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Thread: The Grand Theatre of Freaks

  1. #91
    Sir Prize The Grand Theatre of Freaks Sinister's Avatar
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    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
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    The Club RP is taking off pretty well. Everyone is doing a good job.
    So I thought I'd break the ice. I know everyone is plodding hard on their story for the contest.

    But I though some of our members could regale us with a few tales of some awkward brushes with other people. I'll provide an example...

    About four years ago, back during the days where I went a little overboard on the Goth cliche and had a top hat, a victorian era tux, white gloves, a green vest and a cane. I was in St. Louis staying with a couple of my friends. While taking in the city, I was sitting down on a park bench when a girl(no older than nine) who was walking with, presumably, her mother, stopped to ask me something. She asked me why I was dressed so different. Her mother smiled at me and tried to convince the little girl to carry on without her answer.

    I told her that if some of us didn't dress different we would all look the same and that could get a little confusing. She giggled and waved goodbye as her mother drug her off, blushing.

    An adorable moment, I thought.

    What about the rest of you?

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  2. #92
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Awkward? Hmm. Not really.

    I have been stopped before by old people offering me help. One time, I was by the stream. I was sitting in the rain, and I was cold. She offered me some money... I refused the money as I didn't want to cause inconvience. She told me if I needed help, she lived at a house across the road.

    Another time, I was crying at the train station because Andrew had just gone home. I felt pretty depressed and an old lady asked what was wrong. When I told her, she reassurred me and gave me a hug.

    These were people I've never met, but I appreciated the kindness of them.

    So awkward? Not really... Although it might have seemed that way to others.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  3. #93
    Comfort in the kindness of strangers...always there. 'You awrite, hen?' from some unknown face.

    The most recent occurance was when I went a bit mental and chased Evan's departing Megabus half way through the docks incase it might break down, or turn around, or just stop or something, and then he could come home with me. Bit nutty, I know.

    It was very foggy that night. Literally, everyone walking around in the clouds. The bus turned and went up Trinity Quay, and I knew it wasn't coming back. So I stood there still and stared at the ships and the water for a while, caught a glimpse of the bus heading up High Road to the motorway. I stood there, grey coat buttoned right up, smoking a damp rollup and standing stock still. A man, a rigger from the looks of things, stopped and said, 'You okay hen?' I said I was. I don't know what it was about him...he said, 'Is yer man oot there?' and I just said 'Yes.' I knew he meant is your man out on the rigs...but it didn't matter. He told me not to worry, and that he'd be safe, and he'd be back soon. I smiled and thanked him, and he went home.

    People and stories...bash into one another for a moment. You never know these people, hardly ever their names, but they're still there.

    Like a guy I met on the ferry from Zeebrugge to Plymouth. Andrea was in charge of the alarm...having not quite grasped European time, she woke us all up at four. I went out to the back of the boat, watched the sunrise over the sea. A man came and sat next to me, and we talked for the next hour or so, until the rest of the boat woke up.

    He was on his way home from Singapore, the long way he said, so he could see more of Europe. He had a son and wife waiting, his boy was called Simon, I remember that. So we chatted. And he left to leave, and turned to me and said, 'Don't forget to travel. Never forget to travel. Good luck, it was lovely to meet you.'

    Nice guy.

  4. #94
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I think it's those kind of meetings where you really start to think about the world and that not everybody is a weirdo, a mugger or a rapist.

    That what Southern England has us thinking anyway.

    But yeah... My brother is the type of guy who is nice to strangers. Whenever we go out, he's always talking to people, helping people pick things up, blessing people when they sneeze. I could see him being the type to generally be a kind stranger to many people at some point in the future.

    I will tell you what DO make for awkward moments! When you try to walk past somebody, then they walk the same way, then you try to walk another way and they're in your way again... haha, I've had more of those than I can count.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  5. #95
    The Grand Theatre of Freaks Momo Mastermind's Avatar
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    I have a funny trait to me that just attracts strangers, really. I'm not just being self absorbed either I can go ANYWHERE and I get THE most friendly people with the most interesting stories to tell. My friends laugh every time I go out because there's always a middle-aged soccer mom that wants to tell me about her experience at the ATM machine or an elderly man giving me advice on buying soap at K-Mart. It's something I really like, speaking with people I have never met and never will meet again. It's a brief connection that really connects us with everyone else.

