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Thread: First Annual Quistis Ball

  1. #1
    The Quiet One First Annual Quistis Ball Andromeda's Avatar
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    First Annual Quistis Ball

    (OoC: Remember to have fun and don’t stress too much over uncertainty, grammar and spelling. And don’t forget that you are being your TFF selves. Enjoy!)

    The night had come quickly upon the large 18th century French-style mansion rented out for one evening as a magnificent ballroom to play host to countless souls. Many had already entered enjoying the company, music and food that was offered while many more still continued to arrive. One couple had just arrived and walked into the grand hall that spilled out into the ballroom and became a gallery around dividing into smaller halls towards the various rooms.

    It was a man and woman walking in hand to the adorable hovering moogle that announced each person’s arrival. “Who do I say has arrived, kupo?” Stiltzkin said greeting to the two as they hit the threshold of the ballroom and large stairwell that went down into the ballroom floor.

    The woman spoke up to the moogle with a warm smile. “Andromeda,” she said simply with nothing more. She adjusted her foot a little after stepping forward letting the white and light pink dress return to rest.

    Stiltzkin spun around letting out a ‘Kupo’ before stopping suddenly and darting over to the woman only a foot or so from her face. “Andromeda!? You mean that you’re actually a girl, kupo?! Won’t everyone be surprised and who’s your date, kupo?”

    The woman took a half step back in surprise before returning Stiltzkin with a playful smile that belied another truth. She stretched her hand back letting the man take it and step forward into the conversation. In his black tuxedo he gave a short bow before speaking. “I am Super Moderator Andromeda.”

    Stiltzkin nodded with his answer and spun around once more looking ready to announce them, but stopped again. He darted over to the both of them staring back and forth looking confused until his eyes began to swirl. “Kupo! Kupo! You’re Andromeda and you’re Andromeda, kupo? I’m so confused, kupo…are you a boy or a girl?”

    The couple gave a small laugh in expense of the moogle. “I’m both tonight!” they said with that mysterious playful smile before making their way to the stairs. They laughed briefly again and walked down in hand together pleased with the turn out so far.

    The moogle was talking to himself quickly holding up the line buried in the quagmire of confusion while his pom-pom turned five colors of the rainbow. Stiltzkin recovered himself by the time that they were halfway down the stairs clearing his tiny throat that carried surprisingly well. “Announcing Andromeda! Kupo!”

    Andromeda walked into the crowd hearing the Final Fantasy “Prologue” just ending filling up with a little disappointed for having missed the song. That passed soon enough hearing Black Mage Village following it up and getting a couple cheers from others. It quickly brought a smile back and eagerness to meet the many new unfamiliar faces.

    (OoC: I’ve got nothing specific planned out, so if anything comes to mind or you just want to be silly and crazy by all means. Conversations can be handled however you wish, you can write them all or just part. It is up to you how you wish to play it out.)

  2. #2
    Arachnie Suicide First Annual Quistis Ball ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    A short girl walks into the room, struggling to hold the door open with her vaguely weak frame as she enters. She is dressed in a corseted gown, rich purple in colour and reaching down to the floor. Revealing and still elegant and demure - A real ball gown. Although they are not visible until she walks, underneath are platform heels, making her just a few inches taller, perhaps 5'4" rather than her usual 4'11".

    She looks around in amazement at the room, touching a pillar near the door to feel if it is really marble. She smiles to find out that it is, and walks slightly further into the room. A man walks in behind her, and she is quick to grab his arm and pull him to her side - This is obviously her date.

    She hears a Final Fantasy tune being played out from somewhere. The music is familiar to her, but she cannot quite grasp its name in her mind.

    She greets Stiltzkin with a smile, introducing herself as Anachlirium and the man standing next to her as Prodigal Madness. They discuss their hopes for the night, and with a final "Hope you enjoy yourself, kupo!" from Stiltzkin they continued down the stairs to say hello to the first couple they could see, a lady in a white and pink dress and a man in a black tuxedo.

    "Hello there", Anachlirium said to the both of them. "My name's Anachlirium. You wouldn't happen to know the name of this song, would you?"

  3. #3
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    As he stood outside the doors to the mansion he made sure his clothing was looking up to standard. As Silver fixed the collar of his dark blue Hawaiian shirt and adjusted the shoulder of his rarely worn black suit jacket he admired the elaborate entrance before remembering his silver and black tie. Or really just that he'd accidentally left it at home. Silver sighed...

    'Oh well, damn thing tends to choke me anyways,' he muttered as he placed his hand on the door. With a loud banging noise the door fell clear off it's hinges landing inside the mansion itself. Silver looked around nervously. No-one seemed to be around the local vicinity. He made a clearly audible sigh of relief as he put the door back into it's place. 'That was lucky...'

    Silver made his way to the ballroom area where he was approached by a hovering moogle atop a flight of stairs leading to the ball area itself. 'Hello, kupo,' the moogle started before pausing briefly. 'May I ask who you are, kupo?'

    'Awwwww, aren't you a cute widdle fuzzy wuzzy,' started Silver as he patted the moogle's head, 'My name, eh? Silver!' Silver grinned at the now rather confused looking moogle and laughed before waiting by the stairs. He was waiting for his date. One so-named Violet, easily the most beautiful woman in all the world who he was quite privileged to be joining.

  4. #4
    Air from my lungs. First Annual Quistis Ball Violet's Avatar
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    A slim-figured girl with pale skin approached the entrance to the building. The satin blue colored dress she was wearing touched the ground and slightly dragged across the pavement as she went to put her gloved-hand on the door. As she gently pushed to open, the door collapsed to the tile in the hall. Embarrassed by this, the girl walked inside and was immediately confronted by a nervous-looking moogle. "Stiltzkin at your service, kupo. I see you broke the door down, kupo.." Rubbing her head, the girl looked around for some sort of explanation. "I uh.. I only pushed it a little.." "It's ok, kupo. We'll take care of that later. Anyways, what's your name, kupo?" "Violet.. uh.. kuuupo--" The moogle made a funny face at Violet before waving her off to attend other guests.

    As Violet turned around, she saw her date at the stairs. She approached Silver, still looking a little embarrassed. "Did you see that? I can't believe how weak their framework is." Folding her arms, she noticed an amused expression on his face. "What's so funny?"
    Last edited by Violet; 11-12-2008 at 04:05 AM.

  5. #5
    Registered User First Annual Quistis Ball Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Rika eyed the crumbled heap that used to be the door as she walked inside, clearly shy and worried about the people she was soon to see. With a quick grab to slick material of her dress the girl tried to hurry up and get to whoever it was letting the in.
    A smile formed across her face when she saw the little creature staring at her with a calm look, “Hello, I am Stiltzkin and who might you be kupo?” The moogle asked.

    She wanted to reach out and hug it but to save herself from further embarrassment she did nothing but touch her wavy hair that fell carefully down her back. The bright diamond clips that held back loose strands felt strange under her fingers.
    “Oh, my names Rika.”

    The moogle nodded but before she entered asked her if she had a date with her tonight.
    “Yes but he’s not here yet.” And without another word she walked from Stiltzkin.
    Rika passed Andromeda and lifted her hand for a small wave. She felt a little out of place but was excited and couldn’t wait till her other friends came; she especially wanted to see what Xeim would be wearing. Rika looked down at her silver dress; soft layers of silk fitted her body fairly loosely. The diamond necklace frosted around her neck flattered the nearly low bosom area. Rika leaned against the wall so she could see all who entered so she could either flag them down or hide from them.

  6. #6
    Vagabond Thief First Annual Quistis Ball Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    She walked slowly up to the steps of the old mansion,her blue-green eyes peering up to the building. She was smiling slightly,a little nervous for the event of the night to take place. Her medium length brown hair was pulled back slightly into clips, her dress was a royal blue hue that was ankle length with a sash around the waist. On her feet were not heels,she was 5'7 and didnt need them but instead sparkly white ballet flats,and around her shoulders was a white shawl to keep her warm. She sighed lightly and smiled more she then took a deep breath and proceeded up the steps.

    She decided to just stand there near the door as other people would pass her and go in,she seemed to be waiting for something or someone. She noticed the moogle was trying to get her attention and she laughed. "Oh I will be in a minute,i'm just waiting for someone" She waved to the moogle and just watched. She couldnt wait to see everyone's faces,yes she actually had a date. Someone had asked her and of course she said yes. Now all she needs to do is wait for him to show.

  7. #7
    Virmire Survivor Rocky's Avatar
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    I'm late, I'm late! For a very important date!

    For the past twenty years, Rocky failed to master the meaning of time-management. If, by the rare occasion that he wasn't late, Rocky was far too early. It wouldn't matter what the situation was; work, school, choir/band concerts, soccer games, or even video games, Rocky just suffered from the lack of being punctual.

    This time was different.

    "Right on time, yes!" Rocky quick looked around to see if there were any witnesses, then gave a quick fist pump. He finally conquered a big vice of his tonight, so this must mean something magical could lie in store for him. Before entering the old yet established mansion, Rocky had to do a quick check of his personal inventory. The five foot ten man ran a hand through his shaggy dirty blond hair. His impish blue eyes gleamed with excitement as he looked at the moon, as he wondered what kinds of activity will take part of tonight. He straightened out his silver vest and tie while checking his buttons for his white undershirt. After buttoning up his black overcoat, Rocky quick checked his shoes to make sure they are tied. One particular moment back in his sophomore year at prom was when he accidently biffed it right in front of all of the upperclassmen while escorting his date through the grand march. Ever since then, Rocky did not want to make the same mistake again.

    "Have fun! Be save! Take lots of pictures! Tell your date hi from us!"

    The nagging tones of Rocky's mother filtered through his mind as he slowly walked up to the door of the mansion, or what remained of it. Out of seemingly nowhere, a moogle with the nametag of Stiltzkin popped up and greeted Rocky.

    "Welcome, kupo! Now what is your name?"

    "Rocky," he said, as the young man considered touching the large red ball that happened to be the moogle's antenna. This is the first time Rocky has ever gotten to see what a moogle looks like from a firsthand perspective, and he wanted to savor the moment. After much deliberation, Rocky decided against it, as he didn't want to possibly offend the moogle, and he didn't want to make enemies right now after just meeting someone new literally seconds ago.

    "Kupopo! You are checked off the list! Do you have a date by chance?"

    "Yes, but I'm not sure if she is here yet, I'll go look around.."

    "Kupo! Have fun!" And with that, the moogle quietly flew away and ventured into other parts of the mansion. Rocky walked around the huge, well-lit ballroom, searching for some familiar faces. Rocky saw the Andromedas, and waved to them, getting a handwave back from each of them. Although slightly muddled, Rocky was amused nonetheless. As warped as it looks, I'm not surprised in any way. Rocky also saw Anachlirium and her date talking to Violet and Silver. Rocky waved at the group and smiled. Violet and Anachlirium were too busy engaged with conversation with one another and didn't notice, but the giant Hawaiian shirt-wearing Australian smiled and raised his hand in the air, showing the warmth and friendliness of Silver. Rocky kept sweeping the air, seeing if his date was here yet..

    There she is...!

    Rocky found his date, the beautiful Lady Rika, standing among the edge of the room. Rocky's eyes widened in awe and mouth dropped close to the floor, as Lady Rika's face glowed and broke out into a slow and inviting smile. "Um..uhh.. you look amazing!" The man was at a loss for words. How did he end up taking the most beautiful lady in all the world to the ball?

    "Thanks." Lady Rika looked at the floor to try to hide her blushing from him. As she straightened out her silver dress, she locked her blue eyes unto his. The two of them couldn't both help but look away and laugh a nervous laugh.

    "Well now, shall we walk around and mingle with the others for a bit?" Rocky propositioned his date. "Of course!" Rika did a surprising little hop that seemed to catch Rocky off-guard yet again, and the two of them giggled.

    "Let us go, milady!" Rocky made a huge grin and stuck out his elbow for the Lady Rika as she placed her hand around it. "Our friends are waiting..."

  8. #8
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    The journy hadn't been the greatest. Stuck in an hour of heavy traffic made Entity wish she had just got the train. Her taxi driver for the evening wasn't helping matters by making countless attempts at flirting with her, and playing gastly music aloud. I was times like this, she wished she remembered to bring her headphones. It wasn't as if they would have taken up much space in her cluch bag!

    Gritting her teeth as she handed over the £30 it had cost her to the driver, she looked up at the manor. 18th centry it had said on the invite. The features were well kept, and fined down. Entity was sure that this was the kind of place were the lawn was cut using a ruler and a pair of sccisors. She heard the driver comment on the house, but couldn't work out what exactly he had said. This was her que to get moving before he asked her more questions.

    Entity was nervous. She kept checking herself over, making sure her dress was straight, her hair was still tightly kept on the top of her head in chopsticks, that... She had finally reached the top of the perfectly crafted stone steps which lead to the front door of the mansion. Stopping infront of a polished window, Entity made sure she looked ok. Her short, average frame stared back at her. The simple, black dress her friend had chosen for her the night before gently fluttered in the wind. Her shoes, flat and again, simple provided her feet with comfort - she was going to wear her heels, but after about an hour of getting used to them after many years of keeping them at the back of the wardrobe, she gave up. Flat is best.

