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Thread: The Numbers

  1. #61
    Lady Succubus The Numbers Victoria's Avatar
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    I followed the girl known as Number V through the alley. She decided to follow the mysterious guy from earlier. My stomach however, growled. A hellbird followed me into the alley way but couldn't make it through, so I used the opportunity to roast it well done. The feathers burned to ash and all that was left was the raw meat and skin. I grabbed it by its neck and yanked it through the alley. I folded its wings in and proceeded to pull it through the path and through the door that Five went through.

    As I had been occupied with carrying the roast cooked bird, I overheard her talking to other people in the door way. Seems there were some survivors of the area. I couldn't get the bird through the area and yanked on the neck to get it through the door.

    The neck came off of the body and I rolled through the room and crashed against the wall. My eyes swirled with dizziness as I shook my head to clear the cobwebs. The group had been on me as if I were a mysterious intruder. Liufr had been behind me and walked over the bird's body and into the door. He shook his head and let out an equivalent of a sigh that a dog makes.

    I held the nicely cooked neck in my mouth as I raised my hands in peace, to show that I was not an enemy.

    “I phahmo Fye herr.” I said with the food in my mouth. It was a hell bird, but it tasted like chicken and satisfied my taste buds. I held the neck with one hand and took a bite and swallowed.

    “I followed Five in here. We're from the same facility. That wolf over there is my partner, Liufr. As evident from the food I brought, I can use fire, and he uses Ice.”

    “Why aren't you wearing the same clothes she is, then?” the guy named Vincent asked.

    “I think you know that answer already, mister.” I said as I stuck out my tongue.

    “Touche,” he responded. The rest of the group had still been at a loss for words after I brought in my huge lunch from outside.

    “...What? It tastes just like chicken.” I said as I took another bite of the meat.

  2. #62
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 The Numbers T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Hunh? What's that smell? Odd, yet familiar...

    Miguel was almost asleep. He was tired, seeking to rest before going his way. He finally had something to defend himself, but he was impaired. He could not abuse of his power, as he felt the waning power around the area. He could sense some objects to which he could draw some energy: possibly batteries, but those provided low energy and were usually hard to drain. Power cords were almost dead, and no energy source of proper charge was available in miles around, as far as he could...

    Sense? Since when did he could sense the power around himself? He had grown awareness of energy since the vision; now, he could feel, almost as if he could touch, the wisps of energy around. His awareness was not long and stranded; he couldn't feel what kind of object had that wisp, he only knew there were wisps of energy roaming around, surrounding him, dying. The entire city was in blackout, and he was the largest source of power in miles. And even he was drained; only a bit of energy left to allow him to act without feeling dizzy, without feeling sluggish. He could use that bit of power, but he would feel slow again, and his ability to fend off for himself would be crippled even more.

    But his senses apparently were fooling him. It was a delightful smell...or it would be, if it were not because of the smell of burnt carcass masking it. He was no hound, the smell was good at times and repugnant at others. A bit of smoke entered the area, and sounds of steps were heard at the distance, breaking the stoic silence of the store he was located. Then, he heard as if someone stumbled, and the sound of something breaking. He was curious, and he wanted to know. Hiding the knife around, he grabbed the stick and helped himself to walk around. The new clothes were comfortable enough, although he didn't liked the colors: after all, he was in a military supplies shop. Camo wasn't a color pattern he liked. Thinking about the military brought him rare shivers down his spine, as if somehow, those memories far away resented the activity of the military forces; as if he knew the military forces did something so wrong, he cannot forgive.

    Miguel walked outside of his hiding place. He saw as a woman and a large beast, unusual for the climate and place, were outside of what it seemed another location. For the first time, he realized there were more people around. Indeed, his vision had truly impaired his senses. But...if he could not notice them, then how did they couldn't notice him? He was throwing stones at a large beast just recently, how could his actions be ignored by so many, including a dog so large it could tear him alone?

    Then he chuckled. The woman was funny; in a moment where silence reigned, making such a silly comment as "it tastes like chicken" surely broke the tension felt in the air. The chuckle was enough to let anyone know someone else was there; the sound echoed in the makeshift hallway, even though the wind could howl in between the passage. And so it did; no less than Miguel began to chuckle, that the large hound gave him a swift look. Miguel gulped his laugh, and looked with tiresome eyes at the hound, who was apparently startled by his appearance. He could hear the hound growling as if he could feel a bad presence; judging by the surroundings, it was growling at him. He lowered his sight, and pondered upon how terrible he must have been, that even the noble beasts resented him. He slanted his head, and muttered a slight phrase, almost like a prayer.

    "<Lord, watch over your herd so it may not be led astray>"

    His prayer was like a whisper, spoken in Nahuatl, in the language of the conquering Aztecs. Briefly, in his mind, he felt the voice of an old man, a wise man, telling him.

    "<Now listen up. Whenever you feel threatened, just speak this deep upon yourself and with faith. Small problems will be drawn away, just like that!>" It was a brief flashback, one merely uneventful or shocking, but it was important to him. He prayed almost reflexively, and neither in his native nor his adopted language, but in the language of his ancestors. seemed to work. The growling hound stopped. If anything, he could swear he saw the beast puzzled by what had just happened, with an odd slant on its head. Miguel gave his thanks to whichever was the owner of that voice, because his words helped him and comforted him.

  3. #63
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Daern's eyes open, still pure white, he stands up in the room he collapsed in. "Hmmm, finally, I am out of that kids mind and able to move freely." Golte said out loud, "I knew exposing him to his past would also give me more power, it was just a matter of time before it happened.

    "Time to find some other people with powers and suck them dry to improve my own," Golte said to himself, "I need to find a local town of some sort."

    Golte leaves the building Daern ran into before night hit, although the sun is still up, Golte doesn't seem to worry at all. Outside the building back in the alley way, everything looks the same as it was maybe 20 minutes ago when Daern last ran through here.

    "I'm glad he used that heal on himself before I made him pass out, I feel GREAT!" Golte exclaimed. "Now where would the nearest town be, or camp...anything with people."

    Wondering around the area Daern was last running around in, Golte found a main street, some of the street lamps were still running, he was surprised to see that. Corpses of hell hounds were scattered around the area, only one building was still standing, the rest were down to rubble. He walked down the street, a few blocks down he decided to go in another direction. Walking down another street, and not surprisingly, it all still looks the same, there wasn't any sign of anything that seemed to look decent enough to like a place someone called home. A few hell hounds can be heard in a distant.

    "It sucks being lost, at a place I don't even know of...where am I anyways?" Golte asked himself, "Every street looks the same, destroyed, I need to find some civilization."


    Daern awakes, still in the white emptiness he last saw himself in.

    "Ugh, I'm still stuck in this place, all I can do is sleep," Daern said to himself, "Feels like I've been here for days." "I don't even know where Golte went, what he is doing or anything," he thought to himself.

    Daern starts to walk aimlessly in any direction. Thinking to himself, about what he just witnessed in the last flashback. Why wasn't Golte in the last flashback, even the one before that one he wasn't present. "I need to know who I really am, how I got those powers..." he said to himself as he looked at the palm of his hand. "Now that I think about it, I can't even use those abilities I used before I blacked out."

    "There is no point in walking, this place is never ending!" Daern though to himself, "Golte will have to help me get out of here I guess." Just as Daern said that, the area around him felt different, like something was added. Daern looked in a distance to see what looked like a body laying on the ground. He quickly ran to it.


    "I'm getting tired of all this walking and finding nothing out of it," Golte said out loud. A hell hound can be seen in a distance, Golte began to walk towards it, his eyes focused on the hound. The hound sees Golte and begins to charge at him. As the hound is charging at Golte, he focuses his vision on the hound completely, the hound then drops to the ground, motionless and stiff.

    "I rather like these new abilities, I barely had to do anything to drop that hound," he said, "But with something that week, it must be easy, I need to try it on another person, so I can take their power and increase my own.

    Golte wondered around again some more throughout the ruined city. After a couple hours of wondering, killing hell hounds, he heard a cry. "Help me!!" the voice yelled, "Anybody out there? I am injured!" "This may be my lucky day," Golte thought to himself, "I'll even try another new ability, give Daern some company."

    Golte followed the voice for help and found a young buy, around the age of maybe 16, laying on the ground with a wounded leg. "Hey you! Please help me, a hell hound bit me but I got away. I am unable to walk with my leg in this condition. I'll tell you where some people who can help me are at, they will help," the boy said to Golte.

    "Do you have any abilities boy?" Golte asked the boy, "Like me?" "I do actually, I can Manipulate stone, use it to shield myself, but the hell hound caught me by surprise," the boy explained to Golte, "The rest of the people I was following should be about 10 miles down the street outside this window." The boy points in the direction the group went, the street looks like many people have walked through it.

    "You said you have power like I do?" the boy asked Golte, "What is yours?"

    Golte smiled, and then closed his eyes as he put his hand on the boys head. The boy's energy was transferred to Golte and the boy disappeared.
    Last edited by loaf; 01-24-2009 at 09:02 PM.

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