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Thread: Beyond Death

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister View Post
    Lol. I haven't talked this much philosophy in about a year. Fun stuff...
    I haven't talked this much philosophy in...ever. I've never had people intellectual enough to discuss it with, it's quite refreshing.

    Quote Originally Posted by dimmufan View Post
    3. If anything, do you believe that we're all here for a certain reason?
    I used to not think so. Now I do. I believe that the purpose to our existence is different for everybody. Some poeple feel that it is their purpose to save lives while others feel that it is their purpose to destroy lives. Others feel that they should entertain while others find their calling in feeling bad for themselves.

    But our ultimate goal in life is to live: to make sure that we will always find a means to survive. We are always finding new ways to better ourselves and in these ways we will find a way to ensure the future of mankind.
    Well, assuming that all existence and aspects of it are conscious and sentient to at least some degree, it's certain that we were grown from this earth for a purpose. As for what that is, I'm gonna go with you, it just varies from person to person. Personally, I'm still unsure what mine is, but that doesn't bother me. I'm here, I might as well enjoy the stay, I'm sure I'll figure out my purpose at some point in my life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja View Post
    1. What do you believe happens after death?

    I don't know what happens after death, so I don't know what to believe. We go into the ground, or we're spread around. The thought of not existing is impossible to believe because we have no idea what it is to not exist.

    I guess, what sounds most logical to me, would be that we sleep and redream our life again and again without even consciously knowing it. The same thing. Again and again.
    Reliving in a dream.
    That sounds extremely depressing O_O I would hate to relive my life over and over in a dream, because you'd constantly be reminded of mistakes and what you could have done differently. I prefer the idea of reincarnation (unless I was reincarnated in a post-apocalyptic world, that'd suck) myself, although I don't believe it.

    I'd say our higher consciousnesses (our souls, if you will) will continue to exist in some form while our bodies rejoin the earth. We are all sprung from the same singularity, but our awareness and sentience is the highest of any creature on this planet, so I doubt it would just fade away. Perhaps it joins with the consciousness of the earth or universe *shrugs*
    We are the architects of fate, we are impure for we burn all we berate.

  2. #32
    Beyond Death Momo Mastermind's Avatar
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    Well, before I answer the three questions I just want to say that I LOVE Philosophic discussions... did I mispell something?... I don't know O_o

    Anyway, I LOVE to investigate other religions, beliefs, etc... ^_^

    1. What do you believe happens after death?

    I REALLY have no idea, no grasp on any possibilities or information on the truth, nobody does; not even the people who have "crossed over" but have come back. I don't know, but I will find out I suppose, unless death is trully the end, then I won't find out, I'll just be... gone. But thinking about just being gone forever is too much for anybody to ever comprehend- sure there are those people out there who say that they have no problem with knowing that death is the end and when we die, we die, but they really don't understand. You can't imagine a world without yourself in it, because to you your perception is what makes the world, and without your utter perception of reality, there IS no world, so in all technical aspects, if death is the END, then the world ends when you do. Which goes into the whole discussion about "is there really a world or are we the only humans, just me, and everyone/thing else is a dream." Which was a hot topic in my philosophy class last semester. How can you possibly prove that there is a world and you're not just dreaming? How can you possibly prove that you are even real and you yourself aren't a dream? There IS no way, what you feel can just be information given to you, etc.. I've spent many hundreds of nights dwelling upon this, but I've come to the conclusion that I just don't care anymore. Isn't it funny that putting SO much time into thought and SO much energy, and the end conclusion to such calculative thought is the same state that an ignorant person lives in- that you can't change it so why try? Perhaps ignorance REALLY is bliss....

    holy shit, anyway, after life I don't know what comes, but there's no way to ever know until it happens. Something tells me though, whether it's a truth that is just known within my mind, or just the strong hope that fuels my life, that there is something after this life we lead, there must be. It just can't end, I can't handle that, there must be something.

    2. Do you or do you not have fear of dying?

    This is hard for me to answer, because I do, but I don't [as my bf always says, lol.] I'm so pitifully scared of dying, I fear it more than the most intense pain searing on this flesh because the pain is real, it lets me know I'm alive, but death is null of all light, or that's what we're told by our minds to think... unless you believe in a structured Heaven or Hell... which I don't understand. Nothing in this chaotic world we live in now has structure, nothing is set in stone and safe- why would death be any different? It sounds like SUCH a fairytale, be a good person and after you die everything is warm and nice and nothing is bad... please, nobody take this personally, this is not an attack on you but... to ME, when people believe just that, it's so sad and depressing. I want them to be more prepared for life, and death, or... I really don't know, it's just sad. It seems to immature to have that mind-set... maybe they're the right ones and I'm wrong, trully though I HOPE that's the case, I really do wish for that over anything else. I want to be proven 100% wrong and I will happily with tears in my eyes admit that I was wrong... but the idea of Heaven seems so easy and simple, it's almost childish to hope for such comfort.

    On the other hand I don't fear it because I can't change it, simpley. I LOVE that prayer people say, "Please God, grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference." Without the "God" part, I live by those words. I LOVE that prayer, it's so amazingly powerful. I wish everyone took those words to heart.

    3. If anything, do you believe that we're all here for a certain reason?

    I hope we are, I really do. Everyone wants a purpose to be here, everyone wants a reaosn to be alive; but I really don't think we do have a purpose. I think we were spontaneous and random, perhaps an accident or just a miracle- I think we are the universes accident children, but we're beautiful either way. Time is precious whether we were an accident or intentional creations; and I refuse to give my precious time to anyone who will do away with it as if it were eternal.

    I'm sorry for anyone who read this whole thing because my words are jumbled and crushed together and probably make little sense, I'm just really in a very deep state of mind right now and when I read these question it just really got me thinking; when I think, bad things happen.
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  3. #33
    When you die, you will go see Crom on his mountain and he will bestow upon you cruel judgement. Simple as that.

  4. #34
    1. What do you believe happens after death?

    There are many explantions I could tell you about that.Most people say that people who did good things in their life, get sent up to heaven and have a after life fulled of luxury.An that people who did bad things in their life, get sent to hell, where they are punished for all their after life.Although, people who are alive can not simply prove that, until they die of course, but after they die they can not come back to earth.So, nobody can ever prove that to be what happens after you die.

    2. Do you or do you not have fear of dying?

    I can not clearly answer that question.Sure id you die, you leave behind your beloved one, whom are still alive.But, a lot of people said it would be peaceful to die, and that if death comes upon you, you should be proud.I have fear and no fear of dying, it depends with me on how my death occured.If I was old, and one day just died of old age, I really wouldn't be afraid, because I knew I died in a peaceful way.But if I was to die by being set on fire or so, I would be somehow afraid.

    3. If anything, do you believe that we're all here for a certain reason?

    Yes, I do.There are no accidents of birth in this world, everybody is born with a purpose.Rather it be a ruler of a country, a admin on a website, a lonely bag boy, or anything else.Yet, there are some people here who do not believe that, but they have a right to say what they think.This is really all I have to say about on this question.

  5. #35
    Beyond Death X SlAyEr's Avatar
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    1. What do you believe happens after death?

    there is another life in another planet I mean in hell or havean .

    2. Do you or do you not have fear of dying?

    sometimes, well I'm not fear from it but I fear to lose friends that's maybe not see them again in the another life.

    3. If anything, do you believe that we're all here for a certain reason?

    no I don't believe that because sometimes i feel like a doll in doll's world
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  6. #36
    I am Ol' Fartsy and I said So! Beyond Death Ol' Fartsy's Avatar
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    1. What do you believe happens after death?
    I believe that we go to either Heaven (Pradise, etc.) or Hell (Purgatory, etc.)

    2. Do you or do you not have fear of dying?
    I do not have a fear of death for I know I will go to Heaven!

    3. If anything, do you believe that we're all here for a certain reason?
    Yes. We are here to help or annoy any and everyone.
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  7. #37
    Umm....This is gonna sound incredibly stupid,

    1. What do you believe happens after death?
    But after life, I believe that we have a soul-like thing, its somewhat like re-incarnation. But after death this soul inhabits another body, but the slate is wiped clean, its simply another life. And theres is no way we can find what happened past life's.

    2. Do you or do you not have fear of dying?
    No, not really.

    3. If anything, do you believe that we're all here for a certain reason?
    Well not really, although its not some twisted coincidence ether. We are here just because.... thats all I can say.
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  8. #38
    Stage Dives, High Fives. Beyond Death Confession's Avatar
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    1. What do you believe happens after death?

    Well I believe that we have a "soul" so to speak and when we die, our soul lives on and it finds another newly born living object to become one with, i dont believe that it can just be a human because fater all we are just animals, so we are just more intelligent

    2. Do you or do you not have fear of dying?

    I believe that all people who say they dont have a fear of dying ultimatley on the time of their death will fear it, but i do fear death right now just upon the fasct that noone knows whats after, although i am curious.

    3. If anything, do you believe that we're all here for a certain reason?

    I do not believe that we are here for a certain reason, we are just more sophisticated animals, who have adapted to the earth in a way greater then anything else on here. We are no more important then any other creature.

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  9. #39
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chairman Meow View Post
    I believe that all people who say they dont have a fear of dying ultimatley on the time of their death will fear it, but i do fear death right now just upon the fasct that noone knows whats after, although i am curious.
    Just wondering about that one line dude...
    All people who say they don't fear death will fear it on their deathbed...
    What exactly is your reasoning behind that?
    I've read about people who are so insane they do not fear anything like death, and then I myself have been close to it a few times. Never really feared death, though I did reevaluate where exactly I was headed...
    Helps you get your priorities straight.

    Just that one little bit though.
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  10. #40
    Registered User Beyond Death DarkIrvine's Avatar
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    1. What do you believe happens after death?

    It's hard to say, I think we'll never get the truth. But I think that after death we're going to become another person. I mean, when someone dies, his "spirit" or "soul" is changed into something else, it's charged with features different from the previous ones and becomes a "new person". I don't know if you have undestood what I've said.

    2. Do you or do you not have fear of dying?

    Yes, I do. Especially in some period of my life, I have fear of dying, but actually I don't know why. Could be that I haven't achieved yet in my "projects" or simply in my life, in what I wanted to be or to become or to do.

    3. If anything, do you believe that we're all here for a certain reason?
    Maybe yes, in the sense that we are not given a purpose in our lives but it's us that we say: I'm living for this or for that. Everybody has to give a sense to his/her own life, that it is always different, because we are not the same, everybody is different from everybody else.

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