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Thread: Monster Hunter RP

  1. #31
    Registered User Monster Hunter RP HUNK's Avatar
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    Hasseo was standing inside the small forge in poke village, it was a humble building but the craftsmen there were some of the best. Hasseo took out the large almost rock-like scale of the Lao Shen Lung, it was the final piece he needed for making a weapon of massive power.

    5 hours later...

    "It has been compleated! The Emperor Lao Cannon is now in my possesion!" The ammo this weapon could use was not much but beacuse of that it alowed Hasseo to carry materials for making such things.

    Hasseo stood outside of the ice caves near poke village, he was gazing out at the seemingly endless plains and moutains that stretched out before him. "Its truly amazing, the world the gods have given us. Hey whats that!"
    Looking out before him, Hasseo saw a massive dragon flying through the sky, he soon regognized it as a beast known as the Kushala Daora, this was the first time Hasseo had seen one in person, he had only seen the skeloton of one...this is not somthing to be take lightly. "I must warn the others."

    Hasseo ran as fast as he could to tell everyone of the coming threat.

  2. #32
    Monster Hunter RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    Andorix was woken up with a large outcry of "The Rusted Kusha is at our doorstep!!! Run away!!!!!"

    Andorix quickly got dressed into his Evasive Gold Rathian armor, enchanted with a few jewels that people said made him nearly untouchable. He got his blue dragon killing hammer out, one famous for killing countless giant wyverns at the Kokoto Volcano. Clad in gold, Andorix yelled, "Everyone clear out! Evacuate as quickly as possible! I will protect our fortress! Make haste, citizens!"

    After he made his way to the Dondruma outpost, he grabbed Bastilla ammuntion, bombs, and anything else he might need, including poison throwing knives, to waylay the dragon's fiercely intense wind barrier. Andorix knew the drill; he had hunted over 62 Kushala Daoras alone, so he knew how they behaved. He would normally go solo, but then...

    (Wait a minute... I know just as well as any that the Kushala Daora is one of the most unpredictable creatures on this earth. Yesterday Hasseo mentioned that we would be hunting an elder dragon tomorrow. Now how would he know such a thing? You never know when or where one will turn up...)

    He had no time to worry about such a thing right now. Andorix arrived at the fortress when he heard the whistling of the wind above him. Rusted Kusha had arrived.

    (Perfect timing!)

    As Kusha was starting to land, Andorix realized that he was also in front of the Dragonator of the Dondruma fortress, and he saw his opprotunity; he stepped on the massive plate and knocked the dragon out of the sky.

    (Ha! At this point I may not even need their help!)

  3. #33
    Bryce Woke up at the Kokoto guild hall. He strolled over to his house and changed into his Gravios X and pulled out his Gun Chariot. After asking the guild maids for all the new quests, one caught his eye, "The Rusted Kushala" Bryce immediately joined the quest. He hadn't fought an elder dragon in months. After walking into the fortress and heard the laugh of his old buddy. Well looks like this will be a quick fight.

  4. #34
    Monster Hunter RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    "Cover your eyes!" bellowed Andorix, as he threw a flash bomb. Since the Kushala Daora was airbourne, as Andorix threw the flash bomb he doubled over and attacked the air, hoping to hit the hunters he couldn't see. Andorix hit the Kusha in the head as he moved, eventually knocking him unconscious. Bryce and Andorix both proceeded to get free hits from the dragon. Upon reaching consciousness, he let out a shrill roar.

    "Have the others arrived yet?" asked Andorix, narrowly dodging an incoming tornado projectile.

  5. #35
    The tornado projectile smashed into Bryce's armor. He shrugged it off and Pulled out his shield. "CHARGE!!" Bryce ran forward at the rusted Kushala. Right before he reached the kushala he jumped to the left and pulled his shield in front of his body.

  6. #36
    Registered User Monster Hunter RP HUNK's Avatar
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    Hasseo came running out of the guild hall, he still had the quest notice in his hand.
    "I cant be to late...Even Bryce and Andorix would have trouble with such a beast.

    Hasseo looked down the forteress wall and could see the epic battle unfolding. "I need a good entry point...hmm" Without hesitation, Hasseo jumped off the wall and pulled out his beastly weapon, the Emperor Lao cannon. He quickly pulled it and loaded a Cluster lvl 3 shell and screamed "Guys hit the deck!"

  7. #37
    Monster Hunter RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    Andorix jumped out of the way. As he did, the bullet exploded in front of the Kusha's face. The beast doubled over and howled in pain.

    "Hmph. Come to see the action, did you?" questioned Andorix, "or come to make it yourself? I have some questions for you after this is over..."

    At that note, Andorix poisoned the Kusha, disabling his wind barrier. After that, the Kusha took off, weakened by the assult.

    "Quickly, hunters! This way towards the quarry!!!" shouted Andorix.

  8. #38
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    "Good I passed the quary on my way here and it has many balistas, we can use them to our advantage!"

    Hasseo climbed up the massive ladder leading up the guild wall. Dang, jumping off this was alot quicker than climbing back up it... Hasseo climbed to the top and ran down into the quarry, the Kusha was already hovering above and by the time he landed, Hasseo was already sitting in the chair on a balista.

    "Eat Balista shot, jerk!"

  9. #39
    Monster Hunter RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    "Good shot, lad! These next few hits will ensure our victory!" declared Andorix.

    Andorix hit the creature in the legs this time, making the Kusha a bit wobbly. The next hit on his forehead broke the crest that controlled his wind barrier. He saw an opening to use to his advantage.

    "Now, Bryce! Slice his tail while he's on the ground!!!"

  10. #40
    "Will do" He cut up and completley missed. "Damnit" he stepped. Back and let a shot off at it's tail, burning it. "I'll get it next opening"

  11. #41
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    "Out of ammo on balista...."

    Hasseo tryed to get up but was not quick enough and was hit by a huge spiral wind attack, apparently this was the Kashua's deadly breath weapon. "Weeeeeeeeee!" Hasseo flew through the sky and it was exilerating....but then hit the ground with a loud thud.

    Shaking off pain and hurt, Hasseo pulled up his weapon and began to fire at the legs of the beast. "Bryce be ready, this normally causes monsters to fall over!"

  12. #42
    Monster Hunter RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    With a final three blows to the head, the Kusha wobbled upward in desperation, let out a final growl, and collapsed. The beast was dead.

    "Aw, well. You guys can carve it up; I'm just glad my city was unharmed..."

    (Hmm... I wonder where Vash is? He's probably up to his old shenanigans...)

    Andorix eyed Hasseo as he was carving. (I still have much to discuss with him. He knew a surprising amount of information about the elder dragons and their behavior. He also knew exactly where it would be... I wonder if he's in league with Palerox?)

    Andorix put his hand on Hasseo's shoulder, "I wish to speak with you at the guild. I'll be off to the guild. Come find me." Andorix headed over to the Dondruma Guild Hall...

  13. #43
    deaths sadness Monster Hunter RP AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    as vash got lost in the woods he desided he would had back to the town he helped the other hunters with the lan shen and ask how to ge tto the tower

  14. #44
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    Hasseo had went home and cleaned his weapon, polishing off all the gun powder and grime. He then rested and had dinner at the feylen kitchen, he had always loved eating the Demonshroom and the Bigmeat.

    "Andorix wanted to see me in the Dondruma Guild Hall...I should go now."

    Hasseo walked outside and headed twords Dondruma's own guild. Hasseo heard many stories about the great land of Dondruma, it held the guild Town, Forteress and even the great war zone known as Castle Sherade. Some of the worlds greatest hunters came from Dondruma, but Hasseo was not one of them. He had only reported to Dondruma on two missions, one to assist in killing the mighty Shen Goaren and the other time was the recent defeat of the Kusha Deora. Every mission given to him by the Dondruma guild knights were missions of top priorety known as Urgent Quests...What could Andoirx possibly want there? Mayhap its just a farmiliar place so he wanted to meet there...Hasseo looked up at the great walls of the guild town and walked inside, everywhere there were people sharpening weapons or crafting armor and even though there was no current threat of a monster attack everyone prepared for battle.

