The world's largest scientific research facility - Switzerland's
Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire (CERN) - recently succeeded in producing the first particles of antimatter. Antimatter is indentical tp physical matter except that it is composed of particles whose electric charges are
opposite to those found in normal matter. [whisper whisper: I think thats what I ment about unstable bomb... Still could be talking BS though...]
Antimatter is the most powerfull energy source known to man. It releases energy with 100% efficiency (nuclear fission is 1.5% efficient). Antimatter creates no pollution or radiation, and a droplet could power New York City for a full day. There is, however, one catch...
Antimatter is highly unstable [whisper whisper: My memory was RIGHT for once! Whos the genious?

]. It ignites when it comes into contact with anything... even air. A single gram of antimatter contains the energy of a 20-kiloton nuclear bomb - the size of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima [whisper whisper: I was near enough...].
Until recently antimatter has been created only in very small amounts (a few at a time). But CERN has now broken ground on its new Antiproton Decelerator - an advanced animatter production facility that promises to create antimatter in much larger quantities.
One question looms: Will this highly volatile substance save the world, or will it be used to create the most deadly weapon ever made?