At least stick around until August, so I can flake out on you for Warped Tour again.
To make a long story short, I am moving out of my house.
I just told my parents tonight that I enlisted the army (which I only told a couple of people before them) so therefore I wouldnt be able to go to college next year. They got mad because they think I'm throwing my life away, but I told them that it's necessary. I'm not getting any money from them for school, and the FAFSA isn't getting me anything since I live with parents that make too much, so I'm screwed
Anyways, starting tomorrow I'm moving in with a friend that has no internet. I go to basic training in May, then shortly after that I ship out for about 12-18 months. I won't be able to keep up with things like tff any longer, so this is my goodbye.
If you guys wanna say your farewells, you can just hit me up here or on my phone (you guys know who you are). Just try to call me up soon because I'm shutting my phone off at the end of the month to save money. It's been real, <3!
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
At least stick around until August, so I can flake out on you for Warped Tour again.
Last edited by Polk; 03-30-2010 at 12:10 AM.
Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."
Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.
Wow. This is definitely a shock. I'm glad that you can take this next step in your life and do what you gotta do for your future, but it's sad to see you go.
Good luck to you. Hope everything goes well, and maybe you'll be able to check up on TFF every once in a while to give us a life update.
Click at your own risk.:
See you whenever you're able to log on be it next week or in a couple years.
Don't go getting yourself killed or anything dude.
Hell, go for noncombat roles. Or make sure there's a fat guy around you could hide behind.
Be creative!
victoria aut mors
Jesus. Well... I'll miss being drunk texted. Don't get killed. But hey, maybe you can impress me with your tough-man muscles when you get back.![]()
Read more.
TFF Awards:
"I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."
. SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.
Dude... That is one hell of a shock to read, I had no idea you where even interested in the armed forces. I can say I am honestly proud of you for your decision son (haha). Being your fake dad I can play the role of the supporive parent.
Seriously though, I have the utmost respect for you and your decision, you have to do what is best for Andrew and Rocky. Kill em all and if worse comes to worse remember "run Forest run!"
I would text you but I don't have your number and I never have but the next time I consume some of my favorite brew I will tip my glass for you and prey for your safe return!
See you when you return brosiph. And on a last note here is my final farewell to you until you get back safely: CRAO PORR COCK8!!!
Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"
We will fight, we will be strong
Together we're marching on
United, we move as one
Our finest hour has just begun
Philmore - Our Finest Hour
Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?My awards:
I don't know you, but best of luck dude!
i dont really have anything new to say that everyone already said. i dont think i ever actually talked to you but you will be missed. good luck with everything and we'll see ya when you get back. cheers dude
"With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." - Balthier
final fantasy xiii-2
pokemon fire red
Well this is a surprise.
Do what you need to do for yourself man. Just don't go getting your ass killed over there.
My internet was ****ed up last night, but I tipped my hat to you and had a beer in your name.
CPC8, brosef!
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
My twin is leaving, unexpectedly.
Do work bro, DO WORK!
Talk to me. I'll talk to you. HOLLAAAA
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
Well, this is just fantastic. With you gone, who else is supposed to find errors in my existence???
Well, I'll wish you good luck, and a safe trip back. Knock them all down and whatnot!
I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.Click THERE:
Wow... It's a shame we never got to talk, you seemed like a pretty cool dude. Well best wishes, I mean it.
Early april fools??????????????????
^ Last year it was Loco leaving the forum. =P
But in the case that isn't not, best of luck, Rocky. =) I'm sure you'll do just great. And I'll see you when you get back, which isn't a hope, it's a given. =D
Curiosity Conquers, So Click:
Last edited by Rocky; 04-01-2010 at 10:03 AM.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
With that said I am closeing this thread before it turns into a spam pit. Good to have you back buddy.
Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"
We will fight, we will be strong
Together we're marching on
United, we move as one
Our finest hour has just begun
Philmore - Our Finest Hour
Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?My awards: