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Thread: Resident Evil 0.5

  1. #1
    Registered User Resident Evil 0.5 HUNK's Avatar
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    Resident Evil 0.5

    Andrew sat in the dark breifing room, fliping a coin and wondering what the next mission would have in store for him. Even with the strange outbreaks of monsters in the area, Andrew has still been getting lame assignments....
    "Mabey they are just waiting for the right one for me, after all, the company has already sent out HUNK and his team, and they're is one of the best."

    As Andrew pondered his commanding officer walked into the room.
    "Alright Listen up! We are going on possibly the most important mission of our lives!

    We are to infletrate the Umbrella Labs located in Racoon City."

    Andrew then was already confused. "Wait if its our base why are we infiltrating it?"

    "Well it appears that the entire city has become infested with the walking dead, they are already being called zombies."

    So without any more words Andrew and his small team of three went to the helicopter where the real mission was to begin. "Hey Andrew!" Andrew looked up to see his comerade and friend Lucas holding up somthing. Lucas was not going on the current mission beacuse he was bit by one of the monsters in the near by area...his leg was starting to look bad but so far the virus has not be proven to be able to spread to those wounded. "I figured since I cant come on this mission I would give you these." He handed two cans of medical spray and a large .44 handgun. "Make sure you pop one of them for me, yeah." "Right sure Lucas and thank you... Ill be back soon."

    Andrew was awakened from a nap by the screaming sound of his chopper. "What in the H*** is going on here?! Andrew screamed but all he saw was blackness....

    It must have been about three hours in the helicopter beacsue night time had already fallen. Andrew fisrt got up to check for survivors, but none were body was missing though. Andrew walked out and got a quick glance at his surroundings, luckly he knew Racoon City pretty well...He soon found out that he was in a forest on the Arklay moutains. Andrew loaded his .44 and picked up some ammo and two grenades and began to head out twords the city...

    "I hope its not as bad as they say...."
    Last edited by HUNK; 02-15-2009 at 07:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Seth ran a hand through his hair, digging through a massive pile of notes. He quickly leafed through the mess, and pulled out a single sheet. He scanned through his messy handwriting, then turned to his laptop. He was currently writing a report for the paper, of which he had massive notes on.

    Seth sighed, and leant back into his chair. he casually glanced over his desk, which had his camera, voice recorder, laptop, camcorder and personal notepad with pen strewn all across it. Digging through his stuff, he pulled out a pair of headphones, and turned his voice recorder on.

    He was listening to a public speech, ran by a Medical Examanee at a nearby Institution, Umbrella. Most of their research was termed "harmless", but the Examanee was talking about Medical Procedures that would help change the world. Seth didn't know too much of what he was talking about, and had to dig through medical textbooks, dictionaries and notes to decipher what the Examanee was talking about.

    Twisting his wrist, Seth noticed the time was once again so late that it was early. Grumbling, Seth packed up his gear, stuffing it into a bag. Scooping his notes up into a folder, he too stuffed that into the bag. Slinging his bag across his shoulders, Seth began to walk out of the Journalism office, and headed out into the cold air. Shaking his head, he began to walk back toward's his apartment, only a couple blocks away.

    His apartment, and the Journalism office for the College was both at the far end of the College, which was at the end of the City. Keeping his pace slow, Seth began to trek on his way home.

  3. #3
    (OOC: Sorry it took me so long, I've been really busy!)

    Sophia took a deep breath and stared at the book in front of her. War and Peace again she thought, I'm supposed to be studying. She had lost count of the number of times she had read it, but loved it because of the complex narrative and depth of the characters. Looking at the clock in her room she saw that it was getting late, coming up to 3am to be precise. She put it down for a minute and dug out her Biology text book. Scanning the page she needed was an easy job and one she found boring. Revision wasn’t really needed when you remembered everything you saw.

    Staring at the Umbrella Corporation Billboard outside she considered why she had chosen a course in biochemistry, her aim was to become one of Umbrella’s top scientists. Having a reputation as one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world, and for being ethically sound, she just knew she had to get a job there. She frowned slightly however as she realized that Umbrella had been on the receiving end of some nasty media stories in the past few months, probably just conjured up by some stupid journalists in order to make money, but it still made her a little wary.

    Suddenly she noticed a movement out the window and saw a tall guy move purposely towards her block of apartments. Well what is he doing up so late, she wondered, perhaps, like me, he’s preoccupied. Sophia realized she knew the guy, though only barely, they’d run into each other a couple of times to each other in the hallway. She knew his name began with S, like hers. Stuart? Sam? No wait it was Seth, yes that was it.

    Leaning out of her ground floor window she called out to him, “Isn’t a little late to be out? It’s nearly 3am you know!”

  4. #4
    Registered User Resident Evil 0.5 HUNK's Avatar
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    Meeting post soon.

    Andrew walked into the outskirts of racoon city, the walk had taken him was already almost 3:00 by his watch. Andrew waited on the edge of the city, wondering if he should continue the mission or call headquarters and see what they had to say.

    After breif concideration Andrew decided it was best to call HQ and see what they had to say. Andrew walked into the city and noticed a large truck fly by him at a speed he did not think was capable of a truck...."Hmm he must be late or somthing." Andrew found a small gas station and went inside.
    "Excuse me is anyone here?" Andrew waited for awhile but then realised somthing was wrong. Andrew walked into a back room of the store and then was attacked by the man Andrew assumed was the gas station manager.

    "Sir, Calm down Im not going to hurt you!" Andrew recieved no answere and was leapt at agian. With one clear look into the soul-less eyes the man had Andrew knew it could not have been human. Andrew drew out his .44 and shot the mans head clean off. Looking around Andrew could find a few dead bodies that were apparently eaten. "Dam, im going to have to call HQ right now!" Andrew dashed over to the phone but there was no conection.

    Andrew calmly walked over to a fridge and took a red bull. "I take it this one is on the house, right?"
    Andrew walked further into the city knowing this was going to be a long mission...

  5. #5
    Seth looked up, to see a girl leaning out her window, shouting at her. Running a hand through his hair again, he tried desperately to remember her name. What is it??? He thought. He only remembered that she was an excellent student, surpassing him in every science class that they had together. Finally, the name Sophia hit him, and he slightly grinned.

    Holding up his bookbag, he called out, "Researching." He looked down, and pulled out a thick notebook, stuffed full of pages. "I'm learning about Umbrella, for a story." Seeing the look on her face, he slightly waved his hands, grinning again. "No, not any paparazzi stuff. I'm giving a report on some biochemical production... er..." He looked down again, already forgetting the word the Chemist had used. "Biocellular? Not sure."

    Glancing back up, he responded, "Why are you up so late? I don't ever remember you being a night walker..." This wasn't reference of the recent vampire book fan outbreak, but of his own personal insomnia. Being unable to sleep normally, he used his time to develop stories and study for tests.

  6. #6
    “Why are you up so late? I don’t ever remember you being a nightwalker...”

    Sophia grabbed her stuff, which included a science text book at university level, her keys, her phone as well as her library card and penknife and headed outside. Conducting a conversation outside a window just wasn’t conducive to any sort of friendship.

    “Well you see I normally sleep like a baby”, she started, “but I’ve just been up all night worrying about a test I have tomorrow, it should be fairly easy, but you never know”.

    She smiled at him and raised an eyebrow, “So this big story huh, what’s it all about?”

    A loud scream from behind their current position made them turn round suddenly, a woman of about 30 staggered out from between the gap in the two high rise apartment blocks. She was dishevelled and Sophia noticed bleeding profusely from her stomach. She stared in horror as the woman fell down in front of them, and noticed a horrifying sound coming from her scarred and mutilated body. She screamed once then was still. Sophia stared at Seth in horror and looked stiffly towards the remains of what had once been a pretty, young woman. She looked strangely alive even in death.

  7. #7
    Seth glanced over towards Sophia, who was rooted to her spot. Shaking his head, Seth held his hand out towards her, palm out, to show her to wait. Still unable to speak, he slowly walked towards the fallen body.

    As he neared the body, he noticed several punctures all around the abdomen, and along the arms and legs. Kneeling down, he pulled out a flashlight, shining it into her eyes.

    Dead...He thought. struggling to keep his breath even, he grabbed ahold of his camera, and snapped a picture of the wound in the abdomen. Might need to show these wounds to a doctor... He took another picture, this time of her arms, and stood up. Turning back to Sophia's direction, he began to walk back, and tripped.

    Slamming into the ground, stars danced in front of his eyes. Smooth, man. Tripping in front of a girl...just when you seemed cool. Laughing at his own stupidity, he stood up and brushed his knees. As he did this, he heard another sound, this one a soft shuffling sound. Turning around, he noticed a man shuffling toward's him, with a limp.

    "Sir! Are you ok?" Seth called out.

  8. #8
    Registered User Resident Evil 0.5 HUNK's Avatar
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    Andrew trudged through the city and could hear many of the zombies. "It appears that there are more of these then the company thought..." The further into the mission Andrew went, the more he started to distrust Umbrella.

    He walked between some buildings and saw two people watching a limping man, but he also saw a dead corpse on the ground.

    "Dont trust him kid, He's Insane!"

    Without any hesitation Andrew pulled his .44 and fired two shots into the back of the enemy. After beeing sure his foe was dead Andrew walked twords the two teens standing before him. "My names Andrew, I work for Umbrella Incorperated. I will not hurt you...are any of you injured?"

  9. #9
    Seth gazed quickly over the man. Shaking his head, he stepped inbetween Andrew and Sophia. This man is different from the average Joe. Decent height, solid build, and calm, even though he shot down a man.

    "No, wait." He said. Allowing his inborn talent to interrogate and percieve people, harnessed by his career to kick in, he held his palm out. He slowly breathed in, to show that he wasn't upset, nor freaking out. He simply wanted answers.

    "Explain. Why did you shoot the man, and claim insanity on his case? Umbrella is a Medical Research Facility, so why are you armed?" He gazed down at the gun, and even though he had no knowledge of guns, he knew a dangerous one when he seen it. "Also, if you are indeed what you say, and that man was insane, why were you on a shoot-first basis?"

  10. #10
    Her gaze shifted towards the newcomer, narrowly avoiding the corpse of the woman to the right. He seems trained she thought, and brash. She looked at him closely, he knows something she decided. Her mind protested at the thought of this poor innocent man who had been shot dead, he had had nothing more than a limp for god’s sake! The man looked old beyond his years. He seemed militant and knew what he was doing however. To her left she noticed Seth also staring curiously at the man.

    Seth has asked the man a few questions that he had yet to answer, and she noticed he had leaned in toward him almost as if giving an interview.
    She heard a strange groan to the left of her and saw the woman she had assumed dead was moving, crawling slowly towards them. Sophia ran towards the man, whose name she had yet to determine and who was standing but a few feet away and saw Seth move quickly in the same direction. Loud guttural and strangled noises were coming from the alleyway between the flats.

    “Ok what the hell is going on here?” Sophia muttered.

    “Look we have to get out of here, but as soon as we do you’d better tell us why you shot that man!” She glared at the man.

  11. #11
    Registered User Resident Evil 0.5 HUNK's Avatar
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    (OOC: How do you not know my name? I said it.)
    Andrew was checking the body of the enemy that he had shot. It appeared he had not yet been infected.
    "Damn, another mans life wasted."

    The young man in front of Andrew seemed to be snaping back from his brief shock, and was firing off many questions.
    "Explain. Why did you shoot the man, and claim insanity on his case? Umbrella is a Medical Research Facility, so why are you armed?" He gazed down at the gun, and even though he had no knowledge of guns, he knew a dangerous one when he seen it. "Also, if you are indeed what you say, and that man was insane, why were you on a shoot-first basis?"
    "Listen what we are experiencing right now is a Crisis and we can not trust anyone, the only thing keeping me from shooting you is the fact that you can both apparently talk, which shows me you are still human...."

    Simutaniously as Andrew said this the woman who even tricked Andrew into thinking she was dead soon had risen. Andrew shouted "Whats your name", but after a brief few seconds after getting no responce Andrew fired and killed it.

    "I cant tell you why im armed...its classified information, lets just say I was prepared for a situation such as this."
    "Listen the dead are not supposed to get up and we cant stay here, we need to find survivors and get out of here, you can trust me or you can try to fight on your own and I wont stop you." "I wouldn't recomend it though...."

  12. #12
    Seth ran a hand through his hair, working ideas in his head. The dead...rising again? He thought. That's absurd. We aren't fighting zombies, for crying out loud!

    "Alright, Andrew. I still don't follow you 100% on what you say, but I'll follow. Safety in numbers..." Seth glanced back over to Sophia, who was nodding in agreement. "Andrew, I will find out what this is about, eventually..." He looked back at the man, "But, I'll trust you to your word."

    Seth grabbed a small headset from his bag, and a wireless reciever as well. Plugging the wireless reciever into his laptop, he pressed "record" on the headset, and put it into place. The headset was a video recorder, with an audio link as well.

    "Andrew, I ask if I can use this. I won't use it for fame, but somebody out there in a position that can help us out may want to see this. I may not be prepared as you, but this may prepare others who are either out there, or coming here."

  13. #13
    Registered User Resident Evil 0.5 HUNK's Avatar
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    Andrew stared at Seth for a brief moment. He saw that Seth just wanted to know the truth in a world surrounded in lies.

    "Well I dont really mind if you are recording this, but I can not garentee your saftey." Seth seemed puzzeled for awhile but Andrew then explained. "If Umbrella finds out about all this and the tape leakes out to the media then they may come after you....that is after we get out of this."

    "Im trusting you....dont show anyone else this video, for your own saftey."
    Andrew looked behind him and could hear hundereds of zombies nearby. "Listen, our first objective is to find a way out of here and rescue as many survivors as possible. So any of you know where there might be survivors?"

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