    Hasseo went into the market and looked for Andorix, he was sure to be around here somewhere.

  15. #45
    Bryce was leaning against a Vendors stand in the Dondruma Market. He was looking at a bottle of Thunderbug juice. He gave the vendor the Zenny and wandered around. He ran into Hasseo and asked him why he was here. After Getting an explination Bryce Followed Hasseo into the dondruma guild Hall Where He waited by the door.

  16. #46
    Monster Hunter RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    "HASSEO!" Andorix shouted.

    Hasseo walked to his location. Andorix was imapatient with what he believed to be Hasseo's dawdling. He had an urgent matter to discuss with him.

    "There have been great suspicions around here about where your loyalties lie. Place your words carefully, boy, as I ask you this. How did you know there was going to be an elder dragon arriving here when not even a mind like mine could percieve that? People around here suggest that you may be part of the Dark Cult of the Fatali. Have you heard of them?"

    To make such an accusation was unheard of and could even be regarded as an insult to hunters; the Cult was made up of people who believed in beastly supremacy, led by the renegade hunter Palerox. Though not his real name, that is simply who he was known as, and in Jumbo language it meant "immortal terror", for his name never seemed to dissapate; his legendary moniker had been known for centuries, killing other hunters who would stand in their way of the resurrection of the elder dragon brothers Fatalis, who were thought not even to exist.

  17. #47
    deaths sadness Monster Hunter RP AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    vash was walking thro town as he seen Hasseo with the other hunter he help as he walked over to them he asked"do any of yoiu know how to get ot the tower i need to look around there for some one?" hasseo and the older hunter dident know so vash disided to go to the bar
    Last edited by AbysalDarkness; 03-23-2009 at 08:27 PM.

  18. #48
    A young man walks into Dondruma, as he walks through he begins lloking at the towns people. he sees a bar and decides to go in. As he opens the door he scans the room. Seeing many older and younger hunters. He takes his Longsword off his back and carries it in his right and pulls his cloak back too show his blades are sheathed. He sees and empty table in a dimly lit corner. He sits down and a waitress comes up to him. He orders a glass of wine.

    As the waitress goes to grab his drink, he an't help but notice all the different types of hunters there. Many of them look ragged down and battered from their work. He sees the battle scars and missing limbs of many a veteran and even some new guys. He knows the fate of a hunter is not always certain, but the savagery that comes with this territory is unexplainable almost deplorable.

    The waitress returns with his glass and pours him a bottle. He waves signaling her to leave the bottle. As he thinks to himself he starts to move the glass in a circular motion making the wine flow up and down against the sides of the glass. He listens qietly to her of any news of a mission or problems that may need solving.

  19. #49
    deaths sadness Monster Hunter RP AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    as vash walks in the bar he sees there are no open tables but see a table with just one hunter siting there vash walks up to him and ask "alright if i sit here" wiht a disapointed look on his faces

  20. #50
    Bryce walked over to the table with vash and said to him and the other hunter, "Haha! We meet again Vash! But look, there's another hunter here! " Bryce said " The Name 's Bryce, Pleased to meet you!"

  21. #51
    deaths sadness Monster Hunter RP AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    vash looked up and said"so bryce i have to ask you some thing do you know how to get to the tower i tryed to get there by myself but im not from here so i got lost in the woods?"

  22. #52
    Well Vash, I'm not much of an instructor, But I'll gladly show you how to get there. But so you know IT can get rough. I'll pic an easy mission at the tower.... Gold rathian. Bryce Picked up his Thundersword and Gave Vash the sheet to sign. "Hey er.. guy with the wine, You wanna join us?"

