out of his catridge and unplugs the ps1
    ~ R.I.P. Alexander Server ~
    Phinn - San d'Orian Hume - Shiva Server

  18. #108
    fox is the best but you have to like cloud as well as fox

  19. #109
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by postalblowfish7
    ok, there's no question.

    fox would kick sephiroth's ass - because while he's loading fox leaps out of his catridge and unplugs the ps1
    Yes. Totally. Heh.
    Anyhow I read the other day that a new Dragon Quest game is going to be available for the Wii called Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors. I don't know if you guys like Dragon's Quest but I am just excited to see any RPG on the list of games to be released. (Also I really like Dragon's Quest games, any game that by law can't be sold on a school day in Japan because to many kids miss school to buy it must be okay, right.)
    I've only ever played like the first two games in that series. Dragon Warrior was my very first RPG. It was the only RPG I played for years too, I think. Until Super Mario RPG came out. I also played the beginning of Dragon Warrior III, but I couldn't figure out how I was supposed to get off that first island. La la la...Those games were fun. I haven't played the newer ones, but it could be fun. It's awesome that school is canceled on the day a game in the series is released, too; I wish I lived in Japan (only for that. Not for any other reason, and not taking any reason not to into account.)

    What other RPG games would you like to see on the Wii?
    As of late, the only RPG's that have really wow'd me have been the Final Fantasy series. I know everyone gets all excited about the Star Ocean series and such, but those games are too long for me (Of course, I don't own a PS2, so I haven't had the opportunity to play all those RPG's on there...) I guess I'd like to see a Final Fantasy title on the Wii. Also, of course, another addition of Paper Mario (although Super Paper Mario comes out for the Game Cube at the end of the year or something, right? Love those games.)

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  20. #110
    Bye-Bye, Taisai Nintendo Worshippers postalblowfish7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxpower
    What other RPG games would you like to see on the Wii?

    i think the Wii will transform the RPG just like it's going to transform every other genre. the controller adds all sorts of new playability options when it comes to the (rather stale of late) RPG genre. i can't even begin to wrap my mind around how exactly the controls could work - maybe the mold of the traditional RPG could be saved by using the Wii-mote as some sort of pointer for an advanced menu system.

    for example, a + sign of buttons appears on screen - the top being "FIGHT", the left being "MAGIC", the right "ITEM" and the bottom "RUN!", a quick trust of the controller either up down left or right brings up the options for that particular menu. i mean, sure - i hope to see some more creative uses of the device, but i hope the Wii isn't the end of the traditional RPG altogether.

    i suppose there will always be the PS3 :\ - but that i'll be buying only out of necessity, i'm extremely angry at sony right now... what am i saying, i've been angry at sony since the PS1 killed my beloved saturn :'(
    ~ R.I.P. Alexander Server ~
    Phinn - San d'Orian Hume - Shiva Server

  21. #111
    fox is the one that i wood go for all day and i was play on ffVII and my cloud is on 9999 hp
    and it is the best so far for me have you lot got super smash bros it is so good to play it has
    star fox and Zelda and all of the pokemon i hat to go a pokemon thay are the best on it but
    Zelda and star fox is better then pokemon 10/10 pokemon 5/10 all day lol
    Last edited by -Naruto-; 08-29-2006 at 02:03 AM.

  22. #112
    Bye-Bye, Taisai Nintendo Worshippers postalblowfish7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Naruto-
    fox is the one that i wood go for all day and i was play ing ffVII and my cloud is on 9999 hp
    and it is the best so far for me have you lot got super smash bros it is so good to play it has
    star fox and Zelda and all of the pokemon i hat to go a pokemon thay are the best on it but
    Zelda and star fox is beter then pokemon 10/10 pokemon 5/10 all day lol

    Naruto, no offense - seriously, i'm not trying to insult you - but that has got to be the most illegible, unintelligible paragraph i've ever read.

    next time you post, please, PLEASE use complete sentences with periods and commas.

    and yes, i've played a lot of super smash brothers, and it kicks some hard ass. there was a rumor for floating around for a while that super smash brothers brawl was canned as a release title - but now i hear it's back on again?? i guess no one has the real scoop at this point, i really am salivating for nintendo to start pumping out more info and promises regarding the Wii's launch...
    ~ R.I.P. Alexander Server ~
    Phinn - San d'Orian Hume - Shiva Server

  23. #113
    ok thanks for the help postalblowfish7 can you play super smash brothers on the internet if you can then
    tell me because i well play you on it. And have you got starfox 2 on it if you can then tell me
    Last edited by -Naruto-; 08-29-2006 at 02:10 AM.

  24. #114
    Registered User Nintendo Worshippers maxpower's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by postalblowfish7

    Naruto, no offense - seriously, i'm not trying to insult you - but that has got to be the most illegible, unintelligible paragraph i've ever read.

    next time you post, please, PLEASE use complete sentences with periods and commas.
    Thanks Postal! I changed the rules because I too couldn't understand a lot of what was being posted! You will now find that the rules state "This is an intelligent discussion please use full sentences and correct spelling to the best of your ability." I'm not trying to prohibit anyone from posting here I just want to be able to have a discussion (if I don't know what your saying how can we discuss it?)

    Anyhow I am hoping that some of the other old school games get remade also for the Wii. I was playing Milton's secret castle the other day and remembered how fun it was! That game is awesome. Same with Ice Climbers, Duch Hunt, Excitebike, etc. They could do great things with the Wii Nunchuck and these old games.

    Here's a question though what do you look for in a new game? Are you interested in Grafix, gameplay, fun factor, or something else? What factors are the most important in your purchase decisions?