    I don't think people really understand how much of an impact we have on eachother. Have you ever seen one of those short videos or commercials where someone is nice to one person, then they pass it on to another and another, and eventually it gets back to you? Well it really is like that. We're all so close to eachother that when a simple act takes place, it sends shockwaves through the lives of everyone.

    Der butterfly effect

    [[PS: So is there any progress with the short story contest? ]]
    The heart is nature's metronome, it counts seconds into miliseconds and even smaller. It beats with time, perpetually; how such a calculating organ became the symbol of love is a mystery to me.
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  6. #96
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Haha, I get a lot of people randomly talking to me, too. Mostly old people.

    Atthe bus stop once, I was holding a portfolio and an old man came up to me and said "Ohh! Are you an artist?" when I replied that I was, he started telling me his mothers' life story because she'd been a painter of sorts.

    With my short haircut and sensible dress sense, I suppose I look like good old-people material for a quick chat.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  7. #97
    Hiya dearhearts.

    You're a bunch of oddballs. It's December. You know where this is going.

    As someone with aggravated experience in the social "sciences", I'd like to do an experiment. Christmas is a common, normal, and accepted part of Western winter culture.

    Now then. How do you lot, being apparently abnormal, feel about it? Are your feelings on this one event common and normal (mine are the 'accepted' ones, I dig Christmas. Especially carol services in churches, just makes the world seem gentler. Only time of the year Jesus and I exchange words) or are they wacked?

    Jingle bells, jingle bells
    Oddness all the way....

  8. #98
    Registered User The Grand Theatre of Freaks Dimi's Avatar
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    I don't know how to consider these feelings weird or normal but I usually get happy, anxious, and a little bit depressed during this time of the year. I like that Christmas is a day that you can spend time with your family and friends & and all that stuff, but then I think about another year ending and a new one coming soon. Then that's when I get all sad because usually I think about how my year went and the good/bad things that happened and things that I regret doing/not doing. Its like I take this time to really look back on things you know?

    But as for caroling, I had a tragic experience once. It puts me somewhat in tears talking about this but when I was a little kid, in about third grade, my class and I had to sing Christmas carols in front of everybody at an assembly. I was looking forward to it. I was happy and I was stoked about it. The day we sing, we all get up on stage and we started to sing "Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer". I was nervous, so I just mouthed the lyrics at first and I hummed the whole song. My teacher didn't even notice. >< I was so nervous after that, when we were walking off stage, I tripped! I felt so embarrassed dude, I started to cry. I remember everyone in front of me looked at me and several people were laughing. It was so horrible.

    Now that I think about it though, I would laugh at myself too. Sometimes its good to laugh at yourself. Plus, maybe karma bit me in the ass when even though I knew the lyrics to the song I didn't even sing it at all or bother too either.

  9. #99
    I remember the first time I had stage fright, it's bloody awful. My first ever solo in the band on my old tenor sax.

    Okay, we're playing, it's fine....then I notice we're about 12 bars off my solo and I start to shake. I have to stand up as part of it; I try to, shaking, lean into my music stand, knock it over, it hits the guitarists amp and turns it right up; I don't even notice because I'm too busy making a really very strange collection of noises with my sax and staring intently at the floor pleading for it to help me.

    And....roars of laughter, band stops playing...and I suddenly notice what's going on. I don't know why, but my fear just...went. Whoosh, gone. And everyone's looking at me. So I looked at Mr Scott, our band leader, who was grinning at me, and play that little 'duh duh de duh duh DUH!' run you hear at the end of cartoons. Rapturous applaud. And now, I'm not scared.

    Pointless story, but hey, that's an oxymoron, no?

  10. #100
    Sir Prize The Grand Theatre of Freaks Sinister's Avatar
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    Stage Fright, Govinda?! I don't believe it. I can't picture it. You're always so insanely confident and suave! Well I got the uh...stage fright too, but that was largely due to my father forcing me on stage so I could continue lessons. I hate playing infront of people and can severely sympathize.

    Anyway, I'm over my down period and I'm feeling much much much better and I'll try and post in the RP now. Whew...

    BTW, how are we all doing on our contest stories? I know...I haven't started mine yet either. But I shall now with post haste.

    As an aside, I really missed this place and you guys. Sorry I've been such an asshole lately. I should never treat you people near that badly. Hope to see you on MSN!


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  11. #101
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Bah, Humbug...
    Nah just kidding. Not really the biggest fan of Christmas, but I don't overly hate it neither. And it's not the ideals I tend not to like, it's the store music, the annoying knick knacks on shelves. The idiots who get sporting goods who wish to test them on the cranium of another. The weird Santa suited men who make pedophile Ronald McDonald suit guy look almost normal...
    And seeing all the happy families... Corr Blimey that blows, ho ho ho...
    Who knows though, maybe it'll be me some day?

    Contest Stories? Corr Blimey once more, this post arose with a clatter, not a thought was heard, not even that of an 18 year old poster.
    O_o Corr Blimey...
    Er, what I meant to say, was what are the guidelines for the contest? Not sure I could figure out this one.
    victoria aut mors

  12. #102
    Bass Player Extraordinaire The Grand Theatre of Freaks Joe's Avatar
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    Whew, I've been swamped with studying chemistry...have two major tests in it in the next seven days....but at least I now have some free time! Now to try and catch up with discussions:

    Interesting or awkward encounters?

    Another encounter was when I was in Washington D.C. I was with a group of 20 other people from my school on a field trip, and it started to storm like crazy. Lightning streaked directly overhead, zero visibility through the rain, the works. Well while the group was huddled in front of a bathroom, I met a couple, who was trying to find shelter from the storm. I invited them under my umbrella, and we stood and talked for about thirty minutes while the storm blew over. They then ordered taxis for the twenty people in my group because they said they liked my style. (I was wearing a sweater that had the most insane patterns, and had my hair spiked at the same time). Definitely the highlight of the trip.

    Feelings on christmas:

    My feelings on christmas are generally the accepted ones, I enjoy christmas it's an opportunity for me to relax, listen to cool music such as the Trans-Siberian orchestra, and eat good food.

    Now to propose a new discussion:

    through a long talk with my friend a while back about society and social requirements, and the topic of dating, romance, and the like came up.

    Being different how do you view the issue of dating? is there any such thing as true love or romance? also, why do or don't you believe that society seems to require everyone to find someone to date, else they become outcasts, or "uncool"? Are people who are single, inexperienced, or against it conflicting with society as a whole?
    (TFF Family):

    My TFF Family:
    My Anime Addicted sister Athna Loveil
    My Unspoken Scabbia Loving Bro Fishie
    My Godsmack addicted brother Omega Weapon
    My Kooky Soap opera addicted sister Rikkuffx
    My Kinky Chipmunk Cousin Unknown Entity, because, you know, cousins can still do stuff in certain states.
    My Twin-like bro Ruin_Tumult
    Slots still available, PM to join!

  13. #103
    I wouldn't say they 'conflict' with society...but you're right, a virgin over the age of 20 is usually considered 'weird'. I'd just like to state quickly that my whole view is this: do what you like to whom you like and vice versa, so long as nobody gets hurt, everybody wants to be there, the laws agrees, and everybody plays safe .

    Maybe it's just because finding a mate is one of humanity's most primal desires. Excluding asexuals, one of whom I had the honour of meeting once, and he kindly explained why he finds nothing attractive. Now HE belongs here - Greg. Marvellous, completely weird, so weird that I was the only one in our college class who could handle talking to him. I found him fascinating.

    Anyway. Dating, boyfriends,'s something that most humans want to do. Personally, love and music are the two things which occupy the most space in my life, this things to which I give the most universal importance - I might even go so far as to say that I find salvation in them.

    People who don't want love or any of its attachments, dating, sex, whatever, are different. That's why they get funny looks. People who have trouble finding it are, I think, just unlucky - love is pure chance. I had trouble getting a boyfriend - I'm picky, and I scare men, because I often beat them in arguments, debates, chess, and drinking games. I'm not girly, I won't be patronised on account of my gender. I need a man who's okay with my nature, one who speaks his mind, uses his brain, knows how to make me laugh, and is able to deal with me talking about things he might not understand owing to how I am - and trust me, they are very thin on the ground. So I've got mine, and I'm keeping him.

    I think it's just something that 95% of the world like to do, or would like to do - a common aim in an individual context. So those who're unlucky (or just arseholes to everybody) get left behind.

    Love itself is great. It's a complex chemical reaction which gives us more power, more relaxation, more thoughts and dreams and tears than anything else I've ever found. Something which gives us the capacity to lay our lives down for another, or to spend our days pursuing the happiness of another human, must be a magical thing. There might be a million chemical explanations - but hey, it's still magic.

    (I haven't started my story either, University's bearing down from a great height . Will on Wednesday.)

    Night night loves.
    Last edited by Govinda; 12-09-2007 at 05:13 PM. Reason: MY BRAIN IS NOT IN

  14. #104
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Being different how do you view the issue of dating? is there any such thing as true love or romance? also, why do or don't you believe that society seems to require everyone to find someone to date, else they become outcasts, or "uncool"? Are people who are single, inexperienced, or against it conflicting with society as a whole?

    It's a good thing in my eyes. Two people get to know each other and find out how compatible they are before something a little more binding. Romance is a definite thing to me, as I have experienced it, but it also seems to not carry a strict definition. True love I am unsure about. I know a single person can feel that what they're in is true love, but I'm not so sure I've come across a couple who feel the exact same about each other. One feels a truer love than the other I guess. Outcasts and uncoolness mean squat to me, but being with someone you treasure feels an awful lot better than sitting on your ass playing obscure RPGs 24/7 instead of 6/7 to me at any rate.

    Singles conflicting with society? Hell no. Many choose to remain single and are just as important a part of our society as others. Some occupations seem to lend to this, the unattached having more time for the time consuming job. People have their reasons for doing what they do...
    victoria aut mors

  15. #105
    Sir Prize The Grand Theatre of Freaks Sinister's Avatar
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    Being different how do you view the issue of dating? is there any such thing as true love or romance? also, why do or don't you believe that society seems to require everyone to find someone to date, else they become outcasts, or "uncool"? Are people who are single, inexperienced, or against it conflicting with society as a whole?

    A magnificent question that I have shied away from.(ended me a sentence with a preposition )

    I've wondered that since I was small. My aunt never married. I always used to ask her why. She replied that there was no one suitable and that she was picky.

    On reflection. Procreation is a monumental tremendous force of our existence. Some would dare claim it to be our only purpose. I wouldn't know about that. But it forces itself on even day-to-day relations such that it is an unwritten law for which the punishment for transgressors are odd looks and ugly rumors.

    I find it to be merely a comfort. I dare to say that it is not my reason for existing. Should a relationship come of my life, then I hope it is a happy one. But my life was not meant for me to seek out a mate. I may be arrogant. I may be presumptuous. But I think life is meant to be deeper still than just love and reproduction.

    Then again, covering all my angles, I may be unwarrantedly bitter over the subject due to a recent experience. Please take that into account as well and take no offense.

    As for is there such thing as true love or romance. Of course there is silly. People still believe in this concept it will continue to exist. It is still a concept and not yet a definable(according to Hoyle) phenomenon, therefor it is reliant on people who practice it and believe in it. I'm told it's doing quite well in France and Italy.
    Last edited by Sinister; 12-10-2007 at 11:28 PM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  16. #106
    Registered User The Grand Theatre of Freaks Dimi's Avatar
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    Being different how do you view the issue of dating?

    Hit it and quit baby, you know what I mean?

    I'm kidding about that. >< Actually, I view dating as something interesting. Like Celtic had mentioned, you get to see if you're compatible with the person that you date and its a journey into finding your "soul mate".

    Is there any such thing as true love or romance?
    I believe there is romance. I have experienced it once. But I have yet to feel true love. One, I'm still young and naive in certain ways. I also have a fear of falling in love as I get older for some reason....

    Also, why do or don't you believe that society seems to require everyone to find someone to date, else they become outcasts, or "uncool"?
    I sorta believe that statement. Everyone wants someone to love I believe and there are some people that feel "lonely" or "rejected" from society probably based on hardships while dating.

    Are people who are single, inexperienced, or against it conflicting with society as a whole?[/B]
    Honestly no. If people choose to be single, its fine. Its a personal choice and I would actually respect that person if that were me. They must be strong in a way because I see people like that independant. Like they don't depend on their other half for support. In a way, I admire that.

    On another note. Earlier today in class, I was bored in my Chem class and I was thinking of ideas of writing a poem for the club Sinister. I have many different ideas, but one in particular and I started writing is carnival themed poem. I thought of freaks and the freakshow came in my mind in class. Ironic I know. >< But I'll via PM it to you if that's okay with you once I finish it.
    Last edited by Dimi; 12-11-2007 at 12:17 AM.

  17. #107
    The Grand Theatre of Freaks Holy Priest's Avatar
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    Being different how do you view the issue of dating?
    Dating… sweet… Of course dating only counts as sweet when your date is someone who you have affection with (I think..) Dating may not always be sweet, there’re some dates which arguments form. It all depends on the people who are dating at that particular moment..

    Is there any such thing as true love or romance?
    Not so much of true love but may be you’re the one you love the most. True love is like how our Lord loves us. No matter how evil or sinful, His love is always genuine never doubt nor losing hope. To me, romance is always reachable only when both party are having the same compassion to each other and every moment is a romance.

