The Masters...a clan steeped in history that goes beyond this realm. A group so old that it has ceased to be a mere group...and has become a society. A community unto itself devoted to one another and to ultimate power. Only the truly deserving shall be granted entry...only those who grasp The Masters ideology shall make sufficent sacrifice to attain their power. The Masters burn on, a rolling wave of pure destruction.
Greetings all, preperations are over and the day, at last, is at hand. some of you were expecting this for some time now...others of you are clueless. Allow me to explain. The Masters have been going for over a decade now in one form or another. It has been clan, tribe, club, and underground movement in one form or another. Again we are a club, but I assure you we are far more than just that as time will surely tell.
But lets cut to the chase, in this incartnation, what are The Masters about? What are The Masters goal? Who would want to join the Masters?
Club Purpose: The Masters is a club for warriors, mercinaries by most standards, that seek the pinnicle of perfection in RP and RPB unbound by alignment and fully dedicated to this end. Not for newbies or even the 'average' fighter, but a club for those who's interest lies in destruction and have experience in bringing this to their opponents in battle.
How Does One Join?
Requests will be answered here, but if you are not already a member of The Masters (and believe me, we will know if you are) you will have to meet certain criteria.
1.) If you are a past champion of a TFF sponsored tournament you are welcome to apply.
2.) Failing this, you may battle a Masters member in a Masters organized fight to determine if you are elidgable for entry. It will be a requirement as of May 7 2006 that all applicants supply a sample of an 'rp' post in their INITIAL request to join The Masters.
3.) On certain, rare, occasions offer of membership will be presented to those who have demonstrated remarkable skill in battle outside of an official setting.
What types of activities does this club have planned?
The main occupation of time will be attempts to move within the ranking system. Masters sponsored battles that can be made on request as well as Bi-monthly Masters RPB Tournaments and Masters Only Story RP's. (More on ranking later)
Those Masters who wish may also enter our Military Division and be hired out to other groups as mercinaries for inter club battles or as opponents for story RP. (Note we will not be taking part in inter-club battle. This club has no alignment and thus can be comprised of any other clubs members)
We will also be entering members under the banner of The Masters in TFF offical tournaments.
We will also discuss the finer points of battle and help our members to refine their fighting styles with varied competition.
'Circle of Nine' - A Council of eight of the most highly regarded Masters and the club leader titled 'Grand Master'. This is the main governing body of The Masters from times long past. Each member of the Circle has a specific job in the group that corrisponds to their title, or 'Pillar'. However, such knowledge is only imparted when one becomes a member of the Circle of Nine.
'Necrophim' - Highest rankning Masters who may have formerly been part of the ruling body or who have truly proven themselves beyond all shadow of doubt in battle.
'Master' - Those who are fully recognized as Masters and held in high regard.
A Detailing of those who hold what rank shall follow in due course.
1.) Obey all TFF rules
2.) Respect and adhere to the laws as set down by the Circle of Nine
3.) Do not bring disgrace to The Masters
4.) Do not disrespect a fellow Master, unless they are branded as a heretic by the Circle of Nine.
5.) Do not make an issue of a fellow Masters or your own race, religion, gender, sex, or other distinguishing feature in this thread nor in battle. We do not care what you are nor do we care to hear it. Keep it to yourself.
6.) Do not post in this thread unless you intend to join, are a member, or you are a guest. This rule will be strictly enforced.
7.) All rules made by the supreme Grand Master are final and cannot be altered, even by a later Grand Master. Subject to change only by the will of the Circle as a whole.
Unlisted Rules:
See private forum.
The Masters Military Division
The Masters Military Division (MMD) is a force of Warriors joined in one group, a ‘Task Force’ of The Masters, if you will. Though they also act as mercenaries, lending their skill out to the highest bidder or whomever it would prove more usefull on the long run to assist.
Ranking: The Ranking in the MMD is set in a hierarchy fashion. Their rank is decided upon by sevreal factors.
1st Factor:
A series of questions will be asked to each individual
2nd Factor:
Individual will be tested in combat against a ranked MMD Officer
3rd Factor:
Individual will be tested by Arbitor him self
Arbitor: (Leader) Godean
Job: Serves directly under the Grand Master. The Arbitor plays many roles, including (Though not limited to); Stratagizing, Training, Emmisarry to other Clans, Recruting, ect. In times of War, the Arbitor serves as the Grand Masters Body guard, in suit, the rest of the MMD stands at the ready to defend the Grand Master at any point in time.
Riu-Jin: (SiC/Right Hand Man) Shane
Job: The Riu-Jin is the Second in Command to the Arbitor. Their job is to help in Recruiting, can be an emmisary to other clans, may answer to the Grand Master him self. The Riu-Jin is often head of collecting Intel. In times of War (sometimes even peace) may be the Body Guard of the Arbitor or Grand Master.
Attributes: The Riu-Jin has to be collected, calm on the outside, though on the inside, a fire must rage. They have to be political at times, and at others, act as an assassin for the MMD and Masters alike.
Liu-Jin: (SiC/Left Hand Man) Swifty
Job: The Liu-Jin is the other SiC off the Arbitor. It is their job to train new members, act on intel gathered by the Riu-Jin, help train and keep lower ranks in order and peak fighting position. Liu-Jin often acts as Guidance for the Arbitor. Works togeather with the Riu-Jin on many occasions.
Genocide Ordinates: 4 People Max
The Genocide Ordinates are in all means, the Tanks of the Masters Military Divison. They are 4 of the strongest fighters under the Arbitor and the Jins. They may often be called upon to help train new members. Each Genocide Ordinate has 2 Elemental Swords Men under them.
Elemental Swordsmen: 8 People Max
The Elemental Swordsmen are the Battalion of the MMD. They along with the Genocide Ordinates are the main fighting force of the MMD and represent The Masters on the Battle Field. They train amoungst them selves as well as the Genocide Ordinates.
Accepted: (No Number)
The Accepted are members who we accept into the MMD though currently hold no rank. They can eventually move up in rank. They train along with the Elemental Swordsmen.
Current Members and rank:
1.) Anomaly - Grand Master - Pillar of Balance
2.) Makoto-Tribal - Pillar of Energy
3.) Decay - Pillar of Life
4.) Lucid - Pillar of Mind
5.) Godean - Pillar of Conflict ~ Arbitor
6.) Nekoness - Pillar of Nature
7.) Griffith - Pillar of Dimension
8.) Paradoxical Prophet - Pillar of Time
6.) Shane - Riu-Jin - Necrophim
9.) Swifty - Liu-Jin - Necrophim
10.) Dark One - Master
11.) Dante Fatima - Master
12.) Prodigal Madness - ?
Club History -
To Be Edited in.
* As of 06/06/07 The Masters agreed to abandon the form of the 'Godhand' in favor for the old system of government known as the Circle of Nine, here to for refered to as the 'Pillars' or the 'Circle'. Changes have been made to refelct this. Further changes may be made within the group to reflect the will of the Nine.