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Thread: 2008 Presidential Election

  1. #1

    2008 Presidential Election

    Might as well make it now.

    Clinton is ahead, and as of tonight's win in Florida, McCain is ahead. How do you feel? Who are you pulling for?

    I am a big McCain fan. He is the one major candidate who I believe when he speaks. Romney and Huckabee are fascists, to be sure, but the Democratic nominees are weak this year. I like Obama as a speaker, but I don't know if he is ready.

  2. #2
    2008 Presidential Election Jin's Avatar
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    Personally, I don't think either the Democrats or the Republicans have strong candidates this election. Mind you, I'm going strictly by how they present themselves as I don't much care to delve into all their policies, considering it's not even my country. So take my thoughts with a grain of salt, for those of you that don't already.

    McCain strikes me as a buffoon honestly. Everytime I've seen him talk, he looks like he's going to crack. He strikes me as the guy that means well, but is a fool.

    I don't trust Obama at all. I'm not sure why, but nothing about him seems genuine. I don't usually trust politicians, but this guy just rubs me in a "he has a secret agenda that is bad for the country" kind of way.

    Hillary makes me want to vomit, enough said.

    I find Romney hilarious. Really. He told a black woman her baby had bling. That's gold, pardon the pun. Politics - wise, well he's a "man's man", if you know what I mean.

    Rudy is a joke, to be honest. I absolutely loved the clip they showed on the daily show where he was talking about the economy, saying something (forget what) rose from 9% to 11%. That's Rudy in a nutshell right there.

    No one will take America seriously when addressing "President Huckabee". Simple as that.

    I can't remember much about the rest, so that's all I'm saying. Not much for me to debate here, but I figured I'd scribble some thoughts. I wish Biden haden't dropped out. In my opinion, he was the most sensible candidate. Or that guy from Alaska. That guy was great. In an ironic kind of way.

    Until now!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Jintatsu View Post
    Or that guy from Alaska. That guy was great. In an ironic kind of way.
    Gravel. He is still in the election, but received less votes in Florida than Kucinich, who dropped out a few days ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jin
    I find Romney hilarious. Really. He told a black woman her baby had bling.
    During his speech tonight, he advocated not letting other countries, like "Asia", take our jobs.

    I could see not liking McCain, but I like that he has been in combat. Plus, he doesn't always allow his party to dictate what he does. I am a fan.

  4. #4
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n 2008 Presidential Election FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    McCain is my favorite to win. He has good beliefs on the war, experience, and is willing to make compromise, which no one else seems to want to do. Clinton has a lot of socialist ideas, and she is crazy. Obama doesn't seem to have the experience, he's still kind of young. Edwards is out. Guilliani is out. Huckabee is close to being out. Ron Paul, never had a chance. McCain has the most experience, and has good ideas for the economy, and is willing to do something, and make compromise.
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  5. #5
    I do what you can't. 2008 Presidential Election Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Here and there
    McCin is somewhat of a RINO -- Repubilcan In Name Only. For somebody who wants to represent a conservative party, he's very liberal. Honestly, I'd like to see Romney get the nomination, but too many people are stuck on his Mormonism.

    As far as the Democratic candidates go, it'll be prettymuch between Clinton and Obama. Clinton is an obvious socialist, and while she has guaranteed votes, I think it would be easy for Republicans to tear into her if she got the nomination. Obama also has guaranteed votes, but from what I've seen, most people don't like him for his policies, but for his charisma and appearance. He's not as openly socialist as Clinton, but I don't think he would do too much better than she would if either of them were to be elected.

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  6. #6
    Magically Delicous 2008 Presidential Election Merlin's Avatar
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    I most likely won't be voting at all this year. There really is no good canidates on either side. The one thing they all share in common is that they all have extreme views on how the government should be run and none of them are correct or even marginally realistic. I could spend days going through every single point, but in the end it would be rather pointless. The mass majority of Americans have no clue what these people are like under the surface and don't even pay attention to what these people have said or voted on in the past.

    Let's take Clinton for example. One thing is certain: If she is elected, our taxes will skyrocket. She has been for raising taxes from the getgo. She wants to make "healthcare available for everyone" or so she claims. Hello? How is this effective? What does this really do? What it really is doing is making those who already have healthcare and pay for it dish out more money to cover the asshats that refuse to get healthcare and all the poor people who can't afford it. Yes, your friendly neihborhood Mexicans would be included in that as well. Why bother getting healthcare when everyone else will be paying it for me? This isn't creating equallity, its further screwing over the honest, hardworking people to benefit everyone else. Why the hell should my taxes be jacked up through the roof because you dropped out of highschool and can't even get a job at McDonalds because you got fired for stealing a cheesburger?

    This isn't to say that I'm against helping the poor. You'd be rather ignorant to jump to that conclusion. Sure we should help them... help them get a damn job. Clean them up(lets face it, nobody will hire a stinky guy off the streets... its just the way it is...), teach them how to get a decent job, empower these people and get them employed. If after that they refuse to get a job because they are lazy bastards, cut them off. Stuff like this does not cost much tax money at all. Its really volunteer work for the most part. Community service. Force them to get their act together or cut their benefits and things would change.

    Now that I've pretty much told you why I have no inkling of desire for Clinton to be president, lets go to the flipside shall we?

    McCain is a Democrat. Look it up people. Not only has he consistently voted with democrats and against his own party, he was planning on switching sides. Why didn't he? Well lets use our brains for a moment shall we? If a Democrat labeled a Republican becomes president... then you still got a damn Democrat. They win either way. Congratulations! Thank you Americans for not bothering to keep track of such obvious details!

    That aside, what exactly does a man who finished near the bottom of his class in Naval Academy, got shot down out of the skies, and tortured for five years as a POW bring to the presidential table, folks?

    I'm not going to sit here and preach about why these people are horrible choices, because frankly none of them are good. Not only that, the information is easily available everywhere. All I ask is that you all do some research before saying lines like "I like McCain because he _____". Look it up. These people are trained to tell you what you want to here... not what is really going on. The information is right there in your face if you simply take two minutes and look.

    Thats my rant for today. xD I won't debate the pros and cons of these people. I hate them all equally.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Merlin View Post
    McCain is a Democrat. Look it up people.
    McCain was the second most conservative Senator from 2005 to 2007, according to Political Analysis.

    Quote Originally Posted by Final Fantasy Fan Cid
    Clinton has a lot of socialist ideas, and she is crazy.
    Oh no!

    This whole name calling of socialist really baffles me. How is she a socialist? Putting healthcare at the hands of the government? That isn't any more socialist than the mail system, or the education system, really.

  8. #8
    Lady of the Flowers 2008 Presidential Election Anthiena's Avatar
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    Being a Socialist is neither good nor bad-it's a matter of opinion. I identify myself politically as a Democratic Socialist. A Socialist for me would be a pretty damn good thing.

    ...and as for extremely different ideas, that's why more people have been voting. The Primaries and Caucuses have had their highest turn outs because you can actually differentiate between the candidates this time, rather than the same old ones. As for McCain, he may be a Dem. in Rep. clothing but at least he appears to be sane... not like Huckabee.

    I am still going to vote Democrat, especially since it is still a toss-up between Obama and Hillary. I would rather vote for Obama, though-Hillary stands for Censorship and I won't take that.
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  9. #9
    I'll make you famous 2008 Presidential Election Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    I'm also looking towars McCain, though im not posotive yet. This is the first year i get to vote so i want to be sure before i just running to the office punching in ballots. i really cant stress enough how many people i see that either vote all democrat or vote all republican, personally im neither. Ishare similar views with both parties, but also oppose views with both parties.

    nothing against hillary but i couldnt stand it when she constantly accused obama of having similar views to the republicans... big deal! does that make him a bad person? It dissapoints me to see that we are supposed to be the most unified country in the world yet we fight each other everyday on how it should be run.
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  10. #10
    2008 Presidential Election Jin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rydia Lover
    i really cant stress enough how many people i see that either vote all democrat or vote all republican, personally im neither.
    Actually, your system is much less party oriented than some others I know, Canada being a good example. Here we have party discipline. If a MP (congressman) votes against his party, he'll be kicked out of the party. Our representatives are really more voting machines than anything else. No one votes for their representative, they vote for the party they want, even if the MP him/herself is a twat. I don't know anything about my representative, for example. American congressmen and senators have a pretty good ammount of freedom, even if people barade them for it. If the two party aspect of the system was done away with, it'd be pretty super.
    Last edited by Jin; 01-31-2008 at 09:41 PM.

