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Thread: Newbie Final Fantasy Player

  1. #1

    Newbie Final Fantasy Player

    Hello everyone,i am a new Final fantasy player,i just bought Disside012finalfastasty for ps vita and have £14 left on my psn; therefore i need some help choosing the best final fantasy game and will provide the most help and hours of fun. Please help me and recommend the best Final fantasy game to buy! Thank u and good to be part of this forum

  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Woah! You never played Final Fantasy and you are playing Dissisdia? I honestly do not know why but I'm not you. I'd honestly say go start with Final Fantasy I and work your way up (you can skip the REAL 2 and 3 )
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  3. #3
    TFF's Resident Messenger Newbie Final Fantasy Player Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    With Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy, you will get a chance to experience a small portion of each of the main characters. I guess it could be a way to introduce someone to the franchise, though it is a bit unconventional. I mean, you don't have the same connection as someone who has played one of the main series games. I know when I played Dissidia for the first time, I played as my favorite characters first, and spent more time raising their stats and abilities.

    But what you're doing isn't bad. You get the chance to choose which character you like, and then play the game s/he is in. If Squall is your favorite, you should play Final Fantasy VIII. If the Onion Knight strikes your fancy, play Final Fantasy III. It's really up to you. Personally, I would go with Final Fantasy IX. Zidane and Kuja are nice, but they aren't Vivi. There should be more games with Vivi.
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