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Thread: Monster Hunter RP

  1. #1
    Registered User Monster Hunter RP HUNK's Avatar
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    Monster Hunter RP

    (ooc: Feel free to jump in anytime)

    Hasseo sat upon the bed inside the armory section of the Great Guild Fortress, he could feel the ground shaking.
    "Grrr....this thing will be here any minute."
    Hasseo sharpened his sword, hopfully he would not have to use it. Hasseo was normally a gunner but today he may have to use his sword, the legendary anicent sword Epitade Blade.

    Hasseo knew the Lao-shen-Lung would be at the Guild Forteress within 20 minutes, and he was on edge....

    "Geez, he will be any minute.....This is the first time I have accually been worried about a quest."

    Hasseo sat on the guild fortress's floor his eyes looking into a combo book and was mixing bombs and ammo for his gun the Isle of the Gods...

    About 19 minutes had passed since mixing time, it was now time to go foth and set the bombs up....

  2. #2
    deaths sadness Monster Hunter RP AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    as vash was walking along side a cliff over looking a fortress he felt the ground sharking and a powerful force is approching as vash looked down the cliff he seen a kid looked about the same age (is he really going the fight this thing) vash thirst for blood is incrsing(maybe i should help him fight this thing haha) as vash stands at the edge watching the kid siting bombs down (so he is going to try to fight this monster)"im not much for helping people like this but i yern for blood haha" vash starts to sharpen his dual swords and begains laghing out lould then vash yells out lould to the kid"HEY YOU WANT SOME HELP"
    Last edited by AbysalDarkness; 03-03-2009 at 12:57 AM.

  3. #3
    Registered User Monster Hunter RP HUNK's Avatar
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    Hasseo looked up atop the cliffs surounding the area to see a man shrouded in a dark hood. He imedeatly recognized this as Death stench armor.

    Hey kid you need some help?

    "Why as a matter of fact I do!" Hasseo screamed up to the man.

    Hasseo looked behind him and saw the terror that was the Lao-Shen-Lung, and started to set up supply barrel bombs supplyed by the guild.
    "This will get things started and mabey even break its horn....I hope it works."

    Hasseo Cluched a small barrel bomb+ in his hand waiting for the right moment...

  4. #4
    deaths sadness Monster Hunter RP AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    at the sight of the lao-shen vash jumped down the cliff vash looked at the kid and said "hey hows it going" with a evil gren vash started to set some large barrel bomb+ "by the way names vash yours" vash seemed not to be scared of the beast that was drawing near vash started to move his hand over his dual blades waiting for the moment he could attck just waiting he could already teast the blood he looked at the kid with a evil smile on his faces then laghed(haha)

  5. #5
    Monster Hunter RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    Andorix was sharpening his hammer at the blacksmith's, as he laughed and said "Ha! That wyvern got a face full of fist! Unfortunately it wasn't mine..." as he remembered how he banished the Black Gravios, with a skull of the beast to remind him. He loved the hammer the Dondruma elder made for him, shaped like a fist to remind citizens of the struggle he faced against countless giant crab attacks endured by the city, and the fact that he played a key role in defending the city's good name. Andorix was regarded now as a legend, one that would remain in history forevermore.

    However, Andorix cared little about these claims; he knew that he was just like any normal human: he would one day settle into Dondruma, have a wife, start a family, and die happy, knowing he had done what he loved the most all his life (no innuendo intended). His lifelong wish was a simple one, and he hoped to fulfill it one day or another.

    However, his dream would have to wait.

    There was desperate shouting; something about the Kokoto Fortress being under siege. He knew it was the doing of only one, gargantuan creature.

    "Well, back to work for me..." sighed Andorix.
    Last edited by Exxdeath666; 03-20-2009 at 10:23 PM.

  6. #6
    As Andorix was walking Bryce walked up behind Andorix and said "So Looks like another Lao Shan! This time I'm gonna kill it!"
    After reaching the fortress Bryce jumped down onto the fortress soil while unsheathing his weapon. "This will be a good fight!"
    Last edited by sconethief; 03-17-2009 at 10:00 PM.

  7. #7
    Monster Hunter RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    Andorix grunted, "Yeah, better help the rookies before they get into-"

    Just then the Lao Shan let out a blood chilling roar. An explosion shortly followed. "By the Fatalis' nose!" he shouted, "looks like we'd better pick up the pace!"

    Unsheathing his weapon, Andorix ran at full speed towards the area the Lao was in. He then saw two young hunters face first in the mud and the Lao Shan slowly advancing towards the Fortress.

    "Well, they'll be out for a while, by the looks of it. Looks like it's up to us, old friend!" said Andorix as he sent his hammer crashing down upon the dragon's foot, causing it to fall head over heels.

  8. #8
    Cmon Andorix! At least have the courtesy to ask if they need help! "The names Bryce! Need some help?"
    (OOC: Exxdeath let's stop posting so they have a chance to respond (; )

  9. #9
    deaths sadness Monster Hunter RP AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    the sound of the lao shan fall and the massive shake of the earth caused cash to snap back to as he said "fricking bombs the dam things had a short fuse" as vash got up he yells at the other two guys that seemd to have joined in at the last second "who the h#ll are you guys"vash seemed to have a pissed off look on his faces and normal he wou,d just draw his duel swords but something just buged him as he pulled his pulsating core out it made a horrifk scream as vash charged at the lao shan screaming "DIE" only to be knocked back down by the lao shans tail "bast#rd" as he got back up he put his hammer awy and drew his duel blades as vash said"well lets try this"
    Last edited by AbysalDarkness; 03-18-2009 at 06:22 PM.

  10. #10
    Bryce stared, watching the man with the dual swords. I guess I'll just kick back! He climbed back up and lounged next to the dragonator.
    Last edited by sconethief; 03-20-2009 at 10:25 PM.

  11. #11
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    Hasseo's vision was sketchy at best but he could make out seeing three hunters who had apparently saw his call to arms to face the Lao Shen Lung. He had been out for a long time and realised the Lao was already on the home stretch.

    "Dumb beast, you have not had my worst!"

    Hasseo ran into the guild and grabed a weapon of his own disign, a ultimate bowgun weapon so powerfull no smith had made a gun strong enough to use it, a weapon he called Cannon Shot. Hasseo saw a hunter standing next to the dragonator waiting to stirke.

    "Hey Watch This!"
    Hasseo loaded the cannon shot and watched as a massive explosion erupted on the lao shen's face. He pulled up his gun and started to fire his crag shot. The battle would soon be over.

  12. #12
    deaths sadness Monster Hunter RP AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    as vash ran for cover he screamd"what the h#ll are u doing that just about hit me" vash desided that the safest place fo him would be under the lan shen as he started to demoniz the beast as vash started talking to him self"i think i should give it a teast of my hammer"
    Last edited by AbysalDarkness; 03-19-2009 at 11:47 AM.

  13. #13
    Bryce covered his face as a Crag shot smashed the Lao Shan's face. Standing up, Bryce strolled over to the wall and pulled up a chair. "This will be interesting"

  14. #14
    Monster Hunter RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    "Vash, Vash, you're a bit too cocky for a mercenary, don't you think? I'd think it'd be best to leave this to the experts..." sighed Andorix.

    That said, Andorix' hammer once again came crashing down on the beast's gut. Lao howled out in pain, falling over on top of Andorix. In enormous frustration, Andorix lifted its stomach off of his back. "Hmph. This foolish creature thought me useless beneath his belly. What gross underestimation..."

    The hammer came down again, tearing off a bit of the dragon's flesh this time. "You rookies crack me up," laughed Andorix, "if at first one weapon doesn't succeed, it's not the weapon, your body's telling you it's weak. It's never the weapon!"

    "Who the h#ll are you guys?!" shouted Vash.
    "Well, since you asked, I'll keep this brief, since we are in a large predicament at the moment," Andorix hollered as he brought the hammer upon another piece of the dragon, "you know that one fellow who you heard was larger than life and even punched a wyvern in the face when he was just a child? Well, you can't believe all you hear from the townsfolk, friend."

    Looking over, Andorix saw Bryce being just as lazy as he always was. "Bryce, quit your lounging and give us a hand here, or I'm keeping your share of our payment!" scolded Andorix.
    Last edited by Exxdeath666; 03-18-2009 at 11:33 PM.

  15. #15
    deaths sadness Monster Hunter RP AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    "a bit cocky for a mercenary mind your mouth or im coming after you when were done here" said vash

    vash started swinging and hammering as hard as he could at the lan shens back legs trying to knock it down and by them some time as vash was yelling bac in forth with the older man "lets see i dont belive i have herd of such a thing so you mit was well tell me your name so i will know what to put on your marker when i deside to kill you" said vash

    vash put ever thing he had in one last bash and it was anuf to knock the beast on its side "ABOUT time" vash ran over to its belly and started beating it as fast as he could

  16. #16
    "Andorix, you can have the money!" Bryce said while polishing his sword. "This Vash person said he doesn't need any help so I'm just not helping! and you all better not go whining to me when you cant beat this thing because its not my problem." he said with a smirk.

  17. #17
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    Hasseo looked over the side of the guild fortress walls and saw many cracks and scars....The integrety was getting low.
    "The Base wont hold much longer!"

    Hasseo shot and shot as fast as he could but this weapon did not have any kind of rapid fire. Hasseo threw a green orb at the ground and intantly teleported back to the guild. He grabed as much ballista shot as he could hold and ran past a few loprey back the the lao.

    "Take this jerk!"
    Hasseo fired ballista shot right as the beast stood up to roar. Hasseo had looked over to see a hunter sitting on a chair twords the back of the fortress wall.

    "Hey if you are here then you have to help so do us a favor and hit the fricken dragonator already!"

  18. #18
    "so you guys do need me help" Bryce said laughing
    He strolled over to the dragonator and said " Just yell when you want me to use it!

  19. #19
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    Continuing to unload ballista shot on the beast, Hasseo watched as the hunter nearby had walked over and was apparently ready to fire the dragonator.

    The Lao shen was right next to the wall but Hasseo still said nothing. He had seen this before and knows what you must wait for is for it to taunt and then fire as it stands at its tallest.

    The Lao shen stood up and let out a bloodlust roar of terror and Hasseo shouted over its roar, "FIRE IT NOW!"

  20. #20
    Smashing the button with one fist, the dragonator drove into the Lao Shan's stomach causing it to let out a blood curling yell. Bryce walked back over to his chair and Started drinking from his glass of water.

  21. #21
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    Hasseo watched as the large area of the lao shens chest, the same area that had been attacked vigerosly by the two hunters, the same area that was bleeding and was missing scales was pirced by the dragonator. This was the final blow.

    The Lao shen rocked back and forth and let out one final roar before crashing down on the ground. Hasseo watched as the two hunters down below panic dived out of the way.

    Hasseo jumped down and started carving the body.

    "As for everyone here let me more formally introduce myself at the guild hall, im going to celebrate!"

  22. #22
    Monster Hunter RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    "Vash, you take this gig a bit too seriously. I have been doing this all my life, so I do know the fundamentals of this business. When you get a bit better with your hunting techniques and stop blowing yourself up, then you can talk to me about cocky," Andorix let out a chuckle, "Hasseo, if it isn't too much trouble, I might ask you to buy me a beer with my share of the winnings; a portion of it, anyway. By the way, Bryce; nice aiming with the dragonator. See boys, he may be lazy, but he does have his uses."

    Andorix brushed off a carve ruby and added it to his stash of nine. "Yeah, like I needed another one of these..." Andorix walked up to Vash, took out his hand and asked "No hard feelings, my good boy?"

  23. #23
    Standing up, Bryce looked at all three hunters carving from the lao shan lungs corspe.after sliding down the ladder bryce walked up to the other hunters and searched for any valuables. After finding nothing useful Bryce picked up his sword and walked back to the guild hall where he sat down at a table and fell asleep.

  24. #24
    deaths sadness Monster Hunter RP AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    vash was lening up againest the well of the fort vash shuk hands with Andorix he said "ya no hard feelings" and vash started to make his way back up the cliff going back on his queast to find a sertin someone

  25. #25
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    You will have to buy me a beer!

    "Well sure I suppose I do owe you one. Although im only 15 so I dont drink...Ill help myself to some Rajang Energy Drink!"

    Hasseo sat down at the large table at the guild hall, he could see one hunter across from him sleeping....(Geez he hardly did anything, how can he be tired?)

    "A toast to my fellow hunters whos names I dont even know. My name is Hasseo and I am a member of the Guild Knights, at your service." Hasseo bowed and then sat down and started to drink his Rajang Blast energy drink. "So I did not quite catch everyones name, please introduce yourself again."

  26. #26
    Monster Hunter RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    "Well, fine. My name is Andorix; I'm sure you might have heard my name around Dondruma quite a few times, and they tend to overexaggerate my reputation a lot. I'm a heavy hitter, and most say my stength is outmatched by most people in the hunting world, not to brag or anything, that's just what people say. I positively delight in using hammers and greatswords, and tend to use lances when I'm feeling a bit threatened. My enemies call me ferocious, but they could not be more wrong: my loyalty stays with you all and the monster hunting community!" Andorix forcefully lowered his hammer, making a large thumping sound.

  27. #27
    Bryce looked up at the hunters. "The name's Bryce"
    "You can find me at the Kokoto guild hall. If you need anything just ask not really... And Just so you know I really like the kitty cart..."

  28. #28
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    "Ha Ha Ha, like the kitty kart? So you die alot?"
    Hasseo grabed his Rajang Blast Energy drink and called for a keg of beer to pass around his fellow hunters. "Gentelmen drink your fill, for you have helped me slay the Lao shen lung, a fete im sure you have accomplesed before but It was my final exam before becoming an official Guild Knight, Now I shall move on to the ferocious Elder Dragons."

    Hasseo saw as Andorix and Bryce grabed for their weapons. "No my friends, I did not mean now. For now we will rest and I shall go to the smith, I am going to be forging the Emperor Lao Shen Cannon tommorow."

    Hasseo stode to his feet. "Gentelmen I must be off to the forge, I think ill also stop for a bite at the Feylne Kitchen. I bid you adue."

    Hasseo handed his guild card to all hunters present and with a final bow waltzed out of the guild.

  29. #29
    Monster Hunter RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    Andorix gave a hearty laugh, "Alright! Farewell then! I think I'll catch a few winks of sleep myself." Andorix picked up he bloody hammer and mumbled, "Hmmm... I hope this comes out." He picked up his beer and chugged it down in a few seconds.

    (Elder dragons, he says. I wonder if its he all famous Chameleos, the vanishing giant?)

  30. #30
    Hehe.. They don't call me "deadman for nothing!" I'll see you guys later!
    Bryce then put his head down and fell asleep at the table

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