    Until now!

  11. #11
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Not being American I can't really vote but it will be interesting to see who does win cause quite frankly imo unless the Ron Paul support reaches beyond the internet then you are screwed beyond how much Mr Bush has already. I don't really follow who's who but I would just vote who's the least socialists without being too conservative.

    On a side not whilst it goes against my quest for Jailbait, I must admit that Hillary is kind of a milf.

    ((sorry for the short post but I thought this would be in GC))

  12. #12
    Bass Player Extraordinaire 2008 Presidential Election Joe's Avatar
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    Well, this is my first year being able to vote, and i'm definitely going with Ron Paul. His policies and ideals are exactly what America needs: To get back to a constitutional system of government. Basically, get out of Iraq until congress votes a declaration of war, lower taxes, give freedom and privacy back to the individual, secure borders, and health care freedom.

    Go to for more info

    I could also vote for Obama, his stance on a lot of issues is agreeable with me.

    I coudl NEVER vote for Clinton however. her policies are so radically insane, that there's no way i can support them. Her universal healthcare plan would force EVERYONE to enroll, even garnishing their wages if neccessary. Also, she wants to be protecting children against violence and sexual content in the media and studying the impact of electronic media on children's cognitive, social, and physical development. Hmm, sounds like a serious constraint on freedom of speech and expression. After all, it's not the governments job to monitor what parents children watch and play. It's the parents job! \

    She also suuport "Comprhensive immigration reform". this could involve amnesty for people who have been in the country long enough. i say no way to this. They were here breaking the law, and so your just going to give them citizenship and not charge them with crimes? insanity.

    As for McCain and Romney, I see both of them as a continuation of what our current leader is doing. more involvement in foreign countries. lower taxes for the wealthy, crappy schools as usual, and no real healthcare plan.

    Huckabee is an interesting candidate, and i'm indifferent towards him at this point

    wow, that was a long rant, but it happens when I get on the topic of elections
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  13. #13
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    I honestly have not done my homework for this presidential election, and as such abstained from voting in the primaries today. From what I HAD looked into, I really liked Obama, but stood more towards Clinton because healthcare is a huge issue for me.

    As an hourly-based employee in an industry where high-paying jobs are FAR from abundant and are never a guarantee health care is a big thing for me.

    I'm an aspiring chef, a culinary school student, an (overpaid) line-cook who is still struggling to make ends meet and living in a city where the restaurant industry has been in a steady decline since 2003. I'm amongst the highest paid line cooks in the city, simply because of how my kitchen is structured. Most make $1-2 less/hr than I do, based on the fact that the income of the restaurants are too low to pay them.

    My industry is a direct reflection of the economy as a whole doing well. If people aren't making a lot of money, the people in my industry don't make any money. People need to make money to want to spend it on "entertainment" such as dining out, or seeing a show, ect, and restaurants have to make money to pay their employees.

    My industry is also as "affordable" as it is because it's backboned by "illegal" immigrant workers, so I can fully support anyone willing to stand behind the immigrant workforce. Do you honestly think the economy of this country would be nearly as "good" as it is (in the horrible state it's currently in) if it wasn't for "underpaid" immigrant workers who are MORE than happy to do these jobs that Americans refuse to do?

    So, my issues are healthcare, improving the economy, and protecting the "illegal" immigrants status to continue working in this country. Trust me when I say, most of them are not taking away jobs that Americans want to do in the first place. This is experience from all stances of my industry talking here.

    I'm also against the conflict in Iraq and would like to see that end sometime soon. I still can't even understand why we're there.


    Sorry to go off on a tangent, but the immigrant workers thing is a huge deal for me...

    Most Americans are lazy. Most have a poor work ethic, ESPECIALLY amongst the minority workers. Most feel like people OWE them something because they are minority. I'm not stereotyping, and I'm not meaning to sound racist here, but the absolute hardest workers I've seen, those with the best work ethics for the "dead-end" jobs they are doing, are the illegal Mexicans I've worked with. Not the black high school kids as my dish washers or bussers, not the post-high school black kids or the old black guys on the line with me. They (The Mexicans) live and work off of the thought of "the harder I work, the further I get."
    Last edited by Sean; 02-06-2008 at 10:59 PM.