  23. #53
    deaths sadness Monster Hunter RP AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    gold rathian um dang thats the beast my friends was hunter befor she just up and disaperd thats way i need to go and look around"vash toke the sheet and sighed it"if only i had my true devil slicer with me"

  24. #54
    Alexavior looks up to the man who introduced himself as Bryce and takes a second sip of his wine. He pulls his hood back from over his head as he stands. He strreches out his right hand to Bryce and in a deep and confident tone says " Alexavior is my name. Hunting is my game. I accept your offer to accompany you ", as he looks to the man who seems to be in his mid 30's.

    " How long have you been a hunter?" He says letting go of the man's hand and turning to his weapon. He grabs his blade and places it on his back and leaves some money on the table to cover his check. He turns back to the man patiently waiting his answer and news for what the mission may be.

  25. #55
    Registered User Monster Hunter RP HUNK's Avatar
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    Hasseo stared into the eyes of Andorix disapointedly. "I understand you dont know me as a person but really I am not the type of person who would condone such actions as the ones commited by the fatali. Hwever there is one amogst us that I would not put it past. I however am not at liberty to say such things."
    Hasseo had explained briefly that he had been working for the Guild Knights ever since he was a child, and to some, he still was.

    "The guild is the only life I have ever known, I would not defend any monster...although I have heard rumors of knights who would ride dragons..."

    "As for me "Knowing" the Kashua was near, I had no clue. All I knew is that now I am an offical guild knight, I will one day be called to hunt Elder Dragons, its every knights dream. I was practicing with the Emperor Lao cannon I made and then I simply saw it flying over the moutains."

    Hasseo was not sure wheter or not Andorix was satisfied with his answere so he waited to hear of his approval.

  26. #56
    I've been a hunter for almost 20 years! yes You might say i'm an old timer in this business, but my friend Andorix here has been around just as long. So, "Alex" you wanna come on the gold rathian mission? We'll be off after Vash and you are ready.

  27. #57
    deaths sadness Monster Hunter RP AbysalDarkness's Avatar
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    "ya will be ready when you two are."so are you sure you dont mind

  28. #58
    Monster Hunter RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    "Hmmm... my suspicions are quelled for the moment, young one. However, don't think you're out of the woods yet. Cross hunters like us in Dondruma once, and I cannot protect you from the law we hold here. I will no longer have any say in the matter..."

    Andorix put his hand on Hasseo's shoulder.

    "You are an extremely courageous hunter. I don't want to think you a traitor, because I honestly think you a friend. I just don't want to see you make a terrible choice like that in the future. I don't know if I could ever face you... I'm sorry if that seemed unfriendly. I wasn't angry, I was just... afraid when I suspected that you knew where the dragon resided.
    I hear the others are going on a mission right now; Gold Rathian is what I hear. I've hunted enough of those things; you can go without me, if you wish. I will stay in the guild when you need me."

  29. #59
    " Well I am ready as soon as you are. All I have on my person is what you see. So I am always ready and prepared for the drop of a hat. Don't call yourself an old timer." He says with a grin." I know many an older aged man whose will to fight and hunt is greater than any youth i have ever known. You are just experienced, and wise aswell. I would be greatly honored to join you." He takes the slip and signs of as a partner. Hands it back to Bryce.

    " Is that all? Then i guess we should go get your friend then." Alexavior begins to walk out of the bar. Still istening to different conversations to see if he could gather any ideas for his hunter after this one is completed. His mind is not set on the task at hand, and that is how he likes to keep it. If he thinks to much of what is to come or ask too many question he knows it will take the initial thrill and adrenaline from the first sight of the monster, and that can cause a clouded head that leads to bad mistakes and even death in most cases.

  30. #60
    Well Vash, and alex, lets head off onto the mission!
    Bryce walked into the maze of trees. "follow me!" He started through the trees, saying "this is the home of the NarugaKaruga, its supposedly faster than the eye can see!" They where stumbling along when suddenly something began moving in the busehes behind them. "Get ready to run" The bush rustled more then out came a shakalaka. Bryce sighed and grabbed the shakalaka by the arm and took its sword.

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