I hope them being dead isn't connected to you being a Cereal Killer. You seem like a nice one anyway. ^^;
Welcome to TFF. Hope to see you around the forums, and happy posting.![]()
I'm signed up to a couple other Final Fantasy forums, but they've gotten quite...dead...as of late and so I was looking for a new place to sign up to and wah-lah! Here I am. I would go into more detail about myself, but it's 9AM and time for sleep like right now.
Ask me what you will.
I hope them being dead isn't connected to you being a Cereal Killer. You seem like a nice one anyway. ^^;
Welcome to TFF. Hope to see you around the forums, and happy posting.![]()
Well this forum hasn't quite died yet. <.<
You'll find it to be quite active and rather noob friendly. So if you've any questions, you can ask myself, a mod or just about anyone on the forum and find help.
Happy posting.
Welcome Dude/Dudette, i'm assuming dude.
So Dude, Wherebouts are you from and what's your favourite FF.
CPC8... Makin' it happen
Originally Posted by Ruin
Typo's change everything ^Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder
I'm from Texas and no, I'm not a cowboy.
My favorite Final Fantasy...hard to choose, but I think I'm gonna say FFVI. It just had everything you could want in a Final Fantasy game: good characters each with their own unique aspect to them, great story, great villain (best of the series, in my opinion), fun gameplay and more.
FFIV and IX are close, though.
Welcome To TFF Cereal~KillerHope You Enjoy Your Stay Here With Us, And Hope You Get Aquainted Nicely With Everyone. If You Wish To Know Something, Don't Be Afraid To Ask Me, Meier Link, Dodie16, Gypsy Elder, Unknown Entity, Andromeda, Fuzz, And Rocky Any Questions You Wish To Ask. As For Myself, I Am Very Friendly And Won't Bite, So You Can Talk To Me Whenever You Feel Like Talking To Someone, Or Just Chat-Chit. Hehe
Anyway, Have Fun Here At TFF Man!
hi i am new here and i need help.
Don't ask me anything!! I'm not friendly at all. ARGHHHHH
Um yeah, welcome to the our little Eden, aka tff. Enjoy and please be sure to keep your sharpened spoons away from the little children. Killing cereal is one thing but accidently getting an eye poked out is another.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
If Count Chocula, Frankenberry, Yummy Mummy, Boo Berry, Capt. Crunch, and Cap'n Sucrose walk into a bar, each order their own drinks including the new The Kyreaan and Furore drink orders and the strippers Honey Cones and Berry Lucky Charms, and all later end up getting into a fight, which one in the group would win and why?
Chrono Cores:
To the above post:
That is one weird imagination you have there.
Anyway! Welcome to the community! I guess I can't really say a lot because I drift in and out of this forum like I don't know what but welcome anyway! xD
My things:
To the above post:
That is one weird av/sig combo you have there.
I would like to see if you are as amazing as the computer. It didn't kill me, and neither will you.
Chrono Cores: