hey welcome to tff hope you have a great time
So, I'm Me. & Myself, & I. ^__^
We are all differnt people... lol jk.
So anyway, i'm new to these here Fourms.
Not the First time I've been on a fourm before.
I've done so RPing with a freind of mine(Naruto RP). I've been on a blach RP site...(Lost the password). & This would be my first FF Fourm I've been on. :3
So abit about me...
I'm sarcastic like 50% of the time. I like Music. & makeing AMV's(i'm pretty good If I do say so myself).
Uhh I'm Practically 15.
And uhh idek. What else. Uh I like Dinos<3, Zombies(like stuff like Zombieland<3). Uhh Idk.
ina ninja if you must no, but shh.
no jk ima pirate.
Well Uhh, Enough of my rambelings.
hey welcome to tff hope you have a great time
well at least its ohkay...
Come Join my chat!http://mainlyrp.chatango.com/
Welcome to TFF! The members here are all wonderfully friendly and if you stick around I am more than sure that you will make many friends here
If you need any help please don't hesitate in asking me or anything
Hope to see you around!!
Following the path for truth...
and ending the dream.
Get a fire going. This one; we eat!
Welcome to TFF. Read rules, speak plainly and enjoy yourself. Your sarcasm will come in handy, trust me. =]
Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 06-17-2010 at 06:18 AM.
Cogito, ergo sum.
PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner
Hey welcome to tff have a nice time here!!!
**1 tequila,2 tequila,3 tequila,floor**
time your wasting just your do to better anything have you don't this reading you r why <-- read backwards,
DO NOT HURT MY PET LEMON lemons have feelings to you know !!
hey welcome fellow ninja
hope u have fun here!
~ Victus per Veneratio ~
I hope you enjoy your stay here.
When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of
Power, the world will know peace.
~Jimmy Hendrix~
Thanks to Kilala for my Avataar and Signature
Well to TFF =)
Don't feed the trolls or spam and everything will be great around the forums. I'd like to see some of your videos, I enjoy making them too
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