i have found my self wondering lately what it is to dream, i'm not talking about life ambition dreams i am talking about dreams as in while u are alseep. i myself do not dream or atleast i do not remember any of them at all except on very very very rare occasions. my sleeping, the lil i do get, doenst even feel like i went to sleep make sence? it seems like i lay there for like 5 minutes and then get up completely refreshed even though i know 3 or 4 hours has went by. i hear about all these people with really messedup dreams, happy dreams, nightmares, lovey dovey dreams, ect ect and i cant imagine what that would be like. i know the few dreams that i do have or remember now adays (less than 1 every two years or so) are the dreams that feel real and i wake up freaking out wondering what is goin on and why i am in bed. i know i used to dream alot (mainly nightmares) as a kid, maybe that is what has done it, that i have blocked myself from remembering, or maybe with the passsing of time i have actually forgoten how to dream due to the fact that i have other more prodominating things on my mind.

i was just curious of other peoples perceptions on this, and or if other people are the same way, or if anyone has been like this and has figured out how to stop this kind of madness