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Thread: Love

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    I read that other topic on True Love...And since it was closed I couldn't reply so i made another topic. To me love is something that people have for their family and friends, and everything good in their life. It is the definition of what they desire. Like playing video games on a lazy sunday, or loving the taste of food. Or loving your mother for bringing you into the world and making your life easier and possible.

    I'm at a point in my life now (I'm 17 and about to go off to college in three months) where I want a companion in my life. Do I believe in "true love" between a man and a woman? (Or man and man or woman and woman, but niether of these apply to me.) Not exactly. I believe that most of us want one person they can trust completly, look at as an equal and who will be by their side in times of need. Another reason why people want true love is to have someone to satisify his or her sexual, physical, and egotistical needs. I truly want to believe in a different and powerful love between a man and a woman because I think it would feel better to be in that relationship than just a companionship one (as good as that is), but I don't know if this is real. Obviously, I have never fallen "in love" with another woman, and allthough I do hope to if it is possible I see it as a slim possibility. I believe that I will find a companion someday who I will "love", but not someone I will feel the intense emotions that so many people say that have for one person.

    My brain is very conflicted on this and for some reason I feel that I would be 10000000x happier if I was in love with a girl. (I guess this is obvious for most people)

    What are your thoughts?

    (Edit: It occurred to me that this topic may also be closed for it is similiar to the other one. But I am not pondering about the many different things that can be loved, I am instead wondering if that "true love" that I hear about so often is really true!)
    Last edited by Saransoah; 06-05-2008 at 01:41 AM. Reason: Tried to make it more clear.

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