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Thread: Marijuana?

  1. #1


    So, I was at school the other day and a kid gets popped for having one gram of marijuana by the cop that patrols our school.

    Personally, I smoke near-copious amounts of marijuana and was pretty choaked to hear about this.

    So what do people think? Is it really the devils herb it's been painted to be for so long? Or have (mainly American) governments been ignoring established fact that marijuana is a useful herb in treating various illnesses (glaucoma, cancer, ect).

    Whatchy'all think? Plus, let us know the legality of cannabis in your respective countries.
    [Today 2:38 AM] Lord Kaos: Police report on their IPs?
    [Today 2:39 AM] Kit Fisto: im going to kill him now.
    [Today 2:39 AM] Koloth: I tried to check IPs... but the asshole is probably using proxies
    [Today 2:39 AM] Kit Fisto: brb im off to kill them both.
    [Today 2:39 AM] Lady Aerith: and I don't have the power to IP ban either...

  2. #2
    I find myself falling in love with marijuana more and more each day. I smoke a lot of the herb. I personally think it's bulls*it that it's illegal.

    If you're walking around with a gram in your pocket, so what? Arg. So many things I could write on this subject, but I'll leave it at this.


  3. #3
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Grief I used to smoke with the best of them myself...
    And we were a better crowd than many others.
    It's illegal in Australia, but accepted so much in some places *cough Nimbin *cough*, that in those places not only will you not get busted for it too much, but you even see some people in authority lighting some up...

    And there's the Mardi Grass, a play on words of Mardi Gras.
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  4. #4
    Marijuana? Jin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank_White View Post
    So, I was at school the other day and a kid gets popped for having one gram of marijuana by the cop that patrols our school.

    Personally, I smoke near-copious amounts of marijuana and was pretty choaked to hear about this.

    So what do people think? Is it really the devils herb it's been painted to be for so long? Or have (mainly American) governments been ignoring established fact that marijuana is a useful herb in treating various illnesses (glaucoma, cancer, ect).

    Whatchy'all think? Plus, let us know the legality of cannabis in your respective countries.
    I don't understand your supporting evidence. Maybe I'm being a tad presumptuous here, but you seem to be implying that you spoke marijuana for recreational reasons and yet you use marajuana's medical uses as a reason that your use of marijuana should be legal. It's fine that you believe your use of marijuana should be legalized, but stating its medical characteristics doesn't do anything to help your cause unless you're using it for medical reasons.

    Anyways, I really dislike weed. I don't like the feeling of being drunk, nonetheless high. Also, I have a bit of a prejudgment that I can't shake when it comes to pot. I imagine all the kids I've seen smoking it in their little packs and it sends shivers down my spine. Nonetheless, I support legalizing it. I don't really think I nor the government has the right to act on our societal dislikes unless a legitimate threat to others comes up and in my opinion, weed doesn't cut it for that.

    In Canada, I don't remember the exact law, but I believe carrying under so many grams is legal, although I don't remember if it has to be for medical purposes or not.

    Until now!

  5. #5
    Permanently banned Marijuana? darkViVi's Avatar
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    In Norway there is a zero tolerance for everything that looks like drugs, so by all means Cannabis is illegal. I will in fact not get my drivers license if I'm caught with even a gram of pot/hash.

    I smoke from time to time but I used to smoke a lot more when I lived in the northern parts of this country. It's not really "the devils herb" as you put it, it depends a lot more on the person smoking it. I know a lot of junkies that started out with smoking weed saying "it's just weed, no harm in smoking that" suddenly they where shooting heroine into their veins. On the other hand I also know many nice people who has homes, cars, family etc and some of them even smoke every day too. So my conclusion to whether or not it's "the devils herb" depends entirely on the person using it, same with alcohol, some are homeless drunks, some are drunks with flats and some just drink.
    Last edited by darkViVi; 12-17-2007 at 12:21 AM.

  6. #6
    Marijuana? pulse's Avatar
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    I can see both positives and negatives for legalizing marijuana. But regardless of any negatives to smoking it or legalizing it, I do think it's blatantly idiotic for it to be illegal and for alcohol not to be when alcohol is fairly obviously a much bigger danger to people's health and our society... imo that is.
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  7. #7
    Synthesized Ascension Marijuana? Zardoch's Avatar
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    I think marijuana is demonized by a lot of uneducated and inexperienced people. I mean there's always some crusader talking about how they smoked pot as a teen, but honestly a good portion OF pot smokers really don't know all that much about marijuana. They just talk about how much it apparently ruined there lives and all.

    Truth is as pulse just mentioned, it actually is a lot less dangerous than alcohol. Then why is it illegal? There are many theories being thrown around, but the most obvious fact about the illegalization is in the 30's and 40's. Many companies made movies or commercials about how evil and bad for you marijuana is basically labeling it as DV said, "the devil herb". With that, people began believing what they said as truth and eventually you have today where a lot of people just take it for granted and assume what these "experts" say about it.

    A ironic history lessons tells us it was actually a VERY wide spread herbs that was used during colonial times for MANY things. Other than smoking, people back then actually use to make stuff out of the stem of the marijuana plant, what we call hemp. They made shit from paper to plastics and even fuels. The uses of hemp were practically infinite and there was nothing harmful about it. That's where one theory about how marijuana became illegal comes in.

    During those 20's-40's of the 20th century, marijuana and hemp were grossing HUGE numbers and bringing in so much money that it was going to be the next billion dollar industry and would be today. What some people believe was that tobacco companies didn't want the competition of marijuana to interfere with how much money they'd make so these tobacco companies began creating those movies and ads to try and falsely warn people about how bad marijuana was for them. It's still a theory, but it's actually quite believable since the tobacco company today is untrustworthy as hell and have often claimed that cigarettes aren't bad for you when they clearly are. So now they're the billion dollar business with no competition whatsoever. If you create a what if situation about marijuana and if it never been illegalized then you might see a vast country still using hemp for the environment while also seeing many smokers all over the U.S..

    Now, if people were, as I said, more informed about the truths of marijuana things would also be different everyday. Like if you watch those anti-marijuana commercials about some kids just laying around letting their life past by "because they smoked pot". If you had a clue, that's obviously not what happens. Sure, some weird stuff happens when a group of people smoke pot together, but from my own experiences me and my friends actually go out and do things like everyday people during those situations.

    There's also what me and my friend like to call "stupid stoners" and "smart stoners". What's the difference? Stupid stoners use marijuana the same way an alcoholic uses beer. They want to numb some pain, forget what they're doing, all for a short amount of time. They also rely on it way too much and have various mental issues that weren't caused by marijuana by the way.

    Then you have the smart stoners who actually make up a pretty decent sized group of pot smokers in the world. MIT guys, technicians, business men and women. There are MANY types of people who smoke this and the stereotype of some hippie looking retard is greatly exaggerated. But these guys don't just do it to "get away". It's a pleasure much like smoking cigarettes, marijuana just doesn't harm you as badly as chemicals in tobacco products do.

    Fact: You cannot overdose on marijuana. It's a detail some people overlook. Here's a quote from a site you can find on google.

    The Drug Awareness Warning Network Annual Report, published by the US federal government contains a statistical compilation of all drug deaths which occur in the United States. According to this report, there has never been a death recorded from the use of marijuana by natural causes. Unlike opiates, barbiturates or amphetamines, there seems to be little risk from the use of large amounts of marijuana. When a person smokes too much they feel very tired and lie down. When people swallow large amounts of hashish, occasionally they get sick to their stomach.
    Fact: You can't be addicted to marijuana. How? Unlike other drugs and cigarettes, there are no various chemicals like nicotine in the marijuana plant. Of course one could argue I just said people may RELY on marijuana as a substance to get them through the day, but if you did a survey or poll about how many people have smoked pot and quit there would be thousands if not millions. Pot isn't something that you can smoke a few times and become "addicted" to at all. Hell, I haven't smoked any in a long time and I have no craving to smoke either.

    Anyway, I'm not advocating people to begin smoking marijuana. Marijuana is something some people will like and others won't like, it's that simple, but the negative effects that have been told about the uses of marijuana are 99% of the time false. My point is what I've already said which is to help educate people on marijuana itself. A smart stoner is someone who understands marijuana, has tried it enough times to know the real effects, and doesn't just use marijuana as a source to numb mental pain. If there were more of these kinds of stoners today you wouldn't have so many stereotypes about it.

    If you'd like a link to a site that explains what I've said in more detail, check out this place.

    Marijuana isn't lethal or harmful and should be legalized, but in that case would be best to be regulated as well because kids don't need it. Probably some above 21 law or something like that.
    Last edited by Zardoch; 12-17-2007 at 02:08 AM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Jintatsu View Post
    I don't understand your supporting evidence. Maybe I'm being a tad presumptuous here, but you seem to be implying that you spoke marijuana for recreational reasons and yet you use marajuana's medical uses as a reason that your use of marijuana should be legal. It's fine that you believe your use of marijuana should be legalized, but stating its medical characteristics doesn't do anything to help your cause unless you're using it for medical reasons.
    I do smoke marijuana for recreational purposes.

    yet you use marajuana's medical uses as a reason that your use of marijuana should be legal.
    Nowhere did I say "Hey, marijuana is great for treating various maladies, let's legalize it so I can get baked every day of the week!"

    You see, me liking this herb and it being legalized are two very different things. Perhaps I should have been more clear in my opening post.

    Moving on, as pulse said, it is indeed idiotic to make marijuana illegal when alcohol, for example, is legal.

    How many people have you heard of get really stoned, then go home and beat their family? It's been... never since I've flipped open the daily news and seen a memorial for some poor freshman who smoked weed until he died/had to have his stomach pumped.

    According to a study conducted by Blackwell Science Ltd, In the early 1980s, the aggregate number of direct and indirect alcohol-related life losses (In Russia) was more than 500 000 per annum, or 32% of total deaths. Half of the alcohol-related human losses in Russia over the period studied were due to accidents, poisoning and violence.

    Yet, I can't find any studies telling me that a significant percentage of any population had died with marijuana as either a direct or indirect cause.

    Hope for the future I guess.
    [Today 2:38 AM] Lord Kaos: Police report on their IPs?
    [Today 2:39 AM] Kit Fisto: im going to kill him now.
    [Today 2:39 AM] Koloth: I tried to check IPs... but the asshole is probably using proxies
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    [Today 2:39 AM] Lady Aerith: and I don't have the power to IP ban either...

  9. #9
    Marijuana? Jin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank White
    Nowhere did I say "Hey, marijuana is great for treating various maladies, let's legalize it so I can get baked every day of the week!"
    No, but you implied it and I'll be honest, most of the people I come into contact with that want to legalize it don't have medical uses in mind. My appologies for the confusion.

    You see, me liking this herb and it being legalized are two very different things
    Indeed. Just like recreational use for marijuana will not necessarily be legalized when medicinal use is. Many grey areas are present.

    Until now!

  10. #10
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n Marijuana? FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Well spoken, anyway, I do support legalization of marijuana, and I do smoke it from time to time for recreational purposes. I would be happy if it were legalized medically alone if it that or not legalized at all.

    There seems to be a bad taboo for some people when it comes to smoking marijuana. The government is arresting people for having this drug and filling up their jails with these people when there are far worse criminals on the streets. They should be dealing with them. In my opinion, drinking is worse than smoking, and it is legal, therefore, marijuana should be legal.
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  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Final Fantasy Fan Cid
    There seems to be a bad taboo for some people when it comes to smoking marijuana. The government is arresting people for having this drug and filling up their jails with these people when there are far worse criminals on the streets. They should be dealing with them. In my opinion, drinking is worse than smoking, and it is legal, therefore, marijuana should be legal.
    Any type of drug that isn't directly and strictly used for medical purposes seem to be illegal. Alcohol was once banned in America, but there were protests and people freaking out all over (Amendments 18 and 21), so they lat it be legalized again.

    I just know that marijuana has the same effects as cigarettes on you lungs and that it kills your brain growth. I think they categorize it as a drug because it is possible to die from it. Everyone has different reactions to everything, so some people might just die from smoking one joint of marijuana (dramatic, I know).

    There aren't masses of people being killed or dying from a marijuana cause because it is illegal. Most folks that get high just lay around and do it where no one will see them and they don't have to move. Drinkers drink in bars or public places where it's out in the open. After they get drunk and tipsy, they have to go home or someplace else. That's where the harm comes in.

    Maybe the logic shouldn't be that since drinking is legal, so should smoking. Maybe it should be more like since smoking is illegal and drinking is more dangerous that smoking, drinking should also be illegal (oops...back to the amendments).

    There is some junk for you to read.

  12. #12
    I think they categorize it as a drug because it is possible to die from it.
    A ‘drug’ is categorized as anything that effects the way the mind or body works. That is the most simplistic, dumbed down definition I can find, and lets all take a moment to thanks D.A.R.E. for it. Under your ridiculous definition sharks, drinking anything with ice in it, walking across the street, driving while too tired, or being near anything sharp would be considered a drug because you might die from it. Don’t be absurd.

    Everyone has different reactions to everything, so some people might just die from smoking one joint of marijuana (dramatic, I know).
    It is dramatic to the point of being ridiculous. In the history of mankind there has never been a documented case of someone dying of smoking too much marijuana. There are anecdotal stories about people smoking and then walking into traffic (or off a bridge or whatever) but the pot isn’t what killed them. Marijuana, even in its strongest form, does not have the power to kill a healthy person. (Even people with severe respiratory diseases have an infinitesimally small chance of dying from one joint.)

    There aren't masses of people being killed or dying from a marijuana cause because it is illegal.
    Ignorance truly must be bliss. There aren’t masses of people being killed or dying from marijuana because it isn’t lethal. In spite of it being illegal plenty of people worldwide smoke pot. A lot of them smoke pot habitually. Still, there isn’t a single documented case of a lethal amount of marijuana use. Not even one.

    Maybe the logic shouldn't be that since drinking is legal, so should smoking. Maybe it should be more like since smoking is illegal and drinking is more dangerous that smoking, drinking should also be illegal (oops...back to the amendments).
    Spoken like a true republican; Let’s have less rights and more government infringement on my personal freedoms! Hooray! It’s the end of personal liberty! Deck the halls with mass oppression.

    Smoking, like drinking, is a personal choice. It is my body and I ought to be able to do with it as I please. So long as I am a responsible adult with a sound mind the decision should be mine and not yours or your close minded, bible thumping, southern brethren.

    If you’re going to assume that everyone who smokes is going to kill someone while high then you have to also assume that the same will be true of any mind altering substance. Should the government now tell people they can’t take anti depressants? And what governmental body will enforce this new dictatorial law?

    I’m reminded of something an English teacher once told one of my fellow students after he said African Americans shouldn’t be allowed to vote; “The next time you pass my house I’ll sure appreciate it.”

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Proxy
    Under your ridiculous definition sharks, drinking anything with ice in it, walking across the street, driving while too tired, or being near anything sharp would be considered a drug because you might die from it. Don’t be absurd.
    Too late. I'm an absurd person. It's not necessarily that general, but that's just how I think and feel about most anything. The actual definition is here:
    Sorry that my general definition upset you. I eat what D.A.R.E. says because that's what my mind can actually digest. It refuses all the good things there could be about marijuana because I'm just paranoid like that.

    It is dramatic to the point of being ridiculous. In the history of mankind there has never been a documented case of someone dying of smoking too much marijuana. There are anecdotal stories about people smoking and then walking into traffic (or off a bridge or whatever) but the pot isn’t what killed them. Marijuana, even in its strongest form, does not have the power to kill a healthy person. (Even people with severe respiratory diseases have an infinitesimally small chance of dying from one joint.)

    Ignorance truly must be bliss. There aren’t masses of people being killed or dying from marijuana because it isn’t lethal. In spite of it being illegal plenty of people worldwide smoke pot. A lot of them smoke pot habitually. Still, there isn’t a single documented case of a lethal amount of marijuana use. Not even one.
    It's not lethal, but smoking marijuana can still affect you, can't it? I'm not saying that it's exactly a bad thing, but I personally just think using anything that can potentially harm your body is stupid. I'm not going to go looking for an argument because all that I'm saying is that it's what I believe. Even is something isn't lethal, it can still be bad.

    Spoken like a true republican; Let’s have less rights and more government infringement on my personal freedoms! Hooray! It’s the end of personal liberty! Deck the halls with mass oppression.

    Smoking, like drinking, is a personal choice. It is my body and I ought to be able to do with it as I please. So long as I am a responsible adult with a sound mind the decision should be mine and not yours or your close minded, bible thumping, southern brethren.
    Yep. Go do what you want. Just because something is illegal doesn't mean you have to stop what you are doing. There just might be consequences though. Oh, and I'm a democrat that's into Buddhism for now. ^^ Sorry, I'm also not a southerner.

    But as long as anyone is a "responsible adult", they should be able to do whatever they please? Well I guess that's what got a lot of people in trouble. I understand everyone needs their freedom and independence, but there have always got to be restrictions because sometime, people take things too far.

    If you’re going to assume that everyone who smokes is going to kill someone while high then you have to also assume that the same will be true of any mind altering substance. Should the government now tell people they can’t take anti depressants? And what governmental body will enforce this new dictatorial law?

    I’m reminded of something an English teacher once told one of my fellow students after he said African Americans shouldn’t be allowed to vote; “The next time you pass my house I’ll sure appreciate it.”
    I don't automatically assume the worst, but as I said earlier, I'm a paranoid freak. Sometimes, that's a possibility. Not all mid altering substances are going to cause people to go haywire, but don't they still put you out of your normal state of mind? I'm saying dangerous things should be taken care of carefully.

    Thank you for the threat I suppose? Sorry I voiced my opinions...

    *This is actually a serious post.

  14. #14
    Synthesized Ascension Marijuana? Zardoch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl View Post
    Sorry that my general definition upset you. I eat what D.A.R.E. says because that's what my mind can actually digest. It refuses all the good things there could be about marijuana because I'm just paranoid like that.
    Paranoia is bad for you, but what D.A.R.E says when it comes to marijuana is false. They and the anti-drug association have had such inconclusive accusations against the plant for so many years you can't really trust what they say.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl View Post
    It's not lethal, but smoking marijuana can still affect you, can't it? I'm not saying that it's exactly a bad thing, but I personally just think using anything that can potentially harm your body is stupid. I'm not going to go looking for an argument because all that I'm saying is that it's what I believe. Even is something isn't lethal, it can still be bad.
    It's purpose is to affect you, but those said effects are not harmful or lethal in anyway. The problem here is the paranoia you're showing in that last sentence.

    "Even is something isn't lethal, it can still be bad."

    In a politically correct view, this is true. My keyboard could go crazy, pop out a few keys, and I could choke on them. My monitor could one day take a bolt of lightning through it and electrocute me. The problem? The chances of that are happening are very rare and the perspective that "Even is something isn't lethal, it can still be bad" needs something like marijuana to calm you down. I mean in the life we live today, ANYTHING can become lethal and ANYONE can claim how bad something is in "what if" situations. The subject on the matter is that those "what ifs" mean nothing. Facts are everything. Here, check this out.

    Apparently marijuana does not give you cancer, even in long term use. There's some facts for you. What about your brain though?

    From webmd, a large medical site that helps people understand medical information. I bet you'd find more articles like this than what D.A.R.E. tells you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl View Post
    Yep. Go do what you want. Just because something is illegal doesn't mean you have to stop what you are doing. There just might be consequences though. Oh, and I'm a democrat that's into Buddhism for now. ^^ Sorry, I'm also not a southerner.
    I bet you Buddhist has and have used marijuana as a mediator or at least a similar mind-altering drug .

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl View Post
    But as long as anyone is a "responsible adult", they should be able to do whatever they please? Well I guess that's what got a lot of people in trouble. I understand everyone needs their freedom and independence, but there have always got to be restrictions because sometime, people take things too far.
    What he means by "responsible" is that anyone who uses marijuana should be, as you've said, be more careful with it. While it really isn't as dangerous as everyone assumes, it still does affect your mind. Like my friend never drives after he smokes marijuana.

    What's wrong with some people though is they use marijuana and other things like alcohol in a mix which can be disastrous if they go out to do something so you're right that some people take it too far. But by itself, marijuana is quite alright as long as the person smoking is responsible and understands what he/she is doing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl View Post
    I don't automatically assume the worst, but as I said earlier, I'm a paranoid freak. Sometimes, that's a possibility. Not all mid altering substances are going to cause people to go haywire, but don't they still put you out of your normal state of mind? I'm saying dangerous things should be taken care of carefully.
    Why don't you smoke some marijuana to find out? I bet you 50$ that "paranoia" you have now would be gone. That's the whole point in taking "mind-altering" substances is to get out of your normal state of mind. It's simply a pleasure people like much like alcohol, the only difference is how dangerous it really isn't. Plus, those links I posted even said there are some positive effects from it, especially that cancer article. It said it fought off cancer cells.

    So yeah, marijuana is something someone should be careful of, but it's not going to harm you in anyway no matter what D.A.R.E. or any other uptight snob who thinks they know about something they've never tried [not pointing that at you]. It's been used for hundreds of years along with dozens of other plants all over the world. The only drugs you need to worry about are cocaine, heroin, meth, and more dangerous drugs that really do harm your body. Marijuana does not.

  15. #15
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Marijuana? Joe's Avatar
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    hmm, I've come to the conclusion that ALCOHOL, which is legal, is much much mroe dangerous than marijuana. I've never heard of "pot driving" accidents, except for a few instances, where I know about 30 people who have had encounters with drunk drivers. In one instance, the drunken's car ended up in her front porch!

    Alcohol basically rots the liver, there is only a little inconclusive documentation of such effects concerning mariujuana.

    Personally if you want to do it, more power to you.

    as for the legality of it. A misdemeanor possesion charge may earn jail time, and makes you inelegible for any financial aid in college. pure bull-honkey if you ask me
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    Vagabond Thief Marijuana? Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    I'm pretty much against anything that has to do woth drugs or alcohol. I've never smoked it but legalizing it for medical purposes isnt too bad.All I know is that it kills brain cells but it dosent pose as big as a threat as alcohol. People who usually do it recreational dont really do bad things,lol,dunno if that makes sense but i'm all against drugs and stuff but if it were for medical purposes I dont see a threat or problem. In fact it'd be better if they legalized it for medical purposes and made alcohol illegal. sorry for typos heh.
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  17. #17
    Lady of the Flowers Marijuana? Anthiena's Avatar
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    I want to join NORML. Marijuana as done through vaporizers is more potent and yet safer than cigarettes.

    ...but as a medical drug, Marijuana has at least four DOCUMENTED extremely useful benefits:

    -It helps those with Tourette's Syndrome. They experience fewer tics whilst on MJ.

    -It helps those on chemotherapy to be able to eat and deal with their pain where Morphine merely took the edge off.

    -It retards and can stop cancer growth. No kidding.

    -It can help HIV Patients, though more study is needed.

    (See )

    Undocumented, I knew this family in Tennessee where the oldest son got into an accident and got paralyzed from the neck down and had ten seizures a day, WITH meds. His mom was desperate and decided to get pot with him and was extremely surprised when for twenty-four hours, he was seizure free and his mum now gets him a hundred dollar bag a week to make his days bearable.

    As for the Recreational use, they ought to bring vaporizors (without water filtration and hot air guns rather than a hot plate) to specific places like the coffee shops in Amsterdam. Take the "Gateway Drug" out of the hands of entrepreneurial Drug Dealers who might lace it with say, mescaline or something worst, and into the open where it's accepted and the only drug of it's sort besides cigs and caffeine are available.
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  18. #18
    Marijuana? Secret Weapon's Avatar
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    Why Not?

    Personally, I think marijuana is a safe-haven for me. I smoke it now and then but when I do, it's not like I lose control of my actions/knowledge. I feel absolutely normal, calm, and a little bit elevated (). But I agree with Vicious. What other dangerous harmful effects then loss of short term memory and killing off brain cells does weed possess?

    It's not like after I smoke it I'm leaning back and drooling over the blunt . I just forget certain things in my mind and thoughts that I want to float out of my head. If it wasn't for MJ + FFVII, I'd prolly end up killing myself over so much mental strain anguish. Yeah I might have got in trouble in school and the law with it but I think it's worth it then being crushed mentally over things that is incompetent and stressful. You guys have your methods of retaining yourself under stress and I have mine and she treats me very well !

    In conclusion, If I want to smoke it and I'm responsible for when and where I do it at, no one cannot argue about how I regulate through life with MJ. And I have MANY issues currently and in my past time.
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  19. #19
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I agree with Secret Weapon:

    In conclusion, If I want to smoke it and I'm responsible for when and where I do it at, no one cannot argue about how I regulate through life with MJ. And I have MANY issues currently and in my past time.
    Although I don't smoke - and I'll NEVER will - he has a point. It should be up to the user whether or not they want to be taking it. The law can chuch about all these laws and rules and fines, but is that really gonna stop people from taking it? No, it ain't. Nothing can be done, so therefore you may as well make it legal.

    However I won't try it cos I find other ways to chill out and relax... I enjoy Playstation, meeting mates, drawing, writting, watching movies and learning new stuff. If people feel that MJ helps, then go ahead.

    ...but as a medical drug, Marijuana has at least four DOCUMENTED extremely useful benefits:

    -It helps those with Tourette's Syndrome. They experience fewer tics whilst on MJ.

    -It helps those on chemotherapy to be able to eat and deal with their pain where Morphine merely took the edge off.

    -It retards and can stop cancer growth. No kidding.

    -It can help HIV Patients, though more study is needed.
    It also seems to have non-recreational uses too. Maybe instead of having so many dwons and don't about the drug, don't ya think it should be studied? Just a thought lol...

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

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    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
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  20. #20
    Marijuana? Craig's Avatar
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    i don't rely see what the big deal about mj is. its a seed barring plant so it was intended to be on earth whether you think god is real or not and tobacco is a known killer. so it comes down to this if you wanna smoke it smoke it don't git to into it though cuz you could end up less smart like I did but on the flip side it could help with whatever it is you need help with.
    I can write more on pot but i can write better sober i made my choice.

  21. #21
    Marijuana? Yuki-onna's Avatar
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    Hmm...quite the discussion. I think the whole thing is hypocritical, impossibly so. This drug is bad, but this one is okay (because we make money off of it).

    Any and all drugs can be used in a "responsible" way - I mean in more of a conditioned way, because I don't think there is any kind of "responsible" way to use a drug. A drug is a drug. Some people just like to have a few drinks now and then, smoke a little now and then, do a little damage for a little fun.

    Then you have those who do it constantly to hide from their lives or problems or pain. That's the problem - when they do that and then innocent people get involved. Drunk driving. Coke induced murder.

    Drugs, are bad for you. Even pot, with some of it's advantages - still makes your brain bleed. Alcohol will deteriorate your liver. This and that will harm your body, there are countless man made drugs out there that can be lethal. Even mother nature's. But why not use them if they're not lethal when used correctly? That, I'd say, would be up to the user. There is not a thing you can do that won't eventually be bad for you. The government bans certain things, but like I said, keeps some things open that are billion dollar industries.

    You won't see them banning fast food because it's bad for you in excessive amounts, because it's such a money maker. Or gasoline because the smog and fumes are bad because it's what every freaking country is built around. There's a million things. My point is, banishment of these things is hypocritical. But should every drug then be legalized? That would be pure madness, I think, but what's stopping people from doing drugs anyway? It may be curbed, but they're still everywhere.

    I'd say, stick to your viewpoints, smoke it or not, drink it or not, do what you think is good for your body or good for your mind. It's a valid dispute, but it won't get anywhere.

    Unless someone can make some money off of it.
    I remember when you were happy with a RADISH.

  22. #22
    Marijuana? V_Translanka's Avatar
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    All things in moderation, I say...but seriously, it being illegal is stupid. I mean, you never hear about a guy who smokes a bunch of pot and goes home to beat his wife, right? And yet alcohol is still perfectly legal...Marijuana is a choice. Police & the governmental systems have FAR more serious crimes to deal with than someone wanting to get high every once in a while. It's just a waste of time it being illegal and only is because no one can make a profit off of it.

    At the very LEAST hemp should be used's absolutely ridiculous that it's not. I mean, what? Just because of bad stigma? Lame.

  23. #23
    i thinks its ****in retarded that marijuana is illegal. i used to smoke a bunch with my friends and we would just chill and play video games and laugh shi t, but i dont any more its been like 3 months since ive done it last. like alot of u have said alcohol is a much more seious thing that effects u alot more that marijuana does, but whatever the law is the law even tho it can suck balls a lot of the time.

  24. #24
    I've smoked MJ once in my life, and I don't remember much about the experience, so I'm not that familiar with the plant. What I do know is that the tobacco industry (it should be called the hazardous chemical industry because of all the shit they put in it) has power and influence over political decisions. Pot has been labeled as a "deadly substance", but I have good news for you pot smokers who do use tobacco: you're not smoking formaldehyde!! Aren't you glad? Formaldehyde is a chemical used to preserve dead things. It's also put in cigarettes. Does anyone else see the irony here?

    Pot should be legalized, but it should have restrictions, much like the restrictions on tobacco and alcohol. People are scared that if pot becomes legalized, it's going to be some wild pot smoking stoner-fest with mass suicides from accidental shotgun fire, and that simply isn't the case. Sure, there might be an occasion idiot who would do something stupid and get arrested, but it's the idiot's fault. Give the people rights, let us use our discretion. If people can get shit-faced drunk and extremely aggressive, why can't people get mellowed out and relaxed?

    I'll tell you why. Because we've been spoon-fed lies about the "devil's herb." Now people blindly support this "War on Drugs", when in fact, it's a war on drug users, it does nothing to stop the spread of drugs. It's just a way to gain support and money. As much as MJ needs to be legalized, there are massive political monsters who will fight it.

    All-in-all, I believe that pot should be legalized for both medical and recreational purposes, but, like everything else, should be used in moderation. Smart stoners will know what moderation is. Stupid stoners will probably hurt others or themselves. But there are stupid alcoholics, stupid smokers, stupid credit card users, stupid thieves, stupid murderers, and a multitude of others. My point is that these are the people who do that regardless of their pot usage.
    Life and death are strange things. When you look at your hands, do you think of the lives you give or take with them? Do you feel as if many lives rest upon your shoulders? Or do they end with your hand? Are you a saint? Are you a heathen? Of course not. Existence cannot be defined by such generalizations. We all live in a complex web of life, and affect it in our own ways. When we throw our stone into the water, how big will the ripples be?

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    PS: I'm very ADD, so I forget about things fast. Sharzademar, back again!

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  25. #25
    I invented Go-Gurt. Marijuana? Clint's Avatar
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    I've never tried marijuana, because I've never had a reason to. But from what I've read, marijuana is actually better than any pharmaceutical medication that any clinical doctor can proscribe.

    The only reason why it's classified as an illegal drug is because if it were legal, it would put somewhere around 90% of all pharmaceutical companies out of business. The only problem that I have with it, are the potheads. They smoke it regularly for no apparent reason other than to get a high. They abuse it, giving it a bad name, hence the reason why it will never be a legal drug.

  26. #26
    Hmmm.... I'm not going to dive into all the political nonsense on the use of Marijuana.
    Because 90% of you already have a pretty strong opinion, and I doubt any more arguing will sway them even the slightest bit.

    So aside from health issues, Let's say Marijuana is legal, eh?
    This would mean billions in revenue for our government, which would completely nullify the economic recession the United States is in.
    And these big tobacco companies our political parties "claim" to be fighting?
    That would effectively end the number one preventable cause of death in America.

    I'll let you do the math.

  27. #27
    OK first of all let me state that I do not hate the drug. I've smoked it plenty of times. what I really hate though are the "pot-heads" these are the people stupid enough to bring it to school and stuff, or come "baked" to work. I donno what it is, maybe they think they're cool or they think they'll have more fun or something but they just become a bother and they are the idiots who ruin its reputation for everyone else. Just like public drunkenness is annoying when you see it, I don't want people yelling about unique clips in my girlfriends hair or something on the street, even if its complementary. Seriously people is it a problem to just smoke on ur porch? in the privacy of your own home with friends? or even just before you go out to the bar?

    I do think it is stupid that beer is legal but marijuana is not. I also agree its a lot less dangerous to your mental state, and in my experience not addictive. I agree with Jin on the fact that a lot of recreational users seem to jump to the excuse of medical purposes just to justify their love for the drug. So it wouldn't matter so much to me, in a sense, if it was legalized.

    Then again, due to the recklessness of some (I may even say most) pot users I'm almost glad that it is illegal. Otherwise our high schools would just be big billowing smokestacks, wouldn't be surprised at a few elementary schools too. It really sets some boundaries that people who are "addicted" really need. I say addicted because for so many people it has become a regular way of life that isn't necessary and defend it like your insulting something as sacred as religion. Its not that hard to do it, just don't be a retard about it.
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  28. #28
    I do what you can't. Marijuana? Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Marijuana is not addictive. Just like gambling, sex, or pornograpy.



    That hit everybody yet?

    Look, I'm not going to say that all people who smoke marijuana are stupid, immature, or irresponsible. From personal experience, I've seen normal, responsible people turn into complete morons and take their lives right down the toilet, and marijuana has been a part of that. Whether it was a result or a cause may not be distinguishable, but still, everybody has anecdotal evidence that shapes their views.

    The problem I have with the crime of smoking marijuana is just that -- that it's a crime. There will always be people who enjoy the occasional cigar or cigarette, and some who smoke three packs a day through their tracheotomy hole. Or those who enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, and some who can't go a day without at least a fifth of booze in their bloodstream. The bad decisions of these people may or may not affect me, but as long as they do it legally, I have no problem with it. Go out and drink until you can't stand up, and as long as you don't try to pick a fight or get behind the wheel of a car, I got no problem. Or unroll three cartons of cigarettes and have yourself a pretty little fire in a closed room, and have yourself a ball.

    But let's be real. How can anybody say that there's nothing wrong with smoking marijuana when the act itself is illegal? Hell, I could drive eighty miles an hour most places I go. I could set up a range outside my apartment building and shoot my firearms out my windows. I could look for naked baby pictures around the internet and store them on my computer in a folder labelled "erotic" -- or if I was 17, take naked pictures of myself and sell them. I could dive, bungee jump, or fish off of every bridge I came across. And I could park in any spot in the city without regard to time limits, seasons, or parking meters. Why don't I? Because those things are illegal (and/or disgusting, but you get the point), and doing them would make me a criminal.

    One cannot attempt to pass themself off as a responsible adult when they cannot follow simple laws. This is why pot-smokers get "a bad rap", because every one, from the once-a-month bowl the the bong-before-breakfast type, shows complete disregard for authority.

    I'm not making an argument on whether or not it should be legalized or stay illegal. Hell, if/when it is made legal, I don't doubt I'll go buy a bag myself and have a good time. The point is that until it is made legal, every person who partakes in it is a criminal, and one cannot whine and complain about persecution if they refuse to follow the laws anyway.

    This is mostly a "devil's advocate" kind of thing. There wasn't much for dissenting opinion here, so I figured I'd toss in a few points.

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  29. #29
    Hmmm my bOyfriiend iis a narcO. He pretty much almOst gets caught iin a thOusand OcatiiOns but where he liives EVERYBODY iis, sO it's nOrmal. AnywhoO i knOw hiim and I knOw that he dOesn't dO that cause he wants tO just because my mOther-in-law makes hiim dO sO. haha he iis a biig bOi but still mommy has a biig influence on hiim. So anywhoO cOnsiideriing he is that I'm arOund peOple whO smoOke weed all the tiime, hiis friiends, famiily and even hiis dOg. I dOn't! Thank gOd.
    I've seen the effects it causes and Over tiime hOw yOu becOme, sadly One Of my friiends, hiis face... whOa, it has changed a lOt and he lOoks thinner and hiis persOnality.
    I hate when my bOyfriiend is stOned, it's nOt pretty and he acts funny, he has never disrespected me Or hiit me, but I hate tO see him liike that.
    I dOn't suppOrt marijuana, but I'm mOre prO Of marijuana than cigarette. I think cigars are plaiin disgustiing and cause wOrse effects On peOple...
    Marijuana is nOrmal, as lOng as yOu dOnt abuse Of iit...
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  30. #30
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I smoke the herb. I used to be high all day, but due to recent job events that doesn't happen anymore. I've been smoking daily for a few months over a year now. I smoke the good stuff as well, so I buy what is expensive. I do find it stupid if people are caught with somewhat of a G and getting in loads of trouble, but if it's illegal it's illegal; I don't like it like that but I can't really do anything about it. Most of the people I hang out with also smoke as much as me and if not more then me. All I really do to avoid being caught is not look like I have it on me, know how to keep the smell gone or sealed up, and just keep your cool constantly. If you smoke, I wanna smoke with you, and if you don't; then that's cool too.

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