  14. #14
    Lady of the Flowers 2008 Presidential Election Anthiena's Avatar
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    Agreed. I saw a news story from my part of the US about a bunch of Illegal workers, almost all homeowners, half of them with US Citizen children and none of them on welfare. The people left behind were outraged:why not get the ones selling dope on the corner? Why go after those who hadn't committed any other crime? Anyone with a steady job should be allowed to live here. They are already doing more for this country than many a welfare bum I've met.

    EDIT: Ron Paul, even before he dropped out was as likely as Jefferson's white decendants accepting his black decendants. And that is as likely as me getting sucked into a computer screen.
    Last edited by Anthiena; 02-20-2008 at 03:35 PM.
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  15. #15
    2008 Presidential Election Blitz King's Avatar
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    Im pulling for the republicans in this presidential election. I would rather see a man get elected than a women. I would rather see someone get elected that will put his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance, a man who will sing the national anthem. Im not dogin on women here, i just do not think they are fit to be in control of a nation. Dont get me wrong there has been some great women rulers in this world, but i don not think that America should be ran by one.
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  16. #16
    I don't give a **** about all these party labels. It just makes people want to vote strictly one way or the other. On some issues i'm conservative, on other issues i'm liberal. What gives?

    That being said. Obama has stated in his campaign speeches he is there to CHANGE the way things work. I believe that's what we need right now. He also makes references to the beginning of the United States, when we first had our vision and since then lost it. We were a young, rebelious, and prospering nation. Does anyone remember Abe Lincoln? We need a president like that again, not a politician out to win.

    McCain is too close to being Bush #2. We need something different. Hillary just wants to win to be the first woman president. Obama is young and is willing to work with the people, he is the most down to earth. Being young and not having as much experience never hurt us in the past (Abe Lincoln didn't even want to be president, but accepted it because everyone voted for him). I believe we're forgetting our roots.

    Adding to what I said after thinking: I have nothing wrong with a woman president, but I don't think Hillary is the one to be. I don't know where Blitz King got his ideas, but there is nothing in science nor history that says a woman can't be a great president.
    Last edited by Che; 05-03-2008 at 10:39 PM.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Blitz King View Post
    I would rather see someone get elected that will put his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance, a man who will sing the national anthem.
    Are you okay?

    What candidate DOESN'T put his hand on his heart during the pledge. What candidate sings the national anthem?

    Your dig at Obama fails. Your sexism needs no discussion.

    I didn't believe that people cared about these things until I read your post. I thought people honestly cared about the issues. What the **** does the national anthem have to do with the War in Iraq? How does the Pledge correlate with the economy?

    We have had the kind of President you want. Dubya. Look at what happened. Even Republicans are admitting he is a ****-up; Democrats just won a congressional seat held by Republicans for thirty years.

    Which President was better: Bill Clinton, the draft dodger, or George W. Bush, the "patriotic country boy".

    I still admire McCain, but he is pandering to the right too much for my liking. I would probably vote for the McCain of 2000, but he has sold his soul, it seems. I am firmly in Obama's camp now. (Hillary is a non-factor)

  18. #18
    It's funny how there's all this crap that encourages EVERYONE to vote, yet the majority of the people are just like Blitz King. I don't want those people voting at all.

  19. #19
    2008 Presidential Election Blitz King's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Wray View Post

    What candidate DOESN'T put his hand on his heart during the pledge.
    Barrack Hussein Obama will NOT recite the Pladge of Allegiance nor will he show any reverence for our flag. While others place their hands over their hearts, Obama turns his back to our flag.

    Are the American people ready for an elected president who was educated in a Madrassa as a young boy and has not been forthcoming about his Muslim heritage?

    Obama's education began a life-long relationship with Islam as a faith and Muslims as a community, This has been a relationship that contains numerous question marks.

    In “The Audacity of Hope,” Mr. Obama says, "I was not raised in a religious household." He describes his mother as secular, but says she had copies of the Bible, the Koran and the Bhagavad Gita in their home.

