Can I have an autograph?![]()
Well, better say hi before they do anythin' on me...
The name his Jecht. remember it, because i'm not the commune guy y'watch always on forums, at difference with them, i can do more things than just "play" thanks for that i get many tittles (and other for don't say on public)
I found this page, after search about some Comic of FFs, just for found a bunch of pages with one comic R-18 relative to FFX WOMAN our fulled with Yaois, the one i don't want to see ever on google/DA/Tumblr OUR Pixiv.
So i found this site, pretty good for chat about some FFs NOT RELATIVE TO 7,12,13 BECAUSE I'M SICK OF THEM!
A part of that, i'm a RP as Jecht on Tumblr, but i prefer do there, for many reasons.
And i know this nick was taking before, but with that post for change names, they quit and for lucky of me i can use.
Other thing, don't mind many on my english. if ya gonna talk about shit of them our somethin' relative, it's the worse way for begin at me.
The last things
i have played from FF 1 to 10 all of them from the begging at the end (being the X the last one).
as it say my "About me" i like all the FF from them, lower the 7. and what come AFTER that.
Played the Dissidia, mm fine, but the 012 was like "what? that's? so lower?"
Mmm... not played any extension (ever the X-2 that was one huge lame)
play other things around...
oh yeah! play the GTA SA, Resident Evil 4, Flyff, FF6, FF7 AS Jecht, and still waiting for a new PC for add more at that list.
Any other question?
oh yeah! i'm from Chile if someone ask.
Can I have an autograph?![]()
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Looks like Ethan Blitzball King has some competition for the title!
Welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy yourself here.
Click at your own risk.:
That's it, I'm going to start roleplaying famous FF villains like Sephiroth so I can swoon fangirls like Dodie.
Thanks for the inspiration! Welcome to TFF.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
y'remember me one seph dude i have on Tumblr. and actually, he don't... make the fan girls fall... HE MAKE THE MALES FALL XDD!!!
for give ya a idea~
Aright kid! they're 5.000.000 of GIL
oh yeah! i read about that dude!
better be prepare because one REAL King have come!!
Sop, wounder... and not kiddin'! were i can start on thread about my secret skill.
but sadly, it make so many lag... i mean they're to many for see
5 mil, alright, I'll make a few posts and you'll have it in a week
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."
Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.
one of those tittle are not so good...
it come from the Cosplayer of Jecht. because i can help him, but quickly i say them than not. because they have ENOUGH with have internet for find out XD
so they put me one tittle really censured
PS: if any ask, i have Girlfriend~
one li'l girl that i call Kuja XD... as she call me Jecht...
and well... uh...
what kind of shit i do?
well, here's one, for give at yours one example:
funny. but i show this and other thing on one page in spanish, but in 3 sec they start... well i don't think "ask" they WANT what i do.
after i tell them that i was not allowed, because the ones who dame the tools for extract models say not make the models public, for copyright (and thanks for that, they make a rule on one famous page were they teach ya how done, make it a reason of ban), they start to troll for ANY shit, of my grammatical at the "he think it's so cool" our shits like that.
so for that i quit of that (and the lag+spam)
Last edited by Jecht; 06-04-2012 at 09:30 PM.
Sir, I have your 5 million gil. Now, what I ask for is an actual photograph of something you've written. Please make it out to your biggest fan, Pete (that's me!).
Your gil awaits!
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
You only played for-? Ooogh, now I feel stupid for having won the game just to realize what you did after the first fifteen minutes. It stu-hunk!
That's really nice writing, btw.![]()
The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:
and not kiddin'! the whole game don't make a damn senses for "time lapse" they make from the FFX!! i mean, HOW THE F**** HELL SO MANY SHITS HAVE PASS ON ONLY 2 YEARS?!!! know that Spira "was" like christian on the modern time, ever if they revel his god his fake, they cannot be that kind of change of mind on 2 years!! maybe 10 could be one, but 2 it's just ridiculous.
later come the most annoying parts, destroying the image of Yuna (who was annoying on the FFX anyway lol) but now MORE.
add the "powerpuff girl" talk.... really... it's a game for both genders?!
i'll really prefer play as the annoying of my son than go and play the FFX-2... they have "OVERKILL" the original game :/
hehe, np dude! some a quick write with one fonts i found on Spiral letters (yes, for the office and anything relative XD)
Yeah! It was like they made the game to attract ten year old girls! I cannot believe how 'ow'ful that game was. I despised the girly way Yuna walks. Also, Rikku... always made me sick.
haha, you'd rather play as your son? You mean Tidus? I guess you would have to in order to play the game that partially features you.
Hey, I was wondering, I might be wrong, I haven't played this one in awhile, but I don't recall them showing what Tidus' mom looked like. Could you possibly describe her?
The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:
the walk was so awful... more if y're a male player :/
i mean, when those weird moment when your fathers come at you and watch ya playing that game with one face... that ya wish sin was real and ran INSIDE OF HIM just for hide for almost a year! (our 10 like me lol)
better than Yuna on FFX-2 :/ SADLY. they're NO WAY for play as me on the FFX, either, they're not cheat/gameshark/code that change the models, either on animation, because each one it's boned on different names and part
i take taste after extract my model and the one of the crybaby, just four found that if i put my model with the animation of that moron i end... really bad...
so either, they're not way sadly... i could be a more good main character than that moron lol
mmm... let's take a look!
mmm... i don't see... many of the cloud thing... maybe was y'imagination...
well the welcome to tff jecht
I thank THE LEGEND OF DRAGOON because it wasn't for this game I would have never started playing FINAL FANTASY and discovered FINAL FANTASY X which is my favorite game I would be more than happy to put this pic as my signature.
Last edited by Tydis; 06-06-2012 at 02:02 PM.
I thank THE LEGEND OF DRAGOON because it wasn't for this game I would have never started playing FINAL FANTASY and discovered FINAL FANTASY X which is my favorite game I would be more than happy to put this pic as my signature.
GRRR!!you second rate dog. who on earth could call you "ACE" you have no such title you train wreck. I'll shower in your tears old man
I thank THE LEGEND OF DRAGOON because it wasn't for this game I would have never started playing FINAL FANTASY and discovered FINAL FANTASY X which is my favorite game I would be more than happy to put this pic as my signature.
Gentlemen, I'm sure you're just having fun playing the roles of your respective characters, but I'm going to have to ask you to cool it off a little bit.
Community Manager; Forum Administrator
reppin' SOLDIER since 2004 • CPC8 class of 2009Random;:
The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:
I guess I should have expected that answer. X) too bad our site isn't directly connected with the FF staff...
So, in addition, I've also wondered where you got that facial scar, mind sharing the story?
The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:
nah! actually was when i was on the 23 year. i was practicing as always, in the most hard way for get best result, when i calculate bad the move and i fail, falling from the huge blitzball ball to the ground, there i cut part of my face and legs
but well, ya have to learn falling don't ya?
Hmm, I though it would be more epic, but still, owch!
How long were you held up in the hospital?
The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:
Someone's been proactive.
...In Disidia, don't recall seeing you with shoes on. How come?
The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here: