View Poll Results: Who will you support this fall?

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  • John McCain

    9 40.91%
  • Barack Obama

    12 54.55%
  • Ralf Nader

    1 4.55%
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Thread: McCain v Obama: 2008

  1. #1

    McCain v Obama: 2008

    The older 2008 Election thread appears to have ended a month ago. I'm also surprised nobody cared to comment on the DNCs splitting of FL and MI. Someone made American history last night and I couldn't find a thread about it in the G.Discussion or here; so I figured to startup a chat for our 2 party finalists (and Ralf Nader).

    I'd like to hear what you think of the two nominees, Sen. John McCain and Sen. Barack Obama, and who you supported in your state's primary. Instead of simply posting who you like or who you don't like; could you also add what has brought you to your current political status (Left, Right, or Independent), and do you think these two candidates represent what voters truly want?

    I may as well begin:

    I voted for McCain in New York's Primary because I'm registered [R] and I supported him back in 2000 as well. I side with his positions on immigration, abortion, gay marriage, and health care; but I disagree with his position on education and free trade. I feel Barack Obama offers what nearly 18M voters want or close to what they want (as well as Clinton). I happen to disagree with tax & spend liberals, how they raise status by lowering standards, and their overall left-wing ideologies. I didn't choose to affiliate with [R]; rather it's were I fell into. John McCain represents most of why I live in America, thus he is the candidate I'll support in 2008.


  2. #2
    Sir Prize McCain v Obama: 2008 Sinister's Avatar
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    I disagree with Obama's view of education so far as the board of education goes. McCain has better views on Gun Control, Abortion(imho) and Education. Obama has better views on Foreign policy, Gay rights, Taxes and economical issues. I must admit that I like Obama and voted for him in the Democratic Primaries.

    In the end, I really am somewhat split on the issue. Though, I've yet to take a definite stance for either candidate, I am very anxious to hear the outcome of the election.

    A sure way for me to end up voting for McCain is for Obama to choose Senator Clinton as a running mate. My distrust of her for various reasons, runs rather deep.

    Last edited by Sinister; 06-04-2008 at 02:48 PM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

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  3. #3
    SHUT-UP!, SHUT-UP!, SHUT-UP! McCain v Obama: 2008 ~FANTASY-ENDER~'s Avatar
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    I really don't like either canadate (McCain or Obama), no matter who wins this 2008 election I don't think either one will do anything to fix this country that Bush messed up.
    It seems neither canadate knows whats he's doing. Honestly I don't think I'll even bother voting this year, costs enough on gas to drive to the voting booth. And last I'm sick and tired hearing the word "change" from all these canadates, if your going to change something do it don't talk about it.
    I give everyone permission to call me Endy, and by the way I got that nickname from FATE, sounds cool

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  4. #4
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Even though he doesn't have a lot of experience, I think many people will end up votion for Obama because they want change, which imo has a better chance of happening if the Democratic representative gets into the White House. Plus, Obama is young, doesn't carry baggage with him, and really doesn't owe anyone to anything, as of yet.

    To recap!

    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  5. #5
    Obama is the first major candidate I have ardently supported. I have volunteered for voting drives and have seen him live.

    He is our Kennedy. He has an ability to inspire the world and inspire our citizens. We need a 21st Century President for 21st Century problems.

    If he was white, I would predict a landslide. But, being black, I suspect it is a close win for him in the end.

  6. #6
    Bass Player Extraordinaire McCain v Obama: 2008 Joe's Avatar
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    I'm actually going to vote for none of the above. Not to say that I'm not going to vote, because I am. I'm just going to write-in the candidate who I believe has the right ideas: Ron Paul.

    Yes, I'm one of those crazy Ron Paul fans, and I think he's the only one capable of bringing about the change that we need. He's got a plan to fix the economy that solves the weakness of the dollar as well, he's got good foreign policy views, and he advocates for the civil liberties granted to us by the Constitution, rather than the restricted liberties granted us now, under the patriot act.

    EDIT: By the way Ralph Nader is spelled wrong in the poll
    Last edited by Joe; 06-04-2008 at 08:24 PM. Reason: Corrections
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  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by ~FANTASY X~ View Post
    I really don't like either canadate (McCain or Obama), no matter who wins this 2008 election I don't think either one will do anything to fix this country that Bush messed up.
    It seems neither canadate knows whats he's doing. Honestly I don't think I'll even bother voting this year, costs enough on gas to drive to the voting booth. And last I'm sick and tired hearing the word "change" from all these canadates, if your going to change something do it don't talk about it.
    Well... this IS America; so you can be as lazy and clueless as you want pal.

