Greetings my fellow Americans! Its nice to see that America is getting what it deserves for being American! I live in the south so I'm extremely patriotic(lie) and wish to show my support to America just as Bandit Keith would...IN AMERICA!!!
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Greetings my fellow Americans! Its nice to see that America is getting what it deserves for being American! I live in the south so I'm extremely patriotic(lie) and wish to show my support to America just as Bandit Keith would...IN AMERICA!!!
i wish to join >^^>
I live in a house outside of a little town in kansas. It get's very hot around here in the summer. I live on farm, we have many animal's, and... Well i think that's it.
Well as a respresentative of the club let me say welcome to all three of you. It is good to see some new life in this old club. Feel free to add in on any of our previous conversations.
How was your summer?
It was aight; no complaints really. I got many hours for my job but still had time to party and go do trips, so that was what made it exciting.
Was it everything you expected it to be?
I guess so. I don't really have expectations for things like this but I'd say it was pretty much a summer of work and fun like I imagined it to be.
Anything interesting happen that we should know about?
Besides checking out Warped tour in Minneapolis and blacking out pretty much every weekend, not really lol.
Are you ready for the new school year?
Well, I got registered for classes, but I haven't finalized payments, nor have I bought any books or school supplies yet, so I'm like one out of four right now lol.
Are you involved with any big school projects or activities this year?
Hmm, not as of right now.
Are you expecting anything great to happen this school year?
Besides get on the Dean's list, etc., I don't know. But we'll see how things go. :)
Has the current state of the economy affected your life in anyway?
Yeah in a way. It made me choose going to a Community College over a Private College and/or University, which finanically was a smart decision but a dumb one socially. I feel like I missed out a bit on all of the fun things that happened in campus life and stuff, but I also don't have to deal with problems and other stuff that happens so it evens out in a way. It also made job hunting for my little brother a lot tougher, as he hasn't been able to get hired part-time anywhere. Other than watching what I spend, I'm doing alright.
Welcome to the Americans of TFF, Mel. As you can see we are not near as active as we where this time last year but hopefully with some newer members we will see some new activity. Feel free to partake in any of the previous discussions or come up with some of your own.
i cant believe i missed this one, I SO WANT IN LOL!
And even though we are dead at the moment, you are in fact in then! Hopefully with some fresh blood and a detourant away from politics this club will pick back up hahahaa.
Anyway, everyone is in. Post now, post forever.
How is everyone dealing with the mega snow and cold weather? I couldn't believe I had to get a sheet of ice off of my windshield one morning. I am angry and appalled.
Welcome to winter for the Northern United States. We're glad to have you.
Lol this. I live in Las Vegas. For all you Southern Cali people who claim it's hot. Come live here and then say it's hot, I'd rather live in a humid heat then this heat any day.
I get cold night and windy days. Rain? lol wtf is rain. (except these last 2 months lol) Our mountain has ice all over it, not snow, and I don't live in a hotel.
I would love to join this club.
I am a from the state of Kentucky. There do I fit the requirements...
Sure, some new blood and some new ideas would hopefully spark some activity.
So how about the US hockey teams in the Olympics! Awesome!. We took down the Canadian male team for teh gold and even though we lost to their female teal our ladies still kicked some ass!
I was actually pretty surprised. Canadians, and hockey. I expected the US to get blown outta the water. Good to see we can beat someone at a sport that they are expected to be the best at...
We don't need another Kentuckian!! I'm sure we could've got on without the one we already have!! Damn hicks.
yea buT im watching the game right now and the americans are really starting to piss me off, its like every usa player thinks they can take on the entire team by them self. they never pass and instead decide to take impossible shots from half way across the ice.
its starting to become a bit dissapointing.
Well, we lost, but our team was still a good team. Considering how young a team they are, we had the professional Canadian hockey team TIED with us. They had to go overtime to get that gold. I think our guys should walk away with their heads held high, it was a close victory. It's not like it was 0-3, it was 2-3.. we almost had them by the balls.
I'm not too disappointed that our guys didn't win, because they're a young team and I hope some of the guys will be around in the next winter Olympics, like Miller or Kessler.
^Kisuke...we're all Hicks. Or maybe... Either way, Kentucky is my least favorite's fair to say I'm biased.
Does any one know how many models we won in the Olympics?
9 Gold, 15 Silver, and 13 Bronze. 37 Medals total.
It's a broken record for country with the most medals at Winter Olympics. The ones before us were the Germans, with 36. Next Winter Olympics will be held at Soche, which is in Russia. I have a feeling we won't win as many medals there >.>.
Only the North eastern area is uneducated. Which is where i am from so f*ck. I am pretty smart.
If you read some of my past post I often speak on the intelligence of the people I went to school with. Some couldn't read, others were just rednecks. I also often say how I would like to get away from the ignorance.
Maybe I will move to Oklahoma it is a pretty beautiful place...
It is better than Kentucky. Plus if I move to my grandparents farm then I don't have to worry about anyone bothering me...
I have been to Wisconsin once, and that was to see a packers game. Good cheese up that way though.....:drool:
America! F**K Yeah!
I live in Maryland
I like that application. Sweet simple and to the best point.