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  1. #1
    Sir Prize The Grand Theatre of Freaks Sinister's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    I'm the nightmare in your skull...
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    The Grand Theatre of Freaks

    The Grand Theatre of Freaks

    This club was conceived during a conversation I had with a friend of mine, lately. He was saying how there is a special category of people, different from all the rest. Mutants, if you will. Freaks. People who are shockingly bizarre and unique. I began to think of myself as such a person. Even the friend who told this to me is, himself, tremendously unique.

    So, I created this club in the hopes that the strange and surreal remainders of society would filter into it and revel in our own uniqueness. Become cults of personalities.

    A club for freaks who are proud of being freaks. Kind of an Adams Family affair.

    Club Purpose

    The club will mainly feature in discussion, contests, and role-playing. The object of the club is to become so eccentric and strange as to become a novel and unique person.

    Club Rules

    Absolutely no flaming is allowed between members, any such activity will result in being ejected from the Theatre. If we're all going to be so very different we might as well learn to get on with people on every rank of the spectrum.


    As for registering, there is a little process you will have to undergo. Don't start off by telling us how you are not unique, because, honestly, that isn't a good way to gain membership. Besides anyone can come to the realization that they are fundamentally different, but we'll discuss that later in the discussions. Questions are as follows:

    Why do you think you are unique?

    What talents separate you from others? Be advised that I'm only looking for unique talents.

    Has anyone ever referred to you as different/strange/weird/freak/insane?

    How do you deal with the rest of the world, being so absurdly different as you are?

    What title would you select to describe yourself, which we may refer to you openly?(NOTE: Please be unique)

    Also, if you would like to feature greatly in any rps we host, then please post a small excerpt establishing your role-playing capabilities, it will be duly noted.

    Open Positions

    As this club is just beginning, there are some positions that need filling. Positions are purely on a volunteer basis. If you don't want to do it, then we would not have you do it.

    ^Eidetiker^This position has been filled (This being a club also based on varying talents I'm sure we have some capable artists that could fit this role. The main responsibilities is to create a club banner[s] And from there on lies the freedom to do whatever. Perhaps even render some of the RP characters on paper.)

    ^Poet Laureate^ (Someone who will compose poetry and songs based upon events in the club and club rp. Will most likely have to work in conjunction with Eidetiker)

    ^Master of Assassins^This position has been filled (Someone who feels comfortable with plotlines, composition and stories of RPs to coordinate the clubs Rps, RPBs. Must have extensive Rp experience.)

    ^Improvisatore^ (Someone who will manage and invent the various contests we will host.)

    ^Thane^This position has been filled (A fail-safe captain who’s responsibility will be a “thane” {Yes, I had someone in mind with this term} to take care of the club when I’m gone or not available. When I am present they will be a normal member)

    ^Darkling^This position has been filled (Specifically, someone who will retain and enforce club rules according to our standards. The Darkling is also to be the most powerful character allowed in the RP. He/she will be our trump card in such matters, especially in club-to-club battles and Rps. Must be skilled in Role-playing.

    Each person will be allowed a title in this club should they adopt one, the same with left over responsibilities.

    I reserve to hold full say in what happens in the club, if only to keep it upon it’s stated purpose. I shall assist other members as my abilities will allow.

    Current Troupe List


    celtic_silver=Darkling Celtic
    Govinda=Thane Heather
    Annikit=Ann, Master of Assassins
    joesteel64=Eidetiker Steel

    Chez Daja=Severeth
    Holy Priest=Holy Priest
    Fishie=Night Shade
    Vampiric Delirium=Vampiric Delirium
    James K. Polk=Stuffed Prophet

    BTW, I think it's only fair that I should have to answer to my own questions.

    Why do you think you are unique?

    Because I was told that by too many people. Even my friends have let it slip that I was "weird." But my parents, teachers, spiritual leaders and mentors have all constantly alluded to me being strangely different.

    What talents separate you from others?

    A short list. I can fence, which sadly, is not as common a skill as it should be. I play the ocarina and carry it with me. I'm something of a writer, which you will appreciate, is better than nothing. And I am a devoted philosopher.

    Has anyone ever referred to you as different/strange/weird/freak/insane?

    Constantly. My father, the Psychologist he paid to profile me, my teachers, my co-workers, my friends.

    How do you deal with the rest of the world, being so absurdly different as you are?

    I tend to like looking on the world and listening to it. It may regard me as unique, but the world itself is fascinating. The people in it can be fascinating too, if they put their mind to it.

    What title would you select to describe yourself, which we may refer to you openly?(NOTE: Please be unique)

    Everyone in this club may refer to me as "Brandon," because that is my name.
    Last edited by Sinister; 03-10-2008 at 03:54 AM.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."


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