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Thread: war of the Millena RP

  1. #1
    war of the Millena RP draco's Avatar
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    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!

    war of the Millena RP

    Ziro was walking on the edge of a cliff near Argoth kingdom. The wind was blowing Ziros hair back and the grass was being blowen in circles. "What should I do father". After Ziro was done the wind died down and Ziro went to his Quarters.He found a note on his bed that said:

    Ziro I need you by my side right now and prepear for war.

    The King

    As Ziro opened the big wodend door to the throne room all Ziro could think of was what did the King mean. "Ah Ziro just the person that I wanted to see. Ziro i need you to go to feather mountains and ask the Darves for help then go to the Thrase and ask the elves for help". "King may I ask what is going on"! "We are going to war with the Dragons no go my boy".

    Ziro went back to his quarters and in those torch lit hallways he noticed a figure out of the window yelling at the gards. But just then it hit Ziro that he had no time to mess around with a problem like that. He opened the woodened door to his quarters. He went in and sat down on his bed and just sat there for awile then he grabed his sword and left the kingdom. As he left the front gates he stared at the guy that was trying to get in. " Hey insted of going in their why not come with me on my jorney".
    Last edited by draco; 06-22-2008 at 01:32 PM.

  2. #2
    parkour messenger extrodinaire war of the Millena RP Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    "For the tenth time I'm telling you, I need to get in there now!" Gell shouted at the guard, who again did nothing more than stand there and bar the way with his spear. Gell was inches from drawing Dragon paw, his mace and bashing the moronic humans head in, but still it wouldn't be very helpful to his cause if he killed a guard.
    "Hey insted of going in their why not come with me on my jorney."
    "What is the nature of this journey, and why exactly would you need my help on it?" Gell was just being cautious, you needed to in his position, a rogue dragon wasn't accepted very well among his kin, and he had to let the other races know of him before his own found out. he couldn't risk to take chances.
    Last edited by Mokkan Brushtail; 06-17-2008 at 05:21 AM. Reason: simply had too

  3. #3
    war of the Millena RP draco's Avatar
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    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    "Well first of all i'm going to Feather montains to talk to the legendary Dwarves" Ziro said in a calm voice. The wind started to blow and Ziro was waiting for a answer. The trees around him were starting to die because it was the middle of spring. "Well whats your answer" Ziro said calmly.
    Last edited by draco; 06-22-2008 at 01:33 PM.

  4. #4
    parkour messenger extrodinaire war of the Millena RP Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    "Well first of all i'm going to Feather montains to talk to the legendary Dwarves"
    Good, good, the dwarves already knew about the existence of the rogue Dragons that would be an excellent place for him to make his true nature known.

    "Well, I suppose so, I will come, but what is it that makes you think that you will need my aid?"

    (ugh sorry about the shortness)

  5. #5
    war of the Millena RP draco's Avatar
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    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    "well i'm going to need someone to talk to". (And if we run into some dragons I'm going to need you to help me fight.) The wind started to die down again. Ziro noticed that the wind was acting up.
    Last edited by draco; 06-22-2008 at 01:33 PM.

  6. #6
    parkour messenger extrodinaire war of the Millena RP Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    "well i'm going to need someone to talk to." Hmmmm...logical, even when he was in flight Gell, or Gem as he would be known by humans as a dragon, found the journey tedious, on foot he may very well die of boredom.
    "That has to be the best answer I've ever gotten for that question, I'm in; Name's Gell by the way, you got one?" Gell picke up his pack and prepared for the trip, his brown eyes showing the exciment, of his longest excursion on foot yet.

  7. #7
    war of the Millena RP draco's Avatar
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    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    "Yea my names Ziro". As they entered a near by forest the wind picked up again. The ground was squishy because all of the rain that they were getting over the past few days. As they got deeper into the forest the wind got stronger they felt cold and the air was thicking. Suddenly the trees started to sway back and forth and one of the wind dragons appeared. It had white scales that were sparkling like dimands. But luckily for them it was young and not well trained. Ziro put his sword into battle position and said in a calm voice "Get ready for battle".
    Last edited by draco; 06-22-2008 at 01:34 PM.

  8. #8
    parkour messenger extrodinaire war of the Millena RP Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    Examining the wind Dragon Gem began to think,
    'let's see, a young wind dragon, I could destroy it easily in my dragon form, but I can't do that right now, Ziro and I might be able to take it on, but it'd be a tough one, we're better off taking shelter.'

    "Ziro, I hate to burst your bubble, but we won't stand much of a chance even the youngest are being trained in battle now, but listen if we make it deeper into the forest we'll be able to get away, because it won't be very powerful in the woods," 'and I'll get stronger' he added in his mind.
    Last edited by Mokkan Brushtail; 06-19-2008 at 08:29 AM.

  9. #9
    war of the Millena RP draco's Avatar
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    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    "Well ok." Ziro put the sword be hind his back and him and Gem started running. After they ran for about ten minutes they looked behind them and saw nothing. "Well it looks like we lost that Wind Dragon." Then out of no were the wind got strong again and Ziro hair along with the trees started to sway. Down came the Wind Dragon that thy saw earlyer. "Well looks like your plan didn't work Gell now lets try mine. GET READY FOR BATTLE!"
    Last edited by draco; 06-22-2008 at 01:34 PM.

  10. #10
    parkour messenger extrodinaire war of the Millena RP Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    [you don't know that he goes be gem, he only knows him be Gell.]

    'I always hated how persistant Wind Dragons were.' Gell Draws his mace Dragonpaw. Its steel head is in the shape of a Dragon's paw, with three claws extended. He holds the mace in his left hand.

    "Earth Strike," he shouts, as the powers of earth enter his mace he leaps towards the Dragon, hoping to catch it off guard.

  11. #11
    war of the Millena RP draco's Avatar
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    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    He pulled his sword from his back, stabed it into the ground, and wispered to himself "Earth Drain". Suddenly a whight arura surounded Ziro. The light coved his whole body for about ten minutes when suddenly Ziro speed out with unhuman speed and swiftness and, since the wind was so strong only cut his leg. Niw it seemed as if the Wind Dragon just got a whole lot mader.
    Last edited by draco; 06-22-2008 at 01:34 PM.

  12. #12
    parkour messenger extrodinaire war of the Millena RP Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    Gell's strike would've been awe inspiring, had it come anywhere near his target. Gell was still getting used to his human form, he was still a bit clumsy. The wind Dragon swung at him twice, the first struck Gem. the second time the Dragon wasn't so lucky.

    As the paw decended towards him Gell shouted,
    "Vine Wall" He smacked the ground with his palm, and vines sprang upwards, encompassing the Dragons right leg, and immobilizing it.
    "Now's the time Ziro!"

  13. #13
    war of the Millena RP draco's Avatar
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    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    Ziro pointed his sword at the Wind Dragon and sillently uttered the word Firaga and A blaze of inferno struck the dragon but it did not kill him it would've if the great wind did not weaken his attack. "Almost had him that time. Hold him still for a bit longer." Ziro Lifted his sword and pointed it at the Dragons trowt and threw it.....
    Last edited by draco; 06-22-2008 at 01:35 PM.

  14. #14
    The Undying horror war of the Millena RP Firaga15's Avatar
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    In the mystical world of Ivalice.
    __________________________________________________ __________
    The king of the Halves, Felgaran, was watching the epic battle before him.
    He would wait until the time was right to strike Ziro and Gell. He is very powerful, and wise. As he watched, he coundn't help but think " These creatures are powerful, indeed. I will take much pleasure in destroying them."
    He thought of many ways, too, as he was watching above in the Feather Mountains.
    Last edited by Firaga15; 06-21-2008 at 09:56 AM.

  15. #15
    war of the Millena RP draco's Avatar
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    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    The blue and red blade cut right threw the neck, out the other side and peirced the woodened tree. The Wind dragon droped to the floor and as it hit the floor the ground started to rumble but only fo a second. The ground around the Dragon quickly turned red from the on going blood that came from the Dragon neck.

    "What a great battle that was. You hhave pretty good skills in battle. Why don't you become a soilder for the kings armys and fight by my side as a Dark Knight?" Ziro walked twords the tree were his sword pierced the wood. It was driping blood from the side. He pulled the sword from the tree and whiped it in the ground.

    "Well why do think that Dragon atracked us. Wispered to himself this must because of the war." Ziro looked back up at Gell and saw that he was in deep thought. "Well its geeting dark we should set up camp.
    Last edited by draco; 06-22-2008 at 01:35 PM.

  16. #16
    parkour messenger extrodinaire war of the Millena RP Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    "What a great battle that was. You hhave pretty good skills in battle. Why don't you become a soilder for the kings armys and fight by my side as a Dark Knight?"

    "Because that would take all the fun out of life, I'm not the kind of person who likes all that stuff." Gell really did wonder at times what was going on. why did the Dragons take such a stupid notion from such a king as the one who had just been given the title,

    "Well why do think that Dragon attacked us?"

    "I'm not sure, I mean asides from what's been going on with the war they've been preparing." Gell knew why, it was most likely because he had been found out, they knew he was a rogue dragon now, this was not good!

  17. #17
    war of the Millena RP draco's Avatar
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    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    "It must because of my mission." Ziro said quitly to himself. they did not know it but as they got done with the dragon the day switched to night. "Well we better camp out here for now. I will go look for some fire wood in the forest and you go and find a stream or a river and get some fish so we can have a nice dinner."

    Ziro left the camp and as he did he drew his blade again because he knew he was open game to any thing that wanted to attack him. After a while of walking he came across a stong tree with good branches. "Thee will do anyways I don't want to go anyfarther into the forest at this point." He started throwing his sword at the branches untill he decided he had enough wood.

    As he started to walk back to camp he could see that another fire was lite a few miles deeper into the woods. As Ziro entered the camp again he put his sword back and noticed that Gell has gone to get the fish. After Ziro set up and lite the fire he noticed that the Wind Dragon has disappeared to. "Wh-what happened to the dragon.........."

  18. #18
    parkour messenger extrodinaire war of the Millena RP Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    Gell would have little trouble finding a stream, as an earth dragon he knew when one was nearby. He took a small basket and shouldered the fishing rod he had carried with him, as he neared the stream he realized that he hadn't seen the dragon on his way by where it should still be.

    "Well," he said to no one in particular, "I'll just have to ponder that while I catch some supper," with that Gell baited his hook, cast out his line, swapped his helm for his favorite straw hat, and sat back to wait for the bite. 'So what could make the corpse of a dragon vanish,...a hungry dragon, hmmm but I was the only other one in the vicinity and I sure as heck didn't eat it. This is intriguing'

    Gell felt a tug on the line, he reacted instantly, pulling the line to hook the fish, then proceeding to land it. It put up a fight, Gell was sweating by the time he had the thing out of the water, it was a huge pike. Not a bad catch, but they'd need at least another fish; so in went the line again.

  19. #19
    Whistling Songbird war of the Millena RP Asectic's Avatar
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    OCC: I don't know, it's okay for me to join right? Anyways, character's Athna o.O

    She was steadily walking down the other side of the river, her stomach growling. Come to think of it, she did fail the most important mission and got kicked out of the millitary. She suddenly saw the sky change from morning to night instantly.

    "Supernatural, definitely" she muttered as her stomach growled even more. "Eh... I need to get some food"

    Using the water technique her friend had taught her long ago, she controlled the water movement in a shape of a net and caught numerous fish instantly. She was surprised. For an fire element like herself, controlling the element of their weakness seemed impossible. And secondly, she didn't even practice it that much and couldn't master the move last time.

    "Whatever. At least I got some food" she said. She gatheres some firewood and summoned a patch of flame and one by one, she fried the caught fish and started to eat.
    Last edited by Asectic; 06-23-2008 at 07:47 AM.

  20. #20
    The Undying horror war of the Millena RP Firaga15's Avatar
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    In the mystical world of Ivalice.
    Felgaran took to the air, going towards Ziro. He had decided to join Ziro. He knew an epic war was coming. At that moment, he landed 1ft away from Ziro. Then, the conversation began. "I am Felgaran. I am the king of the Halves, and am 100000000000 years old. I know many things, and I knoww a war is coming. You may not be ready for it, but I am here to join you, and help you in this war."

    "You will need all the help you can get. One of your enemies is my Half army. I tried to stop them, but not even their king can stop them. I was helpless, and could not do anything to stop them. They grew a hatred for humanity, and want to annhialate all of man. I will wait for your decision in the feather mountains."

    And so, he flapped his wings and headed for the nearby Feather Mountains. He could not help but think: "I have a bad feeling about this."
    And he was right to have one, too.

  21. #21
    war of the Millena RP draco's Avatar
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    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    "Hey what took you so long with the fish. I was getting worried that you would've gotten lost." It was really dark in the forest and all you could really see was their camp fire and the one deeper in the woods but from were Ziro was you couldn't really see it. "Hey I have a great idea. Why don't you give me the fish so I can cook it and we can have some diiner."Ziro cooked the fish by putting it over the fire.

    After it was done Ziro gave one two Gell and they started to eat. After they got done Ziro asked " Do you know what had happened to the Dragon that we have killed." Gelll was just stareing at the gound saying nothing but it looked like he didn't know the answer anyway.

    "Hey did I tell you that the king of the halfves came to see me and that he wanted to join us. He also said that his army was after us and the he tried to stop them. Hes waiting for us at Feather Mountains were we are supposed to go for the Dwarves. So what do you think about that Gell?

  22. #22
    parkour messenger extrodinaire war of the Millena RP Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    "Patience, Ziro, catching a good fish is all about patience, if you can't master that then you'll starve." He handed Ziro the two large fish, he was still thinking of the Dragon's disapperance, it made no sense. Gell was still unsure, either Ziro didn't kill it, not likely even a dragon wouldn't have survived that, or something had gotten rid of it's body, but what and why?

    Gell ate his fish slowly, he was still eating after Ziro had finished his; he was lost in thought when Ziro asked him about the dragon's body, oddly enough that was what he was thinking about. Then with Ziro's next words Gell snapped back to reality,

    "The king of the halves; you'll need to be careful with that one. Wait the halves are taking to war, this is not good, this is really not good. There is one detail that you do not know of in this war, the rogue dragons. Those dragons who have sided with the other races are known as rogues now, I know this because I am one."