    El Wary raises a great point about Sen. Obama being the first electable black candidate in Americans history; that's as important as Sen. Clinton being the first electable female in American history. Topics like these affect voter's opinions; some people will support those candidates simply because he is black or because she is female. That of course is stating the obvious; but what does that mean in the bigger picture of civil rights? Do you feel voters valued a person's race more than a person's gender? It's these details that add up to millions of votes (eg: Texas & Ohio primaries).

    And joe reminds us that Ron Paul is still on the Republican ballot; and I must admit, if that man stood a real chance for the office, I would cast a vote for him. I can agree with his economic ideal and his stance on foreign policy. He was truly the Ross Perot of 2008; but the running for the big-white-office takes either name recognition (Clinton) or some kind of cultural phenomen (Obama).

  8. #8
    Rocky said..."Obama is young, doesn't carry baggage with him, and really doesn't owe anyone to anything, as of yet."
    How can you even make a statement like that?? With all the publicity that he has had to own up to? View the following video and see who is running for President. And yes, some is taken out of content....but he goes as far as to call his Grandmother 'one of those people', meaning a white woman that feared blacks. I would hope that we've all come farther than that by now, but honestly, I don't trust either candidate. - A Video Portrait Of Barack Hussein Obama

  9. #9
    If I was an American, I'd vote Obama simply because he is the only one capable of raising the international opinion of America, and that is all I am interested in. I, along with The Rest of the World Apart From You, do not want another ****ing gun slinging idiot in charge of the biggest guns in the world. We want you to show us that, contrary to recent evidence and popular opinion, you're not all idiots politically; that you can elect a consummate diplomat and statesmen who will erase that tinge of fear Europe feels whenever we hear or read the words 'American' and 'military' in the same sentence.

    My boyfriend, however, is half American and registered to vote in FL. His family's overseas votes were all discounted for various illegal reasons by Bush the past two times, so this time they are all crossed every T, dotting every I, and voting for Obama as a unit. Overseas votes are going to be a windfall for that man. May he win and win well.

    Problem is though, and I've said this from the start: not only will Obama be the first black President, he will be the first black President to be assassinated. Somebody already compared him to JFK. Sad. I'm waiting for you lot to prove me, and a lot of others who hold that opinion, gloriously wrong.

  10. #10
    Synthesized Ascension McCain v Obama: 2008 Zardoch's Avatar
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    Honestly, Obama is just a mistrusting as Clinton is and I'd never vote for him. Despite America's popular opinions about things like war and illegals, I wouldn't be surprised if he flip-flopped on everything he believed in the minute he gets into office. For one, pulling the troops out now would not only kill quite a bit of Americans over there, but it'd also raise the flag for anyone who is anyone to take a piece out of the disgruntled country of Iraq and kill thousands of more Iraqis because everyone is scared shitless of going any further to help these people. This means that if we did such a thing, it'd only make America look worse and even America would flip-flop on its own bullshit opinion, forcing whoever anti-war candidate is in office to go back to Iraq.

    Second, if a democrat gets into office, we're almost NEVER going to see prices go down on gas. They've been stalling the push for drilling more oil when we ABSOLUTELY NEED IT and continuing to bend over for foreign nations such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela. That and it's "politically correct" to go along with global warming and environmental ****tards because it is has become the "popular" opinion. I'm sorry, but if we continue to shoot ourselves in the foot over the environment then our prices for nearly every ****ing thing is going to go up to insane levels and our country AND the value of the dollar is going to practically die. America needs to wake up and understand that our pathetic dependency on foreign oil will hurt us the longer we are swayed by political correctness and fear. Are you prepared to pay 6-10$ a GALLON because of furry little animals and not only that, but pay probably triple what we're paying for food in particularly?

    Third, despite McCain's similar beliefs as Bush, he does seem to hold some liberal beliefs and might actually f-ing get us on new energies to help stop our dependence on foreign oil. That's one of the most important issues about all of this that need to be addressed as soon as possible.

    Anyway, Obama, at least to me, is a frichen bunny rabbit in a wolves' suit. He's been scared of just about any bad thing thrown his away and has either denied what happened or went along with the popular belief rather than stating what is on his own mind. He's already flip-flopped on something because of the realization of how bad one of his ideas were so it wouldn't surprise me if he became a frichen republican after getting the office.

    All in all, he's still not trustworthy enough to run this country and becoming "the first black president" has as much worth as a piece of used toiler paper. I wouldn't care if he was the first transgendered Chinese president. If he was actually trusting and had the common sense to help America, I'd vote for him/her. Obama and Clinton don't. McCain has a few issues I do or do not like, but he's better than the popular alternative.
    Last edited by Zardoch; 06-12-2008 at 06:44 AM.

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