Kentucky is known for...*drumroll*, ignorance, coal and incest! >>;
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Kentucky is known for...*drumroll*, ignorance, coal and incest! >>;
My name is Darnell and I am from Colorado, but I am forced to live in Virginia for a few more years. I think Virginia has its fair share of incest judging by the people I have had the "pleasure" of meatting.
Welcome Darnell.
Seeing you fit our sole requirement I would like to go ahead and welcome you into the Americans of TFF. We haven't been to active as of late (not sure why because of all the stuff going on in the states) but feel free to look back and make comment on any of our past conversations.
I am sure we will probably pick back up momentum with the upcoming sports seasons.
Awsome, I heard there was a flood or something of the sort in Tenn. How is that going? Is anyone on here a fan of NASCAR? Not to be to intrusive could I get yall to tell me your favorite teams (all sports) so I can get a feel of the fan base around here?
For those of you near the Gulf, how has the oil spill been? I left for France the day it all began, so I know almost nothing about it except news reports.
Thats more then I know news is kinda scarce out here. What happened where was the spill?
It's a massive spill in the Gulf of Mexico, currently the largest offshore spill in US history. Basically the offshore oil platform Deepwater Horizon exploded off the coast of Louisiana. Still ongoing as well, last I heard they hadn't managed to plug up the well yet.
Anyone else boycotting BP? Lots of people around here are, including me.
And since I've never posted in here before, I live in New Hampshire.
Didn't even know this existed till today. I live in western New York, just south of Buffalo. We are known for drinking, chicken wings and a bad football team(sadly).
As to the topic of the spill, I would love to hear about what type of "corners" they were cutting and what mistakes were made to lead to the explosion. The details may never be known sadly. I do hope they find a solution quick it's terrible watching the news everyday. That area of the country just cant catch a break hopefully the clean up process is quick and they are able to stop the leak soon.
Well from what it sounds like the clean up process hasn't been quick and niether has the stopping of the leak. Maybe next time the Gov. officials that are padding thier pockets with money for allowing inspections to be missed and requirements to go unchecked will realize maybe its not worth the risk just so they can get rich for doing nothing. Perhaps they will step up and admit that they could have prevented this had they only enforced the laws that they themselves put into place. I wouldn't hold my breath though, thats the real reason they make the laws so they can't be blamed.
This is an open invitation to all that wish to participate in the open beta testing of a new Club/Social Group Project.
A brief explanation of the project: the social group format that currently exists as a separate group where members can create threads and post freely will be recreated within the Club Forums through the use of Sub Forums individualized for each Club or Social Group.
That is the short of it, here is the longer version please read everything before making your decision so you understand what it going to happen.
What we’re going to be doing is running a base model of the final fully feature product that we have envisioned. It will have all of the basic functionality we want, but it will lack all of the bells and whistles that we want to add to make things more robust. The beta test will be a way for us to get things started to see how people like it and where we can make improvements. Even without the bells and whistles it can still functional fully as intended, as a Club or Social Group. Everyone that participates will be able to provide feedback and suggestions on additional features to add to make it something that everyone can enjoy.
The base model is pretty simple for now, but as we have the time available to make the mods needed to it things will grow and you’ll be able to test out the new stuff we add. What the base model will be is a sub forum located in the Clubs Forum of the main forum. There the sub forum will be given whatever name the group that participates wants along with a brief description. With the sub forum you’ll be able to continue discussions and talk as you have previously in the social groups. This will mean that the clubs rules from before will be relaxed significantly more than they ever have to accommodate the posting environment of the social groups.
The club forums will become a “Main Club Forum” which will be the hub for all of the groups. The main club forum will be used as a “front desk” for the groups or as I like to call it a job fair. Each group will have a thread where forum members wishing to join will sign up and you’ll be able to look at your applicants. All requests for giving forum members access will go through me first and I’ll handle the work.
So that is how things will work for the beta after the setup. The creation of a sub-forum for your group will be very similar to how clubs are made. You will make a post in the registration thread of the club forum requesting a sub-forum for your group. Do note that if your social group or club already exists it will be automatically approved all you’ll be doing is giving me the necessary information to fill out to personalize your sub-forum to your group. If anyone wants to make a new group in the sub-forum that doesn’t already exist then it will go through an approval process that you see happen in the thread currently. You’ll want to read the main post to see the form that you’ll need to fill out since it’ll be different from the norm as well as necessary so you can have your sub-forum read the way you want it.
Now to answer why you would want to do this if it is going to be mirroring the social groups. With this move to the club forums as a sub forum you’re threads and post will appear in the main forum providing greater visibility to your group as a whole (such as the “new posts” and “posts in the last 24 hours”). This can help to promote and increase your own group’s interest and activity in the forum. Your social group will no longer be hidden in a specialized area that does not even provide updates or notices to its members. All of the features you use in the forums will be available for you to use such thanks, new posts in your User CP and forum subscriptions.
I want to take a little time to explain what we want to eventually make the final product of this to look like. The plan will be to allow the sub-forums to be customized with icons and images that represent the groups. They will also be available to be listed in your own profile like inventory items are so you can show off and advertise for your own groups. You’ll be able to select which ones you want to display just like items. Some of these features will require us to create our own mods to have it happen as they don’t exist. So it should be understandable why they won’t be available at the start.
As said before, any additional features can come from the suggestions and ideas you give us. We won’t be able to promise to do everything, but it will never hurt to give every idea you have. We’ll let you know if it is possible and if we will try it out. Anything new we do will be run through the beta testing groups until we hit an end point that we feel it is finished.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me through PM or responding to this in here. I’ll answer everything that I am able to do.
This does open immediately and there will be no limit on how many groups we accept into beta testing. There will also be no time limit on joining the testing. It will always be open unless we deem it unsustainable or the project fails. Please check the Club Forums for further updates and work for the beta testing.
Thank you for your time and sorry for the intrusion.
So what is everyone's thoughts on taking this over to the Beta testing grounds?
I know we are a pretty inactive group but I think we would be better suited over there. Might even pic up a little activity with the ability to separate discussions. Thoughts?
:edit: Welcome to the club DragonHeart and Kaiden.
Thanks Meier.
As I mentioned before, I do live in New Hampshire. No, I don't have an accent. My little state is known mostly for producing the worst president in the history of the country, beautiful fall foliage, and for holding the first primary in the presidential election cycle.
I have to admit I'm really not as involved with either local or national issues as much as I should be. Politics in particular. I know it's all important, I just have a hard time getting into it. I registered as an independent partly for that reason, mostly because I don't want either party to speak for me. Does anyone else think our current two-party political system is too limited and no longer speaks for the majority of the people? It might at least partly explain why so many of us don't even vote. If every single American of voting age actually participated, do you think we would make a difference in the way the country is run?
So...did anyone vote yesterday? I did. I had to re-register while I was there, too; apparently my previous registration poofed into the abyss or something. And apparently you don't register as independent, but as undeclared, now. So I'm undeclared! That sounds decisive. >_> Either way, I don't care to be shoehorned into any particular party line. I believe what I will and so far, no party has really proven to be fully aligned with how I see things. Can I start the "Common Sense" party? Or better yet, let's discard all these silly labels and vote on things as they apply to us as humans, not as Republicans or Democrats or Tea Partiers, etc. Bah. This is why I don't get involved, usually.
I also found out my mom is a registered Republican. I never knew that. I do know that I disagree with her on some issues, which isn't surprising in retrospect.
There is nothing wrong with being an Independent/undeclared voter. Most people choose a party because it opens the possibility of primary elections for the said party.
As for voting, I did go and vote. I am a registered Republican.
Any people live in California and vote for or against making pot legal. It was a huge headline across the country and it didn’t pass. I don’t know the margin, but would find it interesting. I pretty happy it didn’t pass actually and I would have voted against it myself. I live in New York though, so I didn’t vote on it
Meh, if I had to I'd register as a Democrat, but I don't fully agree with either party, hence why I consider myself independent. I find the Republican party on the whole to be too conservative.
Though oddly enough, my state generally votes Republican but tends to pass fairly liberal/progressive legislature. Go figure. :p
As far as legalizing pot, meh. I don't smoke it so I don't care either way. I know quite a few people who do and quite frankly, I don't think it's that big of a deal. I don't see a problem with decriminalizing small amounts, medical or otherwise.
Just on a sidenote, after the voting in Iowa happened, all of our state judges that ruled in favor of Gay Marriage got voted down from office. I was a little upset to see Iowa's conservative roots sprout back up. Not sure how I feel about that happening either. FYI I voted to keep them in.
The whole process of electing judges is absurd. The point of the court is for it to be free from elections and their consequences.
YouTube - Proposition 19 - The New Leaf
The election is over, but I just got this movie sent to me. I was laughing the whole way through. Makes a good case, but I still think if only one state makes it legal they are gonna have major issues.
I to would love to know why you were against it.
Pot is a win win for everyone.
It would be good for the economy, and it is good for people in general
Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows
i live in central California in this little farming city (THE most unglamorous Californian town ever, if i don't say so myself) lot's of cows and orchards and such U_U