    Smiling to herself, she turned around to come face to face with a flying moggle. She hadn't expected him to be there, so her body went into shoch mode. Screaming, she jumped back into the large, broken door. The door began to fall forwards, so she screamed again, hoping to the side. There was a loud crashing noise, and a tiny whimper.

    "Arg... kuuupooo..."

    Entity frowned, and lifted the door off the ground with the help of a passing waiter. Looking under the door, she gasped. The poor little moggle! He sat up, rubbing his head.

    "Oh my! Are you ok!" Entity exclaimed, kneeling down beside him.

    "Oh kupo!" he muttered, standing up. He gave a little strech before starting to fly again. He looked a little dizzy... "You must be... er..."

    "Entity," she said. "Unknown Entity. And yours?"

    "Stiltzkin... at least, I think kupo!" he growled and just pointed towards the door, nodding his head.

    Whispering many apologies, Entity stepped into the manor. Looking around at the decor, she smiled. Everything was just... tindy. Unlike her place... She heard laughter coming from a room just up some more steps. Holding the banister, she made her way up them. Carefully making her way to the door, she peeked in. A few other guests had arrived, and she could see them joking around, and sipping glasses of wine.

    I wonder if he is here yet? Entity thought. Taking a deep breath, she walked in.

  9. #9
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Valet Parking? How lovely. The woman with long black hair says to the valet driver standing near the entrance of the majestic French style mansion where the TFF Ball is being held. She graciously hands the car keys over to him while the young man's eyes are glued to the coiled bullwhip hanging over the woman's hips.

    "It's part of my costume" she winks while slipping a few gil directly to his chest pocket as a tip. She then turns herself to the beautifully engraved door that she gently pushes. The door makes a creaking noise as if groaning in agony, almost ready to fall down.

    "My, the door's broke already? I wont be surprised if it collapses on someone tonight." she chuckles as she enters through the hallway that reminds her of the enchanted castles only heard from children's storybooks. She walks in slowly watching the marvelous ceilings where chandeliers maybe more than twice her size delicately hang.

    The woman almost falls over as she hits a soft furry creature on her way.

    "KUPO!!" the creature exclaims

    "Oh my, are you alright? Sorry I didn't see you" The woman says in apology as she tries to catch the poor thing from falling over. A little too late as it already fell on its butt she then realizes that it is a moogle.

    "I am okay...kupo..." the moogle says as the woman helps him up. " I am Stiltzkin and I will be welcoming the guests tonight"

    "Oh, I thought you'd be stealing babies at night?" The woman jokingly says referring to an old Fairy Tale character. She notices the confused look on the moogle's face which makes the joke fail in itself.

    "May I know your name Madam?" Stiltzkin formally says after dusting himself up and clearing his throat.

    "Quistis" the woman says,as she curtsies lifting the skirt of her black corseted strapless ballgown. She is also wearing a pair of lace gloves that covers most of her arm. Her long dark hair flowed freely a few inches past her waist while a couple of elegant hair clips pulled some of her hair while letting a few strands frame her face.

    "And..your date kupo?" The moogle asks as he tries to look for anyone behind Quistis.

    "Oh...Yeah..right...I knew I forgot something tonight oh well" she said smacking her forehead "...can I sign you up for the part then?"

    The moogle blushes but politely declines "I would but I am on duty tonight Madam but I am sure some fine gentlemen would be more than willing"

    "Oh don't be so serious. I am just joking! Besides, I am here to catch up with some old friends and maybe meet some new ones." Quistis laughs

    "Alright Madam, enjoy the night!" Stiltzkin says as he presents the grand ballroom to Quistis.

    "What an awesome set up. Andromeda really took it up a notch this time." She said in awe as she tries to look for familiar faces around the enormous ballroom. One woman caught her eye though:

    "Oh great, someone wearing a corseted gown too. At least it's not the same color." Quistis pouts as she heads straight to the bar to get her first drink of the night.

  10. #10
    Courage, Character, Confidence. First Annual Quistis Ball Lunasa's Avatar
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    The party arrived via Limo, and out stepped a courageous and fit looking Joe Steel, attired in a nifty-looking suit, his hand extended to his date... MEIER LINK?! No, ladies and gentleman. Luckily for us, Meier decided to bypass Joe's hand, but Meier stepped out of the Limo, prim and proper. Flash, also refusing, stepped out of the vehicle, and attired in a simpel tux. Lastly, before it became awkward, the final party contender stepped carefully out of the luxurious limo, attired in a red dress. It was Lunasa, a great big smile on her face. Her dates flanked her and arm by arm, and Ms. Lunasa couldn't help but feel an air of accomplishment as she checked in.

    "Kupo, four?" said the Moogle, looking troubled

    Lunasa smiled, gave the Moogle Meier's jacket, and stepped into the familiar tune.

    "Hello, Nathan," said Lunasa, waving and stopping for a talk. She had a rather sheepish smile. "Hey Ann!" she said, clutching her three dates.
    Last edited by Lunasa; 11-12-2008 at 08:12 PM.

  11. #11
    The Quiet One First Annual Quistis Ball Andromeda's Avatar
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    Andromeda took a sip from her glass watching more arrive and greeting some as they passed by. She was pleased to see everything was turning out so well. “Hello there,” someone said to their side coming down from the stairs directly meeting with them rather than just in passing. “My name’s Anachlirium. You wouldn’t happen to know the name of this song, would you?” she ask to the both of them.

    “Ah, Anachlirium glad to see you. It is nice to meet the newer members in person finally. As for the song it is from Final Fantasy IX Black Mage Village, personal favorite of mine, actually.” After she had answered the question she could see a light go on as though everything connected together after that.

    While they continued to talk a noise from upstairs alerted the other Andromeda and he looked briefly at her without saying a word nodding. He gave the company a polite bow and departed quickly to see what the noise was about. When he had arrived a woman passed by looking a little flustered, but still holding it together. Andromeda gave a polite nod to her and met with Stiltzkin to find out what happened. “What happened? What was that noise all about?”

    “Oh Kuuu…pooo…my pom-pom is sore.” Stiltzkin slowly spun around rubbing his head with his tiny hands to nurse the pain away.

    Andromeda was still a little confused, but caught an odd shape being carried away by one of the waiters. He gave a quick rise of the eyebrow before looking back at Stiltzkin. “What happened to you, Stiltzkin? Are you going to be alright?”

    “I’m alright, kupo. I’m the traveling moogle! This won’t stop me. Though the door is ruined now, kupo.”

    He took a step back surprised to hear that it was the door that had been the cause of the problem. ‘I guess it is an old place, but I would have thought they would have kept it up better.’ The thought of having having to pay the owner for it to be repair worried him, but he knew he could not let it get him down tonight. “Well alright, Stiltzkin.”

    “Thank you, kupo!”

    Andromeda returned back to the ballroom giving friendly waves to those that saw him. He smiled back and silently acknowledged Andromeda while continuing on to the bar seeing a familiar face. It made his night to know that they had come after all. There was uncertainty when this was being set up if they would have been able to come. “Hey Quistis! I’m glad you made it. It’s been a while.”

  12. #12
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n First Annual Quistis Ball FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    "Hurry, hurry!" Cid told himself. He was going to be late, again. He was always rushing somewhere. He had very poor time management skills. "This isn't good, she's probably waiting on me by now!" Cid said, and pulled up to a beautiful French styled mansion.

    Cid bolted out of his car door. "I have to hurry!" Cid said.A valet walked over to him. "Valet? Sweet!" Cid said, and hastily handed the keys to the valet, and dashed up the stairs.

    There she was in a beautiful blue dress, right in front of him. She didn't notice him yet. He turned around, and pumped his arm, "Score!" he yelled. He turned back around, she noticed him now. He waved to her, then walked to the entrance where she stood.

    "Hey! Sorry I'm late, I came as fast as I could. You haven't been waiting long have you?" Cid asked his lovely date.

  13. #13
    Vagabond Thief First Annual Quistis Ball Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    She looked to Cid as he approached her and smiled. "It's alright,I just got here a few minutes ago,dont worry about it" She smiled once more and hugged him lightly then placed her arm into his and looked to the Moogle." Cid and Rikku have arrived" she said to the moogle and of course the moogle repeated it as they walked through the door."Wow its huge" She said to her date and giggled as she looked about to see who else was here. Everyone looked absolutely amazing and the mansion made the evening even more stunning.

  14. #14
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    “Silver” said the man in his late 20’s,”I am glad we found you and your lovely girlfriend at the start of the night, now we can get this wonderful event off to a good start”

    Looking around Meier saw a servant walking towards him caring a trey of wine glasses filled with a mixture of rare divine drinks, flagging the man down he quickly grabbed a glass and handed it to the lady that was at his side, it was a glass of white shimmering Cuvee’. A second glass was handed to the lovely Ann. The next two where handed to his other companions, these two glasses where a darker less sweet Merlot full of flavor and had a faint aroma of grape. As for the last two Meier looked around and quickly found what he was looking for, a small flower vase on a table, he quickly dumped the glasses into it. “This just will not do for you and I” said Meier as he unscrewed the diamond shaped piece of glass off of his cane reveling a hallow cavity filled with a brownish colored liquid. “Rum and Coke, for you my good man” he said as he tiled the cane and filled the last two glasses back up and handed one to his friend and kept one to his self.

    “Shall we make a toast to the host, to pay our respects for putting on such an extravagant event?” he asked as he stared at the others.
    Last edited by Meier Link; 11-13-2008 at 10:18 AM.

  15. #15
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    As Unknown Entity stepped in through the doors to the ball room, she smiled. The atmosphere was perfectly set for a wonderful evening. Everything from the laughing guests to the perfently aranged food, to the lighting illuminating the room to the soft music playing in the near background. A waiter, who had stopped near the door couldn't help himself from being nosy at all the commotion, peeked through it. Oh no... its bad isn't it? Entity thought, gulping.

    She peeked back out the way she had come and saw the moggle, Stiltzkin rubbing his pom pom, fluffing the fur around it back into shape. Just behind him, Entity watched as the waiter who had helped her earlier was now dragging the door into another room. Note to self: Be sure to put some money towards that to get fixed... Entity blushed, before turning around to be greated by another guest, who nodded over at her. Giving a shy nod back, she carefully took a glass of wine off the tray the waiter was holding.

    Taking a sip from the glass, Entity scanned the room for any sign of her partner. Sighing after a while, she made her way to the large, french windows. Sitting down on the window ledge, she watched as another guest arrived, handing her car keys to the valet, and walking up the steps. Turning her head, Entity looked out down the road. He has got to be here soon...

    After about ten minuites, Entity decided it was about time she walked around and talked with the other guests. Standing up, she made her way over to the others, whom were still laughing with eachother. Reaching the crowd, she smiled.

    The moggle, Stiltzkin walked into the ball room at that moment. Entity thought it best to go over and make peace with the fellow. Placing her glass down on a table, she walked over to him.

    "No kupo! No closer! I fear for my pom pom..." he exclaimed as he realised I was walking towards him.

    "Please, I don't want to hurt you! I wanted to apologise for before... I... Well, I just wasn't expecting to see you when I..." Entity tried to explain, but she felt like the more she did, the more of a fool she was making of herself. Sighing, she continued. "I'm really sorry, and if I can make it up to you in any way possible, I will!"

    Stiltzkin smiled. "Anything?"

    "Er... depends how you define anything really..." Entity laughed.

    "A dance, with you kupo!" he said, giving a little mid-air jump. It was almost as if he hadn't had his head bashed in with a door... Entity gave a smile, and nodded.

    "Of course, Stiltzkin! Least I could do... er... kupo?"

    The moggle stuck out a hand, and lead her to the dance floor...

  16. #16
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    "I'd like to have some martini please" Quistis says to the bartender. Suddenly she hears someone calling her name.

    Quistis turns towards where the voice is coming from. At first she didn't recognize the couple but as they walk near, she realizes it's Andromeda

    "Hey! Great to see you. It's been awhile indeed. This is an awesome party. Very nice place...but you've got to do something for the door" Quistis says. The bartender just finished mixing the drink and gently placed the martini glass on the bar. Quistis leaves a few gil on the table and takes a sip.

    "So, who's your date?" she asks.

    (OOC - I assume it's only one of the Andromeda's who came. correct me if I am wrong ^^")

  17. #17
    First Annual Quistis Ball Prodigal Madness's Avatar
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    Theed sighs, having his arm grabbed by his much shorter date, and dragged along after. Never having really liked, or even cared, for such events - he was only here at her insistence. As such, he was dressed in a simple black suit. Of course, he'd gone through a number of reasons and excuses as to not coming, yet yielded to her despite them all. He chuckles to himself and walks a little faster, coming up to her side.

    To each greeting, he merely tosses a nod and slightly smile to the person. Still being slightly dragged, his eyes wander taking in the sights of the place and committing them to memory. With a shrug to himself, he whispers loudly enough for Anachlirium to hear, "Not much else to be doing." Giving her a wink and a small smirk, he squeezes her arm lightly and continues following her around.

  18. #18
    The Ace Pilot and Cap'n First Annual Quistis Ball FF Ace Cid's Avatar
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    Wandering the road of life.
    "It's alright,I just got here a few minutes ago,dont worry about it." Rikku said. "What a relief, I was worried you waited awhile." Cid said. She smiled once more and hugged him lightly then placed her arm into his and looked to the Moogle. "Cid and Rikku have arrived" she said to the moogle and of course the moogle repeated it as they walked through the door."Wow its huge" She said to her date and giggled as she looked about to see who else was here. "Yeah, I hope I don't get lost, I'm awful with directions." Cid said. Cid looked around for a familiar face, then he saw a good friend of his, Rocky. "Come on Rikku, let's say hey to Rocky and his date!" Cid said, and walked with Rikku to Rocky, and his date, Rika. "Hey, how's it going?" Cid asked.

