(apologies, I meant to VM you again about leading the encounter more before I posted, but ended up forgetting about this all together. Really though, you'll want to use the omniscient narrative to explain what we're up against so I can also adequately prepare for it.)
She stayed still, deathly silent. Her eye half open, not focused on anything. She seemed to gaze through reality, as if she was just barely still a part of this world, while her mind was elsewhere. Even in this state, her body maintained a rigid, textbook perfect fighting stance, less personalized than her usual form. Her body was ready for combat only because she had been trained to be battle ready at all times. Even in her absentminded state, her body's will to fight was ever present. It was unlikely her new companions would even notice how far away from reality her mind was by now.
She envisioned a vast graveyard, stretching as far as the eye could see. Headstones without names blanketed the ground. It seemed even in this vast cemetery, there wasn't enough room for the deceased, because human bones lay scattered throughout the area, a disproportionate amount of them skulls. A path twisted through the headstones, leading through the desolate plane of the dead. A few black birds flew overhead, in the cloudless night sky, the full moon visible in the sky, though it seemed very far away. She heard the sound of vile laughter. Her heart beat cold, terror seethed within her, as it never had before as the laughter grew louder... he was getting closer. She'd always had a healthy fear of her father, but never like this. Somehow she could feel the intent to kill. It was that murderous intent more than the laughter that she ran from, following the path through the graveyard. No matter how fast she travelled, the laughter continued to grow louder. Eventually the graveyard came to an end, a cliff that seemed to come out of nowhere, she hadn't seen it coming up, bit suddenly she had gone over it, continuing along the path that reached beyond the world's end. As she ran further, the moon in the sky grew ever larger. As the sickening laughter reached its crescendo, she saw a small, floating mass of land, with a single withered tree. As soon as she looked upon it, the laughter fell silent. Just a moment ago, she would have given anything to be free from that terrible laughter... but now, in the deathly silence of this lonely place, so distant from reality... all she wanted was not to be alone. Even her father would've been better than being here all alone. Something about the island seemed... wrong, somehow. She turned, looking at the path she'd travelled to reach this place, but could see nothing in the distance. The cliff, and the graveyard beyond it were far from sight, the path seemed to fade away into the darkness at the edge of her range of vision. There weren't even any stars in the sky in that direction. She swallowed hard, trying to gather up her courage to move forward, to investigate the island. She made her way, slowly towards it. It grew colder as she drew nearer. Finally she could see it, laying there on that lonely, forgotten rock, were five armored skeletons. The armor belonged to her new companions. These were their bodies... Her breathing quickly became erratic, as she lost her composure. She turned to run away, but as soon as she'd turned, Abaddon stood, his face mere inches from hers, blood running from his mouth as he laughed that wicked laugh once more.
Snapped back into reality by sheer terror, she recoiled into a defensive stance with a slight whimper. In the span of a few moments in real time, this composed warrior was reduced to a gibbering mess. "Show yourself!", she demanded, though her voice was nothing like the authoritative tone she'd conveyed before. Something was terribly wrong here...