  25. #115
    Bye-Bye, Taisai Nintendo Worshippers postalblowfish7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxpower
    Anyhow I am hoping that some of the other old school games get remade also for the Wii. I was playing Milton's secret castle the other day and remembered how fun it was! That game is awesome. Same with Ice Climbers, Duch Hunt, Excitebike, etc. They could do great things with the Wii Nunchuck and these old games.

    Here's a question though what do you look for in a new game? Are you interested in Grafix, gameplay, fun factor, or something else? What factors are the most important in your purchase decisions?
    gameplay gameplay gameplay. It's the single most important factor in any video game. But honestly, there's something else that operates on a higher level. Something... magical about certain games. Sure, the gameplay to, say, counter strike is a blast - but it lacks the magic of super mario 64 for instance. when you're charmed by a game, when you're sucked into its bizarre little universe, that's when a game elevates itself from mere entertainment and truly becomes a moving piece of playable art.

    that's why we worship nintendo - their franchises and games have always set a high watermark this 'magic'. they continue to put out imaginative products that serve their fans to the fullest, while still managing to stay fresh and exciting. i mean, mario had been around for a decade before mario 64 came out, but it captured that feeling of playing mario 3 for the first time. COMPLETE AND TOTAL MIND FUCKERY.

    oh and max, about the classic games you wanted to see on the Wii - i think you'll be happy to see this:

    ~ R.I.P. Alexander Server ~
    Phinn - San d'Orian Hume - Shiva Server

  26. #116
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maxpower
    Here's a question though what do you look for in a new game? Are you interested in Grafix, gameplay, fun factor, or something else? What factors are the most important in your purchase decisions?
    Here is what I look for in a new game:
    1. Is the gameplay fun?
    Games like Paper Mario, Smash Bros, and the Zelda games have terrific game play. Wind Waker may have had a whole bunch of open sea to spend hours of monotony in, but it also had a funfight engine. I could even pick up enemy weapons, and either smack the enemy with it, or throw it at them. Not to mention all of Link's tools.

    2. Does the game have fun or deep characters?
    I won't like a game if I don't like the main character, or the side characters. It's just not gonna work for me. If the characters are all bland, business suit wearing or black leather jacket wearing stiffs with little to no character (like in most first person shooters I've seen) count me out.

    3. How expansive the world is, or how much replay value is in the game.
    If I can explore a video game world almost indefinitely, this will make me very happy. The Elder Scrolls series totally has this one down. So does Smash Brothers (and Final Fantasy Tactics, for that matter.)

    At the same time...

    4. A lot of monotony kills a game.
    If I have to spend too long leveling up, I don't want to play the game. Unless the battles are fun, like in Final Fantasy Tactics.

    Of course, I don't ever really know most these things until I've played the game. Generally, then, I just try to make a judgement of #2, based on how the characters look. Heh. Doesn't always turn out well...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  27. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by Postal
    and yes, i've played a lot of super smash brothers, and it kicks some hard ass. there was a rumor for floating around for a while that super smash brothers brawl was canned as a release title - but now i hear it's back on again?? i guess no one has the real scoop at this point, i really am salivating for nintendo to start pumping out more info and promises regarding the Wii's launch...
    Yeah wuts up with that? I just checked when Super Smash is coming out for the wii and it said its release date was 2007. Before i saw that i thought i heard that it was going to be out around the time that the wii comes out. I cant wait till 2007.

    Quote Originally Posted by Max
    Here's a question though what do you look for in a new game? Are you interested in Grafix, gameplay, fun factor, or something else? What factors are the most important in your purchase decisions?
    First of all it what i look for in a game depends on the type of game. In an RPG i dont really look for good graphics as much as i do with a FPS. Mainly what im looking for in a game is the gameplay. Then i look for good graphics, music/sound, and value.
    Omnislash = 15 hits, 15 X 9999 = 149985

    Lion Heart Including Renzokuken = 27 hits, 27 X 9999 = 269973

    Lion Heart WITHOUT Renzokuken = 17 hits, 17 X 9999 = 169983
    Lionheart is better then Omni-Slash. PERIOD.

  28. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by maxpower
    Here's a question though what do you look for in a new game? Are you interested in Grafix, gameplay, fun factor, or something else? What factors are the most important in your purchase decisions?
    Graphics don't influence whether I buy a game or not, they're more the icing on the cake.
    Gameplay matters more to me, as most games I buy need a good sense of gameplay, adventures and such.
    Fun depends on the game itself, although I'd never play a game, even if it was rated the best in the world or something, if I didn't enjoy it.

  29. #119
    Registered User Nintendo Worshippers maxpower's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by postalblowfish7

    oh and max, about the classic games you wanted to see on the Wii - i think you'll be happy to see this:

    Yes! DUCK HUNT. It's like I have died and gone to heaven. The only thing I miss is that darn dog that laughs at you. I hated him as a kid but he added that little something. I am also excited because the game play looks so fluid, it looked as if the players could really move around to shoot at what they wanted to hit.

    Anyone that wouldn't buy the Wii now is a dummy in my book. Go Duckhunt!

  30. #120
    Whoa! Whoa! Stop everything! Nobody moves, nobody dies!

    ...they're remaking Duck Hunt? That's frickin' awsome!!!!! Any lingering Wii reservations have been cast out the window! All Hail Duck Hunt!! I still play it on my NES from time to time. Just think of it...maybe they'll finally let you shoot that stupid dog...

    I'm tellin' ya, Nintendo has thought this all out and when Christmas time comes along the Wii is gonna kick some serious PS3 and 360 ass.

    You know what I heard? PS3 games may sell for as high as eighty bucks. It was in an interview with Kaz Hirai. Sony's blown it.
    "You taught me language, and my profit on't is I know how to curse." - The Tempest

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