Welcome to TFF! ^^
Yay, I like you~ So which character of IX did you like best? :3
And what did you enjoy most about that game? ^^
Yeesh, I need to lay off Dissidia.
And now for the actual introduction...
Hey there.
So uh, what to talk about?
My first Final Fantasy was VII, which I borrowed (read: stole)off my Uncle and fell madly in love with it (and have since fallen out off of love with, currently just very fond of it). I'd have to say that IX is my favourite out of the main series of games and that out of all the side games (Tactics etc) Dissidia is my favourite. I sort of really hate XII so I'm hoping that XIII really impresses me, which it is doing so far.
I generally spend my time alternating between reading books, playing video games (mainly RPGs or Horror type games. I've been straying into Action/FPS games lately but I sort of suck at them) and lingering on forums meaning to sign up and post but not doing so.
I generally have no idea what to say when I have to describe myself in these introduction posts so....yeah.
Welcome to TFF! ^^
Yay, I like you~ So which character of IX did you like best? :3
And what did you enjoy most about that game? ^^
9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)
I generally liked everyone in IX, although I felt that Eiko and Amarant were introduced too late for me to really love them like everyone else. I'd have to say that Vivi is the one I like the most out of all of them.
And I just loved everything about the game. The setting, the music, the characters, the battle system....I know the style gets slated a bit, getting called childish and the such, but it's beautiful, I've seen PS2 games look worse. But yeah, overall a grand game. I wish it was up on the PSN, my physical version is slightly broken.
Welcome to TFF Marzipan, I'm sure you'll enjoy here. It's really rare to see someone who played FF VII first but still likes FF IX more, really rare but then again it's a positive thing. Anyway I hope you'll stay longer than the new members usually do especially because we need more FF IX fans, we're rare breed.
Anyway happy posting and see you around...
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
Yeah, I'm a Dissidia freak, too. You're NOT alone.![]()
Anyway, welcome to TFF, the best Final Fantasy forums EVER. Anyway, read up on the rules, and if you have any questions, ask this guy!
The Final Fantasy Forums - View Profile: Fate
I just love shoving work on others. ;P
Enjoy yourself!![]()
I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.Click THERE:
hey welcome to TFF! its very fun here so you'll get used to it. i do agree with u about FFXII, that game was kinda boring to me and i never actually got really far. anyways enjoy yourself and stay active (: