No, Ichigo just gains a couple new attacks in his bankai form. It's not an element or anything, just something to improve his skills.
As for the fight, I'll go ahead and answer it.
Though it's two on one, I'd have to say the captain-commander would win. He taought the two he now faces, and is the most powerful and wisest shinigami in souls society. We don't know much about any of their zanpukto's, so I can't go into much detail there, but in terms of wisdom, and strategy, the commander would find a way to take them down.
I loved your banners Andromeda. If you ever get around to finding more pics and want to make a club banner, that'd be great. I'd supply pics, but I have a lot going on right now, and don't have a lot of time to pick any out. If you want to PM me, I'm sure I could find some time to get some good ones for you in good time.
Next fight: The guy with the glasses who wears and apron and works for Urahara vs. Ishida Uryuu