...holy shit, it's like a fucking reunion in here.
HI GUYS! Well, even though Jay hasn't been MIA for ages, it's still been a while since he's visited us in the Cult. KC, it's good to see you around again. Any intentions of sticking it out for a while this time?
*looks around*
So, today, we FINALLY got the network working properly with the new modem -- something we haven't been able to do since June. All three computers were online on the network simultaneously, with pretty decent speeds, too. And then my cell phone rang. And the network crashed. And I thought it was the router, but no... it was the modem itself. It crapped out completely. It was a whole hour before we could get the modem to connect us to the internet again, but it doesn't want to do so through the router.
Now, I don't know if the cell phone really has anything to do with it; honestly, I just think the piece of shit modem can't support three computers online at once. But hey, whatever. We'll figure something out. Probably need to trade in for a more powerful modem. *shrug*
Currently Playing:
writing various things
doing some homework
creating a new Xanga skin
Skies of Arcadia: Legends (Gamecube)
Mario Tennis (N64 and GBC, hooray transfer pak!)
nothing else, presently