Well the current home loan situations are rediculous. I have seen many houses on the market and most of them have beem that way around here, it is kind of sad. Also with the current increase in requirements that are suppose to make it easier for people to get a home loan has made it almost impossible for anyone wanting a home fast to get one, that is unless you have a hell of a credit score.
Some statistics for you to ponder over
Lets take a walk through a random number
A house for $125000
30 years at 0% APR would roughly make the payments about 365 dollars a month.
30 years at 6.5% APR (the average real APR) makes a house payment 987 dollars a month, almost tripleing what you whould pay at 0%
Making the grand total you pay back to a bank roughly $356000
Now that is not including the 3500 for closing costs
3.5% down payment 4375
2 months worth of payments in the bank 1975
All of this is just a stipulation if you can actually find you a bank to loan you the money.
I think my point is made here, it is just rediculous.