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Thread: He Is Black Therefore Innoscent

  1. #1
    I will finish the hunt He Is Black Therefore Innoscent Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    He Is Black Therefore Innoscent

    First off I am not outwardly racist. Yes I have a few old fashion bones in my body, but it's from seeing the black community up close. Take yesterday for example.....I was pulling up to my ghetto apartment, and I see a woman getting out of the front passenger seat carrying a infant. Not toddler, not baby, INFANT. What made matters worse is she was surrounded by her friends in the same car. They could have easily slapped some sense into her. Instead they allowed an unbuckled infant to ride Britney Spears style. This is only one of the many incidents I see every day.

    I was watching the news the other day, and there came a story about a little boy that was left alone with other children of various ages. This little boy decided to pick up a baby and throw him on the ground. The baby of course died. When the parents found the child they called the police. they did an investigation, and the boy admitted to throwing the baby.

    You would think this was an open shut case. Instead the black community decided the boy should retract his previous statement and tell everyone that he in fact DID NOT throw the baby on the floor. Allowing them to make it a racial thing. Now they are blaming the white police officers for making it seem like the boy did this.For what reason the police would do that IDK. So instead of this boy taking responsibility for killing a young baby. They are trying to guilt trip everyone into just letting it go. Letting a boy get away with killing a child just because he is black, and that somehow grants him immunity and makes everything he does not his fault.

    Not to mention they are consistently changing their story. Even though all the children saw this one boy throw the baby. The mother (that was not there) says it was the 7 yr. old. Obviously knowing fully well it is a lot harder to convict a 7yr. of doing anything wrong on the juvenile or even adult level.

    IDK, maybe I am reading too much into this, but I would like to know what everyone else thinks about it. The city I live in is very diverse, and the "minorities" topple over us in population as well as positions of power. So I see no logical reasoning for the police force to start a fire such as this without just cause.

    I will say it is a long shot for them to be trying this child as an adult. I believe some extensive research about the child's behavior needs to be done to see if this could have been an accident. however, his history of fighting does not make me trust that it was. Also, seeing as incarceration will only further decay this child. He really has no future if convicted no matter how short or long they keep him locked away. Just because he obviously has horrible parents, and a difficult frame of mind. incarceration will only further poison his mind, and total forgiveness will only leave him to believe he can get away with anything.

    "Some men just want to watch the world burn"

  2. #2
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    I feel you Cheese, I unfortunely live in a ghetto neighborhood, almost completely black, no White, Asian, or other Latino families etc. It's rap music 24/7, cars are blasting their radio stereo systems like its a frickin rock concert at 2am, and my neighbors are nosy as hell, and their ALWAYS outside! I mean come on, dont these people have jobs or something of value to do with their time? And summer around here gets worse because the kids are out of school, their totally unsupervised, and they become more violent. A few weeks ago some brats egged our house in the middle of the night, I mean its not Halloween yet is it?

    I also agree with that most in the black community will sometimes claim most crimes commited in their community is a feint, and the sometimes ever cover up crimes that most black males (this is just an example) commit, to avoid them facing jail time, which in turn will allow them to commit even more crimes, and when the police finally catch them in the act, they'll claim that the police was being rough on them.

    Now I'm not saying police aren't at fault to, because in my city, because of all the increase in police murders mostly done by black males from what I see and hear, the police (both white and black) are stepping up their patrols and aren't taking any chances, and most cops will shoot to kill if the suspect puts there lives in danger. If I was the cop I would shoot to kill as well if its to protect my life and the many others around me. But because of that the black community just blames the police for it all, when they should be thanking them. They put their lives at risk each day in my city to keep the peace and they get harassed because the black community blames them for killing someone who endangers them.

    It's kinda hypocritcial to say the least, they call the cops for help but when they do help them, most of the people bitch at them and question there judgment. Not saying the judgment of all cops is justified but hey when your staring death in the face what can ya do?

    My Father was cop so I say this from experience of what he used to go through. But yeah all this covering up crime has to stop. I'm half black so I'm partly ashamed of what the black community has turned into in the past 20 or so years.
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    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

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  3. #3
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
    I feel you Cheese, I unfortunely live in a ghetto neighborhood, almost completely black, no White, Asian, or other Latino families etc. It's rap music 24/7, cars are blasting their radio stereo systems like its a frickin rock concert at 2am, and my neighbors are nosy as hell, and their ALWAYS outside! I mean come on, dont these people have jobs or something of value to do with their time? And summer around here gets worse because the kids are out of school, their totally unsupervised, and they become more violent. A few weeks ago some brats egged our house in the middle of the night, I mean its not Halloween yet is it?

    I also agree with that most in the black community will sometimes claim most crimes commited in their community is a feint, and the sometimes ever cover up crimes that most black males (this is just an example) commit, to avoid them facing jail time, which in turn will allow them to commit even more crimes, and when the police finally catch them in the act, they'll claim that the police was being rough on them.

    Now I'm not saying police aren't at fault to, because in my city, because of all the increase in police murders mostly done by black males from what I see and hear, the police (both white and black) are stepping up their patrols and aren't taking any chances, and most cops will shoot to kill if the suspect puts there lives in danger. If I was the cop I would shoot to kill as well if its to protect my life and the many others around me. But because of that the black community just blames the police for it all, when they should be thanking them. They put their lives at risk each day in my city to keep the peace and they get harassed because the black community blames them for killing someone who endangers them.

    It's kinda hypocritcial to say the least, they call the cops for help but when they do help them, most of the people bitch at them and question there judgment. Not saying the judgment of all cops is justified but hey when your staring death in the face what can ya do?

    My Father was cop so I say this from experience of what he used to go through. But yeah all this covering up crime has to stop. I'm half black so I'm partly ashamed of what the black community has turned into in the past 20 or so years.
    Argh... the rap music. Don't even get me started on that. Who would have thought that songs with the words ******, mother****er, c*ck, d*ck, b*tch would last so long? -__________-

    I'm not a racist person either, but I understand what you both mean. Heck, my step-dad is black, and he is the most racist person I know towards their own skin colour. Kind of funny really on that front.

    You do notice on the news and in the paper that most crime is reported in the black community. Usually gang violence, with someone who has been shot or stabbed or something. The second the police find whoever done it, and the person turns out to be black, the whole black community gangs up against the police saying what a bunch of racist ****ers the police are.

    Also, these "ghetto" areas aren't usually the ghetto. These kids make it the ghetto by going around saying how much their lives suck, and how much they are going to make themselves look like they live in a horrible place to get some kind of attension. Don't get me wrong, white kids do it too, but it is rare you find that a white kid has killed another white kid.

    My step-dad says it is down to the kids not being supervised, and when they are, all they get is complete rudness from their parents. I saw a woman take her shoe off and beat her child (who was about 3 years old) in the middle of the street because he was walking too slow. He'll turn out to be one of those kids who'll go around bragging about "life in the ghetto". If his parents had shown him the love he damn right deserves, he wouldn't be on the street causing shit to happen, and would probably be at home watching... Family Fortunes. Or Eastenders. But that doesn't matter.

    Btw, my step-dad just took a look at what I've typed and totally agrees with me. Can't be that racist. It shouldn't be - it's fact.

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  4. #4
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    I'm not very well informed, but I'll try to add something. I don't mean to say anyone is being particularly racist either.

    When you say that black people do this, or black people do that... I don't think it's really black people you're talking about. Some of it may be culture, but for the most part you're probably talking about the poor and impoverished. With the world's economic downturn, if you were to ask if these people have jobs as they blast music all day, then the answer would be, "No." They don't have jobs. They probably can't find one.

    I live in a ghetto comprised of mostly latinos. Many of them play rap, too, or some other form of music. If I lived in an old, depressing ghetto with a mostly white population, maybe they'd blast rap or country or something. Who knows! The choice of music may be indicative of what holds sway in the culture, but it's no indication of much else. If everyone lived in a nice neighborhood with nice houses and nice lawns and a nice little neighborhood committee, I doubt the majority of the same people you see on the streets everyday would make much noise.

    But they don't have that choice. People are out of jobs. They may not be able to own/rent a house/apartment, or eat. No doubt things like gang activity have some correlation to how poor an area is. Etc., etc. Life is tough and people want an escape.

    I agree the race card can be and is played in the wrong circumstances. And if what the OP says is true, then yeah, it's a horrible, terrible thing to do. But the fact is that this whole situation isn't limited to blacks. Before being black, they are people first and foremost people who are trying to keep their son/nephew/etc. from being sent to prison by any means necessary. And hey, the race card can be used as one of those means.
    Last edited by SOLDIER #819; 04-30-2009 at 12:21 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    just turn off your PS3 or 360 go to your dust tomb and say you'll give birth to 1500 people a day for the 1000 that'll be killed until the doors to hades open and you can pull out ar tonelico and turn on that glorous PS2 and be bathed in its radiant warm glow

  5. #5
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    This thread is really entertaining, there's some irony in here I just can't help but laugh at but what can you say? I mean really xD

    But never the less this is an argument that has been beaten to death and some people just refuse to look at it that way. I used to try argue it but then came to the conclusion humans are often confused at very stubborn due to the media and political correctness. It's something that eats away at me but I can't really do nothing about it, people are not willing to change their views and try and fix apparent problems.

    As somebody who lives in New Zealand I see similar things with the local maoris here. They all demand stuff and like to imitate the black culture from watch too much mtv and listening to too much rap. It's really annoying and the stereotypes do exist and everybody admits it but the government still lets them walk all over us.

  6. #6
    S, I don't see why you avoided saying it. Yes, they are racist. Just because you aren't yelling racial epithets from the safety of your home or lynching those who dare to have a skin color too dark, you can still be racist.

    I would be done now, but we have these arbitrary rules about post lengths, so I shall continue. Anyone who has even a basic grasp of the world around them knows that crime comes from those who are poor, not those of a particular skin color. In America, for the most part it will be black people, yes, but if you go to Europe, particularly France, the violence comes from a variety of ethnic groups, including Arab immigrants as well as poor French citizens.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom
    I also agree with that most in the black community will sometimes claim most crimes commited in their community is a feint, and the sometimes ever cover up crimes that most black males (this is just an example) commit, to avoid them facing jail time, which in turn will allow them to commit even more crimes, and when the police finally catch them in the act, they'll claim that the police was being rough on them.
    You are aware how black skin adds a few years to a person's sentence, right? How it makes a life sentence a death sentence?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard M. Nixon View Post
    S, I don't see why you avoided saying it. Yes, they are racist. Just because you aren't yelling racial epithets from the safety of your home or lynching those who dare to have a skin color too dark, you can still be racist.
    I happen to agree with that comment, Mr. Nixon. Racism may not be as violent and ill-natured as it used to be, but the fact remains that if you're differentiating between one person and another based on skin color, you are taking a racist standpoint. I'm not going to point any fingers, but it seems to me that the topic of conversation here is a direct result of racism. Shouldn't the argument be that he's innocent because he's a 12-year old boy? Should it matter that he's white, black, or yellow?

    I'm going to be honest here. My opinion is that parents should be held responsible for the ignorant mistakes that their children make. A 12-year old should know better than to throw an infant down a flight of stairs, but he can't be expected to know anything if his parents aren't raising him properly. You should never leave an infant in the care of adolescent children, and I would hope that anyone with half a brain would know this. The boy will learn his lesson well enough when his mother is put in prison and he's taken away to an orphanage. Never mind the fact that he's black.

  8. #8
    There are loads of irresponsible parents being black/white/mixed/asian/

    There was Some mixed race (black and white) child playing on the road where I live, running infront of cars whilst in motion. The mother was with the child and she did not bother to lift a finger up in order to stop him.

    I have come across white parents letting their children get up to all sorts of unlawful bidding.

    I have been bullied by white children when I was young, with parents present. I have been bullied by so many white children who's parents end up seeing the headmaster AWARE of it, but they continued (maybe because their parents dont bother or make an effort with thier kids, or maybe their kids are too stubborn to listen) I have been bullied alot by a mixture of people. Black people, accusing me of "acting" white. (I am a mixed race by the way) I have been bullied by Asians exerting the same acusation. Thusly it could be said if they see me as "acting" white as a problem, then being white is a problem itself(in their view)? I have been bullied by white people and those of other skin colours not just racially. A majority of these bullies got of lightly some havent. Everyones a racist (not every individual just like different types/sorts of people, I hope you get my drift)

    I was bullied for a variety of reasons I must add. 10 years straight.

    Loads of different types of people get away of stuff thats my main point. Though I do live in England not the US.
    Last edited by Dr.McCoy; 05-31-2009 at 05:22 AM.

  9. #9
    Just kind of there. He Is Black Therefore Innoscent Calvan's Avatar
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    In st.augustine florida in the school system.
    The "Black" students down here are so stuck up it's sad. Talking about how great great gandad was a slave and that give them the right to just haul off and give me a black eye.

    I hit him back. And I get suspended for 15(10 for fighting, 5 for saying I was defending myself "Defiance") days plus i'm given a warning that the next time i "put my hands on" a "minority student" again i would have hate crime charges pressed against me.

