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Thread: SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation

  1. #31
    SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation Red XIV's Avatar
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    Sep 2005
    The State of Great Lakes
    Nineteen-year-old Cordelia Grant, a run-of-the-mill girl from Dollet and SeeD hopeful, rushed into Balamb Garden's sprawling training center for Battle Simulation class. According to her schedule, simulation class was slated to be her last class, but, Cordelia had missed her first three classes, thereby making simulation class her first--and last--class of the day.

    Cordelia was a part of an exchange program between the Gardens that had started years ago. She had originally attended Galbadia Garden, but found the way that things were done there to be too rigid and restrictive, so she had volunteered for the exchange program. Her choices were Balamb or Trabia, and, for the longest time, Cordelia had planned on going the Trabia route. However, something came up and Trabia was no longer able to accept any new students. This meant that Cordelia had one, and only one, choice as to where to go: Balamb.

    She had only arrived very recently. In fact, upon arriving, she had had barely enough time to drop off her things in her dorm before she had to get class. Truth be told, the last few days had been rough for the young woman. The start of her problems had been when she had nearly missed the boat to Balamb. When she finally did arrive to Balamb City, she had been unable to rent a car because the car rental agency was fresh out. She had been forced to wait overnight before she could get a ride, and when she finally did, it turns out the car just happened to have engine troubles along the way. Not wanting to be late for her first day at a new school, Cordelia had decided to forgo waiting for the car to be repaired. So, she hoofed it all the way to the Garden, and, even then, she had been late. Some luck.

    In any case, a rushed Cordelia managed to make it to simulation class with mere seconds left to spare. Noticing that the rest of the small group was lined up, Cordelia, the newcomer, squeezed in with the rest. Standing tall in an awkward position of attention, her hands clasped behind her back, and a loose strand of hair dangling over her left eye, Cordelia waited for the instructor, formidable in appearance, to speak.

    By the look of the instructor, Cordelia didn't think that the man would take kindly to tardiness. Luckily for her, through some miracle of fate, she had made it right on time. She could only imagine the talking to she would've received had she been only a few seconds late. Just thinking about it sent a shiver down the poor girl's spine.

  2. #32
    another day was past since Mikayla just started to get over all of her hardships in life, that it was yesterday when she came to her room at the dormitory where there's a bunch of girl there...chattering, she still don't know what she will going to do to get along with them... it's really hard for her, but one thing that i like to this girl is she trying hard to be brave...

    as she fixed her stuff in her room and getting ready for the next class (maybe about going to lunch) girls continued to chat, giggling. She don't have any idea what was going on...

    "When am I going to get along with them?"

    went out from the dormitory on the way to the cafeteria, a lot of seeD students there, they just started to meet other students that are just new in that area, chattering. When she got to the counter getting her food to eat, a friendly person who takes care of their food greeted her...

    "Good day, sweety!!"

    "hello, ma'am" she replied.

    "so, looks like you're not got used to this kind of environment, aren't you?"

    "well, i think you're right, Ms. Chef. But don't worry i will be fine." she smiled gently.

    "You know, kid, i can feel the power you have on you..." the eyes of this lady began to close...

    Mikayla was frightened, "W-what do you mean? but i just have a very little experience of fighting. My dad just taught me on how to hold the bow, and, and i'm not even interested of what he was doing for me!!"

    "I know, i know you are afraid. But i'm telling you, don't waste it! It will be a big help to all the struggles you got.." seems that this lady wants to encourage her...

    "Ma'am, I don't know what you are talking about... i don't understand!" she walk out to that kind and caring lady, as if she was a mother to her...

    almost upset and don't want to eat the meal, heading to a small table, putting down the tray, so mad..."men, what in the world she is..." she talks to herself "Who is she to tell that thing to me, she don't even know me..."

    (i might edit this..need to read other posts to know when and where the other characters, especially rita was)

  3. #33
    After her little training session,she realised she had a magic theory lesson and so she went upstairs to attend. The lesson lasted 45minutes but she found it extremely benficial, especially the information about GFs. She could'nt wait to use one. They seemed to hold so much power and have so many different characteristics.

    Soo after, it was lunchtime she quickly paced to the cantine.As well as herself, many other students gathered here, chatting away to get some replenishment from the days events. Athene eventually came to the front and just ordered a chicken sandwich and a bottle of water. She wanted to be healthy, since shes always fighting, she needs to be in top form. The warrior decided to finish off the homework she was given and took out a piece of paper from her bag.

    Her strengths were her speed,strength and intelligence. She can predict a enemy's movements and evade the next attack just in time befre striking herself. However, she was weak on defense. If the opponant is strong and she is hit a couple of times, she may need to rely on some potions to get her back on her feet. Athene just wrote what came to mind and about her weapon...
    The weapon was specially made for her and she had used it time and time again but she didn't feel specialized in it.

  4. #34
    Finding Answers SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation Fehrant's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    "Attention everyone!" Instructor Pord snapped. He had a voice powerful enough to not be ignored. The recruits stood as motionless as they managed, rigidly, waiting for Pord's next command. At least, that was the impression he gave: instead of having an aura of knowledge, ready to be shared with the students, he looked like the squad commander, and the recruits formed the rest of the unit.

    He paced back and forth with his arms behind his back, looking at all the recruits. "Forget what your other classes teach you. I don't care about technical mumbo-jumbo, or what the optimal course of action under XYZ circumstances is. In battle, your mind might be your sword, true, but your experience, recruits, will be your armor, your shield, and how sharp that sword is. They don't teach you that. No one can. Experience is something your earn. But make no mistake. In the battlefield, experience is not something that comes at a cheap price. It's not something you take for granted." He made a slight pause. "You only have one life. For some of you, that will be the price of experience. Some others, might be half of that. Those lucky enough like me, will get a few scars, and will live to have tales to tell about." He stopped his pace. "That's what I will try to impart to you: my experience. We will of course go through all sorts of drills, and combat training. Don't think in terms of passing or failing this class. Think in terms of improving yourself."

    He gave one last glance to the group, before walking towards a weapon rack behind him. He took a wooden, long sword. He hold is as if it was a real weapon. "Weapons, are a matter of choice. An object becomes a weapon when it can inflict damage on your opponent. Anything can become a weapon. Your body, is a weapon. So while I want you to become familiar and proficient with your weapon of choice, I want to remind you at the same time, the weapon is but an object. That's why we will sometimes go through hand-to-hand combat practice. In the battlefield, you may lose your weapon, and don't think your enemy will gallantly wait for you to pick it up. In most cases, losing your weapon will mean your demise. But if you don't panic --and that is, recruits, rule number one of combat-- you might just turn the tables."

    He placed the wooden sword on the rack, and picked up a clipboard with some papers that was laying there. "Here I have your names, as well as your weapons of choice that you had to submit last year. For this class, I want you to bring your weapon, even if we don't end up using it."

    "Now, I'm going to take attendance, as well as confirming if your weapon here is correct. Let's see... Albertson, broadsword."

    "Here. That's correct," promptly replied Albertson.

    The rest of the list continued. Some students were missing, but for the most part the students present and their weapons matched up. With attendance out of the way, the students moved to a parallel room, currently full with training dummies. "This first class isn't going to be much. I basically want you to hit the dummies with your weapon while I go around. Very simple. Get to it."

    Zohan Pord took a few steps before a recruit came around and asked him something. Apparently this particular recruit had a ranged weapon, so it was difficult for him to practice with a dummy. Pord told him to practice anyway. Another student told Pord he would break the dummy if he used his weapon. Pord told him to break it.

    The instructor walked around, sometimes asked questions to the students, and sometimes gave pointers. "The second hand needs to hold the grip lower". "Take a few steps back". "Move your legs more". By then he had reached Selenia's dummy. Selenia was simply staring at the mannequin. You can't be serious. This is fucking pointless. Get us into mock battles, damn it.

    "And what do you think you're doing, recruit?" He asked. "Is your enemy giving you one hell of a conversation you don't know what to say?!" A few students chuckled. Selenia remained unfazed. "It's pointless," she declared.

    "You got that right. Unfortunately for you, recruit, I cannot send you out there. You're too green. So while it might certainly be pointless believe me when I tell you I want you to do the damn pointless thing for a reason, that is none of your concern." He stared down at her, but she did not cave in to the pressure. They locked eyes for a moment. "I like those eyes, recruit. Those are the eyes of a warrior. But you got an attitude to fix. Only a few gifted ones survive alone in the battlefield. For the lot of us, we do something called teamwork, and that often involves taking orders. Now, give me 50 pushups. Maybe that, I trust, won't be pointless, will it?"

    Selenia grunted, but she got down, and did the pushups. Pord continued to walk around the rest of the students. The class resumed with other training exercises, and ended up prematurely like the rest of the classes. The students were dismissed. That was the last class of the day. The recruits had half the afternoon, and all night to do either extracurricular activities, or do leisure time. The cafeteria was going to open again at 7.

    Selenia returned to her room. Erin was inside, reading a book. She closed it as soon as she came in. "Ah, you're here," she said delighted. "I hope you haven't forgotten about our compromise? Of course, if you do have social or extracurricular activities to attend, I understand though... I don't think you're the type to have that sort of routine." She smirked.

    Selenia grinned back, a daredevil's grin. "Let's get to it."

    Both Selenia and Erin walked out of the room.

  5. #35
    It's all just a joke SeeD: Sprouting a New Generation Acheron's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    After thier meal together, Jackson was able to convince Emily that while it was just the first day of class, it was way too nice to spend it in the Garden all day. Emily was easily the more studious of the two and not because of a lack of knowledge on the part of Jackson, but definetly because of a lack of effort when the semester was just starting up. Even during the last term at the Garden, even when it would be pouring outside, he would try and convince Emily that thier time could be better spent somewhere else. She would usually win the argument and he would head to class but it was always on her mind, she couldn't stop wondering why he didn't like being in class so much, even when he would be earning the top marks in those classes.

    The two of them spent a couple hours in the town and while there wasn't much to do by the normal standards of students from the Garden, Jackson and Emily always had a good time in Balamb. They stopped by Emily's house, as her parents had died two years ago and she now lived alone in the town. It was a brief stop but Jackson always liked to make sure that she had enough food in the house and to see if there was anything he could do for her while he was around, he knew very well how awful living alone could be sometimes. After they spent a little while at Emily's shoreside home, they headed out to the plains in order to throw the frisbee around for a little bit.

    "You know, I'm going to have to come up with a decent excuse for skipping out on the rest of the classes I had today, it doesn't set a good tone," she spoke a couple seconds after she sent the frisbee flying, making Jackson run for it.

    He grabbed it and spinned it back to her, faster than she had towards him, "Oh I'm sure you'll think of something. It's only the first day, it's not like anything too important went on."

    "And you're not worried about your classes? I'm sure your Instructors won't be too pleased on a SeeD candidate skipping out on class, especially when you're getting so close to the exams for it."

    Jackson watched as Emily had to jump for the frisbee and then launched it his way before she even got back to the ground, "Don't worry so much about it. If they're upset, I'll make sure my performance in classes makes them forget all about the fact that I wasn't there."

    He was able to keep her calm about the classes for a little while longer, as the two of them spent hours out on the plains, just throwing the frisbee around and laughing like children. Classes had been out for a long while now and before Jackson realised it, the sun was starting to set, which meant that it would be time for him to head back to the Garden. The sun usually started to go down around six, which meant Jackson had some time to hit the training center before dinner would be served at seven.

    "You heading back?", Emily held the frisbee in hand as she walked up to Jackson, closing the distance between them.

    "Yup, if I head back now then I can fight some Grats, shower up and make it to dinner maybe right on time, if not a little late", he gave her a tight hug and then a little kiss on the cheek, "I'll see you tomorrow?"

    "Of course, no skipping class tomorrow though!"

    "Yeah...we'll see", he smirked and waved to her as he started on his walk back to the Garden, deciding to leave the bike that they had brought down with them at Emily's house.

    Once he returned to the Garden, Jackson only stopped off at his room to drop off his hat and grab his twin daggers, along with some throwing knives. He had about forty-five minutes till dinner, so he figured some time in the training center really wouldn't be that big of a deal, plus the dinner crowd usually wasn't too bad on the first day anyways. Though he should have done it before, Jackson decided that he would check his email when he got back from the training center, any cables waiting for him couldn't be all that important.

  6. #36
    waliking outside the Balamb garden, Mikayla bravely brought her silver bow came from her dad... while she was walking, she thought about the things that happen to her family ten years ago, that their place where her family came from been destroyed under sorceress Edea. and that time she realized...

    "Dad, I'm so sorry... but don't worry dad I will fight this battle, i am willing to give up everything for the sake of our family..."

    5 minutes passed, as she continue to walk, she encountered something strange to that dark are, a poisonous plant monster came by in front of her... she was shocked, but did not scared of that monster... "i think it's about time to do some practice then, professor rita would love it if she will find out how am i doing in her class" she gently grab her bow from her back, together with a bow, (very sharp bow), closing her eyes.. looks like she meditates, until her eyes were flashing as she opens it... the wind and the thunder came to her... (she is really mysterious), getting ready to aim her target and about 5 seconds the bow was realeased.... in just one shot the monster died...

    that's her very first time to fight that foe... now the thunder and wind gone and her eyes brought back to normal... thinking, "at last miss ekim, you did a good job..."

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