    --casts form shift--
    Gell's human form fades, slowly becoming that of a large earth Dragon with scales the colour of freshly turned soil and amber eyes. the 36' behemoth lowers it's head and neck so it is not looking down on Ziro,
    "I was going to wait untill we made it to the mountains so the dwarves could confirm this, but if the king of halves met with you, then you have a right to know about this."

  23. #23
    war of the Millena RP draco's Avatar
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    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    " Why didn't you tell me in the first place. We could have gotten to Feather mountains alot faster because I could've ridden you." Ziro was kinda of upset with Gells actions but he was also happy to know that he now had two powerful allys. Then all of a sudden they heard someone scream from a distance away. "Hey that came from the camp fire a little deeper into the woods. We should probally check it out and see who was screaming made we might get another ally or we might get a new enemy."

    Gell and Ziro got uup and started to walk kinda slow. They didn't want to rush if it was somebody that anted to kill them. Not only that it was really dark and they had to put out the fire so they wouldn't attrack any attraction after they left. Their were maple trees every were in that forest.

    " Watch out for the trees and make sure to be quite.We don't want to attract any unwanted people or animals and we deffently don't want to attrackt any dragons" But it as really ziro who had to be carefull since he was one of tthe weaker ones of the two.

  24. #24
    parkour messenger extrodinaire war of the Millena RP Mokkan Brushtail's Avatar
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    "Watch out for the trees and make sure to be quite.We don't want to attract any unwanted people or animals and we deffently don't want to attrackt any dragons"

    Gem who had not switched back almost laughed, this was nothing, in these woods he could be as quiet as a mouse without trying, he was in his element, literally. For such a massive creature Gem moved rather quietly, he was the first one to be able to see where the fire was, it still was there burning merrily. But Gem had an eerie feeling about this, not necessarily bad, just weird.

    "Ziro, I probably shouldn't go lumbering forward like this, and I'd have to wait a while before I could switch back, you should go in first I'll stay here so as not to scare any potential allies. If there's danger I'll be ready to act, so don't worry."

  25. #25
    The Undying horror war of the Millena RP Firaga15's Avatar
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    In the mystical world of Ivalice.
    "No, you fools! I only want to help! I will be your greatest ally in the upcoming war! As it is a king's true duty to serve the earth on which he lives. I tried to stop my formerly "loyal army", but they were more powerful than even I."

    This telepathic message was sent to both Ziro and Gem. As he sat at one of the peaks, he saw his former army marching across dusty plains in the distance. They were destroying a village on said plains, causing an unbearable racket.

    "Let me join you. I may be still king of the Halves, but my former army put me in exile from my own home. Now I am nothing. But, I am still very powerful. I know my own army. You wouldn't stand a chance without help. I am offering help. I would not bear watching future friends die in front of me. Before my exile, I watched my family be killed horribly before my own eyes. I hate my army even more for that. Infinitly more. So, hear me out!" He sent this telepathic message to Ziro and Gem.

  26. #26
    war of the Millena RP draco's Avatar
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    In the Realm of DARKNESS!!
    "Well that was weird I wounder how we answer him back" Ziro said quietly to himself because he knew no one was around him he knew it was sent to him by some sort of magic. To bad he did not know how to return the message and if he could he would let the knig of the halves join. "Alright here I go." Ziro started to walk into the camp and suddenly stoped when heard a noise but it was only a wolve howling. "Who that scared the crap out of me." As he entered the camp he only aw a fire and no one else.

    The only light was a fire but it was weird because their was no camp site. "All right Gell its saf to come in their is n one in this part of the area". Gell flaped his wings and jumped right next to Ziro. A huge dust of dirt and grass formed around them and after it settled it was completly dark. It toook them a few minutes to realize that the fire went out.

    "Man you put out the firee with those gigantice wings of yours. Why don't you just transform back to normal." Although Ziro thought he was talking straight to air because it was so dark that he could not see Gell. "Well looks like no ones her we should stay here the night and see if they come back."

  27. #27
    The Undying horror war of the Millena RP Firaga15's Avatar
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    In the mystical world of Ivalice.
    "I am sending the magic over to you. It is called Telepathy Messaging. You cast it by saying the name of the recipient, and then use your mind to send a message over to the recipient. Once again, my name is Felgaran. Got it? If you do, contact me with it."
    He sent the magic and message to Ziro.

    "Oh, and one more thing. After you use 10 times, all you have to do is think of what the target looks like, and send the message. Anyone can use this magic. Just tell them how.
    Contact me after you recieve this." This was also sent.

    That village was on fire now. It was making a horrible sound.Only Felgaran could hear it, using a special hearing magic. He hated the screaming.

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