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Thread: A newbie this way cometh. (Poke it with a stick Barry!)

  1. #1
    Dragoon A newbie this way cometh. (Poke it with a stick Barry!) TigermusiQ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Devon, UK (Inside a Zone-eater as it's very roomy and rent-free)

    A newbie this way cometh. (Poke it with a stick Barry!)

    Hey there!, I thought I'd introduce myself as I'm new to TFF and to forums in general. I hope I am welcome here and that my conduct is OK. I like to chat and enter conversations, so I hope that when I post it's fine for me to do so.

    Anyway some input would be grateful.

  2. #2
    Paladin A newbie this way cometh. (Poke it with a stick Barry!) Voltaire Adams's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Northwest Ohio

    Re: A newbie this way cometh. (Poke it with a stick Barry!)

    Well welcome to TFF! I'm new as of yesterday as well. If you're new to forums, you should think about the adoption program they have here. You should have got a PM about it. But if not, here is a link to it

    TFF Adoption Agency

    Other then that I'm sure anyone here will be willing to help you if you have any questions or concerns. Have fun!
    This is my signature. It's not good now, but later on it might be. Who can say...

    ...can you?

  3. #3
    Dragoon A newbie this way cometh. (Poke it with a stick Barry!) TigermusiQ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Devon, UK (Inside a Zone-eater as it's very roomy and rent-free)

    Re: A newbie this way cometh. (Poke it with a stick Barry!)

    Thanks, was wondering if I'd get a reply. Got an adopter but don't think is online as hasn't replied. Btw how do I add little quotes/pics at the bottom of my page like all these others have? (Like your Voltaire stats etc)

    Oh, and of course a welcome to you too.

  4. #4
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Broken Arrow, OK

    Re: A newbie this way cometh. (Poke it with a stick Barry!)

    Go into the userCP located in the nav bar, after that you will have to access the edit signature. It will open up a box for writing and Vb coding. If you want pictures all you have to do is copy and paste the hyperlink of the image you want and put image tags about them. [ img] web adress here [ /img]. use that as a template just remember to remove the spacing in the image tags or it will now work.

    If you can't get ahold of your adoptor feel free to revert back to me for asking questions, seeing I run the adoption agency I have no problem filling in for my adoptors when they are not availible. You can also check out our "how do I" forum if you have any questions that you might feel are common questions. Linkies: 'How Do I' Questions - The Final Fantasy Forums

    Now onto the main topic at hand. Welcome to TFF! I hope you find the place to your likings. Like I said in the adoption thread, it is good to have another anime fan here.

    Hope to see you around the forum.

    Happy posting.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

    We will fight, we will be strong
    Together we're marching on
    United, we move as one
    Our finest hour has just begun
    Philmore - Our Finest Hour

    Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?
    My awards:

  5. #5
    Paladin A newbie this way cometh. (Poke it with a stick Barry!) Voltaire Adams's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Northwest Ohio

    Re: A newbie this way cometh. (Poke it with a stick Barry!)

    At the top of the page there will be a link you can click that says "User CP" for User Control panel. Click on that and it will take you to your personal control panel. Then on the left side of the page about in the middle, click on the link that says "Edit Signature". It's under the settings and options tab. Once in there you can type in what you want and upload an image URL or just upload one from your computer directly.

    Hope that answers your question.

    And of cource you got replies...that would be terrible if a new member didn't get any replies in their welcome thread.
    This is my signature. It's not good now, but later on it might be. Who can say...

    ...can you?

  6. #6
    Dragoon A newbie this way cometh. (Poke it with a stick Barry!) TigermusiQ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Devon, UK (Inside a Zone-eater as it's very roomy and rent-free)

    Re: A newbie this way cometh. (Poke it with a stick Barry!)

    Vwee, hee, hee! Thanks, doods!

    I call out these prayers to the sky, heavy with thought, see your face.
    I carry these memories inside, thoughts of a soul colored by love.
    See me grow wings and fly high, passions will die down below.
    I burn in a basin of fire, watchers look on as they dance in their merciless sky.
    Watching me, watching you.

  7. #7
    Paladin A newbie this way cometh. (Poke it with a stick Barry!) Voltaire Adams's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Northwest Ohio

    Re: A newbie this way cometh. (Poke it with a stick Barry!)

    No problem! (Even though he probably helped you first.)

    I know I'm not your adopter or anything, but if you have any more questions feel free to drop me a line. I'm going to try to be here everyday for a while so you should be able to get a hold of me.
    This is my signature. It's not good now, but later on it might be. Who can say...

    ...can you?

  8. #8
    Dragoon A newbie this way cometh. (Poke it with a stick Barry!) TigermusiQ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Devon, UK (Inside a Zone-eater as it's very roomy and rent-free)

    Re: A newbie this way cometh. (Poke it with a stick Barry!)

    Haha, perhaps. Anyway again, thank you both.

    I call out these prayers to the sky, heavy with thought, see your face.
    I carry these memories inside, thoughts of a soul colored by love.
    See me grow wings and fly high, passions will die down below.
    I burn in a basin of fire, watchers look on as they dance in their merciless sky.
    Watching me, watching you.

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