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Thread: It's Official, Obama has lost!!

  1. #1
    Registered User It's Official, Obama has lost!! Locke4God's Avatar
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    It's Official, Obama has lost!!

    With the loss by Decocrat Martha Coakley tonight to newby Republican Scott Brown, it can not be interpreted by anybody aware of the facts as anything other than a referrendom by the American people that Obama's policies have failed.

    And before you insist on defending him anyway, read on and learn.

    The win by Republicans tonight for the Massachusetts Senate seat ends a 50 year hold by Democrats and by Ted Kennedy specifically. The man just died of brain cancer, and with (as liberals would claim) our best president ever in office, there should be no reason what so ever for this loss.

    Compile those 2 aspects with the fact that Obama himself beat McCain with over 60% of the vote in that state this past election, and that they state have nearly 75% of its voters as registered democrats, and there should be absolutely no reason in the world, even with a less than average candidate, that a Democrat would lose that seat in this election.

    And let's not forget how important the Obama Health Care plan is, not to Mention Cap & Trade, et. al. With a 75% Democratic voting base, surely the state of Massachusetts would realize the importance of this one Senator in securing the 60 seat majority in the Senate and thus securing all of the plan Obama has?

    But ooooooooooooooooh they did.

    They realized exactly what this senator meant. It meant that Obama could get what he wanted. His gigantic, budget breaking, state run healhcare plan that would leave you at the whim of whatever the government decided was proper medical care for you and would drive your grandchildren into so much debt they'd never recover.

    Oh it may be passed anyway, but to hell if Massachusettes was going to give it a unblocked run to the endzone, and good for them.

    This vote has said clearly that the people of this country do not want the policies of this president. He was elected as a populist. He was elected because he gave a nice presentation, was new and young, he spoke well and represented an historical moment. But nobody looked at what he really wanted.

    Well now you know.

    He's a dissaster. He never had the experience. He never had the judgement. He lives in an utopian fantasy world where he has all the right answers, but in reality, he fails. And he sticks it in your face.

    He created a $700 Billion slush fund to buy policy votes and to fund re-elections and he called it a stimulus fund. That bill hasn't done a thing for the job market, you know it, and you know he did it to buy votes, like he did with Bill Nelson. YOUR PRESIDENT IS SCREWING YOU!!! He's doing it blantantly, he's doing it with a smile, and if you still think this guy is legitimate, you really need to start paying attention.

    He treats terrorists with kid gloves, granting them maranda rights, and closing down our offshore detention center (which he still can't find a better solution for, because there isn't one). He's released terrorists outright into the field, and he's promised them civilian trials with lawyers. WTF MR PRESIDENT!!!???

    His biggest policy, healthcare has been a complete dissaster. He never offered a bill of his own, never gave leadership as to its direction. All he could say was, "it's time to get this done." That's it. That's the extent of his leadership abilities. And for all the love he was given. For all the praise as being this great man of men, he has a -8 approval rating, and just 35% acceptance of his identified #1 issue. THAT'S PATHETIC!!!

    He's never run a company. He's never run a state. He barely lasted in his state legislature before heading for national politics, and he bolted there as soon as he knew that his boyish charm could satisfy the multitudes who refused to pay any attention.

    He believes in socialism. He believes that it's fair to take money from the people who earn it, and give to anybody who chooses to do nothing. He believes in raising taxes to pay for anything he wants to do. He believes in cutting taxes on the people who support him, like the union guy at Ford who makes $40/hour to pick up trash, but not on the American worker at Microsoft who has no union and makes $10. That guy gets a tax raise. And let's not even consider that the Unions have raised legacy costs and overhead so much that they've nearly destroyed our remaining industry. Have you not noticed that China makes more cars than us now?

    The question is will Obama keep pushing this crap. He has just been slapped in the face by America and told to knock it off, and unless you either support severe left wing policies, or just simply don't know what's going on, then you will understand that if he does not shape up right now and drop these rediculous policies and plans, that he is intentionally defying the will of the American people.

    He can no longer by dumb. He can't continue to say that he was elected to do what he's doing. That Senate seat does not get lost unless he's dropping the ball, and even then only if he crushes that ball with a cleated shoe once it's hit the ground.

    He has seriously F'd it up. And I'm not joking.

    This is worst political gaff I have seen in my life, and he is without a doubt left, the worst President I have ever known or learned of.

  2. #2
    The liberals certainly pulled off an extraordinary electoral victory tonight, but I don't understand why you say many of these things unless you are paid to do so. Democrats chose to sit home or vote for Brown because Obama has been far too right-wing for their tastes, not the reverse. This is Massachusetts, after all.

    When will the poll be up?

  3. #3
    The Bad Boy of TFF It's Official, Obama has lost!! Block's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Locke4God View Post
    This is worst political gaff I have seen in my life, and he is without a doubt left, the worst President I have ever known or learned of.
    Locke, would you like to move to Vermont and get married? I couldn't agree more whole-heartedly with you opinion and views. I am hoping and praying that this election outcome steers us away from this health care reform bill by way of the filibuster so that more people can learn of the true atrocities located within it's inner sanctum.

  4. #4
    Shake it like a polaroid picture It's Official, Obama has lost!! RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Jan 2006
    Someone is obsessed with Obama...

    So because Obama made the Democrats lose an election, he's the worst president you (omg, you!) have ever seen.

    I guess Bush' re-election makes him the best president ever?
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  5. #5
    Registered User It's Official, Obama has lost!! Locke4God's Avatar
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    Hey nobody's talking about Bush. He certainly wasn't the greatest, but Obama is now a punch line.

    @ Walter - Regardless of where you stand politically, the voters here clearly said that this agenda is unacceptable. You do not loose Ted Kennedy's seat, the very year after he died. That does not happen, unless your president is so unbelievably awful that a rational person would have no other choice. This is an outrageously embarrassing loss for Obama. It's utterly embarrassing.

    Too far right wing? HUH? There is zero that is right wing about Obama. As a conservative myself, he is extremely left wing. You could get farther left sure, but if you think farther left would be better then it's not even an opinion at that point, you're crazy. And you're logic that somehow he was viewed as too far right by liberals in this election is incorrect. Those who think that are just a small percentage of the population, and the rest of the Dems would not risk losing a government healthcare takeover because they had preferred he just go completely communist. They lost this seat because he is too far left. Way to far left. How else do you explain a Scott Brown win when all he said was that he'd vote against Obamacare, vote against Cap and Trade, and vote down higher taxes.

    This is a statement that a President who stands this far left is unacceptable!
    Last edited by Locke4God; 01-20-2010 at 06:07 AM.

  6. #6
    I never said he was considered too right-wing by liberals. The liberals in this country always vote Republican, as they did yesterday. Moderates and center-left voters correctly recognize, however, that Obama has moved farther and farther to the right after campaigning as a moderate.

    Calling Obama left-wing, or even sillier, far-left, is baffling. He is the same sort of right-wing, corporatist President that the country has elected since Reagan. Celebrating a win by one corporatist Senate candidate over another is like rooting for snails to win in a race. It makes no difference in policy.

    This is a joke thread, right? Obama, the worst President ever? All he has done is appease corporate interests since he has gotten in office. He hasn't tilted at windmills the same way the last four Presidents did.

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