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There is a difference between accepting something and agreeing with it. Just as there is a difference between respectfully disagreeing with someone and making them feel like crap for thinking something or being a certain way. Especially if the way they are isn't detrimental to anyone else but may be slightly annoying, why make them feel like crap for it? Patience is a virtue I think a lot of people could stand to have more of, myself included at times. Take time understand and talk to one another rather than driving a wedge between one another with blunt words or insults. But we're all human, and tend to make mistakes. Of course it's not all going to be roses all the time, and sometimes there is a need for stomping them, but generally there is not a direct need to cause that lack of roses. Sometimes, to relieve stress, It is definitely tempting, I will admit. Maybe there are better avenues for that, though. ...and I think I'll just leave it at that. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom