I think the guys are less picky, because i know i'm not picky.
when It comes to appearence, do you thing Males are less picky than females?? ( I mean taste wise, in the opposite sex) I know everyone has their own taste, but do you think males are more lenient?)
Just wanted to know some different opinions.
Last edited by GypsyElder; 09-19-2009 at 01:33 PM.
I'm really picky. My friends will point out someone in the mall, or ask me if someone on TV is attractive because I'm very good at instantly picking out the slightest thing that makes them weird. My girlfriend will ask me if I think someone is hot because she knows how picky I am. I think more than anything it has made her feel uncomfortable that someone can be so picky. "Yeah...but her chin is weird. She looks like a man." "Holy crap, she does!"
It's not my fault though, that's just how I am. /shrug
I would say guys are more picky. I always see hot women with ugly dudes and I'm like..."Why?"
I'm only picky when it comes to Pizza. I have been graced with the best pizza ever in the US, the closest best to something out of Italy. Other then that I don't care that much.
I don't think it can be genralised to a particular sex. Some people are picky, some aren't.
I'm picky. Mainly because for me people have to have something about them which makes them stand out, as I find mediocrity unattractive (and a lot of people seem to be rather driod-like). I'm not attrated to mass muscle, nor am I attracted to body mass extremes (a bit of cuddle is fine). They must have hair (i'm not attracted to shaved or really short hair) and nice eyes. I also like people to have nicely defined features.
I'm normally not aware of how picky I am unless I find myself around one of my friends and his girl mates... they find a lot more people attractive than I do!
It really depends on what you mean.
Men tend to have more urges they can't handle well. So when it comes to finding a sex partner, they might be less picky than women.
But I think both men and women are picky about who they want to spend a long time (if not forever) with. As they should be.
I am pretty picky I believe. But I'm an intelligent person, and I realise that my girlfriend is perfect for me. She can be a total biatch, like all women, but maybe that's good for me.
Plus she's got great tits.
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
Personally I'm not picky but I do believe that men overall are much more picky. When I'm with my friends, sometimes I just can't believe how much they can be critic and what kind of flaws they see in girls we know or just randomly see.
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Guys are for sure less picky and get a guy drunk and it dont even matter lol.. Anyways girls always have a set type of guy they want. Guys could care less half the time.
Well I am a type of person that takes pride in how I look and how I approach a woman. I am always on top of my talk game and yes I do have standards. I don't like girls that are nasty for one. Freaky is different then nasty.lol. I am not picky though. I just have good standards. I think the reason women are so picky, is because they think they always have something to prove and someone that they need to impress. So to answer the question, men are picky to a certian point. Women are just more picky.
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I'm with Storm on this. It really depends on the person rather than thier gender, and what thier standards happen to be.
When it comes to relationships, I admit that I have high standards. Not impossible ones, but they are pretty high. So I guess I am picky in those types of situations. Other than that, I don't really nitpick at stuff.
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I'd say women are more picky, because I really don't give a damn who I go out with, just so long as she has a vagina instead of a penis. And since I've gotten rejected by virtually every girl on the planet, even though I happen to be dashingly good looking, I'd say they're definitely more picky. I guess one could say I have incredibly low standards when it comes to relationships, but that's not my fault. It's genetic. In all reality, though, standards depend on the individual. Women can be more picky than men and men can be more picky that women. It can go either way, like a bisexual, or a two-way street, or like Multiple Man when he splits into two separate entities and begins walking in two separate directions.
i dont think im picky but i dont really care what kind of girl i get as long as shes good looking and doesnt have a penis im fine lol and doesnt have any disease that would suck XD
I think women tend to be more picky. As the more fragile of the sexes I believe we tend to look at the opposite sex with a more critical eye. It's not that I feel men do more wrong; I just feel that women are more protective of their feelings, and we tend to make a list of things we require; falsely believing that this "prince charming" won't hurt us. Of course it's not true, but that's just the way I see things.
