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Thread: Dissidia RP

  1. #1
    Dissidia RP Occult's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Belfast, UK

    Dissidia RP

    Ultimecia rose from her throne and spread her lustrous black wings before gently descending to the floor below. She wandered the labyrinth that is her castle with a heavy heart. The moment to initiate ‘Time Compression’ was at hand. The final battle would soon be upon her. With ‘Time Compression’ she sought to reduce the world to naught and rule supreme in a desolate universe of her own creation. However, this was a delusion. She already knew the outcome of the ensuing battle, but still she fought in vain to change it.

    “You are destined to die at the hands of SeeD.” A voice echoed in the grand hall.
    “Who’s there? This is my kastle, show yourself!” She barked.
    A shadowy figure slid into view. It was humanoid but surrounded by a dark, evil aura.
    “Spirit begone! There is no space for you in my dominion.”
    Ultimecia unleashed her fury upon the trespasser, casting a flurry of time magics. Her spells were seemingly ineffective, warping only the time and space around the creature. This being was truly powerful to withstand the magics of the most powerful sorceress to ever live.
    “W-What are you?!” She asked warily.
    “I am Chaos, god and creator of all evil. The world of man has been created 12 times, and the 13th is beginning. There is a decisive war about to commence. A war of good and evil, both in competition for rule in the new world. Fight with us against good, it is the only way to defy your fate.”
    Ultimecia had seen her fate first-hand. Her infinite power and knowledge over time had shown her death at the hands of SeeD.
    Ultimecia’s interest was piqued. “A war?” She asked.
    “Yes, a great war. I am assembling a warrior of great evil from each of the 12 worlds. Together we will destroy Cosmos, the god and creator of all that is good, so that evil may reign supreme. With the help of my army of evil, you can destroy SeeD once and for all. The reins of fate cannot hold you in the new world.”
    “Having destroyed SeeD in the new world, I would return to my own the victor?”
    “Indeed.” Chaos bellowed
    “Then it shall be so. I, Ultimecia, the Sorceress of time, shall aid the army of evil and rid myself of the fate that has haunts my future.
    Suddenly the burden on her heart lifted and she was filled with hope. She had never felt so alive knowing that she could undo her destiny.
    “Kursed SeeD. I have been given a second chance. This time, is my time.”
    Chaos lightly nodded and transported Ultimecia and her castle to the 13th world and the ensuing war.

  2. #2
    Dissidia RP Exxdeath666's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    The Interdimensional Rift

    Exdeath's Intro

    "Prisoners of this space between dimensions... Hear me my servants!" shrieked Exdeath.
    The demons of the Rift, with malformed faces and hatred in their eyes, turned obediently towards their master.
    "Warriors led by the light of the crystals seek the ancient tablets... Seek them out and kill them! They must not be allowed to obtain the fabled weapons that destroyed Enuo..." Exdeath commanded. He knew that the foolish humans would become an actual threat if they were to unseal them all... He could not risk failure.
    "Let us go, sire!" replied Wendigo, and closely behind followed many other demons.
    "Very well," said Exdeath, "Go, my monsters! Destroy them while I obtain the full power of the Void! Mwa - hahahaha!
    And just like that, the mindless beasts set out to carry out their master's dark deeds. Exdeath watched as the rest of his servants quickly retreated back to their posts.
    "What utter fools. Believing that the Void cannot be controlled... My power is more than all could have ever dreamed of! My control over the Void is almost at its peak... Soon, the world shall see me as master of all dimensions! Mwa - hahahaha!" Exdeath laughed as he knew his victory drew near.
    "Exdeath. Your time nears its end..." a mysterious voice said.
    "What interloper approaches?!" Exdeath declared.
    An enormous demon approached from behind Exdeath. "It has been quite sometime, Exdeath."
    "Chaos! How dare you show your wretched face in my realm! Now you die!"
    "Be calm, fool. I am not your enemy. I come bearing a warning..."
    "What? Of what event that is to come?!" Exdeath was confused by Chaos' claims.
    "These adventurers... These 'Warriors of Light' will prevail. Your fate is not of total control of the Void," explained Chaos, "But I know when such a fate is destined for you..."
    "You lie, infidel. How would you know of what befalls those who possess the Void?" snapped Exdeath.
    "I come from an alternate dimension, where time dictates a struggle between myself and the goddess who maintains order, Cosmos. I have foreseen that I shall emerge victorious.
    "Exdeath, I offer a truce to you and apologize for my past transgressions," said Chaos, "I ask merely for one favor in return. You, me, and countless other dark beings from separate dimensions shall fight this war, side by side, and balance and order shall forever cease to exist. The way of all existence shall be undone. Provide me with your loyalty, and I shall deliver a world unto you where life and law exist no longer, where we may roam free."
    "Chaos," Exdeath calmly began, "if what you say can be done, then our previous struggles with one another shall count for naught. However, if it remains that you have secretly betrayed me, all dimensions shall be torn asunder. Do not taunt me with empty promises."
    "What is your answer, Lord Exdeath of the Void?" Chaos questioned.
    "My old enemy, we are allies," Exdeath stated, "for now."
    "Come then, my friend, to my world of bloodshed and hatred," Chaos and Exdeath then were swallowed up by a dimensional doorway, where they began a war that would go on for ages..."
    Last edited by Exxdeath666; 10-18-2008 at 03:30 PM.

  3. #3
    Registered User Dissidia RP HUNK's Avatar
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    Elkin, NC, USA
    Blog Entries
    Squall was prepared for the final battle. His mission was one of most importance. He was to be fighting Ultimecia, the Sorceress of time. He was suddenly visited by a strange person surrounded by light.
    "Am I dreaming?" Squall wondered. "No, you are not sleeping. I am speeking to you through telepathic comunication." "I am Cosmos the creator and God of all that is light. I need your help to fight in the war that will end all time." "I have discovered that your enemy Ultimecia the Sorceress of time will be fighting on the dark side."

    "Very well sence it has to do with my mission, I will gladly help."

  4. #4
    edit: wrong topic
    Last edited by sconethief; 10-17-2008 at 05:01 PM.

  5. #5
    Morbid Angel Dissidia RP Ulteka Mako's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Living in St. Augustine Florida/From Jacksonville Florida.
    Sephiroth was roaming the land around the ruins of Midgar. The lost city look like a big graveyard. For there is no telling how many life's were taken in that city. But Sephiroth feels no sympathy for anything or anyone. As the wind blows dirt and ruble move off of ruins and the ground. Sephiroth's hair blows with the way of the wind as he turns his head to the back of him. With his hand on his sword ready to draw at any giving time, Sephiroth sees a dark ora forming behind him. He turns to face the unknown thing and a blast of wind blows toward him. Then a creature that Sephiroth has never seen has formed in front of him. Then monster starts to walk toward Sephiroth and then stops 10 feet from were Sephiroth is standing. The creature then starts to speak. "Well... I have been waiting for this moment. I have herd many things about you. The great Sephiroth. I introduce myself with the most gratitude. I am Chaos, the God and creator of all that is is evil." "Well isn't that impressive?" Sephiroth said. "So what do you want from me?" Chaos then cleared his throat. "I have come to offer you a tremendous opportunity. I am putting together an army of all of the greatest evil from all realms. Once completed, we will got to war with Cosmos, the God and Creator of good. I came to you knowing that you are a great force of evil and you have extraordinary strength. Please join me and my army and you will be paid greatly for your services." "I am sorry, but I work for no one. Please leave me be." After saying this Sephiroth started walking away. Then Chaos spoke once more. "Cloud will be in Cosmos's army. You will have your chance to kill him once and for all." Sephiroth stopped in his tracks and looked back at Chaos. "I will do it. But don't think your giving me orders. I will help you, but I am doing it in my own way." After that being said, Chaos formed the same dark ora. "Sephiroth, come with me now then to my realm were we can get ready for the end of good." Sephiroth then walked over to Chaos and stepped into the dark ora. Then Chaos stepped in behind him. They were both on there way to the 13th realm.

  6. #6

    Kuja's Entrance. XD

    Edit: Forget it.
    Last edited by Flare; 11-25-2008 at 05:04 PM.

  7. #7
    Cecil Harvey found it odd that in all the bloodshed he had witnessed, in all the evil he himself had performed at the orders of others, that he could hold a innocent child in his arms and worry about none of it. If the light atop Mount Ordeals hadn't truly cleansed him then surely this child would have. Everytime he was around his son he felt like...more. Better then he had once or ever been and again he found himself glad his life had taken the turns it did.

    Rosa breathed steadily in slumber behind him on their bed as he lay his one year old son down inside his crib. In the same instant he felt a prescence in the room and immeaditly thought the worst. Spinning to his left he snatches the sword from the scabbard leaning against the wall and turned to find his sword tip poised in front of a....woman?

    Glowing with inner light and more beautiful then most any woman Cecil had seen, save Rosa of course, she still smiled even though his weapon was inches from her throat.

    She stepped forward with a brilliant smile and touched his sword lowering the weapon and stepping closer to him. Her voice was like a melody as it reached out towards him.

    "Cecil Harvey, I am Cosmos. I will be brief for my time is short and even now haste is important. On a realm, not far removed from your own, the dark is gathering even as I am gathering life. The stain on life known as Chaos is seeking to destroy my domain over there blotting out the light and plunging the 13th realm into true darkness. This cannot come to pass. If it does the realms tied together will be plunged into darkness as well. Even now my brother seeks to draw out the darkness once again from your brother and use him to his will. Join me Cecil I have need of you."

    Cecil looked toward the infant and then to Rosa. He must protect them. He must make sure there tommorow was secure. And furthermore his brother Theodore must not be allowed to fall into darkness once more. Cecil nodded in answer and Cosmos stepped forward placing her hand to his forehead instantly transporting him to the 13th Realm.


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