  19. #19
    Arachnie Suicide First Annual Quistis Ball ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    Anachlirium realises she's dragging Theed along and slows down to his pace. She stretches up onto her toes, not an easy feat in platform heebls, and whispers into his ear. "Thanks for coming here. I know you weren't keen on it... By the way, you look really good." She attempts to push herself even higher up to kiss him, but one big black chunk of plastic and leather slips from under her and she collapses into a heap on the floor, the large skirt of her dress puffing up from the sudden fall, swallowing her up to her shoulders.

    She quickly flattens down the dress over her backside, trying to cover the fact that she was wearing lime green and barbie-doll pink striped underwear, even though she was very sure this sight had already been glimpsed by a number of people around the room.

    "Embarrassing, kupo!" she hears from over where the entrance is.

    With her attention being brought to the entrance of the room, she sees that the door had been brought down, and a look of confusion comes accross her face. How could she not have noticed that before? She sees Cid walking through the entrance and wonders where Fishie and Lily could be. She was sure that they would come.

    Bringing herself back into the present time, she realises that she is still crumpled on the floor. She delicately straightens her feet before clasping her hand firmly around Theed's wrist and yanking herself up from the ground, almost pulling him down in the process.

    Just as she pulls herself up, she sees Violet and Silver walking past a couple of metres away. "Hey, you two!" she yells out, trying to grap their attention. "What happened to that door?"

  20. #20
    Vagabond Thief First Annual Quistis Ball Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    She giggled softly at Cid's comment about him getting lost. "Well I usually can get myself out of places I get lost hopefully if you get lost it will be with me and not by yourself" She smiled to him and nodded,following next to hima nd arm in armw ith him over to Rocky and Rika. She waved to them and smiled once more. "Hey Rocky." She nodded to Rika politely and just kinda stood there letting Cid and Rocky converse.

    ((OOC: I may add some later,I realized its a bit short))

  21. #21
    Registered User First Annual Quistis Ball Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Rika walked across the ballroom holding onto Rocky’s arm almost like a life support, she was so nervous but seeing everybody here smiling and waving at her lifted a whole lot of weight from her body.

    "Relax." Rocky said patting her hand.

    "Will try." She replied with a nervious laugh.
    Then her eyes perked up when she saw a waiter walk closer towards her with a tray filled with fancy drinks. All different colors, some with oddly shaped glasses. True she wasn’t old enough to drink yet but no one would know that would they? The man smiled at her genuinely as he lowered the silver tray closer to her face.
    “Would you like something to drink my dear?”

    One in particular caught her eye, the frosted glass held a soft colored juice possibly pineapple or mango but whatever drink it was it looked amazing. Also there was a little garnish sitting in the drink, little melon balls clung to the cocktail stick red, white and orange all of them looking amazingly delicious. ‘Oh yes!’
    She reached out and grabbed the rippled handle before raising her eyebrow at the waiter.
    “The Melon Melody? What an excellent choice.”
    Rika didn’t hear a word he said as she twirled the little stick around with her finger before popping one into her mouth. A smile automatically appeared along her face as the sweet juice filled her mouth, it tasted amazing. Then she brought the glass to her lips and took a sip.

    “Do you need that?” Rocky gently poked her side as he teased.

    She stopped mid-sip and swallowed what small bit was in her mouth but what little she had been truly awesome. Though she knew Rocky was right as so she gave an embarrassed smile to the waiter as she sat it back on the tray. “Sorry.”

    Rocky drug her away from anything alcoholic related as they passed Anachlirium who’d fallen on the floor. Rika brought her hand to her mouth in shock hoping her friend wasn’t hurt she was about to call out and ask her if she was alright but her date helped her up.
    So…saying anything to her now might embarrass her more besides she’s going off to tale to Violet and Silver so maybe later.’

    Rika then whipped her head around when she heard Rocky’s name being called out by one of his friends. As Rocky and Cid began talking Rika thought it’d be nice to say something to Rikku instead of just standing there like an idiot.
    “I like your shawl.” Rika said to Rikku shyly, “I really should have wore one.”

  22. #22
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Walking up the steps to the huge mansion, Chez stared upward and shuddered, wrapping herself up tighter into her leather jacket. "It's ****ing freezing out here," she said to her date. "My nipples are pratically freezing off."
    UntilTheEnd turned to look, raising a curious eyebrow. Chez ignored the usual behavior that her long-term boyfriend always seemed to direct toward her.
    Chez was dressed up in casual attire, a pair of black, slightly baggy jeans, a well-fitting, low cut green top with an open, long sleeved white top over it, and a black leather jacket untidily slung over that as well as her usual black combat boots.
    "You'd better not make my other date upset," she warned. "She'll likely make an appearance, and this excites me."
    "Why did we have to come here again?" Asked UntilTheEnd. "Most of the people likely to attend are complete drongo's."
    Chez laughed, "maybe some of them, but we have the opportunity to meet some of the good members." UntilTheEnd raised an eyebrow. "But this is a bit of fiction you're replying to!"
    "Shh," cooed Chez. "I'm sure it'll be boring, but Govinda might be here!"
    "I don't appreciate your extra marital relations!" huffed UntilTheEnd. "Firstly, we aren't married. And secondly, you knew about Govinda before we started dating." Nothing more was said, or maybe it was, but Chez had become distracted by somekind of UFO who was taking down a list of arrivals. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" She squealed, running for it, clearly excited. Stiltzkin blinked and looked at Chez. "Name?" he asked, nervously.
    "Are you somekind of flying rat?" asked Chez, ignoring the question, a huge grin stretched out on her face.
    Stiltzkin huffed and blushed. UntilTheEnd walked up beside Chez. "I think it's mad."
    "I am a moogle!" he screeched.
    "You're cute, can I take you home?" asked Chez, gushing and grabbing for him, squashing his tiny body this way and that. "Let me GO!" he said, squirming and finding his way out of her iron grip. "I am a moogle, not a hamster, a mouse, a rat or any other rodent!"
    "It looks more like a cat," thought UntilTheEnd aloud. "Please give me your names... and then leave me alone!" he squealed. Chez gave up and offered her names to the flying creature who insisted he was a moogle.

    The doors burst open and in walked a woman of about 5'8 in casual clothing, with a bottle of cider clasped in her hand. The lid of the drink had disappeared somewhere as had a quarter of the liquid inside. She was followed by her date, UntilTheEnd -- only a couple of inches taller, also dressed in casual wear, looking bored. The two of them stuck out like a sore thumb, and Chez thought she heard a couple of irritated groans. She couldn't help but be a little surprised at the outfits. "Jesus Christ, you guys took this whole shebang seriously. Well, it doesn't matter," she said, "I'm sure if I feel the magic of the evening there will be time to change." She took a swig of cider and belched loudly. "Oops," she muttered, snickering and placing her heavily ringed fingers over her mouth. "Sorry, I forgot to leave my bad manners at the door... Which... has just fallen down, it seems," she said nervously. "I didn't do that. It was him!" she pointed to Stiltzkin, who gasped and clapped his chubby paws to his mouth. "I am offended, ma'am!" he squeaked and flew out the door to continue greeting guests.
    "So..." she mumbled to herself. "Where's my Govvy?"

  23. #23
    TFF's Token Imp First Annual Quistis Ball Martin's Avatar
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    "Yeah keep the sodding change then!"
    Martin scowled as he turned to his driver for the evening and handed over a great deal of money to his own brother - a private taxi. He was not amused - he was late, he was tired, he was stressed. And thanks to an inability to read simple instructions his brother couldn't even pick up his date. He hoped Entity had managed to get there okay, but it was an awful start.

    As he ascended the steps to the ball, Martin felt a sense of trepidation and nervousness. He took a deep breath, straightened his tie and hair (what there was left, anyways) and knocked on the door. No answer. He knocked louder. Still no answer. 'Well this is odd... I mean I can hear voices... and music, have I been cast out? Am I that late?' Martin decided to push the door slightly ajar, and peeked in. It wouldn't have surprised him if he had turned up to the wrong party. It wasn't exactly a rare occurence. But there they all were. The TFF'ers in all of their glories. And she looked... stunning.

    Entity was over by a Moogle with a flustered look. Oh he was late... and he had a feeling he'd end up paying for it. She hadn't seen him yet though, so perhaps he could catch her by surprise... He'd have some making up to do and he was just in the mood to be doing it.

  24. #24
    The joke is far too true First Annual Quistis Ball loner-kid's Avatar
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    (OOC: Raider has allowed me to use him in my intro post)

    The duo sat in complete silence as the car wound its way up the long gravel track that led towards the mansion.

    "soo... neither of us got dates" Raider said glancing at his companion. Loner-kid nodded slowly "Damn do we suck" this was met with another nod from Loner-kid. Once more Loner-kid wondered why he'd come, the invites had clearly said that a date was expected and having it announced to the entire hall that he and raider had come together was just... embarrassing. The car though was grinding to a halt and the large doors of the mansion were opened expectantly.

    "Let's just get this over with" he muttered swinging the car door open and stepping out into the cool night air. He wore a loose dinner jacket over a plain white shirt with the top few buttons undone, all clearly illuminated in the pale moonlight. Beckoning his friend to follow he strode up the steps and entered the building.

    "Hello there, are you on the invite list? kupo" Loner-kid looked down at a small moogle cradling a clipboard to his chest, a look of suprise creased over Loner-kids face.

    "Loner-kid. But wasn't Stiltzkin supposed to be the doorman?" The moogle raised the clipboard in front of its face humming slightly to itself.

    "Yes kupo. They let him take a break though, something to do with occupational hazards kupo. My names Misel" The moogle nodded a wide grin on its little features "Do you have a date Kupo?"

    "Um... well no not really" he said. The moogle looked surprised

    "Oh, what about your friend" it said pointing to Raider who had been waiting patiently behind Loner-kid for the majority of the conversation. Raider waved helpfully, as Loner-kid let out a groan

    "He's not my date, we're just going to the ball together" Loner-kid sighed, hoping the moogle would understand. It didn't.

    "What do you mean kupo?" It pleaded glancing between the two men. Raider surreptitiously leaned forward

    "Don't spread it around but Loner-kid couldn't get a date and he felt really embarrassed coming alone" The moogle made an ah-ing sound as it motioned the two inside. Loner-kid nodded to the moogle and walked with Raider into the main ball room.

  25. #25
    Bass Player Extraordinaire First Annual Quistis Ball Joe's Avatar
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    (OOC: everyone, please, call me Joe, haha)

    As he stepped out of the limo, and offered his hand to help his companions out of the vehicle, he marveled at the size and grace of the mansion.

    Maybe I won't look like such a fool after all, Joe thought to himself, taking a deep whiff of the bacon scent emanating from his tuxedo, and smiling as Lunasa began ushering him, and his two other companions, Meier and Flash.

    The first site that caught his eye as the group moved up the stairs was the large moogle at the door, Pom-pom swaying gently in the evening breeze.

    "Kupo, four?" it said with a hint of amazement in his voice, and as he walked by, Joe gently poked the moogles pom-pom, laughing softly. "hehe, I couldn't resist doing that Stiltzkin, but at least you aren't that other moogle I upset by playing that flute for hours on end. he threatened to kill me, you know!"

    As he stepped through the large wooden doors, his ears immediately recognized one of his favorite tunes, Black Mage Village, of Final Fantasy IX. He grinned in familiarity and gently bobbed his head to the music as he followed Lunasa and his other companions over to their waiting friends, Violet and Nathan.

    Joe nodded in greeting, to both of them, a pleasant smile on his face, as he took the glass Meier handed him and toasted with Meier and his other friends. "To the host!" he chanted in unison with the others, before taking a rather large sip, though it was dwarfed in comparison to the hearty swallows that Nathan and Meier took from their glasses.

    Oh dear, I can't believe I'm going to actually attempt to do this he thought, before taking another, larger sip of his drink. Joe turned to Lunasa, marveling at how nice the red dress he helped he choose looked "So, um, Lunasa, do you want to, er, y'" He asked, smiling nervously.

  26. #26
    Gingersnap First Annual Quistis Ball OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    A rather tall young gentleman, looking very British stood still in front of the impressive mansion. A sigh escaped him. He would have preferred arriving with a date on his arm, but the date in particular he’d had in mind had been, as of late, hard to get ahold of. He took a moment to admire the surrounding gardens, fiddled with his jacket buttons, and made his way to the door.

    “There you are!” A familiar voice stopped him. He looked around.

    The dear voice he recognized belonged to the very girl he’d not seen for a week. She had been waiting in the gardens, mostly out of sight, in a long slim gown made from emerald green satin with gold lace at the waist and at the neckline. The thin lace straps left her fair shoulders uncovered and her red hair had been left undone.

    The pretty little package, full of spunk as usual, came to stand in front of him, hands on her hips. “So tell me, Andy, why don’t I have a date to this ball?”

    He smiled, “Well, you haven’t been around to ask.”

    “No excuses!”

