What a perfect time to join; when forums in general are DYING!Oh well, welcome to this place that you are welcomed to. Ignore my discouraging words; maybe you'll find the fun times here. PLAY FF6 SOMEHOW.
I found this forum by googling Final Fantasy stuff. I just got into the series a few months ago when someone gave me a PSP that had the first game on it. I found FF 12 for cheap at gamestop and am trying to finish that as well.
It looks like a fun place to hang out and meet people but I'm still new-like to the whole internet forum posting stuff. Still, it seems simple enough to get the hang of. I read the rules twice (yeah, I guess maybe I thought I missed something the first time around) so hopefully I won't accidentally break any rules.
Rain Drops is obviously not my real name but I chose it because I'm lazy and lazy. My real name is actually Abiageal and yes, it's irish =3
So, greetings to the very fine people in this corner of the world of the... interwebs.
What a perfect time to join; when forums in general are DYING!Oh well, welcome to this place that you are welcomed to. Ignore my discouraging words; maybe you'll find the fun times here. PLAY FF6 SOMEHOW.
Welcome to these forums!
Telegraph is correct. It is a perfect time to join AND you must find a way to play Final Fantasy 6.
He's usually more correct than that. Must be an off-day.
Hero façade. Villain at heart.
Play ff7 and your life will never be the same.
Thank you everyone! I have actually been looking for a cheap copy of the collection for playstation that I 'think' has FF5 & 6 in it. Not much luck however =(
Hey, raindrops, quit falling on my head!
Just kidding guys, I was making a little joke based on the fact that your username is raindrops and it's quite annoying when you get caught in the rain with no cranial protection.
Welcome to TFF, hopefully I didn't RAIN on your parade, and I hope you keep DROPPING in on the regular.
Also, X is the best. Anyone who says differently is wrong.
Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."
Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.
But your eyes wont be soon turning red?
Thanks =D I saw FF10 at my little cousins house. Going to see if I can maybe borrow it from her
Awesome =D My grand parents came from Dublin in the 1960s sometime after the second vatican counsel and they are still kicking! Old.. but kicking. I have been trying to collect RPGs lately.. Not sure about most of the new ones as I am almost two gens behind. My newest systems are a PSP slim & Light and a DS Lite (a white one, ugh)
My father got us an Xbox because it was cheaper back in 2008 than the PS3 but I didn't know I would be such a Sony lover back then. Plus, the silly thing keeps crashing =( It's the older model though.
I was going to say something clever but forgot what it was...well that's awkward. Welcome~
Also, forums4lyf #yoloswag420blazeithashtag
Is that a link or something? Also, that guy in your signature gives me nightmares... =(
Nah, it's probably best to ignore anything I ever say