I don't think it has to do with America...Just the marketers have sold out. Companies are now run by people who only care about money, not quality. Disney obviously is nothing like it used to be; the t.v. channel alone is terrible. Kids nowadays don't have access to the stuff we used to watch when we were younger so they really have no idea how truly awful these shows are. Yes, it's a matter of opinion but come on, Hannah Montana is easily the most shallow and unfunny show ever. Prove me wrong.
Trust me, the kids who love this crap: HSM, Hannah montana, Zack and Cody(*shudder*)..you can't argue with them. They think it's great just because it's what all the kids their age watch. They're forced into thinking it's funny because of the horribly lame laugh tracks that sound every 5 seconds(no exaggeration there). Ahh, personally I hate the cast of HSM just for bringing that atrocity to the public so I don't care what humiliation that Hudgens loser suffered. She was kind of asking for it by acting like an irresponsible slut anyway. And isn't she like 16? What a moron. Can't act for crap either, but what Disney star can?