    He laughed and allowed himself too really look at her. She smiled and approached him, placing her hands on his jacket collar. She took a moment to adjust a tie that needed no adjusting. “So. Will you be asking me some time this year?”

    In mock formality, he took her hand and said, “Ally, will you do me the honor of being my date for the Quistis Ball?”

    “Yes I will. Your arm, please.” He extended it; she took it. They entered through the unfortunate doorway and let themselves be announced.

    “OceanEyes, SuperModerator of General Chat and Art, kupo. Djinn, Moderator of General Gaming and Final Fantasy XII, kupo.” The moogle wiggled with pride over the successful introduction.

    So far, so good.

    ((OOC: Writing this during finals week: gooood idea. It’ll be funtimes. And yes, I talked to Andy. And yes, we had a very similar conversation.))
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 11-14-2008 at 11:23 PM.

  27. #27
    Amor fati. First Annual Quistis Ball Tiger Lily's Avatar
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    "Shit!" Lily hissed as she felt the still-alien stiletto heel of her shoe catch on the hem of her slightly-too-long gown. She pressed her hand against the folds of the blood-red silk (which, Lily had to admit, contrasted beautifully with her rpale skin) where it formed neckline to make sure that it didn't sag as she bent down to unhitch her new shoe from the thin underlayer of her dress. The red-head sighed, still unable to believe that Fishie had talked her into this. A normal getup she might have been able to deal with, but this? She straightened and smoothed her newly-manicured hands over the long skirt of her dress. The top was fitted, almost corset-style with boning, and had darting at the modest neckline. There were very flimsy puffs around the shoulders which Lily supposed were meant to be sleeves, and from the waist, the vibrant silk dropped down around her hips and fell to the floor with plethoras of folds and creases. Lily would have had enough trouble walking in that alone, but Anachlirium had taken her shoe-shopping and had insisted on silver three-inch heels and a matching clutch. And then there was the jewelry. Luckily, she'd been able to get away with her old silver celtic-style necklace, but had to give in to getting a new set of earrings and a bulky bracelet. If it weren't for the bloody shoes, Lily thought, she would probably have been comfortable enough. Going from 5'3" to 5'6", though, was a bit much. Especially with these death traps of heels. Still, Lily reconciled, at least her hair had faded enough as not to clash with the dress. That would have been just a bit humiliating.

    She was still shocked at the turn-out; there was no way she'd expected so many people to attend. This wasn't an asset, though. She still had to find her date amongst the masses of ball-goers. And not trip over in the process. The latter, Lily suspected, would be the most trying. She took another step up the stone staircase that led to what Lily presumed used to be the huge double-doors (there were some panels of wood and a lot of splinters strewn across the ground), staring at the hem of her gown as though she would be able to watch her feet through it. Thankfully, she managed to ascend the steps with no further mishaps. With all the grace she could muster, she made her way (as elegantly as she could) towards the remains of the doors. Lily could see the decidedly yellow light streaming outwards from the room below, making a roughly illuminated semi-circle around the entrance. There was already a group of people crowded around, and her natural shyness dictated that she shouldn't try to mingle with them. Feeling slightly stupid, she leant against the cold stone wall and looked out at the cars arriving and people getting out. Almost frantically, her eyes scanned the masses for Fishie, though even someone she was vaguely acquainted with would have sufficed.

    Minutes passed. No one.

    Either they were already inside, or not here yet. Whichever way, Lily was sure enough that there was no one she that she knew outside to venture towards the now-clearing doorway, hoping that her friends were inside. It was getting chilly out, and she felt like a twit standing there with her hair curled to hell and back, covered in still-queer-feeling makeup and all alone. Not to mention the dress.

    She gave her name in monotone to the moogle standing just inside the expansive foyer, who announced it to the still-filling room of people, and rushed as quickly as the dress would allow to the ornate balcony rail. Forgetting that she was in heels for a moment, Lily tried to get up on the tips of her toes to peer over the edge in search of anyone she knew and stumbled, catching herself on the railing. She wrinkled her nose in annoyance and gripped the railing tightly, craning her neck to get a better view of who was there. She shuffled a bit to the right, closer to the large staircase that lead down to the floor, and peered over the edge again. Still no one. Wait, Lily thought. Is that Anachlirium? She saw a very short girl in a very large, puffy dress hanging off the arm of her date. She was almost positive that it was, but she wanted to be sure before she made a fool of herself heading towards a complete stranger. A little bit to the right, just a bit more... She leant over the railing as far as she was brave enough to without being at risk of falling over it and tried once more to stand on her toes, putting all of her weight on her right side. As soon as she did this, she realised that something was not right. Then, as if in slow motion, she realised that she was not keeping balance. A steady stream of whispered curses left her lips as she felt herself topple to the right, down the stairs.

    Luckily (if that was the right word to use), Lily rolled more than tumbled down the stairs, and found herself quite suddenly at the bottom of them. She cursed again, a little more loudly this time, and inspected what she could see of her dress for rips or tears. She found none. Groaning, Lily staggered to her feet, allowing as best as she could for the shape of the dress as she did so. Her normal haphazard way of getting to her feet would, most likely, damage the dress beyond repair.

    As she stumbled upright, she felt herself lurch and crumple to the ground again, her legs folded almost neatly beneath her. A sharp crack had heralded splintering matter, and Lily twisted her torso around in horror to look at her right foot. She swore crudely. The heel of her shoe was completely useless; it was snapped irreparably. She bit her lip to refrain from cursing any more and sighed resignedly. She'd have to take her shoes off. Lily unbuckled the horrible things and got to her feet, holding the obsolete shoes in her left hand, looking bleakly around the room. She wrinkled her nose and twisted her mouth sourly; her brow was creased in humiliation.

    This, she decided, was not her night. She slapped her right, shoe-less, hand to her forehead and moaned audibly.
    Last edited by Tiger Lily; 11-15-2008 at 04:41 AM.

  28. #28
    Heather stood outside the mansion, in the bushes. She and her six foot tall cardboard cutout of Johnny Depp had been smoking cigarettes in the flora and watching the others file in. 'Good God,' she said to Johnny, popping the top off of a bottle of St Helier with her lighter, 'Who the **** are these people?' Johnny remained in repose.

    She knew her outfit was hovering somewhere between over- and under-dressed, but she couldn't quite work out where. Doc Martens were certainly always a good idea, of that she was sure. But coupled with a Japan Explodes! skirt and a revealing Travelex suitjacket, she wasn't sure. 'Johnny, does this look okay?' she asked her date. Johnny, as always, merely smiled in a coy and sexy manner. 'I'll take that as an 'it doesn't matter' then, darling.'

    More were trundling in through the gates. And then Heather saw her...with him. 'Johnny, Johnny look, it's that bastard again!' she whispered. To her he was a pariah. Why did he get to hold Chez's hand and be her stupid boyfriend? Why was the world so unforgiving in the face of unbridled, long distance lesbian love? 'Oh Johnny,' she wept, clinging to his solid frame as she watched her love stand before the building. 'Johnny, tell me it'll be okay.' Johnny smiled in a coy and sexy manner, and she felt better.

    Chez and The Bastard filed in, and then there was some screaming. Heather raised an eyebrow at Johnny and lit a cigarette. Some well dressed people walked by. They all seemed fairly pleased with themselves. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket; a text from her absent beau, The Eggman. 'Just to let you know, our relationship is pretty much over if you walk through those doors. I will disown you for slander against your own, once admirable, character. Love, the Walrus.' He was always that way. He knew that behind those doors lay Chez and a world of wanton, breast-filled abandon. But Heather couldn't help herself. She had to go inside, no matter how much it might hurt her mind, her heart, and some deep recesses of her respect for her own humanity that had, up until now, remained pristine and untouched.

    'Right lover boy,' she said, grabbing Johnny by the waist and hoisting him out of the bushes. 'Time to, well...can't really say party, can I? Okay. Time to pretend, then.' Johnny whistled MGMT, in repose, and smiled in a coy and sexy manner.

    Together they leapt from the bushes, Heather with a half-lit rollup hanging from her mouth and Johnny Depp with a sixpack of St Helier masking-taped to his washboard abdomen. Heather dragged Johnny through the gravel and up to the steps of the mansion-house.

    Whisking quickly by a small, incessantly creepy Japanese leopardskin drug vendor with a united declaration of 'Don't know what 'kupo' is, do not think this is the night to try it for the first time,' they made their way to what they supposed might be where the shit was goin' down. Little did they know, this what not that kind of par-tay. Surely they should have seen this coming.

    Heather tried to open one of the large wooden doors, but could only use one arm, the other being caught up in keeping Johnny and the booze from falling over. 'Well come now, my love,' she said to Johnny, picking him up from behind, 'Let us go.' She turned her back to the doors and pushed her way in. 'You know, you're not that hot from behind,' she said to Johnny, who merely smiled.
    Last edited by Govinda; 11-15-2008 at 06:11 AM.

  29. #29
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Chez looked back toward the door just in time to see Govinda enter into the mansion. She appeared to be struggling and Chez realised why when she saw that Govinda had not come alone. He was skinny, yes. Very skinny, and his lips held a constant cheeky grin, his eyes bright but unemotional. "Who the..."
    UntilTheEnd heard the frustration from his girlfriend and turned to direct his attention to whatever it was that had bothered her. "That skinny little... I'll kill him, I will!" she muttered, gritting her teeth violently.
    "What's wron -- Oh. It's her," said UntilTheEnd glumly. "And LOOK who she BOUGHT," Chez growled, downing some cider and then passing it over to UntilThenEnd. "Don't do this!" he argued as Chez threw her leather jacket at him and rolled up her shirt sleeves. "Don't get between a woman and her lesbian lover!" Chez barked and proceeded to march toward Govinda and Johnny.
    She stopped in front of the couple. "YOU!" she barked angrily, pointing at Johnny. He stared back, smiling. "That's MY woman!" she yelled. Before anybody had a chance to answer, Stiltzin entered the hall, looking concerned. "Is everything o... You again! I knew you were a troublema --" Stiltzkin was interrupted by the thudding of a combat boot to his face. He fell to the ground and ran off, flapping his wings like a disgruntled duckling. Chez turned back to Johnny. "Back away from MY WOMAN."
    Johnny stared back, smiling still.
    Govinda looked stunned. "But!" she tried to protest but Chez interrupted. "Don't WOUND me with your WORDS!" she sobbed. "So this is your new squeeze?! He doesn't have any tits, look at the state of him!"
    "He doesn't have any tits either!" Govinda yelled, pointing at Andrew, who was hiding his face with Chez' coat. "I see how it is... I get it. NO! Don't touch me! You have broken my heart!" murmured Chez.
    "But before I go..." she continued. "I will give you a piece of advise," she was looking at Johnny, who did nought but smile back. "...She's TOO good for you!"
    Johnny didn't even protest. He just stood there with that stupid ****ing smile on his face. "WELL SAY SOMETHING!" she screamed, almost banshee-like.
    He smiled back at her. "THAT'S IT," She screamed and lunged toward Johnny, knocking him on the ground. Govinda was trying to pull Chez off, "stop it!!"
    Chez growled down like a dog, saliva spraying onto Johnny's face. With an almighty tug, Chez managed to rip off the head of Johnny Depp, flying backward in the process. Many people turned to stare. Chez looked shocked at her own actions. She looked at Johnny's head. Johnny looked back at her. Smiling.

    Chez didn't even look at Govinda as she threw Johnny's head to the side, embarrassed. She got up and hobbled over to where her other boot was laying and put it back on. She turned to Andrew. "Shall we get a drink then?"

  30. #30
    Govinda stared at Johnny's head, grinning at the ceiling next to her boot. 'Come now, Johnny!' she giggled. 'Don't look up my skirt in front of all these people!'

    She watched Chez go back to The Pariah out of the corner of her eye while she removed the pack of St Helier from Johnny's abdomen. Grabbing some of the half-sticky masking tape left over from that procedure, she picked up Johnny's head and went quietly about the process of trying to reattach his head. He smiled her a coy smile as she made the finishing touches. 'Now let's mingle,' she said, picking up another St Helier and popping the cap onto the floor.

    Chez was still standing with ClosetTriviumFan, chatting and laughing in what seemed a forced manner while waiting for the room to stop staring. Govinda decided to dawdle over to where she was, dragging Johnny with her by the ear. 'I know you like the dirty teacher thing,' she whispered to him as they made their way across the floor.

    'Chez, ma luv,' she began, reaching her woman and UntilTheWhatever. 'I trust you've met Johnny before. He's in acting.'

    Chez stared into her bottle while Govinda continued. 'He's very successful. Doesn't say much because he doesn't need to. I figured since you'd be bringing ClosetEvanescenceFan, I couldn't come alone.' She leaned in close to Chez's ear, savouring the sweet, sweet scent of her favourite woman. 'But you're still ma cibar luv 4eva.'

    'And UntilTheCrud! I trust you're keeping well. You seemed to have washed your hair recently, so that's a turn up for the books.' She cocked her head to the side and moved her face closer to his. 'And oh! what's that? A facial hair? Good God, Chez, get this pillar of testosterone away from me! I think I may faint.'

    Govinda draped herself lazily around Johnny, who smiled in a coy and sexy manner. She took a sip from her St Helier and looked around while ClosetWham!Fan thought of something to do. 'Oooh, vol-au-vons!' she said to her assembled company. 'Let's get some sometime. All four of us. It'll be sweet.'

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