I'm a bit picky. But It changes with each person. We all have our likes and our Dislikes, so I'm not exactly sure which one is Less Picky. To get the Answer, you would have to gather alot of people up, and ask them those questions individually. But, that would be almost nearly impossible right now. Oh Well. That is just my Opinion, and you don't really have to take my word for it.
For relationships I am very picky on who I want to spend that time with. When I was single and not looking for anything in particular besides sex I wasn't that picky and lowered my insanely high standards.
Honestly the sex (gender) question is irelevant seeing there really is an equal amount of people both male and female that have their standards in what they want. Maybe the question should be more along the lines of "which gender has easier standards to meet?" In that case I would have to say males. I also think when coming to a decision on a sexual partner males still have their standards but are more likely to let those standards slide then a female is.
Then again as Eastwood pointed out there are many men willing to plug any hole, so to speak, and women are more thoughful as to who plugs theirs, then again we also need to define how much alcohol the woman has consumed in the process. But even in this process the men are not looking for a relationship.
Maybe the OP should be more defined.
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We will fight, we will be strong
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Our finest hour has just begun
Philmore - Our Finest Hour
Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?My awards:
Put it this way: a chubby girl will have a much easier time finding a partner than a chubby boy.
However a rich man will have an easier time finding a women than a rich women.
It really comes down to the situation but overall I'd say females are slightly more picky.
I think it depends.
When I look at the threads here on the boards, a lot of the girls are more into things like personality over looks. When I see that I think ok, girls aren't that picky.
When I look at the dudes posts, including my own, I think we're pretty damn picky, especially when it comes to our ideal.
Now, from my own personal experiences, I can be a real asshole when it comes to how picky I am, like Che. I'll fully admit that I sometimes won't even give a girl a chance if she has some teeeny tiny flaw that I don't really like, or if she's wearing something that I think looks retarded on her. However, I've gone out with girls that my friends have all said that I can do better than. I can't really explain that one.
As for girls I've dealt with in person. I'd say they're more picky. I've been shot down many a time in my life. Mostly for being overly drunk, but also for being an asshole.
yeah, I have that kind of reputation sometimes haha
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
I think it depends on the type of person you are. Also it might depend on what people are being picky about
Both me and my partner are picky, sometimes Im the picky on other times it's him, depends of what it is.
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I think it really depends on the individual. I couldn't really say what sex is more picky as I know some very picky men and some very picky women.
If I had to choose though.. Based on my friends and myself, I would have to say that females are more picky. There are certain things that would be a turn off for me and I would find it hard to date someone who had those traits. I'd say dating someone shorter than me or someone with out hair.. I couldn't do that. But I guess if I was in love with the person it wouldn't matter.
I believe that men are more picky myself. I myself am fairly picky when it comes to women. I however, don't mean that by physical looks by any means. I look deeper into people, particularly their personality. In my opinion, without a great personality, looks mean nothing.
I'm very picky when it comes to bloke, especially looks, but if they have a rocking personality I don't care anymore.
Overall I do think woman are more worst with picking than men.
i say men, cause like i wont date any stuck up or annoying ppl. but thats just me. i dont care too much for looks though
Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise
Last edited by GypsyElder; 09-16-2009 at 06:50 PM.
@ten yeah i guess your right then
@cheese haha lol nice... im 15 and 103 lbs... im not chub
Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
really? i dont care about looks, exept if they look like the rear end of a donkey, then they wont even get a chance to date me. but anything more and ya sure
Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise
definately women well at least the women I have met...But they are all sluts so I guess i cant go by them
both genders are picky about certain things. women are picky about clothes, most of the time. guys are picky about the beer they drink (warm or cold) and about sports. so, both genders are picky, but women are picky about more subjects, in my opinion
Well, there are some bitchy picky girls, but in the same token there are really douchey guys as well, so it's kinda even. I'd say that the guys are a little less picky in my opinion. I don't hang out with a lot of picky guys, because if they are picky, then I'd rather hang out with my chill bros, doing chill things. If there are picky women, I may still hang out with them, because they can sometimes be hot.
The attractiveness makes all the difference.
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hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):