9/11 and the U.S.A
It’s been 7 years since 9/11 happened… It seems like people have forgotten what that day meant what it did to us as a country.. What I mean by these is that when the plans hit we came together as a country everyone was their for one another now it seems that we have forgotten we are like a family... people are going back to the old ways crime is going back up and a lot of other things are happening out country is falling apart in my eyes… Life is a funny thing you live and die… But what im asking is meant to cover is have people forgotten what happened 7 years ago… Does it mean that our country does not care about the past or for that fact the future… Is your government falling apart.. Anyways I just hope who ever is elected to run this country for the next 4 years knows what he is doing…Because I think if we keep going the way we are going we will end up in world war 3 … Anyways plz voice your opinion