. . .I'm also new to forums, the only other forum i was a membeer of I forgot my password (It was for a local trading card game store) and was only a member for a bout a week.

Could some one help me out? I'm a bit lost eh?

P.S. I like Cooking (in order to eat, I cook well, I eat well!)
Im 15 -16
I'm male
I like Playing guitar (Jimi style), and listening to his genre of music, bluesey rock, rock and metal
I speak Fluentish Spanish and have been studying the language [para dos años, en mi colegio. Me gustaría lengua de Español porque es bastante dificil, y imuy divertido!] (for two years, at my school, I really like Spanish because it's quite challenging and very fun!)
I read manga, and watch anime
I play FF games religously, particularly Dissidia
I'm a huge fan of the FF series
I also love the KH series (So much in fact that I clocked KH 358\2 days in a week (The Jap version, 3 months before it came out in Eng))
I also rape (No offence to anyone) at fps'
I own a n64, computer, gba micro, dsl, psp3000, wii, but my mum won't let me buy a x-box 360\ps3 even though i can afford one
I believe I tend to ramble on a bit, lol

Would someone please be my friend?