Crimson Moon
Step into the land of the night. At first glance, you see an empty, silent place. But take a deeper look, and you will find a world of creatures that thrive in the darkness. They are the very epitome of fear, and in some cases, obsession. If you’ve ever felt yourself intrigued by these creatures, then you’ve clicked on the right thread. Crimson Moon is a haven for lovers of vampires and/or werewolves. If you are such a person, then we welcome you.
The purpose of Crimson Moon is to unite lovers of vampires and werewolves in a variety of activities.
To Join
Simply choose whether you would like to be a vampire or a werewolf. Do not join simply to take part in the RPB feature.
I would also like prospective members to have a minimum post count of 50.
Activities in this club range from discussions to contests. One of our main focuses is the discussion of vampires and werewolves- whether it be thoughts on a particular series or on traditional legends themselves. We will also plan out contests, role-plays, role-play battles, and a variety of other things.
Active Discussions
The active discussions taking place within the most recent pages of the club. I will try to keep this list as current as possible.
What draws you to vampires/werewolves? Can you remember what first got you into them?
What do you believe is the best interpretation of a vampire and/or werewolf? Be it book, film, site, etc.
Active Role-plays
Role-plays associated with the club. No new role-plays will be opened in the recent future.
Active Role Play Battles
The role-play battle system will be explained elsewhere.
Contests arranged and judged by myself, the pack leader, and the senate.
Sig Banner Creation Contest-Complete
Crimson Moon will sometimes hold polls regarding the club’s focus. Answering these polls is entirely optional, but reading people’s opinions on such matters can prove interesting. Questions will be made by myself, the pack leader, and the senate. Surveys and Quizzes can be submitted by any member of the club.
Submitted Works
If you write or have written something regarding vampires or werewolves, feel free to submit it to the club for comments and feedback. It will be linked here so members can access and read it at anytime.
Members are welcome to review books, games, movies, etc. that involve vampires or werewolves. If you disagree with a review, write a review with your opinion, don’t just bash other people’s views.
Recommendation List
Members are encouraged to recommend various types of media regarding the club’s focus to the other members. If you make a recommendation, please include at least a paragraph of intelligent explanation as to why you are recommending it.
Blood and Chocolate, the book
Club Role-Play Battles
It is common knowledge that many different vampire and werewolf lore have the two mythical creatures struggle over something, and so will we. After choosing your group, you will have the option of creating an RPB character. Bear in mind that this character must reflect the group that you are in. After we have enough members interested in this feature, you may challenge a member from the other group. RPB rankings will be decided according to who wins these matches. If you would like to challenge someone from your own group, you can also vie for the title of champion of your group. Members participating in the RPB feature will have their names in the members list as a link. This link will lead you to their RPB character. If you wish to have more than one RPB character for the club, then please edit your second/third characters into the same post as your first.
All club fights (fights between two charaters from this club) will be opened by Toph and myself. Our posts will merely detail who is allowed to post in the thread, and the post limit on the thread.
The minimun and default post limit is ten (five per person), but if you want to have more than that then feel free. All you have to do is speficy that information before the thread is created. No time limits will be put in place.
Also, if there is a specific title you would like to use, then submit it to either Toph or myself and we will include it in the title.
Challenge Requests
itachi Uchiha is reqesting an opponent.
1.If you comment on someone’s work, please keep his or her feelings in mind. If you have negative comments, please refrain from sharing them if you cannot find a way to do so without sounding harsh.
2.No Arguing/flaming
3.No Spamming
4.Accept losses gracefully and wins humbly.
5.If you have a complaint, send it via PM
6. Any other unmentioned TFF rules also apply
Members List and Positions
Senate- The senate is a group of members who help out the pack leader and I. If we feel that there is a member worthy of becoming a senate member, we will PM them with an invite. Members on the senate are marked in the members list with a “(Senate Member)”
EX: Violet (Senate member)
RPB Participant- As already explained, members participating in the RPB have their names as links in the members list. You may join or drop out of the RPB system at anytime. Any standings you may have had will go with you if you drop out, however.
Banner Overlord-in charge of making any banners and approving/disapproving any further banners made by members other than himself or herself.
Other positions- Additional positions will be opened through contests or ideas the pack leader, senate, and I come up with.
Lady Xeim
Toph Bei Fong (Senate Member)
Sinister (Senate Member)
Tiger Lily (Senate Member)
Itachi Uchiha
Twisted Arcano
Kaiser Dragoon
Pack Leader, Banner Overlord Violet
Silver (Senate Member)
Champion Craven