    Also, why do or don't you believe that society seems to require everyone to find someone to date, else they become outcasts, or "uncool"?
    To find someone to date is easy but to find the one who have the share the same feeling as you do is not so easy. So, even you’re dating it doesn’t mean that you’re someone special to that person who you’re dating with. (no purpose of insulting anyone) Moreover a person will not be outcast unless they outcast themselves.

    Are people who are single, inexperienced, or against it conflicting with society as a whole?
    Absolutely no. If a person choose to be single, fine, go ahead. As long as they don’t make themselves like aliens and ignores everyone around. Being single is just another way of saying ‘independent’. But for me I don’t think I would choose to be single. Hehe…
    Have a nice day... Blessings...

  18. #108
    Sir Prize The Grand Theatre of Freaks Sinister's Avatar
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    Sounds great, Fishie. Look forward to it. We need kind of a resident poet laureate and you more than qualify. So PM me and we'll post it up under the club intro.

    I am drawn like a moth to a flame around our resident reverend here. Holy Priest forces the question... Do we outcast ourselves? My mind reels with chicken and the egg arguments that spiral into madness.

    I think we do. I think I do, at least. I try to be as different from a certain type as I can. I do so under the vast impression that the opposite of that which I hate is that which I like.

    lol...nvrmnd I'm spouting confused rhetoric. It's what comes of not being able to sleep.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  19. #109
    I don't outcast myself. I act as I like to. But I get the feeling I'm missing the point.

    No, they outcast me. Humans, social structures, and systems of normalcy were created well before my birth, left there for me to annoy.

    Or have I missed the point?

  20. #110
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I believe in love, and romance definately exists. The "uncool" thing is mostly reflected around people going through puberty. It's one extreme of "catching cooties" into "haha, you've not been laid, what a loser!"

    As for the single people, either they want to be by themselves, or they're just not meeting the right people. I'd like to think there is "that one person you're just SUPPOSED to be with", but my sense of logic seriously struggles against that possibility. Besides, look at how many people get married and divorce because they found somebody utterly wrong for them... Story of my parents' life.

    I don't think those immature types of relationships are any good, though... Casual sex could never be my thing... You can't even brand them as a relationship. More along the lines of "**** them then ditch them."
    I usually stay with people for a while. The shortest relationships I've had was a one-monther, and a six-on-and-off-monther. The rest have been a matter of year(s).

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  21. #111
    Gingersnap The Grand Theatre of Freaks OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Oh! I'd like to talk about that question. And I haven't participated in a club for some time. SBSA was good for the summer, but we never really got into the full swing of things again.

    Anyhow! I suppose I'll get to your first post.

    Why do you think you are unique?
    I'm doing my best to try not to make something ordinary into something special. Um... I like people - listening to them, talking to them, reading them, writing them, acting them, watching them, etc. Let's see. I have colorful dreams and an active imagination. Mental images are very vivid to me, and there have been times when something violent will come to mind and I'll have a brief spasm over it in an effort to get it out of my mind. Concerning people again, I can't look at someone's injury without feeling a pain in my lower abdomen. Movies I do just fine with, but when someone is standing in front of me or even telling me about something they went through, I start to ache. It's not a nausea thing. I just hurt. And now you have a few specifics.

    What talents separate you from others?
    Unique talents... I'm good at picking out gifts for people? Uhh..
    I'm not a particularly good or trained singer, but I have had people tell me they got chills when I sang more than once... if that's a talent.
    I have quick hands.
    I'm good at being honest with myself about who I am. I know how I look, I know how I sound, I know how I think. And even while knowing all that, I still manage to bring myself out of the house.
    I'm good at nonverbal communication and comedy.
    And once again, I've held onto a great deal of my childhood imagination.

    Has anyone ever referred to you as different/strange/weird/freak/insane?
    Different? Oh sure.
    Weird? Yes, it happens. More than I'd like to admit.
    Freak? I've actually assimilated quite well.
    Insane? Ahaha... you should have seen what I had written down before I decided to delete it all. I occasionally indulge in a little neuroticism...

    How do you deal with the rest of the world, being so absurdly different as you are?
    Haha... Dole out the crazy in small doses. And I try to find amusement in things that would otherwise offend me.

    What title would you select to describe yourself, which we may refer to you openly?
    Hmm. Well... Alisyn is unique enough, I suppose. It's my name and my dad chose the spelling "syn" to represent the word "synchronicity." I've always liked that.

    I'll stop there. I'd like to get to know a lot of you, and I suppose this is as good a way as any.

    EDIT: My dad just told me I had a healing presence.... cool!
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 12-12-2007 at 10:32 PM.

    Read more.

    TFF Awards:

    Nicest Female 2006. Best Couple 2006. Nicest Female 2005. Best Couple 2005. Tie for Nicest Female 2004. Best Couple 2004. Flamer of the Week 2005.

    "I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."

    . SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
    HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.

  22. #112
    Sir Prize The Grand Theatre of Freaks Sinister's Avatar
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    This club keeps getting better and better. Alisyn, Welcome to the Theatre.
    You're more than welcome here. I'll add you to the roster. And I'm glad you chose to join.

    To keep you up on current affairs so you don't have to read through it all. We're hosting discussions, a writing contest and an RP. You're welcome to participate in any or all.

    *club updated*


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  23. #113
    Gingersnap The Grand Theatre of Freaks OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Thank you, Brandon. I think I'm glad of it too. This could be a good thing. As of now, I have plenty of time to look into the RP. But I would hate to commit to it and not be able to post something when school starts. I'll check it out and see if the general post length is something I could handle. From skimming a few previous posts within the club, 500-2000 could be manageable. I suppose I'll take on your love question. I'm a sap, be prepared.

    I even typed it in Word first.

    I was single for a lot of high school. Even when I had someone to love, it wasn’t in the traditional way teenagers find out about it. But I’ve always been incredibly invested in the idea of love and the things it does to people. While it’s a thrill to be single and flirt, I still think I’m the kind of person who thrives in a good relationship.

    I’ll talk about this outcast idea for a moment. Skip around. I admit that over the last couple years (even the last few months) I have blossomed into someone more attractive than I was before. I tend to run a little late in physical appearance. However, during high school, I was still not unattractive. But I suppose I’ve always been the kind of beauty that is neither immediately striking nor typically gorgeous. Most wouldn’t pick me out in a group photograph. I tend to grow on people over time. Because of this, I was not sought after for much of my life and because no one before had desired me, no one in the present did either. Once you are thought of as unromantic or undesirable, it’s hard to turn that around. That first relationship can get you through the door at these awkward ages. At least, that was my observation because there were several girls who weren’t any better at being pretty who always had an arm around them. They got their first relationship in early.

    And here’s something else. Once I became involved in a public relationship and everyone saw that the guy I was dating was, in fact, normal (even attractive), my stock went up. There were several drunken comments thrown my way that began with “If you weren’t dating someone…” Sure.

    I do believe that kind of thing becomes less noticeable as we get older and we’re not so concerned with a group intellect. I’m not old enough to know whether or not it ever goes away.

    I view love as necessary, but not necessarily a romantic love. My family and dear friends (even pets… especially pets) are a constant relief to me. If I had no one to adore and care about, I don’t know where I would be. To have an outlet in something romantic is something I am thankful for every day. It’s hard to be vulnerable and sometimes I get upset when I think about how torn up I’ll be if this ends. But the closeness, the support, the pillow talk is all worth it. However, I think it takes time and luck to find someone you can depend on to take care of what you’re giving.

    And actually, I don’t think being single or against relationships/love conflicts with society – American, anyway. Inexperience is usually frowned upon, but the rest is pretty standard, I feel. Love is admired and idolized by some so much that anything below that ideal is faulty and thrown away. The rest view a long term commitment as a prison and something to be avoided. Sex and passion rule and love is secondary. I think being able to make a relationship work is unique these days. Not to say anything against those who choose to remain single and not to put myself on a pedestal. My relationship is young and may not be what it is five years from now. If someone is against love, it’s usually because they had a bad experience or haven’t met the right person for the job. I can’t blame them. I don’t think someone should settle for the sake of being in a relationship. But when I see couples who have been together for 30, 40 years… I think that’s special and rare. I could make a love is a tree metaphor right now… All love begins as a sapling and you have to work to keep it safe and growing. Some saplings become pine trees whose trunks sway in the wind and bend beneath snow and ice. Others become redwoods so large you can’t fit your arms around them. Lame? Yeah, I know. I’m a lame person.

    Read more.

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    "I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."

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  24. #114
    Not lame in the slighest. You seem to feel the same way I do about this; that yeah, it's nice to flirt, but there's nothing quite as nice as being in a strong, lasting relationship. And it is something very special, it makes people who like to sleep around jealous if you catch them off-guard. That might sound mean but it genuinely surprised me. One of my flatmates, sleeparound, make a point of seeming emotionless, never admit to being girly at all in any way especially towards men Joanne went all soppy on me once. She wasn't even drunk. Evan came up here in November, it was our 2 year 'anniversary' (Known to us as Happy We Kissed 2 Years Ago Day). I told Jo this in the kitchen. She said, 'Wow, you must be pretty proud!' I told her that I wasn't proud at all. I was happy, sure. But it wasn't a rpoud thing, and it wasn't a surprise; it was just a day, another inevitable day.

    Of course the downside is a complete dependency on some asshole who lives far away. But there you go.

    ...well, that was probably a mistake . Oh well.

    Welcome, Alisyn! Good to have you here. The Theatre just keeps getting better and better.

  25. #115
    The Grand Theatre of Freaks Momo Mastermind's Avatar
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    Jun 2007
    Wow I'm a little late on this one

    I shall respond anywayz!!!

    Being different how do you view the issue of dating?

    Well, this is a funny one because my VIEW on dating isn't the thing that's skewed, the rest of the world has a skewed view on me dating. I'm gay, and it's not fair... to say the least -_-. Something as simple as a hand hold could be potentially deadly. Although I don't have to worry about "dating" because I've already found the one I'm going to stay with until the end [of the world ] it's just eaxtremely hard to function like a "normal" couple. Hmmn. I know people will think/say "well why would you want to be like a normal couple" but it's kind of hard to explain. It's like when we're out in public we're only best friends, and only when we're alone with the curtains shut can we be dating. I don't expect anyone to really understand fully right now, but just try to imagine :/

    Is there any such thing as true love or romance?

    Yes. Yes. Yes. Just believe me, it exists .

    Also, why do or don't you believe that society seems to require everyone to find someone to date, else they become outcasts, or "uncool"?

    I don't think society requires anyone to find love, a date, or anything. It's just a mental state of mind created by mass groups. It's really only in your head- nobody is telling you that you need to date, nobody is telling you to find love. I think we all just naturally strive to find the missing piece, the other half. We all want comfort and comfort comes from the warmth of another.

    Are people who are single, inexperienced, or against it conflicting with society as a whole?

    No, lmfao. That's just a funny question
    The heart is nature's metronome, it counts seconds into miliseconds and even smaller. It beats with time, perpetually; how such a calculating organ became the symbol of love is a mystery to me.
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  26. #116
    Bass Player Extraordinaire The Grand Theatre of Freaks Joe's Avatar
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    Wow, I suppose that I should actually deliver my opinion on this, seeing as I started this whole bit

    Anyway, I don't really have much experience on this matter, seeing as Ellie is my first girlfriend, and it's a long distance relationship.

    As far as dating is concerned, I've never actually done that. I don't really see anything wrong with it I just haven't really found anyone that I'd like to other than ellie, and about 14 hours by car doesn't really make that overly easy, since i'm still a driver's licenseless minor, and gas prices are going up.

    Is there anything such as true love or romance?

    Definitely. It definitely exists.

    Also, Why do or don't you believe that society requires people to date, or risk becoming an outcast?

    Well the obvious answer is no, but there are several things I've noticed that lead me to believe that this is quite prevalent. The major trend in society is to find someone and be in a relationship. Those who don't, then are considered social deviants, and treated as such, differently. Now, I'm not saying that it's to the point of being outcast, but it's definitely something to note.

    Are people who are single, inexperienced, or against it conflicting with society?

    Well, from the majority rules standpoint, yes. but, in reality, from the standpoint of the real world, of course not.

    -I plan to start my submission for the writing contest on wednesday after my chemistry final. Got to ace this test, or my graduation could be in trouble.

    -I have a potential proposition once the writing contest is over and done with.

    I've started reading this book called Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. It's a futuristic world where we are at war with the Formics. The book is simply fascinating! The real reason I mentioned this is because of the main character, Ender. Ender is an outcast from society, and incredibly bright.

    Since ender is, essentially a freak, I thought it might be interesting if everyone who was interested read the book, and possibly hosted a discussion about it.

    (TFF Family):

    My TFF Family:
    My Anime Addicted sister Athna Loveil
    My Unspoken Scabbia Loving Bro Fishie
    My Godsmack addicted brother Omega Weapon
    My Kooky Soap opera addicted sister Rikkuffx
    My Kinky Chipmunk Cousin Unknown Entity, because, you know, cousins can still do stuff in certain states.
    My Twin-like bro Ruin_Tumult
    Slots still available, PM to join!

  27. #117
    Ok, so I've been out for a heck of a long time, so I've got some discussions to cach up on.

    1) Interesting/Awkward conversations

    Well, I don't think I've met that many people that were awkward....but since other people were talking of comfort from strangers, I suppose I shall do that. For me, the most comforting random conversation I've had with someone happened a couple years ago when my dad was in the hospital for a blood clot. I was kicked out of his room for some reason..don't remember why, but somehow I got lost and ended up on the fourth floor of the hospital, which is the psych ward. I wandered around the floor for a while until I came to the room of some guy who'd tried to kill himself. Anyway, I shan't go into details, but we got in a long conversation and he got me back from the brink of God knows what. Then I got kicked out of his room by a very angry nurse. Didn't even learn the guy's name..'tis quite saddening.

    2) Feelings on Christmas

    I'm in no way religious at all, but christmas always brings me joy. Though that may just be because I love random presents, family, and blinking lights. There's not really much more that can be said on that subject.

    3) Being different how do you view the issue of dating? is there any such thing as true love or romance? also, why do or don't you believe that society seems to require everyone to find someone to date, else they become outcasts, or "uncool"? Are people who are single, inexperienced, or against it conflicting with society as a whole?

    Just had to come up with the hard question, didn't you Steel? Alright, so answer in order, I don't think being different really changes my view of dating at all. Sure, you may have to date other different people, but it works out. Ok, now yes, I do believe in romance, although I think it's been oversold by card I believe in the romantic things that don't really involve gifts. True love on the other hand...well, I don't think it's like fairy tales where two people are destined to be together and no matter what, it works out well for them. I think there is true love, but it's really more wanting to be with each other even when things suck, or actually wanting to resolve your fights instead of running...things that take work.

    Of course society finds it necessary for everyone to have a date. Why else would my best friend have been trying to set me up for the last four years? Why this is the way it is, I don't know. I blame the media...I mean, if you want a successful character to be a loser, one of the main things is that they have to be single, isn't it?

    Ok, last question within a question...People who are single or whatever are conflicting with society's image, but not necessarily society itself. I mean, society portrays the single person as someone who looks on the rest of the world as being different. I found out this is simply not the case not too long ago, when we were having a ten girl discussion one night, but even though most of the girls in the room were single, they were all convinced that they would be the only ones. That, and they were all positive that they would be the last person in the room to get kissed. Kind of sad, really...I, personally, don't think it should matter either way, but they may think whatever they'd like, I guess...
    "I hope you realize you look so pretty through these bleeding eyes...

    <p>Aren't you a pretty little Paradox?"

  28. #118
    Hiya loves. I'm at home, pleased. Sleep when tired, eat when hungry, pay no rent, can eat free bagels, read Sherlock Holmes in the bath at my leisure. Understanding International Conflicts and all of its waste of time, convoluted conflict theories can wait. I feel rather more sane than I did three days ago, here in the company of a Christmas tree and a cat, typing on a post-Communist laptop with internet literally three and a half thousand times slower than my uni net.

    So, I'm going to start my story. From what I've been able to gather, we're talking about 2000-3000 odd words, on the theme of difference, perhaps challenging a commonly-held precept. Sounds good to me. Am I on the right lines?

  29. #119
    Bass Player Extraordinaire The Grand Theatre of Freaks Joe's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    State of Insanity
    Ho everyone

    I'm going to start on my story soon, but other than that my activity in the club is going to come to a temporary halt. I just need to get my head back on my shoulders, and my life in order. It's all in my blog, and saying that is easier than retyping it.

    Anyways, cheers, for a while anyway,

    (TFF Family):

    My TFF Family:
    My Anime Addicted sister Athna Loveil
    My Unspoken Scabbia Loving Bro Fishie
    My Godsmack addicted brother Omega Weapon
    My Kooky Soap opera addicted sister Rikkuffx
    My Kinky Chipmunk Cousin Unknown Entity, because, you know, cousins can still do stuff in certain states.
    My Twin-like bro Ruin_Tumult
    Slots still available, PM to join!

  30. #120
    Sir Prize The Grand Theatre of Freaks Sinister's Avatar
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    Looking forward to reading your story, Steel. I'm sorry to hear that you'll be away. I hope everything is okay and has a happy ending(even if it's a massage). The best of luck.


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

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