    I'd go into a hwhole tirade about how horrid this town is.
    But i'll spare you all.
    Last edited by Calvan; 05-31-2009 at 06:14 AM.
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    And then just like that i'm gone again.

  10. #10
    Imperius Rex He Is Black Therefore Innoscent Storm's Avatar
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    Unfortunatly pulling cards is often used as a cheap and effective way of proving oneself. It's done by many people, often insecure, and by different methods (gender, race, orientation), and is done by majority groups as much as minority. I've never had any personal experiences with this, however I hear of things all the time. Dave of race X gets into an argument with Mark of race Y and even if it is not a racial attack, truths can be bent to make it appear that way.

    One of my biggest irks is when a woman starts attacking a man in an argument, he pushes her or throws a clean punch and gets in trouble with authorities because she's run off crying that "he hit a girl). The way I see it, if a woman has the balls to hit a man, she shouldn't expect to not get hit back.

    I do have an issue, though, with that small number of people in black communities who demand compensation from the white people for their ancestors slavery. I could understand if it was the generation of slaves wanting compensation from the slave traders, but not when it comes down to people not being directly involved. Unfortunatly, its these very small groups of people who put a bad name on their race.
    PSN username: Raikujaku
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  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Storm View Post
    I do have an issue, though, with that small number of people in black communities who demand compensation from the white people for their ancestors slavery. I could understand if it was the generation of slaves wanting compensation from the slave traders, but not when it comes down to people not being directly involved. Unfortunatly, its these very small groups of people who put a bad name on their race.
    No Way? Wow I had no Idea stuff like that happens.
    It sounds too ridiculous to be true.

    And @ Calvan. I think what's happend to you is messed up. I think the US needs a flexible constitution to be fair. Maybe pass and amend laws to prohibit this kind of nonsense. The rule of law is in need folks. Treat and punish everyone in the court of law as equals (Not sure if that applies to the US)

  12. #12
    Just kind of there. He Is Black Therefore Innoscent Calvan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.McCoy View Post
    No Way? Wow I had no Idea stuff like that happens.
    It sounds too ridiculous to be true.

    And @ Calvan. I think what's happend to you is messed up. I think the US needs a flexible constitution to be fair. Maybe pass and amend laws to prohibit this kind of nonsense. The rule of law is in need folks. Treat and punish everyone in the court of law as equals (Not sure if that applies to the US)
    That kind of stuff happens over here.
    And if equal means you have no right to defend youself. Then yeah. We're the most equal around.

    I have a minor case of Autism, And severe depression but you don't here me going around wearing it on my shoulder like some people. I could play that card and get all kind of sympathy,(Mostly to the effect of, "Look at the poor retard."

    Thats another word I hate. "Retard" or "Retarded".
    It means to step back but just like "Gay" it's been relegated to the use as an alternative for stupid.
    Like limp biz kit said on that chocolate starfish album, It's a ****ed up world.

    And if you think what Storm said is too rediculous, You should spend a little more time around people. Granted some of them are ****ed in the head but no matter what your always gonna hear and learn things you'd never want to know about, ever.
    Last edited by Calvan; 05-31-2009 at 10:11 AM.
    -My Tee Eff Eff Family-
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    And then just like that i'm gone again.

  13. #13
    Shake it like a polaroid picture He Is Black Therefore Innoscent RagnaToad's Avatar
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    I think the problem with your statement is that you visualise "black people" as a whole.
    In Europe, black people are usually not less wealthy than white people. I'm not saying I don't understand your opinion on the black people in your neighbourhood. But if you want to know whether your comments on "black people" is racist, yes it is. Just because you don't want to gas all jews, doesn't mean you're not a racist. Being a racist means you have a grudge against a certain ethnic/racial as a whole. You see the whole group as a thread for your people/family/offspring/society etc.

    Yes your post is racist, and despite you "justifying" your opinion with your own experience of "black people" (notice the apostrophies!!!), you are prejudged and perhaps misinformed when it comes to "all things BLACK".


    Yes, I do understand your agitation. But we as a society should be constantly working on those things, and reinventing our own ideas on other ethnic groups.

    It's just a fact that lots of poor people in the US are black, and that lots of black people have a background in a foreign country filled with war and poverty. And that's bound to have an effect on our society.

    Would you believe it to be just if you were called a whore in Saoudi Arabia, just because our Western society allows women to wear skirts shorter than the grass? Even though you'd never wear a skirt like that?

    peace, Rags
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 06-08-2009 at 04:35 PM.
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