(( OOC: Sorry for making this a quick one but I agree, lets get the show on the road ))

Meier found his self back at the bar in the VIP CPC8 room, he applauded for all the winners as they where announced, many were dear to him and in his opnion deserved the wins.

As Meier sat in amazement he heard his name called for the 3rd time of the night, this time for the nicest male. He got up from his chair and deiced to take the short cut to the stage this time. He ran down the stairs, ran out the VIP entrance and took a 3-step runing start and leapt into the air, whisking over the top of the crowd.

As he closed in on his destination he realized something was wrong; he was loosing momentum and height at the same time. With a loud thud, clang and crash, Meier smashed into the front of the stage.

"Oh god, not again" Meier thought to hiself for makeing a fool of his self for another time tonight; not that he really cared in the long run.

He hoped up and brushed hiself off quickly. As he took the short jump onto the stage and approached the Andromedas for the third time he felt like doing something rememberable. Meier walked up to Andromeda II and with a swift swing of the arm slapped him on the ass.

Andromeda II was a a little shocked by this and dropped the mic. Meier caught it and pulled it into position and started to speak.

"Good game Andromeda II" he said.

Andro II just gave him look of confusion and Meier continued on.

"I will make this short and sweet seeing we are trying to move things along. Thanks for everyone that voted for me to win this noble prize. Rocky tell your mom that I still love her. Crao Porr Cock8!"

He handed the mic back over to Andromeda II walked of stage grabbing a few shots from a passing waitress and returned to the action area.