    The Muslims said that they have plans to destroy the US from inside out, what better way to start with someone at the highest level; the President of the United States of America, one of their own?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Wray View Post
    Your dig at Obama fails.
    It did not fail, now did it.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Wray View Post
    I still admire McCain, but he is pandering to the right too much for my liking. I would probably vote for the McCain of 2000, but he has sold his soul, it seems.
    How do you think he sold his soul, what makes you wanna say this? Is it he is too patriotic for you? You can ridicule me if you would like, but im saying facts, I would NEVER vote for somone who does not even say the Pledge. What makes McCain different now than in 2000?
    Last edited by Blitz King; 05-04-2008 at 07:15 PM.
    You Scared Say Your Scared

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Blitz King
    Barrack Hussein Obama will NOT recite the Pladge of Allegiance nor will he show any reverence for our flag. While others place their hands over their hearts, Obama turns his back to our flag.
    Give me ONE example. Now, when you pull out the faux controversy of his putting his hands at his side during the Anthem, I will laugh at you. The hand over heart deal is about the Pledge, not the Anthem. Strike one.

    We all know his middle name. Why did you throw it in?

    Quote Originally Posted by Blitz King
    Are the American people ready for an elected president who was educated in a Madrassa as a young boy and has not been forthcoming about his Muslim heritage?
    His mom is from Kansas and his dad is from Kenya. No Muslim heritage. Strike two.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blitz King
    Obama's education began a life-long relationship with Islam as a faith and Muslims as a community, This has been a relationship that contains numerous question marks.
    You have no evidence. And even if you did, what is wrong with being Muslim? I am giving you two strikes for this. Three and four.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blitz King
    In “The Audacity of Hope,” Mr. Obama says, "I was not raised in a religious household." He describes his mother as secular, but says she had copies of the Bible, the Koran and the Bhagavad Gita in their home.
    So? I won't give you a strike, because I have no idea what you are talking about.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blitz King
    The Muslims said that they have plans to destroy the US from inside out, what better way to start with someone at the highest level; the President of the United States of America, one of their own?
    This shows either your lack of knowledge or your willful refrain from using it.

    Quote Originally Posted by John Hagee, Christian pastor
    It was the disobedience and rebellion of the Jews, God's chosen people, to their covenantal responsibility to serve only the one true God, Jehovah, that gave rise to the opposition and persecution that they experienced beginning in Canaan and continuing to this very day... Their own rebellion had birthed the seed of antisemitism that would arise and bring destruction to them for centuries to come.... it rises from the judgment of God upon his rebellious chosen people.
    Since Muslim extremists speak for all Muslims, John Hagee speaks for all Christians. Fair? Two strikes.

    Obama is not Muslim. Stop being an idiot. You get three strikes for this. One for generalizing all Muslims, one for saying Obama is a Muslim, and an added one for repeating something that is false.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blitz King
    How do you think he sold his soul, what makes you wanna say this? Is it he is too patriotic for you? You can ridicule me if you would like, but im saying facts, I would NEVER vote for somone who does not even say the Pledge. What makes McCain different now than in 2000?
    Where do I begin? I mentioned he is pandering, which he is. He has abandoned many of his maverick qualities of 2000. He has decided to embrace the Republican establishment in exchange for his own principles. One strike for not reading.

    Too patriotic? You get a whopping five strikes for that ignorant statement. You hate womens rights. Women are protected by the Constitution. Don't call out my patriotism.

    When hasn't Obama said the Pledge when everyone else has? I will refrain from a strike, pending evidence. You will find none.

    A whopping fifteen strikes, each representing an offensive mass mischaracterization. Why didn't you try to defend your sexism?

    Do you not care about issues at all? You are going to vote for the guy who is in league with the man that has led us into war and recession, and the only reason is because you think women are inferior and you are a covert racist.

  21. #21
    2008 Presidential Election Blitz King's Avatar
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    I do care about the issues that are at hand with each of the presidential candidates thank you very much. McCain is in the lead right now, and he is going to keep that lead. And Defending my sexism, I do not think a women is fit to run a country like America is all im saying, but by the looks of a damn 5 year old child could have done better than Bush.
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