Hey there Braska, and welcome to the forums.
Have you played any other Final Fantasies besides X?
Greetings, everyone. I'm Braska, a once-greatly revered High Summoner in my day. I chose to sacrifice myself by performing the Final Aeon to rid the threat known as Sin during our pilgrimage with the help of my two Guardians, Jecht and Auron.
Alright, I'm horrible at RP, especially with NPCs. I'm a big fan of Braska, even though he only appears as a flashback, as well as FFX as a whole - sans FFX-2; that one wasn't very good IMHO. I hope to get to know you all and hopefully have a good time here.![]()
Hey there Braska, and welcome to the forums.
Have you played any other Final Fantasies besides X?
Currently Playing:
Pillars of Eternity (PC)
I play Magic! See what decks im playing or building here!
I've played XIII, a little of XIII-2, and some XI or whichever the MMO one was. Not many people were friendly to me in the MMO, which turned me off from the game. Kind of a waste of 2 continuous days of downloading, personally... but oh well.
As for XIII and XIII-2, it was a decent game, personally. I wasn't very fond of the new battle system. Am too used to the classic turn-based battle system rather than waiting for a bar to fill and then attack. Makes things too guesswork-y. The story was alright, too. Sazh was completely useless...
OH! And I forgot to mention Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus. Those were pretty sweet, especially CC.
The thing I really enjoyed about X-2 was the dressphere system. There was something wistfully ingenious about switching jobs mid-battle.
Everything else about it was less-than-interesting, including the new blitzball mechanics.
Also, welcome!
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Community Manager; Forum Administrator
reppin' SOLDIER since 2004 • CPC8 class of 2009Random;:
Welcome to the forums Braska, hope you enjoy your time here with us![]()
Welcome to THE Final Fantasy Forums, Lord Braska!
I hope you will enjoy your stay and find some guardians to accompany on your pilgrimage through the forums.
Okay, I'm bad at RP as well, haha. ^^
9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)